

This is Craig Sutton with the FishingNosara May 2012 report and as always May never disappoints.  


We were lucky enough to have several hard-core groups of Hall of Famer's return to fish on both the Wanderer and the Explorer. They scored big time on Marlin, Sails, Tunas, and Dorados.

The Wanderer leads this report with some off-the-chart days with some unbelievable action for Chuck Harris, Chris Meade, and lots of other great clients. Look for more super results from the flagship as William and Alex have lots of repeat clients returning to Nosara in the coming months.

Captain David on the Explorer with Carlos manning the cockpit also had some fishtastic days on the Marlin and Sails. These guys never quit and the results in the pictures.

Our newest 23 ft Panga, the Adventurer with Captain Carlos at the helm has started converting new believers. As with all new vessels we expect that catches on the Adventurer will get better and better as Captain Carlos gains more experience.

Watch this report closely for the next couple of months, both the Wanderer and Explorer has some world class anglers booked for the upcoming fishing high season including James Cash, Dr. Phil Wise, and J'villes own Styles Smith.  


The bite started right on cue and looks to stay good until late August.  

I am heading down to Nosara this week to try my hand at some of the big Marlin and the Yella fella for the next few days. We still have some dates open for the end of May and a few dates in June if you you wanting to partake of this world class fishery don't hesitate. Call now!  


Tight Lines y Pura Vida!


(904) 591-2161

[email protected]

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Captain William

Captain William and the famous Wanderer have set the brand standard for Costa Rican Sportfishing.

With First Mate Alex handling the cockpit, the blue beauty has earned the title of the best boat in the bay.

As recent client and very experienced angler Marty Wiggins put it, "the Wanderer is one of the best fish raising boats in Costa Rica!"


FishingNosara Hall of Famers Morgan Trible and Kenny Strickler struck again! They booked the Wanderer on April 10 and released two Blue Marlins (200lbs. and 400lbs.) plus added two Dorados (13lbs.-30lbs.)



Looks like Kenny just can't let go of this great fish. Finally Morgan and First Mate Alex pried her away and released her safe as always.



Morgan and Kenny stayed inside April 11 on the Wanderer and along with their amigas had a relaxing inshore sunset cruise. The fellas caught a big old Jack Crevalle (pictured) and a nice White Tuna (no picture as that one went straight to the sushi tray).



Great way to relax on the water in between offshore trips. It was back to work on April 12, as Morgan Trible and Kenny Strickler have built reputations as the most consistent anglers in the area.  


Hailing from the hard fishing state of Virginia, these guys seem to post Hall of Fame-caliber results every time they hit the water.


The boys had a pair of early afternoon Sailfish attack the spread but spit the hooks. They deployed this special live bait spread to coax up another billfish:



The ladies were back in the boat for only five minutes before a mack-daddy Sailfish came for a visit. The fight was thrilling but quick as these Virginian's added another great Sailfish release to their scorecard.



I love the 'everyone look somewhere besides the camera' pose here.


Also check out the blue FishingNosara coozie on the right; we have been out of stock of blue coozies for quite some time now, which means one of the guys brought it along from home. Hold on to that coozie,'s good luck!



With First Mate Alex's careful assistance, Morgan released this Sailfish clean and ready to fight another day.


It was a true delight to welcome back Captain Don Dingman and his crew from Hook the Future for a week of fishing and fun starting on April 15.  


He had some great kids lined up for educational fishing excursions later in the week, but on Don's first day he and the crew got themselves re-acquainted with some big Sailfish.



The first Sailfish came early, just before 9am. Captain Don brought her home for a quick release and set her free.  


With the ice broken, the Hook the Future team broke out the cool camera toys and shot some extremely awesome footage. When the second Sailfish came it at 11am, Captain Don strapped up the GoPro HD Headmounted camera and got up close and personal with this beauty.



As 1pm approached the bite intensified, and this time is was Rebecca's turn to land a marine monster. She was apt on the reel and brought the big girl home in no time flat. Excellent fishing by this Jacksonville angler!



Around 4pm yet another big beast ripped up the spread and this time Conrad the cameraman stepped out from behind the lens and boated a beautiful beast. Rebecca subbed as camera operator and Captain Don coordinated the release of this fourth Sailfish of the day.



The fifth and final Sailfish of the trip came just before lines out at 5:20pm. This was the biggest fish of the day by far and gave Conrad the chance to break-in his new waterproof pole camera.



The fish obliged the camera by putting on a heck of a show on it's way to a safe release.  


Our new friend John VenHousen brought his wife and daughter down to Nosara from Wisconsin and booked the family-friendly Wanderer for several 6.5 hour fishing trips.


On April 16 Captain William took the Wanderer 20 miles off-shore to find good clean blue water. First Mate Alex deployed the spread at 11:30am and at just past noon the first big monster came calling. Mrs. VenHousen seized the reel and brought this beauty all the way in for a clean release.



At 1:30 another acrobatic Sailfish attacked and put on an amazing show for the VenHousens. Look at this girl fly!



John won back line from the beast and added the second Sailfish release of the day. Great start to a full week of fishing for these Wisconsin anglers.  


Team VenHousen had a repeat multi-sailfish day on the Wanderer on their second of four trips. Look at this trio of Sailfish released:



Amazing job by Captain William to hunt these babies down and by First Mate Alex to coordinate the safe release of these majestic creatures.



They had five Sails interested in the spread and totaled three releases; that's a great catch ratio! Plus they added this nice Dorado for the dinner table:   



April 19 was arguably the slowest of their four trips, still yielding this Sailfish release:



The VenHousen family finished their four days of fishing on the Wanderer with their best day on April 20.  The prior day Grandpa got a bucket-list-caliber Sailfish (see above), so it was fitting that the youngest VenHousen match her Papi with a great Sail of her own!



Our Captains and crews are all family men who are very good with children. They make sure that anglers of every age have a fun, safe and memorable trip.  


Once this Sailfish took off the family pitched in and helped with another safe release.



Once she was swimming free, it was Mommy and Daddy's turn for some bill collecting.

Check out the his and hers Sailfish releases to cap off a great week in trip Costa Rica:



Tyler and Emily Patterson won the Full of Bull Redfish Tournament last year and part of their prize included a half-day of fishing with the famous Wanderer on April 21.  


Captain William and First Mate Alex were primed to show these Jacksonville anglers the best fishing that Costa Rica has to offer.



The highlight of the trip was this excellent Sailfish release by Emily. Great work as always by the crew to ensure the safe release of this beautiful fish.



"We just got back Monday night after 7 awesome nights in Nosara.  Craig, your staff down there is amazing...Arturo is by far the most friendly and caring person I've ever met.  Manual, Javier, Eduardo, the cleaning staff, and William and Alex on the Wanderer were superb too!"


"We ended up going 2 for 10 on sails, my first ever landed, the other was pushing 100lbs!  I will absolutely do all that I can to spread the word on fishing the tournament next year and recommending Nosara Paradise Rentals to anyone planning a trip to Costa Rica."   


"Thanks again and it's incredible that all of that happened because of a $50.00 redfish tournament."


-Tyler and Emily Patterson


On April 23 Chris Meade and his friends came to Nosara with the singular purpose of catching massive billfish, and we are stoked to report a record-setting day for this group from New York. They selected the famous Wanderer to show them the way to the promised land.  



How many billfish could they fit into a 5 hour half day trip? Let's find out:



The first Sailfish came charging into the spread at 12:15pm and was released at 12:30pm which is a typical fight as long as the right angler, crew, and tackle are brought to bear on the feat. The second Sailfish wasn't far behind and he was released at 1:0opm.



A third Sailfish reared its bill and once again Chris Meade's group was up for the challenge. This predatory pelagic was released at 2:20pm



The highlight of the trip was this gorgeous Marlin released at 3:30pm. It bucked and barrel rolled on the way to boat, but Captain William acted quickly to de-tangle the fish while Alex kept her calm and steady.  



What a beautiful specimen! Team Meade wasn't satisfied, and they would close out the day with another pair of Sailfish releases at 4:03pm and 4:50pm.



Talk about squeezing every ounce of fishing out of a 5 hour trip...this is clearly a half-day for the ages!

Jacksonville folks Susan and James Lewis burned  the candle at both ends in Nosara. They fished on the Explorer, Adventurer, and Wanderer plus joined Javier for the exotic Horseback Mountain Tour.  



The highlight of their fishing adventure was this massive Sailfish released with Captain William on the Wanderer. The winds were blowing hard and made offshore fishing a bit difficult, but the mighty blue beauty stood her ground against the wind and still managed to hook up this nice fish.



On April 29 the Wanderer welcomed Mr. John Keep for a half-day excursion to the blue water and although the action was a little slow, this group persevered. They had one Sailfish in the spread early in the day and released him at 9:03am.



Careful with that is a sweet looking Tuna, to the Sailfish it looks like breakfast!


Hall of Famers Chuck Harris and Rick Blackburn returned to Nosara with multiple days of fishing booked on the Wanderer. On their first day they opted for good-eating fish so Captain William chased down a school of Yellowfin Tunas. Check out these monsters:



With all these tasty Yella Fellas, they will certainly be well fed for the week!



On May 6 the mighty Wanderer and Hall of Famer Chuck Harris captured one of the meanest Blue Marlin of the season. This 350+lbs. brute mugged the spread until First Mate Alex deftly brought the circle hook home.

Captain William backed the beast down while Chuck won back line at a steady pace. After a vigorous 20 minute battle they had this big girl alongside for the release.



Another safe Marlin release for the Wanderer and a true fish of a lifetime for Florida angler Chuck Harris.



Team Harris wore them out again on May 7 on the Wanderer with a GIGANTIC Marlin release! This Blue beastie is conservatively estimated to weigh 375lbs., though since we left her in the water it's all a guess.



What an incredible run...This was their second Marlin in two days! 



May 8 brought a monster Sailfish calling at 10am and was no match for this team of seasoned FishingNosara Hall of Famers.


Later in the day this sandwich-size Dorado came onboard to give Chuck a little kiss. How sweet!



The Chuck Harris group capped off their intense week of fishing with some near misses on legendary fish, but managed to salvage the day with four Dorados for the dinner table and one more Sailfish release.



They raised a marlin on the teaser but couldn't coax the big girl to eat. Still this was a great conclusion to a very active week of fishing.  


You know Chuck had a blast because he has already booked his next Costa Rica fishing adventure...could Chuck Harris be the first three-time FishingNosara Hall of Famer?


Stay tuned to the FishingNosara Costa Rica Fishing Report and hear about it first! 

Captain David and the unbeatable Explorer have built a reputation as the toughest mid-sized boat in the bay.

The welterweight champ routinely KO's fish usually reserved for a vessel twice her size, and with the addition of Mate Carlos this boat has yet to meet its match.

On April 18 our good friend Jeff Grosshandler and his uncle Arthur introduced little brother Mike to the craft of Costa Rica billfishing.

Check out this awesome footage:



This fish put on quite a show, but was not the only monster to invade the Explorer's spread that day. Three separate Marlins came shopping but the Grosshandler boys couldn't bring the hooks home this time.


The next day Uncle Art released this very nice Sailfish, estimated to weigh between 110lbs. and 140lbs.



On May 3 client Scott Anderson booked the legendary Explorer for an afternoon half day with excellent results. Captain David put the fiery Super Panga on the temperature break and they quickly brought in two Bonitas on the planer/spoon rig for use as strip bait.

Like clockwork at 1pm a hungry Sailfish couldn't resist the fresh bonita strip skirted with a blue/pink C + H Lure.    



Excellent release by Mate Carlos to ensure the safety of both fish and angler alike.    



Another great day for the Explorer on May 5! Captain David led these clients to a nice bite of fish highlighted by this excellent Sailfish. Look at the colors on this beauty:



The group also put a trio of Dorados in the fishbox ensuring big smiles and full bellies. 


Recently, Captain David has migrated to the inshore Dorado school that has swept into the area. Betty and Cecil from Jacksonville got 8 Dorados on May 7, then Craig Wu and his girlfriend caught three tasty greenies on May 12.   



On May 15 client Brandon added another pair of nice Dorados to the scorecard. 


Look for these tasty Mahi-Mahi to lead of next month's report, or your can keep up with all of the Explorer's catches as they happen at 


The newly minted Adventurer took client Laurie Anderson and her group out to the Pink Island for a afternoon Snorkel Safari Tour on April 13. Captain Carlos took the panga around the west point of Garza to the famous Pink Island.



This coral burm pokes out of the sea at low tide, and the island itself provides a barrier to the offshore winds. This keeps the water clear and the current rather slow; the recipe for perfect snorkeling conditions!  



Additionally, there are several ancient (and not-so-ancient) sunken ships around this coral island. Laurie's group enjoyed the snorkel-friendly conditions and had a wonderful time beneath the waves.  



Our Snorkeling trips are safe, fun, and very popular with our guests.  


For those really wanting to take it to the next level, sign up for the new Lobster Tour and bring home some dinner from your Snorkeling excursion.

The Adventurer is building a reputation for packing a massive wallop into a small frame. Look at this Grouper that Captain Carlos delivered for his clients on April 16:



We've said it before, but it bears repeating that the fish don't care how big your boat is. Excellent work by the diminutive Adventurer.

Client Thomas Ellrott enlisted the concealed weapon Adventurer on April 17 and Captain Carlos put him on top of the fish in virtually no time at all. Along with his young son, Mr. Ellrott caught a big ole' Congrio on just a 2.5 hour excursion.  



Excellent work by the little boat set on building a big reputation.

April 23 was a great morning of snorkeling and fishing on the Adventurer today. This couple nailed a nice Jack Crevalle, and then enjoyed the undersea vistas around the Pink Island.



It is no small feat pulling double duty as Captain of the Adventurer and Mate on the Explorer, but Carlos is an individual with a big heart and a big spirit.

Just in case you missed it, take a peek at the Adventurer Story for a behind-the-scenes look at FishingNosara's new stiletto.
More News from FishingNosara  

Amazing news from the Nosara River mouth!



Local man Luis Rodriguez landed this behemoth Snook around 6am on April 28 in surf directly outside the River mouth.  


They took it to the grocery store scale before fileting this beast:


Reminds us of the world record snook caught in the Nosara River in December!

In other news, Garza was humming with energy on the morning of May 2 as FishingNosara joined some other area boats in welcoming 32 Yoga Shelter students to the blue water for a nature tour.


The FishingNosara flagship Wanderer led the way offshore for local boats Sportsman, High Roller, and Aimee Marie. After seeing birds, turtles, dolphins, and other aquatic life the Yogis decided to take a peek beneath the waves.



Rain was falling on land but the conditions in San Juanillo Bay were perfect for snorkeling. The water was crystal blue and the current was not an issue. Looks like everyone took advantage of the opportunity to take the plunge...except this bird who decided to stay high and dry.  



In the end it was a fun day all around. Nice job by the other area boats and by the Guiones Beach Transportation staff getting 30+ folks to the boats and from Garza.


Another fantastic river catch was reported on May 5 by Senior Javier Hernandez aka Rey Robalo (The Snook King).   


This monster was caught on a DOA 3 inch Jerktail on a Penn 460 Spinner. This rig has been el Jefe's weapon of choice the last few months and it has been very effective.  


El Jefe is very busy as the GM of Nosara Paradise Rentals, but he always ready to lead a river fishing tour and teach the craft of Costa Rican freshwater fishing.  


Also, Javier is active in Fundacion Pescadores Nosara Fupperno.  


This local fishing club is in the middle of organizing Nosara's first ever Catch and Release Snook Tournament.  



Back in the US, FishingNosara and Nosara Paradise Rentals were excited to raffle off a Free Trip to Costa Rica at the Southeast US Boat Show in Jacksonville, FL.     


It was a thrill to be supported in the local media with TV, radio and newspaper advertising courtesy of the Florida-Times Union. Check out this ad they put in the paper on our behalf:     


Matty was among the first vendors on the scene at Met Park, so naturally the FishingNosara trailer found its way to the best spot in the venue.


We partnered with our friends over at Mid Florida Golf Cars to provide site transportation for the management and staff of the boat show.      



This also gave us the opportunity to unveil our newest Safari Carts complete with custom paint scheme by Craig Sutton of All Jakd Up Motorsports.



We've named this color Purple Passion Pearl, and trust me that heads will turn once these get to Nosara. The Six Passenger version was used to transport the contestants for the bikini contest.



Once the event got rolling Craig and Matty were beset on all sides by great prospects and would-be raffle winners. Seems like everyone in Jacksonville signed up for a free trip to Costa Rica!



There were threats of rain on the second day of the show, but it was mostly nice weather for the whole event. The wind compromised our flagpoles, so Craig acted quickly to improvise a method to keep our flags in the air.  



The rain did little to damp the spirits of the crowd who enjoyed live music, great food, and cold beer all weekend long.  



All told it was a great weekend with some great folks. Big thanks to Stephanie and Jimmy of Current Productions for putting on a fantastic boat show.  


Most recently, FishingNosara was honored to award the second annual FishingNosara Family Cup at the Jacksonville Kayak Fishing Classic on May 12, 2012.  



Captain Cru Cabler accepted the hardware for his family. Along with the cup they have won a week of fun and fishing in Nosara.


We can't wait to welcome this great family to our little slice of paradise.  



Don't forget to read up on last years' FishingNosara Family Cup winners Team Ganoe  



This event has grown over the years into one of the biggest soirees on the Jacksonville fishing scene; this year's highlights included a speech from Mayor Alvin Brown and a captain's meeting hosted by fishing radio/TV personalities Kirk Waltz and Kevin Faver.  


Also, thousands of dollars worth of prizes were raffled of to a room full of eager and excited kayak anglers.  



Special thanks to Kayak Mike of for making this event super special. We can't wait til next year and the third annual FishingNosara Family Cup.


Dawn of the Discoverer
Here we go again!

Please welcome the newest member of the FishingNosara fleet, the 31-foot Discoverer!
With the success of the Wanderer, the FishingNosara US Build Team has selected another 31' T-Craft to serve as our next great Costa Rican sportfishing platform 

In these pictures Craig Sutton, Captain Jack, and Craig Jr. are inspecting the currently installed inboard powerplant.

We plan on selling this motor (which has less than 100 hours on it) soon and converting this hull for outboard Yamahas.

This boat is rough in a lot of ways, but it is exactly the kind of project we are looking for.

The core pieces are in place and the majority of this boat's need are time and energy-based rather than costly price-wise.

In case you aren't familiar with how our boat builds go, take a peek at our track record:

...and stay tuned because the next 18 months or so will be very interesting. Pura Vida!

Turtle Safari Tour


Snorkel Safari Tour

Kayak Safari Tour

Horseback Safari Tour


Life in Nosara

Mate's Package
  • Entry level package for up to 3 anglers.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Tranquilo, Casa Surfeando or Apartemento (sleeps up to 3 persons)
  • Three Half-days (5 hours) of fishing on 27' Explorer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • $2100 Total
  • $700 per person
Captain's Package
  • Entry level package for 4 anglers.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Bonita, Casa Caribe or Casa Jardin (sleeps up to 6 persons)
  • Three Half-days (5 hours) of fishing on 31' Wanderer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • $2800 Total
  • $700 per person
Admiral's Package
  • Fully-loaded package for 6 anglers.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Capitan (sleeps up to 9 persons)
  • Three Full days (8 hours) of fishing on 31' Wanderer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, lunch, and tackle.
  • Include Four Passenger Safari Cart for 7 days.
  • $4500 Total
  • $750 per person
Inshore Adventure Package
  • Inshore fishing package for 4 anglers.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Bonita, Casa Caribe or Casa Jardin (sleeps up to 6 persons)
  • Kayak Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Horseback Mountain Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Fishing Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch. Choice of river mouth or beach casting.
  • One Half-day (5 hours) of fishing on 27' Explorer. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • $1800 Total
  • $450 per person
Fishin' Buddies Package
  • Mixed fishing package for 2 anglers.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Bonita, Casa Caribe or Casa Jardin (sleeps up to 6 persons)
  • Kayak Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Fishing Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch. Choice of river mouth or beach casting.
  • Three Half-days (5 hours) of fishing and/or snorkeling on 23' Adventurer. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • $1540 Total
  • $770 per person
Honeymoon Package
  • Romantic getaway for couples.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Tranquilo or Casa Surfeando (sleeps 2)
  • Champagne and Chocolate Check-in
  • In-house couples massage for two.
  • In-house Breakfast for 5 days includes assorted local breads, fruit, yogurt, coffee, and juice.
  • Full service cleaning including wash/dry/fold laundry.
  • Private 2 person Horseback Mountain or Kayak Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Sunset fishing trip (2.5 hours) on 31' Wanderer. Trip includes water, fruit, cookies and champagne.
  • $2000 Total
  • $1000 per person
Eco Adventure Package
  • Nature exploration package for 2 persons.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Tranquilo, Casa Surfeando or Apartemento (sleeps up to 3 persons)
  • Kayak Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Horseback Mountain Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, equipment, guide, and lunch.
  • Snorkel Safari Tour. Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Two bicycles for 7 days.
  • In-house couples massage for two.
  • $1400 Total
  • $700 per person
Family Holiday Package
  • Fully-loaded package for families up to 9 people.
  • 1 week (7 nights) in Casa Capitan (sleeps up to 9 persons)
  • In-house Breakfast for 5 days includes assorted local breads, fruit, yogurt, coffee, and juice.
  • Full service cleaning including wash/dry/fold laundry.
  • One Half-day (5 hours) of fishing on 31' Wanderer. Each trip includes water, fruit, snacks, and tackle. Choice of morning or afternoon start time.
  • Safari Tour for up to 8 people (Snorkeling, Kayaking, Horseback, Fishing, Surfing, Eco). Trip includes water, fruit, snacks, guide, equipment, and lunch.
  • Include Six Passenger Safari Cart for 7 days.
  • $5000 Total

Airport Transportation

Nosara Transport features top-of-the-line vehicles that are rigorously inspected to ensure a safe and swift trip. Our friendly drivers provide door-to-door service to the major airports. Avoid the hassles of the Taxi Stand by having your transportation arranged ahead of time.

Transportation one way to/from Liberia Airport: $140 (up to 8 people)
Transportation one way to/from San Jose Airport: $240 (up to 8 people)
Water and Snacks included. Beer and wine available for an additional fee

Lodging at Nosara Paradise Rentals

Located next to the nature preserve Nosara Paradise Rentals is an ecologist's dream. From the monkeys sunning above the pool to the Pizotes wandering through the gardens, Nosara Paradise Rentals brings the rainforest to your doorstep.
Our units come complete with all the necessary amenities to fully enjoy your stay: modern kitchen appliances, utensils, microwave, blender, towels, linens, et cetera.

Nosara Paradise Rentals features a complete support staff (gardener, concierge, cleaning and laundry services) to ensure that your stay is as trouble free as possible.

CHECK OUT: Safari Cart Gage section of the FishingNosara Blog.

Click on any image to begin your Virtual Tour!