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Northeast-Midwest Institute Weekly Update 
 August 16, 2010
In This Issue
Policy Analyst Mark Gorman Speaks at Army Corps 2010 Environmental Conference
Merkley Amendment to Livable Communities Act Promotes Active Transportation
Save The Date For New Partners For Smart Growth
NEMW Releases "New Demographic Realities" Report
Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference
Policy Analyst Mark Gorman Speaks at Army Corps 2010 Environmental Conference

Water and Watershed Policy Analyst Mark Gorman was a featured speaker on August 10 at the inaugural U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 2010 Environmental Conference in Warrenton, Virginia.  The purpose of the Conference was to foster improved communications, and to share senior environmental leadership experiences both internally within the Army Corps and as well as with external partners from environmental academia, NGOs, industry and other federal agencies.  The conference focused on broad senior-level environmental issues and included such topics as climate change, sustainability, ecosystem restoration, renewable energy, and remediation, with an emphasis on learning, sharing, networking and reinforcing key concepts and strategies.  Mark Gorman spoke to the over 100 attendees about the complexity of the social, economical and ecological systems within which we are working, the "wicked problems" that can arise (seemingly - but not actually - out of nowhere) during our work within these systems, and how institutions (specifically the Army Corps of Engineers) might be better poised to employ "collaborative systems thinking" to stimulate thinking, proactively manage problems and handle inherent uncertainty.

For more information contact Mark Gorman at the Northeast-Midwest Institute, 202-464-4015.
Merkley Amendment to Livable Communities Act Promotes Active Transportation.

When the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, under the leadership of Chairman Chris Dodd (D-CT), passed S. 1618, "The Livable Communities Act," on August 3rd included was the Merkley Amendment adding language to promote active transportation.  The language has received praise from the League of American Bicyclists and other active transportation advocacy groups.  The amendment adds active transportation as a prominent criteria in planning and choosing projects to build under the LCA.

For more background: The bill, originally sponsored by Dodd, authorizes the Obama administration's "livability" initiative; a program that provides grants to enhance urban livability and establishes a partnership between HUD, EPA, and Department of Transportation.
The bill that passed out of committee also included an amendment by Senator Schumer (co-sponsored by Senators Brown and Bayh) to establish a Regeneration Planning Grant Demonstration Program. Modeled after the Community Regeneration, Sustainability, and Innovation Act (H.R. 932/S. 453), the amendment authorizes $20 million annually for four years to cities and regions challenged with large-scale employment and population loss and chronic property vacancy and abandonment. More information can be found on the Banking Committee's press release.
For more information contact Greg Lewis at the Northeast-Midwest Institute, 202-464-4005.
Save The Date for New Partners for Smart Growth

The 10th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth conference will be held in Charlotte, NC from February 3-5, 2011.  For more information about the conference visit their website. For the Save the Date card visit here.

For more information contact Fritz Ohrenschall at the Northeast-Midwest Institute, 202-464-4020.
NEMW Releases "New Demographic Realities" Report

The Northeast-Midwest Institute released "New Demographic Realities: The Northeast-Midwest Region".  The project, led by Colleen Cain, examines demographic changes, such as population growth, educational attainment, and racial/ethnic composition, in the region over the last decade.  It consists of a Regional Report and individual state reports (Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin).

For more information contact Colleen Cain, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Northeast-Midwest Institute, 202-464-4003.
Reclaiming Vacant Properties Conference, Oct 13-15, in Cleveland
Help your community realize its potential by participating in the Reclaiming Vacant Properties conference!  This year's conference will be held in Cleveland, October 13-15 at the historic Renaissance Cleveland Hotel.

Join hundreds of your peers from communities from the Sunbelt to the Rustbelt, to learn about the policies, tools, and strategies to catalyze long-term, sustainable revitalization. Share your experiences and insights, and become a part of the only national network focused on building the knowledge, leadership, and momentum to reclaim vacant and abandoned properties to foster thriving neighborhoods.
This conference is sponsored by the Center for Community Progress with its principal planning partner, Neighborhood Progress, Inc.
For more information visit
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