Congress Heights neighborhood of Washington D.C. Saint E's as it is called by area residents was founded by an act of Congress in 1852.
The New Saint Elizabeth's Hospital  |
At the ribbon cutting ceremony Mayor Adrian Fenty noted that there were 6 artists commissoned to make pieces for the new building as part of the "one percent program". This is a national arts initiative with the goal being that one percent of all new building budgets have to be for art. These six artist were chosen from an open call to artists across the country.
Mayor Fenty noted that two of the artist were from the "local community".
Ribbon Cutting Saint E's  |
From left to right: Stephen T. Baron, director, DC Dept. of mental health,
Mayor Adrian Fenty Washington, D.C., David Catania, DC City Council -AT-Large,
Patrick J. Canavan, CEO St. Elizabeths Hospital
These two artists were none other than Eastern Market's own Emeritus artists
Sheila Crider and Roderick Turner. Sheila set up next to me for a decade and Rod started at Eastern Market in the early 1980's off an on and was there continuously from 1993-2005.
Saint Elizabeth's Mural  |
This mural was named after Ms. Crider's mother Constance Elizabeth Crider
The Healing Garden  |
Recently in the News for completing The ILSP/Blair Underwood Mural in California was emeritus Eastern Market artist Stevens Jay Carter. Carter who now makes his homes between California and his northwest D.C., O street studio. Mr. Carter is having a "one man show" which will feature a 10 min. fashion walk at 923 F street NW. The show opens Friday May 7th, 2010 from 6:00-8:30 and it runs through
June 26th.
C- Note: In the Struggle