JULY 9, 2012
All Together Now: A Recipe for Successful Data Governance 
July 10 @ 4 ET
Live Webcast

Getting disparate groups of professionals to agree on business terminology can take forever, especially when big dollars or major issues are at stake. Many data governance programs languish indefinitely because of simple hang-ups. But a new process has since been codified and combined with a NoSQL technology that enables even the most complex data models and definitions to be distilled into simple, functional data flows. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to hear Analyst David Loshin of Knowledge Integrity explain why effective Data Governance requires cooperation. 

Get a Grid: How High-Performance Changes Everything
July 17 @ 4 ET
Live Webcast

Successful companies of the 21st Century will specialize. They'll know their sweet spot and exploit it, then carefully expand into other markets. Achieving such a level of specialization requires high-performance systems, whether for analytics or operations. One technology that can help either domain is experiencing a revival across several industries: the power of a grid. And this time, that grid is fueled by in-memory capabilities. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from veteran database Analyst Robin Bloor, who will explain how in-memory grid computing can fundamentally change the way business is done and turn virtually any business process into a significant competitive advantage.
A Futuristic Reality: The Big Data Platform
July 24 @ 4 ET
Live Webcast


The big deal with Big Data is the potential for this phenomenon to redefine the modern Information Architecture. Though still in its infancy, the concept of a Big Data Platform promises to do just that. By incorporating the array of options now available -- massively parallel processing, streaming technology (including complex event processing), semantics, in-memory and more -- a Big Data Platform can solve a whole range of problems before they even occur. Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from Analyst and Big Data Expert Krish Krishnan, who will outline a vision for the Big Data Platform.

H.R. 3590 - The Affordable Care Act by the Numbers 
by Eric Kavanagh


Let there be data! So says page 21 of the Affordable Care Act. That means data collection will be part and parcel to the administration and regulation of healthcare in America. Which makes sense. Data is the new currency, and money sure plays a part in the delivery of healthcare. Besides, Big Data can do all kinds of things, when used appropriately.  



San Diego, CA
Jul. 29 - Aug.3 

San Jose, CA
August 21 - 23
David Loshin

David Loshin,
Knowledge Integrity


Robin Bloor,
The Bloor Group 

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