In This Issue
Recommended book
Better to hear late than never
A New Organization
Recommended Book
Sheryl Hill is an award winning author of Walking on Sunshine, NRG-A Divine Transformation.  Her book is not your usual grief recovery read. Sheryl goes beyond compassion to help bereaved people unfurl from a cloud of grief so thick light cannot penetrate with real evidence of life after death.

My links
Mark Ireland site
Richard Ireland site
Intl. Conference on ADC's 

My Books
Soul Shift Medium
Your Psychic Potential
Christmas, Hanukkah, and other holidays at this time of year bring great joy to many people. But for families who have suffered the loss of a loved one the holidays can be a very difficult time. The empty chair at the dinner table, the unused guitar, and the witty humor no longer heard are all painful reminders of how things used to be.
My family and I embrace Christmas and celebrate it in a way that acknowledges our son Brandon. We include him in the festivities even though he is not physically here. We invite him to join us, light candles for him, and often feel his spiritual presence. We share humorous stories about our experiences with Brandon, prepare his favorite meals, and snack on treats that he enjoyed.
These little things help us enjoy the holidays and appreciate all the positives in our lives, including the eighteen wonderful years we had with Brandon. If you are missing someone special this holiday season, why not try my suggestions? 
Better to hear late then never
My wife Susie's good friend Annette recently disclosed information about an unusual occurrence that took place about a week after Brandon's death, more than seven years ago. At that time, Annette had given Susie a call one evening, inviting her to go on a walk the following morning. Prior to Brandon's passing, walking on the trails around our neighborhood was a regular activity for my wife so she saw this as an opportunity to spend time with a good friend and get a small taste of normalcy.
The next morning arrived and Annette woke with a terrible headache so she really didn't feel like going, but after contemplating what Susie was going through she felt obliged. So they went on their walk, talked at length, and then returned to their respective homes. As she entered her house, Annette broke down in tears. Shortly thereafter, she stepped into her youngest son's closet and then sensed someone behind her. Annette then heard the words, "Thanks for walking with my mom today." Greatly surprised, she turned to see who was speaking. She suspected her husband or one of her two sons, but no one was there. No one was even home. Annette had not shared this story any sooner because she was afraid it would cause us more pain. On the contrary, my wife and I found this affirmation quite healing.
A New Organization
I'm planning to start a non-profit organization to provide resources to help parents heal who have lost children. This will go way beyond the normal grief recovery methods employed by other organizations. It will openly include a spiritual element (that is non-religious and non-sectarian), embracing and sharing evidence for the eternal nature of the soul. Stay tuned for updates on this newsletter, my website, and on Facebook.
Blessings to you and yours this holiday season,
Mark Ireland