Our special guest writer this week is Temptation

Happy Halloween Kids!

Don't be taken down Temptation pathI have been trying to get my fair share of representation on this website since it started.  There is something like 60 pages now, and I get 2.  For a guy that teaches Temptation is an equal part of your universe, it doesn't seem 3% of the website is fair.  By the way, I just wrote the content for this newsletter.  The Webmaster picked all the pictures.  If I really looked like I am portrayed here, you'd run for the hills.  Then, I wouldn't be in half of your world. I think the Webmaster is going to get a little dose of payback today.  Anyway, I am here, and I get my own email address.  Drop me a note if you want to chat more than you normally do.

Don't fall for the sales pitchFor the benefit of all new souls that joined the newsletter this week, you can read Jordan's past newsletters (dribble) which are posted on the website. I am supposed to write Finding Your Soul Mate Part III, but I have my own agenda, and would like to take this opportunity to add my two cents on some of the website content.  

Spiritual Astrology

Be Careful What You Wish ForThere have been a lot of souls writing in and asking: What is the best (or worst) sign for me?  Instead of the politically correct run-around with spiritual relationship development rhetoric you've been getting from Jordan, let me give you the truth.  Please feel free to use any of my short cuts any time you like!

Astrological opposites are not used here as the worst sign for you.  As odd as you are in astrological character, the universe puts a high amount of sexual attraction between the opposites.  It may sound like a temptation, but I didn't write that one.

Notice a Capricorn's best match is a Taurus, and the best match for a Taurus is a Virgo.  It doesn't always work out there is a best matching a best like it does for Cancer and Pisces.  Capricorn's (my favorite sign, the goat) aren't anyone's best sign, and Aries isn't anyone worst sign. Why is this so you may wonder?  There are some borderline ties, so I had to pick one winner, but mainly it is due to the question you asked the universe:  What sign is best for me? 

Talk about hell, stay away from your worst matches!Since the question you ask is just about you, and your needs, the answer is just about you.  I agree you should be happy, with the least amount of effort.  In fact, I'd think we can come to sort of an agreement that mutually benefits both of us.  Read about the perfect sign for you, and look for those people to have relationships with.  Then, read the worst sign for you and stay away from those people

The 7 Deadly Sins

Speaking of being too busy, I am so sick of reading about sloth.  Sloth, sloth, sloth, sloth. First of all, you don't have just this life to evolve your soul. It's not like you have to cram everything in, in just one visit.  Second, and Jordan only touches on point this very lightly: 

When judgment day comes, who judges you? 

The answer is:  You do!  Ask him, he'll tell you.  He has to.  The trick is to ask him the right questions in a way he can't wiggle out of them.  If you're judging yourself, I mean, C'Mon, how bad are you really going to do?

A little extra never hurt anyoneGluttony is so over-rated. The seven sins were written like so long ago.  Back in the day, the rich people ate and poor people starved. That is how gluttony became a sin.  By the way, the seven sins are a man-made concept.  It's not in the Bible or anything.  C'Mon, is anyone in your family, or is there anyone you know, that is starving?  How many "treats" are kids going to eat this Halloween?  Isn't that gluttony too?   Are you going to hell if you have too many "treats" as an adult?  Hell no (no pun intended) and don't forget, you get to judge yourself.

I'll save lust for another time, that might be a few fun newsletters all by itself.  How about greed?  Did your retirement fund lose 25% of its value during the recent stock market crashes?  Don't you want your loses back?  Don't you work hard for your money?  In this day and age, how is greed not a good thing?  Is it because you are only thinking about yourself?  Well, who thinks of their neighbors 401K's?
Let's Shake on itI feel like I can go on all day, but we have only just formally met.  If I had to sum things up, I'd sum it up with this.  If you just look at one point of view, how could you be teaching yourself to make the best decisions?  More souls listen to my point of view than his anyway, so you are in the majority. 

However, I don't want to position this like it's me vs. him, because it's not.  Everything in this universe is all about you.  Be proud of it!  Oooops, I think  pride is a sin too.  Don't you agree these rules just a little bit outdated and unrealistic?

Thank you for listening to my point of view, and letting me vent.  Have a prosperous week my friends, don't do anything I wouldn't do.  Missing you already!

Temptation  :-)