January, 2009
Happy New Year
from Mark Ireland

 Since the release of my book, Soul Shift, many people have encouraged me to start a network-bringing together those sharing an interest in spirituality, healing, psychic phenomena, meditation, and heightened-consciousness. Following through with this idea, I decided to start with a simple idea...a newsletter to include articles, event updates, book reviews, and other relevant content. Perhaps most importantly, I wanted to create a platform that would allow each of you to contribute relevant content.
I am now inviting you to participate as a member of my online community. Because you received this invitation, you either know me, knew my father (or were aware of his work), have attended one of my speaking / book-signing events, or you have subscribed to my e-mail list. If you would like to receive future newsletters, you don't need to do anything. If you wish to be deleted from my mailing list, however, simply click on the SafeUnsubscribe button on this page, or e-mail me and I will have your name removed.
Going forward, this communication will be called the Soul Shift Newsletter.
Thanks, Mark Ireland

Mark Ireland ColorSoul Shift Small Image

Event: Developing your psychic-intuitive capacity
Saturday, February 28, 2009, from 2:30 to 4:30 P.M.
Changing Hands Bookstore, Tempe, Arizona
Mark Ireland and Psychic-Medium Jamie Clark, will share practical techniques and exercises designed to enhance your psychic/intuitive abilities. Mark will review information from a psychic development manual written by his father, Dr. Richard Ireland, and Jamie will speak to his personal processes. At the end of the session, Jamie Clark will share random psychic messages with attendees. For information about cost, directions to the event, or to reserve a spot, please contact Changing Hands

A quote for the day:
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
-Dr. Richard Ireland

A Reason to Hope
 Losing a child, spouse, or any loved one is among the most difficult things a person can ever face. I experienced this pain first hand when I lost my youngest son, Brandon, in January, 2004. Rather than give into the anguish tied to that experience, I chose to embark on a path of discovery and found some compelling reasons for hope. My conclusions were founded in empirical evidence, reason, intuition, faith, and love.
I wrote Soul Shift to share my story with others, especially those hurting and despondent because of the loss of a loved one. It is important for people to understand that the close of this brief physical life is not the end of our being.

Brandon Ireland

In remembrance of Brandon Ireland 
I am dedicating this inaugural newsletter to honor my youngest son, Brandon. On January 10, 2009 we encounter the five-year anniversary of his passing, but I choose to recognize this day as Brandon's birthday in the next realm. Happy birthday Brandon!  Love, Dad    
And to all of you...
Best wishes for a wonderful and prosperous 2009,
Mark Ireland

You can e-mail Mark Ireland at: [email protected]
or click on 
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