by Jordan CanonAs Christmas is to the energy of charity and giving, Valentine's Day is to the energy of love in our closest relationships. But it's not so much about "love" as it is expressing our emotions and feelings of this most powerful energy.
Types of LoveThere are two
types of love energy, conditional and unconditional. The closest you might get to unconditional love is the immediate experience of child birth. Aside from that, all of the love we give and receive is conditional, meaning we put a human value on specific events that determine how we will feel. Even love at first sight is conditional. When we apply values to conditions, we are really focusing our energy on what we receive. What we give is usually based on that.
As is the case with all energy, the universe creates our futures based on what we send out. It seems our use of love energy is backwards, and it is. This Valentine's Day, let's harness the power of the light and be the best "giver" of love energy we ever have been. Then, see how
the universe returns that energy to you.

However you decide to express your love for your partner this season, it's your efforts and the communication of your thoughts and feelings, that transform a Valentine into a memento. If you decide to go with a box of chocolates, avoid the local drug store and opt for something authentic, handmade, or imported. If you want to send flowers, three long stem roses are better than two dozen of anything other than long stem red roses. And of course, real is always better than artificial.
Oh, did you think I was talking about flowers? Actually, I was talking about how you might express your deepest feelings this February 14th. The perfect Valentine's Day gift idea comes from within your heart and soul. This year, try and tap into that energy without being conditional. No matter where you current relationship is, try and be the creative and romantic "giver" and see how the universe returns your energy.
New Spiritual Astrology ReadingsIf you haven't already noticed, there are new daily spiritual astrology posted to help you communicate with the universe. If you have had me do a spiritual reading of your soul, you will know how important the locations of the planets are, at your exact time of birth, to determine who you are. These new readings explain the "how" and "why" better than past readings.
Pick three keywords (can be phrases), from the entire reading, you intuitively feel apply to your life at this moment. It will help make the reading more meaningful. Also, these readings do not just speak to one day, they speak in cycles you are going through. Try them for a week, but don't just give them a 30 second read. Really try to understand what the universe is trying to communicate with you. I promise, your investment of energy will pay off.
Personal Notes- Thank you Audrey for reminding me just how far behind I have been in writing newsletters.
- Gloria in Canada, I can't find your email address, but I'll be happy to join your group of psychics that find lost children.
- Lori-Ann, this from your daily reading today: make the most of the opportunity you have to give your heart a voice and to have heart and mind working as one." What you accomplish this winter will directly determine the quality of your spring.
- Kyle, the answer to your question is yes, but you are not alone. The awakening is worldwide.
Love and light,
Jordan Canon