Broken Circle Turtle's Webb Newsletter
A Red Persimmon At Eastern Market: Katrina Ulrich and Fair Trade
July 2010
In This Issue
The Vibe on the Outside
We cleaned up and..
The Measure of a Man...
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cherie abstract
 photo by: Val Proudkii
  Turtle's Webb Raising Hell at Eastern Market
work space Katrina Ulrich
  This post: A Red Persimmon at Eastern Market: Katrina Ulrich and Fair Trade
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The Vibe on the Resilient!
On Sunday July 24, 2010 around 3:40 pm the most devastating storm I have experienced 
 struck the exhibitor community at Eastern Market.  We exhibitor listen and watch weather
reports like farmers.  Many of us thought we had more time to pack. The storm struck fast and hard.  First was the wind, with bits of dust flying in your face. So we packed faster, but
within ten minutes we were all holding on to our tents. Then you had to make a decision your tent or your art work, inventory, or...
My story, I was packing, then holding on to the tent, then ripping the sides and top off of the tent hoping not to brake the frame.  People where calling for help, cussing. My contacts were knocked side ways so I could hardly see.  Then they came out of no where. "Hey do you need some help" they said,  One, I later learned was named Rick, the other is one of guys ones sees all the time selling Street Sense on the corner in front of Marvelous Market.  My good Samaritans. They help me hold my tent, pick up my inventory and pack my car.
Broken Tents
breaking down, salvaging and cleaning up
Mesrack's Son
*Team Work: Vernon Burnett a member of the management team for the Flea Market at Eastern Market holds down a tent during the storm
cherie abstract
Many others were not so lucky. I lost very little.  Some exhibitors lost everything, there displays were destroyed and there artwork or merchandise is a broken sodden mess. It was so fast and so very strong.  Some exhibitors afterward swore it was a Tornado.
 *photo by Katrina Ulrich
We cleaned up and ..
Isaiah Brunson Blue Iris Farms
Ishaih Brunson
*Ernie packs his stand in the down pour
 *photo by: Katrina Ulrich
Olivia Cook and Nikki Dean tell there stories
Olivia and Nikkie
We helped each other.  At some point after going through a traumatic weather event at the Market we start to laugh at ourselves at the craziness of our experiences.  We are happy we survived and came out on the other side.  There is this undefinable pride.
Cherry Blossom Queen Diva Kim Downes is ready for a sale after the storm
cherie abstract
Patrick Donovan takes a moment to tell me his story
Patrick Donovan
broken tent Eastern Market Plaza
plaza damage
 The Measure of a Man
He founded The Flea Market at Eastern Market on Sunday's in 1978 and for more than a quarter of a century he has been its steward-Tom Rall.  He wears many hats at Eastern Market but more than anything he its back bone and compass.
Tom Rall checks in with exhibitors
Tom Rall and Derek Kennedy
I emailed Tom to ask him if I could use this picture and to ask him to share his thoughts on the
 storm. This is what he responded " I am speaking to Derek Kennedy, who is co-owner of Mustard Seed, a consignment clothing shop in Bethesda which incubated at Eastern Market 15
 or 20 years ago.  As a separate project, Derek began designing T-shirts and returned to the
market several months ago. He lost his tent and, after trying to salvage some parts, was
planning to go home to dry out inventory". 
I asked Mr. Rall if in his memory as manager of the Market is this the worst damage he has seen.  He wrote, "Yes, this is the worst, by far, in the quarter century I've been managing
 it"   He added, "I am most thankful that nobody was seriously injured and ... I love the camaraderie of the exhibitor community, the most resilient group of people I know".
The Hell Raiser says...
See ya' this weekend at the Market!
For those of us who need assistance rebuilding
check out:
Craft Emergency Relief Fund + Artists' Emergency Resources
Also contact: Tom Rall
He is considering funding a micro-loan fund for
exhibitors and any one interested should contact him.
For those artists needing legal help
Washington Area Lawyers for the arts
Maggie Gladson
Legal Services Director
Take a look at my visit with A Red Persimmon: Katrina Ulrich