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Debi Pfitzenmaier
Debi Pfitzenmaier has more than 25 years of public relations experience, thousands of hours of design and research and almost ten years of experimenting and playing in social media spheres (did you know they had even been around that long?). As a media relations expert, Debi knows how to teach others to say what they say so they can say what they mean. She loves to challenge, motivate and encourage business leaders, nonprofit professionals and students.


Debi's all about practical and KISS (keep it simple, silly). She structures her presentations around best practices that can be put to use immediately in an open, interactive environment that encourages questions and conversation.


In addition to speaking, Debi has more than 13 years practice running her own consulting business at PfitzPR and is the founder, editor and chief bottle washer for the award-winning mom blog,


Her claim to fame: she's carried Elizabeth Dole's shoes in a bag when she was a public affairs officer for the American Red Cross, was asked to star in a Chinese movie when she lived in Chengdu, and once wore a duck suit in her role as promotions director for a radio station. She is member of the Founding Mothers Advisory Board of the National Wildlife Federation (hey, get outside and play!) and was honored in 2011 with a Texas Social Media Award by the Austin American Statesman.


"Debi is always an engaging, informative and entertaining speaker. She gives very valuable information in a manner that is understood by individuals who may not carry the communications role on a regular basis." ~ UTSA Center for Policy Studies


If you'd like to request Debi Pfitzenmaier to speak at your upcoming event or would like to have Constant Contact sponsor your event, please contact Arni Adams at