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Australian Families for Children Newsletter
September 2010 
In This Issue
World of Opportunity Concert
Volunteers Needed
Camp Connection 2010
Adoption Awareness Week
Face Book 

Every child  deserves a family 

Quick Links
Donate to the AFC Agency Appeal

Welcome to the new online edition of the AFC Newsletter.
We hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter and look forward to your input and comments.
All future newsletters will be sent via email.  If your partner and/or your child/ren have their own email addresses, please email us their details and we will add them to our distribution list - email
Please send in your stories and photos, and feel free to share with us any articles or items of news you feel may be of interest to our readers.
Kind regards
Ricky Brisson
Executive Officer
World of Opportunity
In November 2009, as part of the Adoption Awareness Week celebrations, AFC held a major fund raising concert - World of Opportunity. 
The performers were adoptees and friends including children aged 6 to 30 years.  Representatives from the Bolivian, Colombian and Korean Embassies were present.  This was a melting pot of nations as children from Bolivia, Colombia, Korea, Taiwan, Ethiopia and Australia, took part in this momentous inaugural event. Stay tuned for our 2011 concert. 
Tierra Colombiana
Tierra Colombiana
To view photos of the event - click World of Opportunity
I would like to thank:
  • All the participants for their great effort and excellent performances.
  • All our sponsors (listed below) without whom we could not have held the event. 
  • Virgin Atlantic airlines for donating the major prize for our auction.
  • All the volunteers that helped make the event a memorable occasion.
  • In particular - a special thank you to Eddy Fairburn, our Music Director, without whom the event would not have taken place.
  • St Andrew's College management for allowing us the use of their music rooms for rehearsals.
Australian Medeley
Australian Medeley
I would like to also ackowledge our sponsors for their generous contributions:
A special thank you to:
George Stefanis
from Blink Print in Stanmore for designing and producing our flyers and programs.  George did an amazing job. Contact George at for all your printing needs.
Sara Groen from Channel Seven for being our MC.
Tracy Miller from East Side Dance - for training our dancers.
Melissa Gooley and Tracey Bear for designing the costumes. 
But most important - all the adoptees and their friends who spent months reheasing for the event and did their parents  proud on the night. 
Who is up for putting on the show again in 2011 ?!!  If you are intrested in participating please email us at
Volunteers needed

We have a number of volunteer positions available.  If you have any particular skills and would like to assist - please email us 
We are currently looking for a: 
  • Web designer - familiar with building online shops
  • A Volunteers' Coordinator
  • Volunteers to join our fundraising team
  • Grant & Funding Officer
  • Bookkeeper - with MYOB knowledge
  • Volunteers to help with events - such as Adoption Connection - 7 Nov 2010
If you know of anyone (family member, friend, work colleague), that may be able to assist with the above tasks, please get them to contact us.
A special thank you to all our volunteers, in particular Sue Hancock and Maria Katelaris for their untiring support.
In addition, I would like to thank our volunteer Spanish translators - William Willits, Maria Gonzales Barrios and Susana Moris.
And Belinda Latta, who has been helping with funding applications.
Thank you all for your dedication and commitment
Camp Connection 2010

During the past three years, Camp Connection has been generously sponsored by the Maquarie Foundation.
This year the camp was held from 28 to 30 May at Point Wolstoncroft, located on Lake Macquarie.
Although numbers were down on previous years, those who participated had a great time.  The participants enjoyed a range of activities including Archery and the Giant Swing.  The buddies had some time off to go kayaking.    
Buddies getting ready for the challenge
Buddies Kayak Camp 2010
Our cultural theme this year focused on Japan - the kids learned how to make sushi, lanterns, origami and write their name in Japanese.
Marianna and Aimee during cultural activities
Marianna and Aimee creating craft
Due to poor weather, the camp fire was cancelled, instead we played Celebrity Heads, Charades, and hung around with the buddies after the young children were put to bed.
On Sunday we held our usual Olympic Tournament.
For those who participated - please send in your photos on disk to add to our collection and upload to our website.
AFC- Camp Connection
P O Box 7420
Bondi Beach 2026
Unfotunately Macquarie Foundation is not able to sponsor the Camp again.  We are in the process of looking for a new sponsor for the next three years. If you know of anyone that may be willing or able to sponsor us - please pass the details onto Ricky Brisson -
Adoption Awareness Week 2010
Naaw Logo white
8 to 14 November 2010
National Adoption Awareness Week (NAAW) is a series of community based events exploring the process of adoption and the journeys of all people touched by adoption, locally and internationally.
NAAW was launched in Australia in 2008. Due to its success, it will be held annually in November and will coincide with adoption awareness around the world. NAAW 2010 will be held from 8th to 14th November.

NAAW aims to acknowledge and learn from all adoption related journeys and experiences. It creates opportunities for open, honest and ongoing dialogue between all parties to adoption to increase awareness of its complexities, challenges and opportunities.

A more informed and constructive attitude to adoption will flow through to policy-making, support services and education, and will help Australia work towards a more positive adoption environment.

AFC events during Adoption Awareness Week 

Photography Exhibition

With the help of John Fick - our volunteer photographer, we are planning on holding a photography exhibition.  The next and last photo shoot before the exhibition is on 16th October.  A limited number of spots are still available.  If you would like to participate - please email

Adoption Connection - 7 November  
Adoptees and Families Connecting
As one of the Adoption Awareness Week 2010 events, Australian Families for Children is holding a get-together to mark the start of the week. 
All adoptees, from all countries (including Australia) and their families are invited to participate and join in the activities.  Spread the word.
Children are invited to wear their birth country traditional clothes.
A range of activities will be organised for the children.
Date: 7 Nov 2010
Time : 11.00 to 4.00
Venue: Villa Maria Hall, Mary St, Hunters Hill, NSW
Cost: $10.00 per family (to cover the cost of the venue)
BYO - food and drink
We hope you enjoyed receiving our news. Stay tuned for upcoming events.

Ricky Brisson
Australian Families for Children