News From The
Girls Raised In Tennessee Science
Collaborative Project 
In This Issue
A Word from Lauren.
GRITS Mini-Grants
SAWF: A Chocolate Affair
Celebrate Day of the Girl
WISE Women
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Issue: #68

October 2012

A Word from Lauren

Hey GRITS lovers! At the end of September, the 16th MTSU Expanding Your Horizons was held on the MTSU campus. EYH was very exciting for all involved! A total of about 450 girls registered for EYH and left campus with new STEM knowledge and dreams. EYH girls made lip gloss, learned about the psychology of horses and explored the chemistry and physics of Hogwarts. As you can imagine, the event tuckered out everyone,  especially one of our workshop leaders, Pearl the Princess Pug (see photo).  STEM is thriving for Girls Raised In Tennesee Science! 




GRITS Mini-Grants Coming Soon!

GRITS mini-grants will open soon! Be prepared and don't forget that all collaborating partners on a mini-grant must have their programs entered in the NGCP Program Directory! Go to and enter your program now!

SAWF: A Chocolate Affair

Southern Automotive Women's Forum invites you to A Chocolate Affair: Desserts and Coffee at Chattanooga Marriott and Convention Center on Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 from 5:00-7:00 p.m. Come for an evening of Business to Business Networking, Celebration of Past and Present SAWF Successes, Awards Recognition Program, and a dynamic message from Linda Hasenfratz, CEO, Linamar Corporation. The cost of the event is $40.00 for SAWF Members, $10.00 for students, and  $50.00 Non Members. Register for A Chocolate Affair

Celebrate Day of the Girl - 10.11.12

The Day of the Girl is about highlighting, celebrating, discussing, and advancing girls lives and opportunities across the globe. Use the Proclamation Project Toolkit to get a Day of the Girl proclamation in your city:  Find 11 Ideas for Action:  Sign up to participate in the Day of the Girl Virtual Summit on October 1 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. Eastern. The summit will kick off with 11 Days of Action and conclude with an awesome national online celebration on 10.11.12!  

WISE Women Drive Automotive

The MTSU Women In STEM (WISTEM) Center continues its WISE Women career series on October 23 with WISE Women Drive Automotive.  Have you thought about creating the next generation of transportation vehicles?  Do you want to make cars more energy efficient and environmentally friendly? If so, consider a career in the automotive industry!  A panel of women professionals will share their insights and perspectives as women working in the automotive industry and how they prepared for their careers while in high school and college.  They will tell you what they do on a typical day in their workplace, how they balance work and home, and why a career in the automotive industry is a satisfying career for women.  Go to the MTSU Center for Educational Media at  and open the K-12 Opportunities tab.  WISE Women Drive Automotive will broadcast live on October 23 from 9:00 am to 10:00 am (CDT). 

Save the Date!

February 7-8 2013. The Women In STEM Center, home to the GRITS Collaborative Project, will host a professional development workshop on how to establish an EYH Conference in your community. More details will be provided in the November newsletter.

Thank you for supporting Girls Raised In Tennessee Science!  

Judith Iriarte-Gross Ph.D.
GRITS Collaborative Project