Allstate Management Monthly
Volume II, Issue VIII
Happy New Year and welcome to the January edition of Allstate Management Monthly! We appreciate all of your efforts as an Allstate manager throughout 2011 and are looking forward to what 2012 has in store.
| Featured Article |
| Customer Testimonial |
| Banker Insight |
| Deal Highlights |
| Quote of the Month |
| Resources
| Archives
| Loan Program |
Getting Started Early: Business Entities
From state requirements to documenting their loan, learn why incorporating early allows agents more time to devote to their agency after their appointment date. Read the full article here. |
Customer Testimonial
"If you are buying, merging, or selling an Allstate agency you need these guys to get a deal done. They know Allstate in and out and how to get the job done... Don't frustrate yourself trying to explain your business to a local bank they don't understand. PPCLOAN does!! I would not go anywhere else for financing. They are great member of my financial team just like my attorney and accountant."
R. Gregory Nicholas York, PA
Banker Insight
A good business plan, thought through and laid out on paper may help a potential borrowers chances of obtaining a loan approval. Careful thinking and planning are key characteristics of qualified borrowers; therefore a comprehensive business plan is a strong plus to any loan request.
Deal Highlights
Outside Buyer in IL: Purchased a $2,000,000 EP agency for two times Agency Renewal Commissions. PPCLOAN was able to provide financing for 95% of the purchase price with the remainder being met by a down payment from the buyer.
Outside Buyer in AR: PPCLOAN provided financing for 1.9 times the Agency Renewal Commissions. The remainder of the purchase price was met by a combination of seller financing and down payment by the buyer.
Existing Agent in TX: PPCLOAN provided financing for 100% of the purchase price, plus additional funds for working capital and transactional costs.
Quote of the Month
"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax." -Abraham Lincoln
This is a timely insight as we begin the New Year as it is often met with great anticipation and seen as a time to hit the ground running. However, as this quote reminds us, the most efficient thing to do may be to slow down and make sure the "tools" of your business are in good working order before you begin your endeavor.
*Allstate Agency Value Index- Our COO, Paul Clarke published his most recent segment of the Allstate Agency Value Index which explores agency values in a changing environment and how variable compensation has been a substantial consideration in setting agency purchase prices. Sign up here to read the full article and have access to our interactive tools comparing regional and national average purchase prices. Direct your agents to this free online listing of agencies if they are looking to buy, or just get an idea of what agencies in their area are selling for.
Knowledge Center- Our highly interactive Knowledge Center provides presentations, informative articles, agency value index and financial tools.