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STLE Toronto January Meeting Notice
To all Toronto STLE Members and colleagues,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you and your loved ones a very safe and happy holiday. However you choose to celebrate, be it Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or simply as the end of another year, I hope that you all can take the time to find some peace and joy with family and friends. 


Looking back, we have had several very good meetings so far this year, including a highly successful first joint meeting with ASHRAE and are looking forward to several more. Nick Samman of Petro Canada will be giving a very good talk on Grease Compatibility on January 11th that you don't want to miss. Also upcoming in February is our annual Education course the details of which are noted in this newsletter. It will be an excellent opportunity to increase your knowledge of lubrication.


The New Year is very nearly upon us and so is the traditional time for new resolutions. I will suggest one resolution for you to make and keep. I encourage all of you to come out to at least one meeting between now and May and to bring along either a non-STLE member or someone who hasn't yet attended one of our dinner meetings. Through your participation we can ensure that the section remains healthy, active, and available to continue to support your work in our industry.


See you in 2011.


All the best,


Wayne Mackwood

Toronto Section Chair




Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The Old Mill
21 The Old Mill, Toronto, Ontario
(Click HERE for directions)

5:30 - 6:00 pm Hospitality
6:00 - 7:15 pm Dinner
7:15 Technical Presentation

Topic: A Review of Grease Compatibility

Presenter:   Nicolas Samman, Manager, Grease Product Development, Petro-Canada 


If switching greases is contemplated or becomes a necessity, then a fundamental factor must be considered, that is grease compatibility.  Several types of grease incompatibilities can occur, which will be outlined and discussed.  This means, grease incompatibility is not solely dependent on the thickener system. 

Although several grease compatibility/incompatibility charts are published, they act only as a general guide because grease incompatibility is hard to predict.  As a result exhaustive compatibility testing is warranted to prevent significant cost and time delay due to long term maintenance problems or equipment damage.  The primary test procedure used is ASTM D6185 and will outlined and discussed as well as other approaches. Several suggestions and recommendations will made to address the grease incompatibility.

Nicolas received a B. Sc. (Honours) in Chemistry in 1969, and a Ph. D in Chemistry in 1972 from Queen's University of Belfast, N. Ireland.  After completing two years of post-doctoral research, he joined the Chemistry Dept. staff at the University of Zambia, Lusaka in 1974 for three years.  1978-1980 he was employed by the Hydrocarbon Research Centre, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada, to conduct research in the field of upgrading tar sand bitumen.
Since 1980, he has been involved in various research activities with Gulf Canada and now Petro-Canada Lubricants/Suncor Energy which include upgrading bitumen and residua, catalytic hydrotreating, development of long service life lubricants and development / marketing of greases.  He co-authored a patent for a bitumen upgrading process and authored a number of technical papers (NLGI, STLE and CIM).  His current position is Manager, Grease Product Development.  He is a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and is a Chartered Chemist.  He is a member of the NLGI and STLE.  He is the recipient of the NLGI Author Award for best paper in 1992 and the Chevron Products NLGI Award for outstanding technical paper in 1996 and 2007.  He was also recognized as a finalist in the Best Product Development Team Category for the International Stevie Business Awards in 2007 for his development work on greases with antimicrobial efficacy.  He is the recipient of the NLGI Fellows Award in 2009.



STLE members and guests register with Ed Milanczak at


Meeting Fees
STLE Members                        $45
Non-Members                          $55
Students                                 $20
Retirees, transition members    $25
(Includes meal, refreshments & talk. Subject to change without notice and add $5 if not pre-registered)


Also, please pass this along to others in your company or to colleagues.


Toronto Section Education Course


Tuesday February 8, 2011
Old Mill Restaurant
The Lubrication Time Casule - a snapshot of basic lubrication today with a forward looking perspective on emerging technologies.




1/ Applications/Equipment (Why we need lubricants) 

2/ Base Oils 

3/ Additive Chemistry



4/ Synthetic non-mineral based Fluids GPIV GPV 

5/ Nano Technology 

6/ MR Fluids (Magnetorheological), Space Lubricants


Further details to follow in the January Newsletter.