ana april 2012 Sat Nam Beautiful Yoga Friends! Thank you to all who attend- ed and added to the beautiful energy at our Mirror Lake Inn Retreat in Lake Placid, NY, and  Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training last month at Give Yoga Memphis! It's really great to have the opportunity to practice some energizing, fun, and bliss generating kriyas with y'all, and we are excited to see many of you at future events! We truly believe your beautiful energies, efforts, and intentions, are helping to catapult the consciousness of the whole world. We are looking forward to seeing many of you this month in Plattsburgh and Syracuse, NY, Minneapolis MN, and Memphis! Until next time, keep shining like the sun!

It's a Full Moon tonight (Aprl 6th)! Its aspects bid us to turn emotion into Devotion and to let our desire take us higher! Today and tonight: drink lots of water and meditate like you mean it!
Let's do some Kundalini Yoga Together!  


Fri. Apr. 13th to Sat. Apr. 14th / Plattsburgh, NY
Clauss Chiropractic, 1942 Military Tpke, Friday,
April 13th: Fire in the Belly, Sat. April 14th: Glands of Glamor, Energy for Life $45,

Sun. April 15th, Fayetville, (Syracuse) NY  
East Area YMCA / Kundalini Yoga: The Diamond Body Noon - 2 p.m. $45 
200 Towne Dr. (Towne Center) Register: Pam Denton 315.939.0813/[email protected] 


Fri. Apr. 20th to Sun. Apr. 22nd, Eagan, MN 
Yoga Soul Center - Spirit In Blossom, A Weekend of Workshops
1121 Town Centre Dr.Suite 100
651.452.5789 /

Fri. May. 4th to Sun. May. 6th, Memphis, TN 
Divine Alignment & The Sacred Geometry of Self / for info: [email protected]  901.493.1431 /
It's not too late to get on board!  Thanks to all of you who attended our second of 6 Teacher Training modules in Memphis. What amazing energy you all generated! For those of you who have been thinking about it, its not too late to get on board! Now is the time to manifest Destiny and use your gifts to heal, uplift, and inspire. The Aquarian Age is dawning and YOU are invited to assist in the quickening of souls and to give people hope and a better way. You can begin to pick up hours by attending some, or all, of the remaining sessions in Memphis. In addition, we are going to be offering a Teacher Training starting in October at the Yoga Soul Center (see Tour Schedule above) in Minnesota. 



Navigate Your Life with some personalized guidance! Treat Yourself to a Phone Consultation with Ravi  

Do you have specific goals for which you would like to apply the most appropriate inner technology? Would you like some clarity with regard to the person you're meant to be and your mission on this earth? Do you have an emotional or physical health issue which has resisted your best attempts?  Ravi Singh will draw upon his long experience as a Teacher and Spiritual Advisor and provide counseling and a personal Meditation practice for going forward. Each consultation will consist of two phone conversations. The first to gather information, and the second to present Ravi's "findings," and to explain your personal Meditation. The cost for the overall consultation is 108 dollars. Please reply to this e-mail if you're interested.  
in this issue
Humming On All Chakras
Specials of the Month
Questions of the Month: Eagle Eyes, The Kundalini Yoga Diet, More!
Meditation of the Month: Communication Flow
Humming On All Chakras shushura chakra
The chakra system represents the complete spectrum of the human experience. There are two ways to work on the chakras: inside/out, and outside/in. Inside/out entails doing the life and feeling work required to make your outer life consistent with the positive poles of each of the chakras. Outside/in entails doing the specific Kundalini Yoga and Meditation techniques which support this process. The following list consists of affirmations for each of the chakras. Each number relates to the corresponding chakra. Take these words to heart and soul and turn your life into a testing ground for Chakra Bliss!

1. The First Chakra is the show me state. Your life is proof of concept. Are you tough enough to take a hard look at what is? Don't get so far ahead of yourself, that you can't get firmly behind yourself and push!

2. Are you ready for an adventure? Within reason, fling caution to the wind and flare. Those who dare have more fun. When in doubt dance. Your signature style is a natural extension of the true you. It's not something you have to try for. Simply live your colors.

3. To demonstrate success in all of the essential vectors of life: health, relationships, financial security, and Spirit: apply some fierce focus, and indefatigable will to start the ball rolling toward positive outcomes. For the rest of today, can you say to yourself, "Yes, I will," and then keep up through tomorrow, and on and on..?

4. Can you communicate with someone and feel their feelings as if they were your own? Love is giving with no judgments. Ecstasy means you have nothing left to prove.  Then there is more of you to go around. In the Name of Love, be a conduit for Love itself.

5.  The power of your words and creative concepts (what you project for) can make you a Master Manifester. Also, can you be true? Then do what you say. Let your powerful pronouncements vibrate all worlds.

6. Your mind is incisive and decisive. It strips away layers of murkiness tirelessly, until it arrives at what's really real. Transparency, unbending
intent, nuances gleaned toward Direct Knowing. Keep your focus fiercely.

7. Don't worry, be expansive! Be secure in the fact that the Universe has your back. You have a Cosmic expense account. Your boss is a doting family member. All you have to do is show up to seal the deal. Life is an easy ride, even when it isn't.

8. Don't wait to be discovered, discover yourself! Get out there and let your presence speak volumes. Your radiance is voluminous, positively luminous!   
Specials of the Month

Body Electric Bootcamp  


                  Our Two Newest DVD's!!!               

We are overwhelmed with gratitude by the great feedback and encouragement we have received via your reviews! Here are some golden nuggets. A few among many:


"It's like having not just Yoga, but Advanced Pilates, Meditation AND Energy Healing all in one session!"


"This is one of the most amazing workouts I've ever done, not just yoga. Each time I do this it leaves my skin glowing and fresh. I like that it's so inexpensive compared to all of the beauty products I've tried."

"My two young sons particularly enjoy this one the most as well and they generally like Raviana Yoga DVDs. So heads up if you have kids who also like yoga! :-) There aren't enough good things to say about this one... Just try's that awesome!!!"


"nothing rocks my body and heart like Ringing the Bells of Heaven, a set that will grow your confidence like no other set I know."

"By the way, all of the rave reviews about the physical effects of this yoga are accurate. Give it three weeks. Enjoy the buzz that results from each class, and watch your body change. Yoga has never been so much fun or so effective.


Here is a list of all our 22 DVD's and links to where many of these are on sale! Give the greatest gift of all to the people you love: health, peace of mind, insight, creativity, inner strength, and Spirit! 

  1. Yoga Total Tune Up -Four 20 min. segments. Powerful stuff!
  2. Yoga Cleanse - Perfect workout for your winter detox and more!
  3. Navel Power - For personal power, focus, will, stomach of steel!
  4. Warrior Workout - a non-stop high energy feast.
  5. Ultimate Stretch Workout - for longer leaner lines!
  6. A Journey thru the Chakras - Climb the ladder of lights 
  7. Am/Pm Yoga - Start and end your day on a high note!
  8. Kundalini Yoga for Beginners & Beyond - A Kundalini "must have," featuring the classic basic spinal series and the Five Tibetans! A great daily practice! 
  9. Fat Free Yoga - One of our most popular. Great to do during change of seasons to recalibrate the glands! 
  10. Dance the Chakras Yoga Workout - Move thru the chakras, literally! Two sets: half hour chakra workout and sacred movement.
  11. Yoga Beauty Body - Featuring the "Magnificent 7," + much more!
  12. Yoga Bliss Hips - Let your energy flow in new and exciting ways!
  13. Yoga House Call - Yoga for long term issues, quick sets, more!
  14. Yoga Quick Fixes - Yoga fixes for on-the-spot self-healing, quick sets plus. Featuring Delete Depression, Headache Helper, more...
  15. Yoga for Beginners & Beyond: Stretch, Strengthen, Be  Stress Free - Kundalini/Hatha fusion. Embody the basics and grow your Kundalini practice! 
  16. Kundalini Yoga for Energy & Super Radiance -Kundalini Yoga to be the bright being you were born to be!
  17. Kundalini Yoga Cardio, Stretch, & Strengthen -Get set to sweat and grow!
  18. Kundalini Yoga Transformer All-In-One Workout - An amazing inner/outer workout. Featuring "Born Free," and more!
  19. Kundalini Yoga Solar Power All-In-One Workout - An amazing set to open the solar plexus plus Awaken Your Senses.
  20. Kundalini Yoga Meditation for Beginners & Beyond  - Grow you inner life and burn brightly in this world!
  21. Kundalini Yoga Body Electric All-In-One Workout  - Optimize your energy. Streamline your body. Glow!  
  22. Kundalini Yoga Flow Bootcamp All-In-One Workout Turn the tables on inertia. Move your energy, move your life
Many of our DVD's are also available on and
crocus Questions of
the Month

Eagle Eyes

Hi Ana & Ravi, I enjoy your DVDs a lot and they have been helping me greatly for the past 6 months.
I recently bought 'Yoga Quick Fixes', and then when I looked at the booklet, I realised that there is an exercise section for eyes 'Eagle Eye' in Yoga House Call, so I ordered that one too and I am awaiting for it to come.
I have been myopic (near-sighted) since I was a teenager (I now wear contact lenses), and several years ago, I read about the connection between emotional holding pattern and near-sightedness and also some exerscises for it (Bates method etc), and did some of these myself. Although I could not continue doing that at that time, I still believe that this 'emotional holding pattern' and the condition of the eyes and even the development of character/personality are connected.
So my question is that, in addition to eye exercise or your DVD I am waiting to receive, what else do you recommend to support this issue? I think, by looking at my life, it is really to do with self esteem/self confidence --- I mean 'lack of' them, and shyness etc. So the 3rd chakra and Liver especially?
I am working on these matters by myself for a long time, but I still feel that I need to be doing a lot. I have now come to the point where I really want to establish a completely new 'personality' because the way I have been in all ways no longer suits my spirit. It would be great if you could give me some advice! Thank you!

cherry blossomThanks for writing, and congratulations on beginning your Kundalini Yoga practice! It is true that there is a correlation between eyesight and emotional issues. The eyes are the windows to the soul and our minds translate our perceptions based on our pre-conditioning. The emotional correlate for near-sightedness would be the need to stay in a safe zone and create an intellectual buffer against the great mysteries of life. This orientation is often cultural, genetic, and generational. You are right in your assessment that Third Chakra Work would be very helpful in generating confidence. In Japan, "hara breathing," has been shown to improve eyesight. We also recommend the So Darshan Chakra Kriya Meditation which is on Yoga House Call as well. Try to do that Meditation at least 11-22 min. each day.  It will work on the emotions, Navel Chakra, and much more. We also recommend our Navel Power DVD, and our Solar Power DVD. Please keep us posted! We wish you joy, health, and abundant  blessings! 

P.S. A technique which Yogi Bhajan gave, which is a traditional yogic exercise, is to gaze at the sun, ONLY, as the sun is rising and setting, within 10 degrees above the horizon line and less. Do Long Deep Breathing and feel as if you are breathing through your eyes. Your eyes may water. This is said to prevent cataracts and will help to regenerate you. The optic nerve has a tie-in to the entire nervous system, brain, and psyche.  

The Kundalini Yoga Diet

Dear Ravi and Ana, I need help! I have a beautiful Kundalini Yoga cookbook called " The Kundalini Yoga Cookbook" that is so well written, and I want to follow all of the advice, especially since it comes straight from YB, but, I cannot handle all the spices - or nuts... or grains. I get headaches, stomach-aches, gain weight, puffy eyes, and I don't feel close to great. I am on the Kundalini Yoga teacher path - I really want to follow "the Rules."   But I can't, at least not at this time in my life.


Natalia Rose - (are you familiar with her?) Has a great program - raw 
juices for most of the day, and a big salad, with some fresh fish, 
and/or raw goat cheese, and, maybe, some La Loos Goat milk ice cream for desert! I feel "Great" - energy wise when I follow that plan. But I feel "terrible" in the sense that I am not eating ... mung beans and rice, etc.,and I do eat fish. She also recommends eggs 0-4 times per week. 


I really would love, love, love to know your thoughts on this Food 
Business. Perhaps you have a DVD out that discusses food  one that I 
must not have yet... (I think I have pretty much all of your DVD's...) 
 Or maybe you can refer me someone I can contact. (I live in LA) 


I am a Hatha Yoga teacher, (Not Cert Kundalini... yet!) and I just feel 
like I "should" be on the diet Yogi Bhajan put forth, like i'm not 
authentic or something if I can't do it.. 


I'm not going to reread this. I won't send it if I do. I know it sounds 
too obsessive probably.  :)  But I imagine I'm not the only one in this 


I'm at a normal weight - 5'5", 125... not feeling fat really - just I 
don't know, it's like I need to be "told" what to do on this... Thanks! Sat Nam! 


It's wonderful to hear that you are on the Kundalini Yoga teaching path! 

We are familiar with Natalia Roses program. It's contains great tips for transitioning to a raw food diet, while not insisting one needs to be 100% raw. We firmly believe that there is not one diet that is right for everyone. What was right  for Yogi Bhajan, or anyone else for that matter, may be all wrong for you!  If you feel amazing on a mostly raw food diet then that is the right diet for you at this time. 
We don't eat Yogi Bhajan's diet either, and feel that we would most likely experience many of the symptoms you describe if we did! 


We feel the Kundalini Yoga diet prescribed by Yogi Bhajan may be wonderful for someone who is moving to a vegetarian diet from the typical American one. YB's diet is based on very sound Ayurvedic principles and contains lots of starches, oils and spices, as well as dairy,  so that someone can transition without missing their salt, sugar, fried, starchy, and other rajastic (stimulating) foods they are used to.


I (Ana) eat a mostly raw diet and agree that the energy one gains from  an uncooked unprocessed whole food diet is incredible! I feel a raw food diet is  the perfect "yogic diet" for me because my food digests easily and quickly and my body and mind stay in a light bright energized state. Always ready for  yoga, meditation, and dance!  


We encourage you to throw out the "rules" and feel confident in creating your own "yogic diet."  If you like Natalia Rose's diet start with that as your template. How do certain foods make you feel? Are they energizing or draining? A little bit of "not this but that,and not that, but this" editing will get you closer to your perfect diet. And then it will keep evolving for the rest of your life. I (Ana) have been eating 95% raw for 10 years, but what I actually eat day to day is completely different from when I began. Each of us is an artist and our lives and health are works in progress. Your masterpiece is what constitutes balance for you! You will have occasion to create many masterpieces throughout your life, in every area of your life. Being on a Spiritual Path means to walk the tightrope between "the  rules," (previously established guidelines) and what your consciousness dictates, based on your particulars. Kundalini Yoga is the Yoga of Awareness, so use your awareness to follow up on what you feel is right for you, and you can't go wrong! Keep us posted as your diet and teaching evolve! We wish you a joyful, fun, and love filled Spring!  


DVD Recommendation   


Hello Ana and Ravi, I have four of your dvds which I rotate:  Kundalini Yoga for Beginners and Beyond, Fat Free Yoga Lose Weight/Feel Great, Liver Detox (Yoga Cleanse) and Ultimate Stretch Workout.
I would like to buy some more. Can you recommend a few? My main aims are to lose fear/blocks, tone, and lose a little fat below the navel. 
Thank you for your time. Best wishes,

Thanks for writing. We recommend that you keep up with your Yoga Cleanse at least twice a week. Weight gain below the navel often relates to an overtaxed/toxic liver. To help you achive your goals we also recommend: Navel Power, Warrior Workout, Kundalini Cardio Stretch & Strengthen,
Kundalini Yoga Bootcamp, and Yoga for Beginners & Beyond: Stretch, Strengthen, & Be Stress Free. These will help make you sleek and fierce! We wish you joy, health, and many blessings! 
Meditation of the Month: Communication Flow


Mercury went direct on April 4th, but you may often find that on the bookends of retrograde Mercury, communication can still be a bit confusing and confounding. This Meditation can help you direct Mercury energy towards conscious communication. 


double oath merc Part I

Easy Pose, Eyes 1/10 open, looking towards the tip of your nose. Raise your hands as if taking a double oath, elbows con- tacting the base of your ribs. Your thumbs press the base of your little fingers. Rotate your forearms in small, vigorous, circles: right clockwise, left counterclock- wise. 3 - 11 min.

Part II  

Immediately raise your arms overhead. Spread your fingers wide. Inhale deeply and chant a Long Saaaaaaaaaat and a very brief Nam. The ratio of Sat to Nam is about 35/1. Continue Long Sat Nam's for 1 - 3 min.  

Comments: Yogi Bhajan said, regarding Part 1: "The force of the movement of the hands allows your lower back to release. This is an effective exercise to help prevent or address chronic lower back pain. This exercise helps to keep a person young." Be sure you keep your thumbs pressed against the mounds of Mercury the entire time. This force of the hands also will clear the ears, nose, and throat. As a result of this Meditation, your communication with other people will be effective and mutually harmonious.

Sat Nam translates as Authentic Self. Truth is Unchangeable and Everlasting, but our authentic selves need to be flexible to meet the tests of the times, personally and collectively. Communicating effectively means that we accept that another person's agenda may be different than our own. That their basic assumptions may be different than our own. In the various venues of life different modes of communication are called for. This happens automatically when we can invoke the necessary frequencies (chakras) for the situation at hand. In this Meditation, the thumb at the base of the little finger stimulates Mercury (communication) energy. Rotating the forearms activates our auras. Raising the arms with the fingers wide projects our authenticity throughout the various layers (frequencies) of self and psyche. This gives us the ability to communicate directly from the vantage of all the levels which comprise us.
                                Check Out These Links!

Raviana Fan Page on Facebook

Raviana Group Page on Facebook

Ana on Twitter  Be the recipient of Ana's sky blue tweets!  

Our Website - Check out our tour schedule, A - Z Health Archive, More!

RAVIANA NEWSLETTER ARCHIVE  - Just click on this link to read past newsletters. 

We wish you an exhilarating, fun, and joyful April!

All Best,
Ana Brett & Ravi Singh

Disclaimer: The advice we give is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program or nutritional protocol