E. D. White Catholic High School
 April 16 - 20,  2012
Welcome to
 E. D. White Catholic High School






Students in Coach David Constant's Religion class are shown above writing letters to students in Africa. All religion classes were asked to write letters telling other students about themselves for Change Agent Network. Eric Wowoh, founder of CAN, spoke about building schools in Africa on March 27 during the Penance Service for students.




Diocesan Leadership Award

Senior Samuel Daigle was chosen for the Diocesan Leadership Award, which is given to one or two young people in each parish on an annual basis. The recipients are submitted to the Office of Youth Ministry and are chosen by the priest, principals, DRE's, youth and/or campus ministers. The recipients of the award have been a witness to others through their involvement with their parish/school ministry by sharing their gifts of time, talent and treasure. These individuals are also leaders and share their leadership skills, dedication, responsibility and faith with others.



Band Performs at Carnegie Hall 

116 members of the E.D. White band, along with 200 parents and supporters, traveled to New York April 2 for the band to play in Carnegie Hall on April 6.


During their week in the Big Apple, the band traveled into Manhattan and visited Grand Central Station, Times Square, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, with a Broadway musical to end the night. The students also visited St. Patrick's Cathedral, Macy's, The Empire State Building, the World Trade Center Memorial, Rockefeller Center, and walked around Central Park. On the last day in Manhattan, after the band performed in Carnegie Hall, they took a Circle Line boat tour around Manhattan.














Congratulations to the 2012 Prom King Jordan Knight and Queen Kaitlyn Birdsong.The two were crowned on Saturday at the Moses Community Center. The theme for this year's prom was a "Night in Paris."









8th Grade Retreat

The 8th Grade Retreat was held Monday on campus in the new gym. The day involved talking to students about how they communicate with and they treat each other, how they overcome obstacles, and how they come to understand the gifts that others may have. There was also a session on getting to know one another and how not to isolate or judge others. At the end of the day, they talked about what they witnessed, what spoke to them, and what opened their eyes.











During the Easter Break, the Cardinal golf teams achieved impressive results. The girls punched their second consecutive ticket to the State Tournament by shooting a 229 to tie for 2nd place at Stonebridge Country Club in Gretna. Chelsey Bourgeois had a 106 and Abby Bourgeois a 123. The next stop is the State Championship in Zachary at Coppermill Golf Club on April 24th-25th. The boys totaled a 331 to capture 2nd place at the Atchafalaya Invitational, which involved 10 teams. The Boys Regional will be at Lakewood Country Club in Algiers on April 25th.









The E. D. White Class of 2002 will have its 10-year reunion Saturday, June 16 at Envie Restaurant. For more information please contact Anna Thomassie Soniat at annasoniat@gmail.com.







The class of 1992 will have its 20-year reunion on Saturday, June 23 at Grady V's Restaurant in Thibodaux. The event will start at 8:00 p.m., and cost is $55 per person. For more information please contact Anna Molaison at afmolaison@bellsouth.net.




The E. D. White Class of 1982 will have its 30-year reunion at the Foundry on the Bayou on Saturday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m. The cost is $36 per person. For more information, please contact Clair Ford Lee at cflee@charter.net or Allison Crochet Lyons at allison-lyons@att.net.





The E. D. White Catholic High Class of 1972 is having its 40-year reunion on Saturday, June 30 in Thibodaux at the Home Hook and Ladder Fire Company on Canal Blvd. Any classmates wanting more information can email buggiebailey@gmail.com or tombou@bellsouth.net .



Issue: 20
In This Issue
In the Classroom
Diocesan Leadership Award
Carnegie Hall
Alumni News



If you have any questions concerning iPads please visit www.edwhite.org and click on the "iPads at E. D. White" tab. 

Information and answers to frequently asked questions are continuously being updated to help with any inquiries you may have concerning the new technology.





The 7th Annual Bayou Region CardDraft, a silent and live auction for E. D. White Catholic High School, will be held April 27, 2012 at the Warren J. Harang Jr. Municipal Auditorium starting at 6 p.m. 

We are looking for corporate sponsorships ($500) and donations from our alumni.  Items donated in the past were restaurant certificates, tickets to sporting events--with or without accommodations, hunting and fishing trips, use of vacation homes, and hotel reservations.  These items are usually very popular and generate high bidding.  Any other auction item is appreciated as well.

For any inquiries, please contact Boyd Hebert at boydhebert@yahoo.com or Preston LeJeune at plejeune@htdiocese.org


 Course 102
 Course 103




We are looking for alumni updates to put into the spring edition of the Cardinal Courier. If you or someone you know has recently been married or has added a new addition to their family, please email Kaye Constant at kconstant@htdiocese.org with the details.





For pictures of special events around

 E.D. White please visit




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The school receives a percentage of all sales.




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Kaye Constant 

E. D. White Catholic High School

