Allstate Management Monthly
Volume III, Issue III
So begins the third quarter of 2012! PPCLOAN wishes you the best this quarter and welcomes your call (800.456.2779) or email ( for any questions you may have about Allstate agency financing.
 | Refinancing Opportunities |
 | Quote of the Month |
 | Securing Financing |
 | Deal Highlights |
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 | Lending Program |
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Refinance Opportunities
With the prevailing low market interest rates, it may be a great time for your agents to take advantage of this monthly money-saving opportunity. Additional cash flow will allow your agents the increased funds to invest in and thus grow their agency. Direct them to call 800.456.2779 or email for a free quote. |
 Quote of the Month
"Spend the right amount of time on it in order to spend the least amount of time with it." -Author Unknown This quote reminds us to allocate a proper amount of time for each of our subordinate tasks (i.e. tasks that are a means to something else). We are prone to fall in one of two directions if we do not adhere to this principal.
First, we may spend more time on a task than the task actually warrants (two hours on a task that could be properly handled in 30 minutes). Many people confuse time in the office with productivity, but we know by experience that this is not true. If we persist in this practice, we will waste years of our life. However, just as bad as spending too much time on something, is spending too little time on it. This is dangerous because too little time spent on a task will ultimately result in having to spend a great amount of time on it later on. For instance, if we do not spend enough time exercising, we will ultimately have to spend a great deal of time correcting the ill-effects we brought upon ourselves due to lack of exercise. This can be seen in any area of life- from monthly reports and work performance, to house cleaning and personal relationships. We all are very careful in how we invest our money, but what about our time? Most would agree that time is more valuable than money. Therefore, it would make sense to be even more shrewd on our time investment than our monetary investment. This quote teaches and encourages us to be discerning in our use of time and properly allocate our hours to get the maximum "rate of return" on the time spent.

Deal Highlights
Outside Buyer in Arizona Purchased and merged two agencies with a total earned premium of $2M. PPCLOAN provided a loan for 97% of the purchase price with the buyer making a cash injection for the remainder.
Outside Buyer in New York Purchased a $3.87M earned premium Allstate agency and PPCLOAN provided 85% of the purchase price with the seller holding a note for the remaining 15%. Existing Agent in Texas Purchased and merged a $2.36M earned premium agency into his existing agency. PPCLOAN financed 100% of the purchase price.
Include a PPCLOAN Allstate Specialist at your next recruiting event! Contact Eric at 800-456-2779.
Allstate Agency Value Index- The 2nd Quarter 2012 Allstate Agency Value Index was released yesterday. If you would like to receive our quarterly emails, please be sure to register here. Direct your agents to this free online listing of agencies if they are looking to buy, or just get an idea of what agencies in their area are selling for.
Knowledge Center- Our highly interactive Knowledge Center provides presentations, informative articles, agency value index and financial tools.