The Soul Shift Newsletter
Issue #8                                                    Fall, 2012




In this newsletter, I decided to share information on ways to heighten your intuitive awareness. You may have absolutely no desire to become a psychic or a medium, yet a sense of "inner-knowing" can be a real asset when making important decisions and responding to life's challenges. When I've relied solely on logic, ignoring or dismissing "gut feel", I've usually been disappointed with the outcome of my decisions. Conversely, when I've leaned on intuition in partnership with logic, I've enjoyed positive results more times than not. I hope you find my suggestions helpful  when applied to your daily life.


Peace, Mark Ireland





Listening to Your Inner Guidance


While it's great that top psychic-mediums can deliver detailed and accurate information, what about the rest of us who aren't as psychically skilled? How do we develop the ability to connect and receive helpful guidance?


Through discussions, reading, contemplation, and practice I've come to recognize the importance of subtle feelings and symbols. By paying attention to subtle energy, typically in the form of thoughts and feelings, we begin to tap into our inner capacity to commune with those we've loved and lost, as well as other streams of consciousness and information. It probably won't come to you like a lightning bolt but it will be there nonetheless. You can detect these communications by learning the language and by paying close attention.


For me, symbols and feelings are often the language of such transmissions therefore it is vital that subtle feelings and impressions are recognized and not overlooked. Sometimes information of this type may come to us as an understated thought that may easily be disregarded. The lesson here is to learn to acknowledge the validity of such insights because it is through this process of perceiving and trusting subtle information that the psychic muscle is flexed. As we do this, we come to distinguish the signature of spiritual energy. Fear tied to the possibility of being wrong can also serve as a hindrance to your intuitive development. For your "sixth sense" to flourish, you must have confidence in your feelings and give them credence. 


In a world where our senses are bombarded with electronic media messages, cell phones, mp3 players, loud music, action packed movies, and traffic jams, what I'm suggesting is easier said than done. These distracting factors magnify our need to set aside quiet time for contemplation and meditation, which I would recommend as a sound course of action for anyone interested in becoming more in-tune with subtle information.


With all this said, I must acknowledge that meditation is tough for someone like me who is naturally hyper; I suspect that I'm not alone in this regard. So, I also set aside time for creative activities like writing and music. These artistic diversions also aid intuitive development because they tap into the same creative aspect residing within us. Keeping a journal of unique events and information perceived (through dreams or in a waking state) can also be helpful. Recording these experiences allows us to reflect on them at a later time and see their relevance. Such actions can provide us with encouragement, especially when we recognize our "hits," or thoughts we recorded that ultimately proved to be accurate.


Give it a try. The next time a thought pops into your mind or a strong feeling comes along, pay attention and write it down.


Download Chapters of Soul Shift for FREE


Just click on the link below or the image of the book cover and you'll be directed to a special landing page where you can download content for free. Free Chapter Downloads 


Soul Shift Medium 
Sessions from The International Conference on After Death Communication Now Available for just $3.99 per download 


Whether you were unable to attend this remarkable conference, you came but missed some of the sessions, or you just want to remember all of the great content, you'll want to take advantage of this opportunity. Audio Downloads 
To re-live some of the great moments, visit the ICADC site to see a slide-show.


John Holland, Justine Schrimsher, Mark Ireland, and Tina Powers at the 2012 ICADC
Mark Ireland and Tina Powers at the 2012 ICADC


Join Helping Parents Heal

If you are a bereaved parent, or if you know one, our new organization provides valuable assistance. Our mission is to help parents who have lost children, giving them support and resources to aid in the healing process. We will go a step beyond other groups by allowing the open discussion of spiritual experiences and evidence for the afterlife, but in a non-dogmatic way. In other words, we will welcome everyone regardless of their religious, or non-religious, background and allow for a very open type of dialog. For more information please visit our website 


Soul Shift MediumYour Psychic Potential
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