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Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
September 12, 2012
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In This Issue
The Fall 2012 season of Big Thinking on the Hill is underway
Read CFHSS's pre-budget submission
CFHSS responds to report on international education
SSHRC announces new executive vice-president
ERA-Can releases COOPERATION calls for proposals
CIHR releases summary of feedback to proposed changes
Imagining Canada's Future: SSHRC holding regional panels
Harry Ransom Center Fellowship in the Humanities and Acfas call for submissions
The Fall 2012 season of Big Thinking on the Hill is underway

We are kicking off our Fall 2012 season of Big Thinking next week. On September 18, Ken Coates, Canada Research Chain in Regional Innovation, will discuss ways in which Canada can better integrate rural and remote regions in its innovation policy. For more information, or to register, click here.


And check out our Big Thinking promo video:

Big Thinking -- What are you missing?
Big Thinking -- What are you missing?


Read CFHSS's pre-budget submission

CFHSS delivered its 2013 pre-budget submission to the federal government last month. Among other things, the submission recommends that the government increase funding for the three federal research granting agencies, that it invest in helping graduates transition into the work place, and that it support greater cross-sector collaboration to ensure all Canadians benefit from university research. Read the full submission here.

CFHSS responds to report on international education

The Advisory Panel on Canada's International Education Strategy released its report in August, calling for doubling the number of international students and for 50,000 Canadian students to study abroad, improving policy coordination, and the development of comprehensive bilateral agreements, along with appropriate funding to support them. CFHSS supports the recommendations made in the report. Read CFHSS's official statement here.

SSHRC announces new executive vice-president

Last month, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council announced the appointment of Ted Hewitt to the post of executive vice-president. Previously, Ted Hewitt served as vice-president, research and international relations, at Western University. 


ERA-Can releases COOPERATION calls for proposals

ERA-Can has published a list of calls for proposals for the COOPERATION programme for 2013. The COOPERATION Programme supports proposals from multi-national, multi-sectoral consortia. Each proposal must include a minimum of three partners from three different European Member States or Associated Countries. Some calls for proposals are specifically targeted to Canadians. The list is available here.

CIHR release summary of feedback to proposed changes

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research have released a document summarizing the feedback they received on the proposed reforms to the Open Suite of Programs and peer review process from the research community. Read the summary of the feedback here and CFHSS's submission on the proposed changes here.


Imagining Canada's Future: SSHRC holding regional panels

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council is hosting a series of regional panels across Canada to discuss how the social sciences and humanities research community can contribute to Canada's future. For more information, click here. One of the panels took place at this year's Congress. Watch the video here:


Dan Gardner, Don Tapscott, Diana Carney Panel Discussion: Imagining Canada's Future
Dan Gardner, Don Tapscott, Diana Carney Panel Discussion: Imagining Canada's Future


Harry Ransom Center Fellowship in the Humanities and Acfas call for submissions

The Harry Ransom Center is receiving applications for more than 50 of its 2013-2014 research fellowships in the humanities.


The Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas) has released a call for submissions for its 81st Congress, which will be held from May 6 to May 10, 2013 at the Université Laval under the theme "Savoirs sans frontières."




Representing more than 85,000 researchers in 81 scholarly associations, 80 universities and colleges, and 6 affiliates, the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences is the national voice for the university research and learning community in these disciplines. 

Big Thinking
Off the Shelf

In this section we feature papers, podcasts and videos that-while part of our archives-are still relevant to current events.


Digital economy is on everyone's lips this fall, with the government set to introduce its digital economy strategy shortly. In 2010, we invited Catherine Middleton, Canada Research Chain in Communication Technologies in the Information Society, to present a Big Thinking lecture on Canada's digital economy.  You can listen to a podcast of her talk here.

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