Bits 'N Pieces
Free Comedy Showcase in Long Beach
August 2008
Welcome to Carlease's Bits 'N Pieces. 
This ezine is for comics and fans of stand-up comedy. 
I host a comedy room at Hot Java Coffee House in Long Beach every third Saturday of the month at 8:00 PM.  The show is called Laugh-A-Latte and features a versatile blend of your favorite gourmet stand-ups.  Some are seasoned comics working out new material, some are new, going up for the first time, and others are returning to the stage 'cause they just can't stay away. Let's not forget the fans...we have been brewing up a packed house for over a year now!!
I have been interviewed by several local publications and appeared on The Paula McColm show on UTV/Charter Communications.
There is no cover charge; just buy a cup of coffee, a pastry or a sandwich and be sure to tip your baristas.
Hot Java cake
Saturday, AUGUST 16, 2008
2101 E. Broadway
Long Beach, CA 90803
Showtime 8:00 PM

Comics featured this month:

Shannon Cline
Peter Bedard
Johnnie Walker
Mary Kennedy
Paul Jacek
Elizabeth Kuyper
Erin Schauer
JJ Shaughnessy

and of course your hostess, Carlease!


Laugh-A-Latte now has a sign language interpreter!!  We welcome Tom "HOT FINGERS" O'Malley to the team.  He has interpreted several shows so far, is quite amazing and very entertaining.  He signs the entire show. Those fingers are flying for each and every comic including all of my banter in-between. Tom never seems to get tired.  Some audience members can't keep their eyes off of him!! Not only that, he has a fan club!!  We now have several new Deaf friends who know where to go if they want to Laugh-A-Latte!! So if you're Deaf or know someone who is and would like to join us at Hot Java, spread the word!!!  Just shoot Tom an email at to make sure he's on for the show you would like to attend. 

Pictured below: 
Tom O'Malley (left) and Tony (a very special Laugh-A-Latte fan!!)

Tom O'Malley and Tony
Current Projects


Click here to listen to Carlease's True Hollywood Story!!


Saturday, Sept. 6, 2008
Stella Adler, Irene Gilbert Theatre
6778 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
Carlease Burke performs her reality solo show,
FIFTY! It Doesn't Look This Good On Everybody
Directed by David Jahn
for tickets and more information visit

Celebrity Sightings

Me, Diane and Kiki

 Here we are again at Victoria Rowell's VIP party.  This time Diane and I are joined by the fabulous Kiki Shepard (Showtime at the Apollo) on the left.
(photo from my private collection)
Comic of the Month


Mary Kennedy

This amazing woman is back on stage after giving birth to baby Nicholas approximately one month ago!! Truly a Hot Java favorite, she has performed there with her cast of Mom's Night Out as well as several times as a solo act. Her other solo act entitled Calls From My Purse was well received at the Whitefire Theatre in Sherman Oaks.  Mary is one of the stars of the film Creative Differences, has a recurring role on ER and is co-program director for the Youth Acting Program in North Hollywood. I told you she was amazing.  I can hardly find time to get my laundry done! Come check her out at Laugh-A-Latte this Saturday and/or visit her website:




Join Our Mailing List
In This Issue
Current Projects
Celebrity Sightings
Comic of the Month
When Are The 2008 Shows?
Comedy Tip of the Month
sexy light blue 
Car - lease' (n.) - talent built to last; option to buy
Bits 'N Picees Productions

When Are The 2008 Shows?

Every third Saturday of the month

August 16
September 20
October 18
November 15
December 20
8:00 PM
Comedy Tip of the Month
Dear Carlease,
 Over the years, I've watched stand-up comics develop their acts into sitcoms or sometimes go on to become huge film stars.  That is one of the reasons why I became a comic myself since I don't have an acting background. But I have found, it is not that simple.  I've been told that in order to get those jobs, I need to get an agent.  When I meet  with agents, they ask me if I have a SAG card.  Sounds very Catch 22 to me.  Where do I begin?
~ Dreaming The Impossible Dream

Dear Dreaming,
There is no simple answer to your question.  Everyone has a different story about how they got their SAG card  (just watch the SAG awards), but I can guarantee you no one was born with one.
I will gladly share my story.  Back in the day, when I still lived in New York I decided I was not going to move to LA without my SAG card.  I took a job as an extra on a film called Garbo Talks and got a line which upgraded me and made me eligible to join SAG.  I had saved some money from a cruise ship job I had, went down to SAG, paid my initiation fee and that was that.  Within a month, I had packed my bags and moved to LA where I have lived and worked in this industry ever since.  Now I understand there is some sort of a voucher system for extras to become "SAG eligible" but I don't have knowledge of how that works.  You might want to check with SAG for more accurate information.  Also, save your money!  The initiation fee is quite expensive. 
FYI, it never hurts to have a producer, director or a writer as a friend.  Sometimes they can write a part or cast you in one of their projects directly, at which point you would have to join the union.
There are as many ways through the door as there are actors.  Keep on knocking and never give up on your dream!
"All things are possible if you only believe."

 Email your questions about stand-up comedy to and I'll answer them in the next Comedy Tip of the Month !!
Looking forward to seeing you at Hot Java. 
Be prepared to Laugh-A-Latte !!