Today's Key Events Plenaries and Keynotes
10-10:50am, Convention Center, Ballroom A
The Evolution of Analytics Keith Collins, SAS
3:10-4pm, Convention Center, Ballroom A Omega Rho Distinguished Lecture: Why Good Simulations Go Bad Barry L. Nelson, Northwestern University
TutORials Talks
Convention Center, Rooms 203A and 203B
8-9:30am Laboratory Experiments in Operations Management Elena Katok, Pennsylvania State University
Non-Parametric Data-Driven Policies for Stochastic Inventory Models Retsef Levi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11am-12:30pm On the Analysis of Queueing Systems with Abandonments Amy Ward, University of Southern California
Forecast Information Sharing: The Role of Contracts Behavior and Timing Ozalp Ozer, The University of Texas at Dallas
1:30-3pm Simple Heuristics for Optimal Inventory Policies in Supply Chains Kevin Shang, Duke University
Applying Production and Inventory Management Theory to Sustainable Energy System Owen Wu, University of Michigan
4:30-6pm Mixed-Integer Optimization Approaches for Deterministic and Stochastic Inventory Management Simge Kucukyavuz, Ohio State University
Bayesian Methods for Global and Simulation Optimization Peter Frazier, Cornell University
2011 TutORials Online Book
All attendees receive free exclusive early access to the INFORMS 2011 TutORials in Operations Research online book concurrently with the meeting. Entitled "Transforming Research into Action," the 2011 volume is the perfect complement to the series of talks. For access, visit here and LOG IN using your INFORMS username and password. Non-member meeting attendees: use the username and password you selected as part of the online registration process. NOTE: your username and password also appears on the receipt in your registration envelope. All INFORMS 2012 members receive access on January 1, 2012. You can order the 2011 book or previous volumes (CDs 2005 - 2009) through the TutORials website or visit the INFORMS Booth #121.
Analytics/Practice Track
Sponsored by INFORMS Analytics Section and CPMS, The Practice Section of INFORMS Hilton, Mecklenburg, 3rd floor The sessions in this track showcase O.R. and analytics in practice at a wide range of companies and organizations, including UPS, GE Global Research, SAS, Sasol, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, and more. 8-9:30am Hunting as a Pack: Roles and Responsibilities of IT and OR Doug Mohr, UPS Hunting as a Pack Mike Curran, Midwest ISO IT and OR at UPS: Delivering Benefit Jeff Winters, UPS 11am-12:30pm Value Chain Process Modeling for Sasol, a South African Petrochemicals Company Johan de Bruyn, Sasol Technology Analytics at Chevron Margery Connor, Chevron Using Stochastic Operations and Reliability Modeling in the Design of Chemical Processing Facilities Leilani Meijer, Sasol Technology Role of OR/MS in Undergraduate Business Education Today Susan Palocsay, James Madison University 1:30-3pm A Pattern Recognition Approach to Medical Cost Data Gigi Yuen, IBM Analytics and Optimization for Smarter Cities Tarun Kumar, IBM Research Treating Citizens Like Customers: Applying Analytics in the Public Sector Jodi Blomberg, SAS Targeted Risk Identification Model (TRIM) Alex Cosmas, Booz Allen Hamilton 4:30-6pm Troubleshooting Business Analytics Brendt Reif, Con-way Freight Developing and Delivering OR at Sasol Michele Fisher, Sasol Technology
2011 INFORMS Prize Winner: Sasol Technology
8-9:30am, Hilton, Charlotte Hall, 3rd floor 2011 INFORMS Prize winner Sasol Technology will deliver this presentation on how the company uses O.R. to analyze logistics, simulate plants, improve reliability, model processes, and optimize performance. The INFORMS Prize is awarded annually to a company that effectively integrates analytics into organizational decision making and has repeatedly applied OR/MS principles in pioneering, novel, and lasting ways.
Interactive Session
12:30-2:30pm, Convention Center, Foyer outside the Grand Ballroom/Exhibit Hall Students, researchers, and practitioners share projects via poster displays, laptop demonstrations, and other creative formats. A $750 first-place award will be presented at this session by a distinguished panel of judges.
Special HAS poster session: 8-9:30am, Convention Center, Room 217A
Special QSR poster session: 11am-12:30pm, Convention Center, Room 217D
Student Reception
7:30-9pm, Westin, Grand C All students registered for the meeting are invited to join us for an evening of food and drink, fun and networking. Come eat and talk with invited guests who recently graduated and joined the workforce. With these panelists you can discuss the job market, different types of careers, tips for landing a job, and other issues facing soon-to-be graduates in the field of OR/MS. Sponsored by PROS Pricing.
Screening of PHD The Movie
9-10pm, Westin, Grand D "Piled Higher and Deeper" The Movie is a live-action adaptation of the popular online comic strip by Jorge Cham ( It was filmed on location at and was produced in partnership with the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
The film introduces audiences to the unique and funny culture of Academia and follows four graduate students (Cecilia, Mike, Tajel and the "Nameless Grad Student") as they struggle to find balance between research, teaching and their personal lives with humor and heart.
In Honor of Paul Jensen
1:30-3pm, Hilton, Room 403 This special session honors the memory of Paul Jensen with presentations that examine his influence on O.R. pedagogy.
International Activities Committee Invited International Journal Sessions
1:30-3:pm and 4:30-6pm, Convention Center, Room 212B Be sure to attend these special sessions featuring the papers in the international journals Asian Journal of Industrial Engineering and European Journal of Operational Research.
COIN-OR Members & Users Meeting - Bag Lunch
12:30-1:30pm, Convention Center, Room 211A Anyone interested in open-source software tools, open standards, and data and model repositories for any aspect of operations research is encouraged to attend this Computational Infrastructure for OR (COIN-OR) meeting. Please bring your own lunch and ideas. For more information, visit
Exhibits Open Today at 9am - Win a Kindle Fire
9am-5pm, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall, Ballroom BCD Be sure to visit the Exhibit Hall today at 9am. There will be more than 50 exhibitors on hand. Name badges must be worn for admittance to the Exhibit Hall. Free Internet Wi-Fi in Exhibits area and E-mail Center. NEW THIS YEAR: Win a Kindle Fire by visiting exhibitors. INFORMS will award a Kindle Fire each day at afternoon coffee break. Stop by any exhibit booth to pick up your entry coupon (a new coupon is needed each day).
INFORMS Job Placement Service Open Today at 9am
9am-5pm, Convention Center, Exhibit Hall OK, you did the Job Fair on Sunday and met lots of great employers/candidates. Now it's time for on-site interviews to explore opportunities in academia, industry, and government.
In addition, the Job Placement Service offers
- Online access to job listings and applicant files,
- Expanded information about jobs and applicants,
- Weekly updates of the database,
- Improved database search capabilities,
- Online data entry for applicants and employers, and
- Extended availability of the database.
Today's Community Business Meetings
All meetings today are in the Convention Center.
Decision Analysis | 213BC | 6-7:15pm | Technology Management | 211B | 6-7:15pm | Analytics | 203A | 6:15-7:15pm | Applied Probability | 207A | 6:15-7:15pm | Computing | 207BC | 6:15-7:15pm | Financial Services | 210B | 6:15-7:15pm | Health Applications | 217A | 6:15-7:15pm | Military Applications | 208A | 6:15-7:15pm | Quality, Statistics & Reliability | 217BC | 6:15-7:15pm | Spreadsheet Productivity Research | 209B | 6:15-7:15pm | Transportation Science & Logistics | 217D | 6:15-7:15pm | Women in OR/MS | 209A | 6:15-7:15pm | Behavioral Operations Management | 201A | 7:15-8:15pm | Military Applications Reception | 208A | 7:15-10:15pm |
Salah E. Elmaghraby: Studies in Activity Networks: A Guided Tour
by Brendan Bettinger Salah E. Elmaghraby, professor at North Carolina State University, presented the first plenary talk of the conference on Sunday morning. Elmaghraby led us on what he referred to as a "guided tour" of activity networks, which he likened to a museum tour - you are not shown every picture and statue, but rather an overview of the highlights. Activity networks is a "very wide field," covering such subjects as routing and scheduling, transportation modes interaction, air traffic control, and social group interactions. The focus of Sunday's talk was project planning and control. Elmaghraby introduced the subject with the graphing of five activities. Each branch leads to a node that describes which activities are active and which are dormant at that state. Several decades ago, it was discovered that if these activities are exponentially distributed, then the graph falls into the domain of the continuous time Markov chain (CTMC). With the use of CTMC analysis, Elmaghraby says it is easy to generate the moments that compute the relevant expected values. Then, taking into account such costs as those related to activity resources and project tardiness, one can determine the optimal scheduling of activities subject to resource availabilities. However, what if the distributions are not exponential? As Elmaghraby points out, "Nothing is exponential!" The exponential distribution is convenient for researchers but not necessarily realistic for this problem. If one is unable to assume exponential distribution, Elmaghraby proposes the use of "phase-type" distributions. Then the question is how to select the parameters that produce a valid distribution and, furthermore, how to assess the goodness of the fit. Next, Elmaghraby discussed how to ameliorate the problems that arise with the vast increase in the state space. One method is the "tunneling" approach, in which only the important activities are enumerated. Here, importance is assigned by which activities were realized soonest, similar to the concept of the closest city in the traveling salesman problem. Unfortunately, the tunneling approach is an unbounded heuristic. Another alternative is the "aggregation" approach, in which multiple activities are aggregated and treated as one activity. The difficulty with the aggregation approach is how best to aggregate activities. Elmaghraby instead prefers the method of moments, although many researchers dismiss the approach because it may result in difficult nonlinear problems. Sadly, Elmaghraby ran out of time before he ran out of content. To close his talk, he rushed through a discussion of the difference between deterministic and stochastic generalized precedence relationships when performing project compression. The deterministic scenario is relatively straightforward compared with the stochastic scenario, which invites further research. This focus on an area of opportunity speaks to Elmaghraby's uniquely collaborative approach to the plenary format. He chose to present problems that are currently giving him trouble, at one point admitting, "Really, I'm stuck. I don't know what to do." At several points during the speech, he reached out to the INFORMS community, in hopes that a researcher present in the audience may be inspired to build on his extensive body of research into activity networks. |
A New Paradigm for Utility Companies
by Belleh Fontem
The incumbents in the energy industry are on course toward a radically new "transformative" normal as characterized by James Rogers, Chairman and CEO of Duke Energy. Rogers started out by laying out some common misconceptions of transformation within the context of the energy industry. According to him, the process of transformation has little to do with process improvements or productivity gains but is what happens when people see the world through a new lens and absorb different perspectives.
His talk began with a brief history of electrification in the United States, from the construction of the first commercial power plant in the 1880s, to the monopoly-friendly regulatory environment in the early 20th century, and finally to deregulation in the 1970s. In effect, America's greatest achievement as recognized by the National Academy was its widespread electrification.
Speaking on the current trends, he highlighted the efforts of the industry to replace its aging power-generating infrastructure in order to comply with regulation and rising costs. He described the counterintuitive evolution of energy demand in the United States from a period of rapid growth and lower prices to an era of flattening demand and increased regulation in which consumer-facing costs are on an upward trajectory. To remain competitive, the U.S. power industry is seeking to provide power with new sources that are affordable, reliable, and clean.
Regarding the future, Rogers said he believed that the next big breakthrough in the United States will be the application of smart algorithms to optimize power consumption. He went on to describe the crucial role that operations researchers will play in writing the necessary software. Such software might, for instance, manage power usage for consumers or even capture the differences in consumption habits between residential and commercial consumers. He also spoke about the big growth opportunities that currently exist outside the United States.
Finally, he urged everyone to embrace change, avoid complacency, and rely on facts rather than conventional wisdom in corporate decision making.
New Member Meeting
by Ana-Iulia AlexandrescuNew members and first-time attendees were welcomed by Ozlem Ergun, Vice President of Membership and Professional Recognition, who handed over the discussions to Alan Erera, the Chair of the Membership Committee, who provided a brief overview of the organization. Erera spent some time covering the latest statistics on INFORMS, which has now reached more than 10,500 members spread across geographies both in the academia and in the industry. For those unacquainted with the benefits of being a member of the largest organization for operations research and management science professionals, he offered an overview of the journals and magazines under the aegis of INFORMS, the conferences the society sponsors and organizes, and the opportunities that exist for involvement. Next, Tapas Das from the University of South Florida gave his recount on the importance of getting involved and, as the Sections Representative on the Subdivisions Council and a member of multiple subdivisions, being a member in INFORMS societies and interest groups. With more than 25 years of membership in INFORMS, Das reinforced the benefits of participating in smaller community meetings and activities, noting that "sections really make you feel like home." Finally, Bill Klimack, Vice President of Meetings, spoke in detail about the upcoming INFORMS meetings, stressing the Analytics Conference (April 15-17, 2012), the next Annual Meeting in Phoenix, AZ (October 14-17, 2012), and the International Meeting in Beijing, China (June 24-27, 2012). He also provided some practical advice for navigating the conference codes and schedules, and reaffirming Das's point, he advised new members to attend the business meetings of the various subdivisions and to get involved. The key takeaway of the session was the importance of being involved and finding one's niche in INFORMS; this would provide members with the opportunity to network with operations research academics and practitioners in their area of interest. For more information regarding membership benefits and opportunities for involvement, stop by the INFORMS booth (#121, 125, 127) at the exhibit, contact INFORMS via telephone or e-mail inquiry, or visit
Saul Gass: History of Operations Research
 by Brendan Bettinger On Sunday afternoon, Saul Gass and Arjang Assad presented a brief yet comprehensive history of the cause that brings us all here this weekend: operations research. In just 90 minutes, they covered the origins of O.R., the notable researchers in the field, the major sites of early U.S. research, and even made time for a few amusing anecdotes set in the world of O.R. research. After much thought, Gass and Assad decided to start in 1564, pointing to Girolamo Cardano's Book on the Games of Chance as the first instance of O.R. methodology. To be fair, Gass next skipped to the turn of the 19th century, citing the contributions of Frederick Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth, and Agner Krarup Erlang to efficiency. The true birth of modern operations research came in 1936 - or as Gass calls it, "Time Zero" -when Robert Watson-Watt was hired to develop a "death ray" that would shoot aircraft out of the sky. The end result of his work was not the desired death ray, but rather the detection and location device known as radar. On assignment to integrate radar with military operations, Patrick M. S. Blackett took operations research to the next level. He was aided by an interdisciplinary team known as "Blackett's Circus," notable for the variety of subjects represented, including physiology, physics, astrophysics, and mathematics. The mind-set of Blackett and his team revealed the potential of operations research, which led to the development of such fields as game theory, simulation, and linear programming after the war ended.
Assad and Gass have written two books together on operations research. The first, An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research: An Informal History, presents the subject chronologically. The second, Profiles in Operations Research: Pioneers and Innovators, is written biographically. In Sunday's presentation, Assad offered a third approach: to sort the material by geography. Assad started with a "Tale of Three Cities," in which he linked the work done at Los Alamos, Philadelphia, and Aberdeen regarding the development and application of the Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer (ENIAC), the first general-purpose electronic computer. The performance of the new computer technology inspired George Dantzig to predict, "From then on, all our plans assumed that one day a digital electronic computer . . . could do all the calculations." Assad next touched on a number of the cities important to operations research: the advancements made by Project SCOOP (including a young Saul Gass) in Washington, D.C.; the many notable figures who passed through RAND Corporation in Santa Monica, CA; the work Philip Morse started at MIT after his postwar return to Cambridge, MA. Assad seemed especially fond of Princeton, NJ, which he refers to as "one of the great mathematics centers of the world." It was in visits to Princeton that Dantzig first outlined the linear programming problem and John von Neumann first described the idea behind duality theory.
Gass and Assad concluded the presentation on a lighter note, recounting the lore surrounding the O.R. giants they spent the last hour praising. My favorite centered on Dantzig when he was a doctoral candidate at University of California, Berkeley in 1939. Dantzig arrived late to his statistics class, saw two problems on the board, and assumed they were homework problems. Dantzig worked on the homework for a couple days and then submitted his solutions to his teacher, Jerzy Neyman, with an apology for being late because "the problems seemed a little harder than usual." Six weeks later, Neyman knocked on Dantzig's door and excitedly told his student he wrote an introduction to the paper Dantzig turned in and would like to send it out immediately for publication. As it turned out, the two problems on the board were not a homework assignment, but rather were two famous unsolved problems in statistics. (Fans of Good Will Hunting will note that Ben Affleck and Matt Damon borrowed the story for the screenplay and were rewarded with an Academy Award.)
I can't begin to cover everything that Gass and Assad somehow did in their 90 minutes. Fortunately, if you missed the talk but would like to know more, the aforementioned books are listed at a combined 1,114 pages.
Random Blog Sample
Surpassing my expectations by Jim Orlin I have found that a useful strategy at INFORMS conferences is to not have too great an expectation of the quality of the talks. Today, I was pleasantly surprised. I went to three technical sessions where the speakers gave good talks, and where I felt that I learned something of value. I also met some new people today and touched base with some old friends. Read more. |
"Twop Tweet"
Heard fun talk on how tweets can be used to predict movie revenues. Seems more negative tweets indicate more popularity. #informs2011 Follow @JohnAngelis. |
Engage with Social Networking Tools
INFORMS is using the latest in social networking technology to keep you informed and connected at the Annual Meeting. Video Contest We want your videos taken at the INFORMS Annual Meeting. All suitable videos will be posted on the Annual Meeting website and on the INFORMS YouTube channel. The best video will win an Apple iPad2! Show us INFORMS in your eyes and help us build our video library. For more information, all contest rules, and where to upload your video, click here. PhotosWe want your photos, too. Take photos and send them to, and we'll post them on the Annual Meeting website. BlogsVisit the Annual Meeting website during the meeting for commentary from your friends and colleagues. Blogs will be posted to the website before, during, and after the meeting. Be sure to check back frequently for new posts. TweetsAll attendees are invited to share what they are doing and seeing in real time. Remember to add hashtag " #informs2011" to your tweets, and they will appear on the Annual Meeting homepage during the meeting. NEW THIS YEAR: Tweets will be displayed in real time in a large video monitor at Registration. Stop by the INFORMS booth and pick up your "Tweeter" ribbon. Also "follow" the official conference twitter feed, INFORMS2011, to receive important conference announcements. LinkedInConnect with other attendees on the Annual Meeting LinkedIn Group to discuss key topics. Click here to join the Annual Meeting LinkedIn group. Facebook " Like" INFORMS on Facebook and let other INFORMS members know you are attending the 2011 INFORMS Annual Meeting by RSVP'ing. PodcastsLiven up your down time with an INFORMS podcast. Download a podcast. Free Wireless InternetIt's easy to stay connected. The Charlotte Convention Center features free wireless Internet located in the Exhibit Hall in the Convention Center, at the back of the hall. Hilton: Wireless access is available in the 3rd floor Piedmont Promenade. Westin: Free wireless access in the lobby. |
Today's Guest Tour
Charlotte City Tour9am-1pm $49.50 (lunch not included) A one-hour driving tour on the Charlotte Trolley of the uptown area provides an introduction to Charlotte. Next are stops at the Levine Museum of the New South for a comprehensive interpretation of post-Civil War southern society and the Charlotte Trolley Museum. Go to the INFORMS Registration Desk for information on availability. Meet in the Convention Center at the Martin Luther King Blvd doors (exit leading to the Hilton) for guest tour departures. Trolley leaves at 9am. |
INFORMS Booth Activities
 Come to the INFORMS Booth (#121, 125, 127) for the latest information on INFORMS services, awards, activities, and product offerings. Pick up copies of INFORMS journals, magazines, and books. Ask for a demo of INFORMS PubsOnLine or speak to an INFORMS staff member to answer your membership or communities-related questions. If you've been an INFORMS/ORSA/TIMS member for at least 25 years, stop by and pick up your ribbon. INFORMS booth also features a Speakers' Bookstore that is displaying select O.R., MS, and analytics-related books authored by INFORMS speakers. |
Renew 2012 Membership While in Charlotte
Stop by INFORMS Booth #121 to quickly and easily renew your membership for 2012. We want you with us in 2012. INFORMS is on the upswing, and we have many exciting projects planned for 2012 and beyond. Read the renewal letter from the INFORMS presidents who give you great reasons for continuing. |
Registration Hours
Registration is open on Monday, 7am-5pm, Convention Center, Concourse C.
Social Networking Quicklinks
Advertise in eNews Daily
Reserve your advertising space now in Annual Meeting eNews Daily, the official news source of the INFORMS Annual Meeting. Each morning, attendees will receive Annual Meeting eNews Daily in their in-boxes. eNews Daily provides a preview of the day's key events and a recap of the previous day's happenings; 60% of the 4,000+ attendees open and read eNews Daily. Click here for more information.
2011 Annual Meeting Quicklinks
INFORMS Meetings Calendar 2012 Analytics MeetingApr 15-17, 2012
 2012 International MeetingJun 24-27, 2012

Spotlight on Exhibitors
American Optimal Decisions #103 American Optimal Decisions (AOD) is a privately held company that provides consulting services and software solutions in advanced statistics, optimization and risk management. AMPL Optimization LLC #209 AMPL Optimization develops and supports the AMPL modeling language, a powerful and natural tool for creating and managing the large, complex optimization problems that arise in numerous applications. AnyLogic North America #216, 218 AnyLogic is the premier multi-method simulation application on the market. ASEE SMART Scholarship Program #219 American Society for Engineering Education The SMART Scholarship for Service Program is an opportunity for students pursuing a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines to receive a scholarship and be employed upon degree completion at a DoD research facility. Cambridge University Press #204 Cambridge's publishing in books and journals combines state-of-the-art content with the highest standards of scholarship, writing and production. COIN-OR #305 Visit the Computational Infrastructure for Operations Research booth to learn about high-quality, free, open-source tools for OR professionals and students, suitable for commercial, educational and personal use. CSX Transportation #220 CSX Transportation operates the largest railroad in the eastern United States. Operations research helps achieve its goals, operationally and financially, by using methods like mathematical modeling, statistics and algorithms to arrive at optimal decisions. Dynamic Ideas #224 Dynamic Ideas is a publisher of scientific books that have quality and originality in the areas of operations research and applied mathematics. Elsevier #105 Elsevier publishes more than 40 high-quality journals covering Operations Research and related disciplines, which are edited by the greatest minds in the field. FICO #213, 215 FICO delivers superior optimization, predictive analytics, and business rules management software products that drive smarter decisions. Forio Online Simulations #106 Forio provides online software that lets you create web-based simulations on topics like innovation, finance, urban planning and healthy populations. Frontline Systems, Inc. #214 Discover new tools for predictive and prescriptive analytics in Excel, using data mining, simulation and optimization, from Excel Solver developer Frontline Systems. GAMS Development Corp. #114 The General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a high-level modeling system for mathematical programming and optimization. Gurobi Optimization #110 Gurobi Optimization provides high performance LP, QP and MIP solvers. IBM: ILOG Optimization #113, 115, 117 The combination of ILOG, SPSS and IBM has created the largest full-service OR company. Join us for a complimentary pre-conference workshop to learn how IBM is bringing OR and Supply Chain Optimization into practice and for a special academic user group session. INFORMS #121, 125, 127 Visit our booth/bookstore to talk with INFORMS staff about our journals, magazines, membership benefits and services, continuing education, communities, networking opportunities, and our new journal Service Science. INFORMS Future Meetings #119 Come to the booth for a preview of our future meetings, including the 2012 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Oct. 14-17 in Phoenix! LINDO Systems, Inc. #301 LINDO Systems will highlight recent enhancements to our optimization modeling software including updates to the linear, integer and global solvers and stochastic programming capabilities. #223 The integrative, team-based, competitive LINKS business simulations are used worldwide in undergraduate, MBA, and EMBA courses and in corporate Exec Ed programs. Lumina Decision Systems, Inc. #217 Serious analysts prefer Analytica to spreadsheets because of its intuitive visual influence diagrams, Intelligent Arrays for managing multiple dimensions, fast Monte Carlo for risk and uncertainty, and scalability to handle large problems. Maximal Software, Inc. #101 MPL has been distributed with a standard GUI interface for development and the object-oriented OptiMax Component library for deployment for many years now. McGraw-Hill/Irwin #309 McGraw-Hill is a premier publisher in operations management and decision sciences with leading textbooks and technology for operations management, supply chain management, service operations, project management, operations research, spreadsheet modeling and decision analysis, and simulation. McGraw-Hill Professional #307 McGraw-Hill is a leading global publisher of books and online resources designed to meet the professional needs of the OR/MS community. now publishers #122 now publishers publishes high quality reference, research and review journals in business and technology. Oracle Crystal Ball #303 Oracle Crystal Ball is the leading spreadsheet-based application suite for predictive modeling, forecasting, simulation and optimization. Palgrave Macmillan #206 Palgrave Macmillan is proud to be the publisher of The OR Society and delighted to announce the latest addition to the ORS journal portfolio: Health Systems. Palisade Corporation #124 Palisade Corporation is the maker of the market leading risk and decision analysis software @RISK and the DecisionTools® Suite. Responsive Learning Technologies #210 Excite and engage your operations and supply chain management students with our award winning, competitive web-based games. Salford Systems #208 Salford Systems offers an accurate, ultra-fast predictive and data mining platform. SAS #201 The leader in business analytics, SAS enables organizations to turn data into fact-based insight about customers, performance, financials and more. SAS Global Academic Program #203 SAS is the leader in business intelligence and analytical software and services. SAS Institute, JMP Division #205 JMP® is the SAS® software designed for dynamic data visualization on the desktop. SIAM #120 Visit the SIAM booth to check out our new publications, including titles in the MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization and other recently published and bestselling SIAM books, all available at a conference discount. South-Western Cengage Learning #321, 323 Cengage Learning/South-Western Publishing is a leading provider of innovative teaching, learning and research solutions for the academic and professional markets worldwide. Springer #116, 118 Springer is one of the largest scientific publishing companies in the world, with a portfolio of 4,000 new books per year and more than 1,200 journals. Syncopation Software, Inc. #313 Syncopation Software is a leading provider of business analytic tools for decision analysis, risk analysis, Monte Carlo simulation and real option valuation. Tableau Software #221 Tableau Software's Tableau for Teaching (TfT) supports the academic community to teach skills around data analysis, informatics and data visualization. Taylor & Francis Group #102, 104 CRC Press - Taylor & Francis is a premier publisher in mathematics, sciences and engineering textbooks, professional manuals, reference works, journals and electronic databases. Texas A&M University #207 The Department of Statistics at Texas A&M University offers an online Master of Science in Statistics degree and Certificates with the emphasis in Data Mining, Biostatistics, or Applied Statistics. Walden University #107 For 40 years, Walden University has helped working professionals reach their academic goals and make a greater impact in their organizations and communities. Wiley-Blackwell #202 Wiley-Blackwell is the international scientific, technical, medical and scholarly publishing business of John Wiley & Sons, with strengths in every major academic and professional field and partnerships with many of the world's leading societies. Ziena Optimization LLC #108 Ziena was founded in 2001 by world-renowned scientists to provide robust software tools and responsive, professional technical support for difficult nonlinear optimization problems.