Allstate Management Monthly

Volume III, Issue IV      



Welcome to the August edition of Allstate Management Monthly!  This month's edition begins with asking your opinion on one of the key questions Allstate management must ask each day.  Next, we highlight the benefit of refinancing with PPCLOAN prior to 2013.  Finally, we conclude with a new in-depth look at PPCLOAN's most recent closings and the current status of our Allstate lending program.

Meet the Staff
Quality Agents
Banker Insight
Deal Highlights
Loan Program
Lending Program


WhatWhat is the Best Way to Determine Agent Character?

One of the key responsibilities of Allstate management is to recruit the right agents.  What criteria do you use to discern who a solid candidate is?  What questions do you ask?  What tricks and tips do you have that you would like to share?

Send your responses to and it will be included, along with responses from your fellow Allstate managers, in next month's newsletter. 

RestructureRestructure Debt to Achieve Success 

PPCLOAN has enabled many Allstate agents across the country to increase their monthly cash flow by $500 to $3,000 by restructuring their debt with low interest, fixed rate financing.  The refinance allows the agent to have additional cash flow to invest in their agency and puts them in the best position to attain the 11% commission opportunity in 2013.  It also establishes a constant monthly payment for one of the largest expense items which reduces future expense volatility and allows for improved strategic planning.  

 AugustAugust Closings (5 Agent Sample)  


AllstateAllstate Lending Program Highlights
  • Over 1/2 billion in Allstate loans funded since 2000
  • Competitive 7 and 10 year fixed interest rates
  • No down payment requirements for existing agents or outside buyers
  • Ability to prepay without penalty
  • Prompt, friendly, and reliable source of financing

Include a PPCLOAN Allstate Specialist at your next recruiting event!  Contact Eric at 800-456-2779.

Allstate Agency Value Index
- The 2nd Quarter 2012 Allstate Agency Value Index has been released.  If you would like to receive our quarterly emails, please be sure to register here.
- Direct your agents to this free online listing of agencies if they are looking to buy, or just get an idea of what agencies in their area are selling for.

Knowledge Center
- Our highly interactive Knowledge Center provides presentations, informative articles, agency value index and financial tools.