Thank you for reading INFORMS eNews
March 2010 :: Volume 12 :: Issue 5
In This Issue
March/April Analytics Magazine Available Now
INFORMS Meetings
Barnett Podcast on Air Safety at LAX, Worldwide
19th Annual E. Leonard Arnoff Memorial Lecture
INFORMS Publications Announcements
INFORMS Job Placement Service, Latest Postings
Sethi Named Inaugural SIAM Fellow
New INFORMS Website Features RSS Feeds to Key Areas
Network Socially with INFORMS
Member-Get-a-Member Campaign a Success
Hidden Member Benefit: Conference Presentation Database
Apply for Wagner Prize
Needed: Edelman Laureates and Academy Reps
Consultants: List Yourself in the O.R. Professional Database
In Memoriam, Myra McDaniel
March/April Analytics Magazine Available Now

AnalyticsIn the new issue, enjoy our lead story on the battle between the airline industry's revenue management model and the phenomenon of social networking and "strategic" consumers who are becoming more and more savvy at defeating the model through buyers' cooperatives and online markets such as E-Bay and Craigslist.
INFORMS Meetings
Southern Regional Conference - Top Plenary and Tutorial Speakers
April 5-7, Embassy Suites Hotel, Huntsville, AL
Jeff Camm, a professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Business and editor-in-chief of Interfaces, will headline the program with a plenary on "The Art of the Alternative." Tutorial speakers include: James Cochran, Louisiana Tech, on active learning; David Miller, Alabama Productivity Center, on Lean-Sigma; Charles Sox, University of Alabama, on spreadsheet modeling; and Gal Raz, Darden School of Business, on teaching ORMS using hands-on games and simulations. Register now for best rates: Abstracts will continue to be accepted for as long as space is available on the program. Click here for all conference information.

INFORMS Practice Conference 2010
April 18-20, Hilton Bonnet Creek, Orlando, FL

Hilton Bonnet Creek - INFORMS Rate Extended through March 19
INFORMS Practice ConferenceRooms are going quickly - reserve now: online or by phone at 407-597-3600 or 888-353-2013. Be sure to mention INFORMS for the conference rate of $199.

March 30: Deadline for Young Researcher and Student Programs
Nominate a junior faculty member or young industry practitioner for the Young Researcher Connection. Students (both master's degree and PhD) are eligible for the INFORMS Professional Colloquium, a full-day career workshop, plus registration for the conference. Both programs offer participants a 57% reduction of the conference registration fee to $355. Click here for complete information.

FREE Technology Workshops, Sunday, April 18
Take advantage of in-depth training in software solutions provided by these leading analytics companies: American Optimal Decisions, Cogentus, FICO, Forio Simulations, Frontline Systems, Gurobi Optimization, IBM, Innovative Scheduling, LINDO Systems, Maximal Software, SAS, and Vanguard Software. There is no charge for these workshops if you register for the INFORMS Conference - sign up when you register. If you already registered for the conference and want to add any workshops, call 800-446-3676, ext 591.

Program Information Online
Click on these topics for complete abstracts and speaker information:
Decision Analysis Methodology Tutorials
Energy Risk Management
Forecasting Service Science
Health Care Supply Chain Management
Implementing Analytics Sustainability

Plus plenary talks by Mark W. Shafer, Senior Vice President, Revenue Management & Analytics, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts; Richard O'Neill, Chief Economic Advisor, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; and the 2010 Edelman Award Winner.

ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting 2010
June 6-9, Law School, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Reserve Your Hotel Now
Register now for the ALIO-INFORMS meeting in Buenos AiresA full range of three- to five-star hotel accommodations is available through the official conference travel agency, TIP International. Click here for instructions.

Abstracts - Still Accepting Abstracts
Abstracts will continue to be accepted after the deadline as long as space is available on the program. Click here to submit.

Tour Reservations - Spectacular Tours in Buenos Aires and Argentina
Click here to make reservations via TIP, the official conference travel agency. Local tours include Buenos Aires and nearby attractions, a boat tour to a subtropical rainforest, and a visit to an Argentinian ranch. Regional excursions before and after the meeting include trips to Iguaz� Falls; El Calafate in the Patagonian plateau; and Mendoza, which is famous for Malbec wines.

INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010 Austin - Submit an Abstract Today
Nov. 7-10, Austin Convention Center and Hilton Austin

Submit an abstract to present your work in either of two formats: a talk as part of a regular session, or a poster/display presentation as part of an Interactive Session. Talks within a regular session are typically 15-20 minutes in length, with 4-5 talks in a 90-minute session. Interactive Sessions are two hours long and involve 30-40 posters each session. They are scheduled during the middle of the day on Monday and Tuesday. Interactive Sessions have become increasingly more popular over the past few years, giving authors a dynamic option for presenting their work. Many participants report that interest in their presentation as part of an Interactive Session was actually greater than when they presented in a regular session. Whatever format you select, be sure to submit early, well before the May 17 deadline. Click here to submit an abstract.

INFORMS Meetings Calendar
Go to for a complete conference calendar.
Barnett Podcast on Air Safety at LAX, Worldwide

Arnie BarnettINFORMS veteran Arnie Barnett, who has never been afraid to step into the fray when air safety is concerned, has been a busy fellow. He, along with a team of operations researchers, waded into a bitter dispute about air safety at Los Angeles International Airport between the FAA and LA officials, and came down decidedly in an unexpected way. Prof. Barnett has also weighed in on the Christmas bomber and his article comparing the safety of air travel in first world and developing countries is scheduled to appear in Transportation Science later this year. Hear his freewheeling podcast on all this and more at
19th Annual E. Leonard Arnoff Memorial Lecture

"Creating Value With Supply Chain Excellence"
Professor Hau L. Lee, Stanford University

Dr. Lee will speak at the 19th Annual E. Leonard Arnoff Memorial Lecture on the Practice of Management Science, to be held Wednesday, May 5, 2010 in Room 112, College of Business, University of Cincinnati. The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. Reception to follow at 8:30 p.m.

For more information, please contact David Rogers at 513-556-7140 or
INFORMS Publications Announcements

Call for Nominations - Editor-in-Chief, Marketing Science
The President of INFORMS has appointed a special committee to conduct a full search for the new Marketing Science Editor-in-Chief for 2011-2013. All members of INFORMS are invited to participate in this process. Please send us your nominations by April 15, 2010. Click here to download the Call for Nominations.

New Websites for Management Science and Information Systems Research
INFORMS has launched new journal web sites for Information Systems Research (ISR) and Management Science. As part of the new IOL platform, these sites now allow visitors to sign up for the latest news from their editors-in-chief via RSS Feeds. Check future E-News for information as more INFORMS journals move to the new IOL platform.

INFORMS Transaction on Education - First 2010 Issue 
INFORMS open-access electronic journal, INFORMS Transactions on Education (ITE) has published a new issue: Volume 10, Issue 2.
Articles in this issue include:
ITE is your source for quality articles on innovative and useful approaches to OR/MS education. Contact Editor-in-Chief James J. Cochran to discuss ideas about potential articles for ITE.

Interfaces Call for Papers: Special Issue on Analytics in Sports
Sports-related business activities constitute a multibillion dollar industry in which difficult decision-making problems exist at the strategic, tactical, and operational levels. Fostered by the increasing availability of data and advances in computational power, the use of quantitative analysis to improve decision making in sports has enjoyed growing popularity. In this special issue of Interfaces, we seek to highlight the role of analytics in the sports industry. For more details, please go to the Interfaces site.

eTOCs Alerts - Register Your E-mail
Whether you are a subscriber or not, you can register your e-mail to be notified when new journal content goes online. Choose from a number of alert methods for all 12 INFORMS journals. Sign-up today: eTOC Alerts.
INFORMS Job Placement Service, Latest Postings

INFORMS Job Placement ServiceThe INFORMS latest job listings are:

2/26/2010 GE Global Research's Risk & Value Management Lab has an opening for a postdoc Operations Researcher.

2/25/2010 National Taipei University of Technology is seeking one or two full-time faculty members in the Department of Service and Technology Management starting in the fall 2010 semester.

02/24/2010 The Chinese University of Hong Kong is accepting applications for a Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor of Operations Management.

For information on these and other job postings, click here. You must register at the website to view job details.
Sethi Named Inaugural SIAM Fellow

Suresh SethiCongratulations to INFORMS member Suresh Sethi of University of Texas at Dallas. The School of Management professor has been named to the inaugural class of fellows at our sister society SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
New INFORMS Website Features RSS Feeds to Key Areas

Sign up for the INFORMS RSS feedINFORMS new website features the ability to get RSS feeds of content that changes frequently. Sign up to have news, blog, forum, and journal updates, along with new podcasts delivered to your web browser or news reader.
Network Socially with INFORMS
Be sure to join INFORMS LinkedIn Group, become a fan of INFORMS Facebook page, and follow INFORMS on Twitter to stay connected. Several communities also sport their own LinkedIn Groups.
Member-Get-a-Member Campaign a Success

Let your collegues know about INFORMSOver 100 current INFORMS members participated in our campaign by recommending INFORMS to over 200 colleagues, friends, and students. The campaign ended on March 2. For their efforts, all 100+ members will receive a $10 Amazon gift card. They and their referrals will also be entered into a drawing to win valuable prizes including a 2010 Annual Meeting registration, a Sony Reader/Amazon Kindle, or a Flip Video Camera. Goal for the campaign was to add 50 new members to INFORMS roles. Marketing Department will follow up with special messages to the referrals and will report on our ultimate success. Thank you. You are the best endorsement for INFORMS and the O.R. profession.

Hidden Member Benefit: Conference Presentation Database

Can't remember who made that key presentation at the 2006 Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh so you can request a copy? No need to wrack your brain. With INFORMS Conference Presentation Database, you can easily search by a particular meeting, author name, or keywords in the presentation title or abstract to find the talk you are looking for.
Apply for Wagner Prize

Applications are now being accepted for the 2010 Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice. The prize rewards the coherence and quality of a paper analyzing O.R. used in practice. Schneider National was the client firm of the 2009 winner. The competition will be held at the 2010 Annual Meeting, November 7-10, in Austin, Texas.
Needed: Edelman Laureates and Academy Reps

Franz Edelman AwardIf you are an Edelman Laureate (author of an Edelman paper that has appeared or will appear in Interfaces) or represented your organization in the Edelman Academy, you are cordially invited to attend the 2010 Edelman Gala on Monday evening, April 19, 2010, in Orlando, Florida to be formally recognized. Please RSVP to Rafael McFadden in the INFORMS office as soon as possible so we can plan the festivities. The Edelman Gala is part of the INFORMS Conference on O.R. Practice, April 18-20, 2010, in Orlando. Registration is required.
Consultants: List Yourself in the O.R. Professional Database

Remember to list yourself in the O.R. Professionals Database housed on our O.R. Champions website. Potential clients from all over the world check this database for O.R. expertise.
In Memoriam, Myra McDaniel

INFORMS membership, leadership, and staff extend condolences to INFORMS member Reuben McDaniel of the University of Texas' McCombs School of Business. Prof. McDaniel's wife, Myra A. McDaniel passed away on February 25th. Mrs. McDaniel made history by becoming the state of Texas's first-African-American secretary of state.
Marketing Science EIC Call for Nominations
INFORMS Meetings Calendar

Register now for the INFORMS Southern Regional Conference in Huntsville, AlINFORMS Southern Regional Conf.
April 5-7, 2010
Register Now!
INFORMS Practice ConferenceINFORMS Practice Conference
April 18-20, 2010
Register Now!
Register now for the ALIO-INFORMS meeting in Buenos AiresALIO-INFORMS Joint Meeting
June 6-9, 2010
Register Now!
Read the current issue of ORMS Today
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