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In This Issue
Math Festival
Spring Book Fair
Fun Fair Save the Date
Honorary Service Awards
Turn Off the TV Week
Screamin' Daily Deals
PTA Elections
A Word From Our Principal
Counselor's Corner
Jog-a-thon Wrap Up
Little Lion, Big Heart
Green Week
Students Present to School Board
PTA Advocacy
Summer School Registration
PTA President's Corner
April 13
What does Math look like when it takes over a whole school?  Come see for yourself how interesting math can be!  The PTA is sponsoring a Math Festival brought to us by the California Mathematics Council, followed by a Family Math Festival that evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.

Volunteers are needed during the day!  Parents DO NOT need to be experts at math to volunteer to help students at the Math Festival.  You can learn everything you need right at your table!   A Math Festival is possibly the least threatening math experience parents will ever have; in fact it is a situation where both students and parents can have a good time doing math together.  Please consider volunteering for this event.  Click here and you will be taken to an online sign-up sheet.  PLEASE!
April 18-22
Stock up on books for TURN OFF THE TV (and all SCREENS) WEEK the following week.  Because it is also Green Week, the Book Fair boasts reading for the environmentally conscious, in addition to biographies, cookbooks, books about sports, picture books, classics and new releases for both the young and the less young.  Vacation is just around the corner and you'll want to lose yourself poolside with a new novel and cold beverage.  This is also an opportunity to donate books to your classrooms or the library.  Wednesday will be PAJAMA DAY at school during the day and at NIGHT at the Book Fair so don't bother dressing all day! Come on in and browse around...our hours are:
  • Monday - Thursday:  8am til 4pm
  • Wednesday Evening:  6pm til 8:30pm
  • Friday:  7:30am til 10:30am  -  LAST CALL

Volunteering is EASIER THAN EVER at the Book Fair because sign-ups are electronic and the shifts are a mere 1-1/2 hours.  By clicking here, you too can be part of one of the most fun weeks of the year!!!


May 21 & 22

Fun Fair Logo

Plan on joining us for two fun-filled days of games, foods, arts and crafts, shooting silly string, and throwing confetti eggs at your friends.  This year will feature new rides and four new games: Wheel of Fortune, Golf Putting, an inflatable basketball game, and a nerf target game -  you won't want to miss it!

Fun Fair is a combined fund-raising effort of the three elementary schools together.  The only way this Fair is possible is with parent volunteers.  You will be contacted soon about which booth your class has been assigned to staff and sent a link to sign up electronically.  Please sign-up to work a 2-hour shift.    

If you have donations of books, dvds, and/or educational games for the Book Nook, there will be a collection box in the office soon.

Do you know an individual or group who....... 
 *  Has served as an example of dedication and service on behalf of our children? 
 *  Has made an outstanding contribution to our youth, school and/or community?

If so, simply submit your Nomination for the Honorary Service Awards online by
clicking here. Or, you can download a form here and turn it in to the office.  
Nominations are due April 29th and awards will be presented at the Spring Dance scheduled for June 3rd.  Questions?  Please contact Deb Vogel Cornwell at
We challenge you to participate in Turn Off the TV Week April 25 - May 1, which means NO SCREENS AT ALL - TV, videos, video games, ipods, ipads, iphones, or Turn Off The TV Week 2009computer games -  for the entire week, the weekend included!  (Computers may be used for homework assignments and email). 

You will receive a Turn-Off Guide with alternate activity suggestions.  As an added incentive, if enough Marengo students participate and return the signed certificate on the back of their guide to their teachers, students will get to participate in a Field Day of super fun games and relays inspired by Dr. Seuss books.  Field Day is tentatively scheduled for June 10th, pending ample participation in Turn Off the TV Week.

A FUN NEW, COMMITMENT FREE, FUNDRAISER has come our way.  Screamin' Daily Deals, similar to Groupon, has great local savings and earns Marengo $1 for every email address signed up - PLUS we receive a10% donation on every sale.  It's a win-win opportunity as well at a 100% secure website.  To get started, click here , then click "Signup for daily alerts" (upper right corner).  Be SURE to click on Marengo so we receive our donations.  If you like it, refer your friends and family members and receive $10 credit towards your next purchase.  You may unsubscribe at anytime!
The PTA Meeting that had been scheduled for April 13th has been moved to April 12th at 8:20 a.m in the day care room.  At this important meeting you will get updates on issues facing our school as well as a chance to vote on officers for the 2011-2012 PTA Executive Board.  The nominees are:

Liz Price
Executive VP: 
Norma Lee
VP-Wish Night: 
Angie McGrath
VP-Ways & Means: 
Deborah Lutz
VP-Enrichment Programs:
Kelli Driscoll
VP-Shopping Programs:
Kathleen Lih
Christine Chang
Laura Morales
Jennifer Kirschenbaum
Corresponding Secretary:
Kathleen Michel
Rebecca Haidar

Eileen Lee

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  APRIL 2011

Lost and Found Racks Cleared
All-City Track Meet Entry Forms Due 

4/4 - 4/8


5:30 - 8:00 pm - Elementary Summer Sch
ool Registration  
District Board Room
(Line Numbers given out at 6:00 am)
8:15 am - PTA General Membership Meeting and Election  
                2010-2011 Executive Board - Auditorium

8:30 am - Coffee with the Director of Special Education
District Conference Room 5  

8:00 am - 2:30 pm - California Math Council 
Math Festival
9:00 - 12:00 & 1:00 - 4:00 - New Family Registration

3:00 pm - School Site Council Meeting  5:30 - 8:00 pm - Intermediate Summer School Registration
District Board Room
(Line Numbers given out at 6:00 am)
6:30 - 7:30 - Family Math Festival

9:00 - 12:00 & 1:00 - 4:00 - New Family Registration

4/18 - 4/22

Green Week - E-WASTE DRIVE!
Spring Book Fair


Student Council Spirit Day - Pajama Day!  

6:00 - 8:30 pm - Family Night at the Book Fair 


4:00 pm - All-City Track Meet


8:20 am - PTA Executive Board Meeting


Honorary Service Nominations Due 

Dear Marengo Community,


Happy Spring to you all!  Spring is a time of renewal and growth.  It's the time of year when Marengo's School Site Council begins to take nominations for the next school year.


The School Site Council consists of 12 members composed of the following:  the principal of Marengo, four certificated personnel, one classified personnel, and six parents of Marengo students or community members.  This year there are two parent seats open for nomination.


The role of the Marengo School Site Council (SSC) is to make recommendations relating to the development, implementation, evaluation and modification of the Single Plan for Student Achievement to the site administrator for presentation to the Superintendent of South Pasadena Unified School District.


The primary task of the SSC is to ensure that the school is continually engaged in identifying and implementing curriculum and instructional practices that result in both strengthening the core academic program and ensuring that students have access to and success in that program.  The core program should embody the district's curriculum and standards, which itself should reflect the essence of the state frameworks and standards.


Please stop by the office to fill out a nomination form if you or somebody you know would like to serve on the Marengo School Site Council.  Elections will take place during the May 4 SSC meeting!


Thanks and have a restful break!





Kim Sinclair 


Our family is spending spring break in one of my favorite places...home. I enjoy a morning chat with our sweet cat, scuffing through the house in the same garden clothes I wore the day before and closing my eyes in the middle of a good book. But my very favorite indulgence is ignoring time. The demands of family schedules have me glued to the clock much of the year. But for one lovely week, I will release time.


I had a lot of help writing this article. Many Marengo students graciously and excitedly answered my plea for help. I told them I was writing this article and asked them if they would answer a few questions about the upcoming vacation. "What is the best

part about spring break?" "How will you spend your time next week?" "What does a vacation mean to you?" Here are some of their responses:


"Vacation means a chance to play!"

"It's time away from school."

"No homework!"

"Vacation means I don't have to be cooped up inside!"

"Spring break is a time to explore new places."

"Vacation is a time to be with my friends for longer than lunch."

"Next week I don't have to get up early."


Themes of relaxation, play, getting outdoors, and exploration were reoccurring. Time away from classroom work and home work brought several cheers. As one little girl said, " Spring Break is a mini version of summer and all the good things to come."

Sounds like a nice thing to try for a week.




Kathryn Hutto 


In a word: Wow! What a rockin' great time we had at the Jog-a-Thon on March 11! We changed things up a little bit with the color of this year's t-shirt, and we couldn't have asked for better weather as hundreds of kids walked and ran around the playground to raise money for our school. Once again, Miss Lang provided the get-ya-movin' music and unending enthusiasm, and teachers from every grade  -- along with our fantastic principal Mrs. Sinclair -- were out there representin'. Way to go, teachers!


OJogathonf course none of this would have been possible without the dedicated effort of our parent volunteers. Thank you all for making this year's event run so smoothly, from the prize assemblies and kinder event to the set-up, tallying and clean-up. More thanks to parents who helped your kids secure pledges. Times are tough on many, yet we all came together and managed to raise more than $18,000 (to date). (By the

way, it's never too late to turn in outstanding pledges!)

Jog-A-Thon money earner

Congratulations (and thank you!) to top money-earner, 2nd grader Sam Deetjen!


A special, heartfelt thanks to my fantastic team of coordinators: Saydi Staudenmaier, Jordan Daines, Katie Clark and Samantha Shew, the best support team ever! Thank you to Mr. Terry, Ms. De Young, and our awesome PTA, who let me literally run with the event for the past few years! And finally, thanks Marengo, for the fantastic memories.


Michelle Speers 



Red Cross check photoWhen second grader Sharon Liu learned of the suffering in Japan she decided she wanted to make a difference.  Sharon challenged Marengo students at an assembly to each bring in one dollar to go to relief efforts in Japan.  At this morning's assembly Sharon, along with her classmates and teacher Miss Lang, presented a check for nearly $650 to Ben Green, CEO of the San Gabriel Valley Chapter of the American Red Cross.  Marengo students clearly demonstrated their understanding of the March word of the month: Caring. 

In honor of Earth Day, we will once again focus on ways for families and students to live more greenly during the entire week of April 18th.  Students will be issued a challenge to be an Eco-Star, which includes many ways they can make changes in their own lives.  There will also be a week-long walk/bike/scoot to school raffle with daily drawings.  The more times you enter, the better your chances of winning the special grand prize on Friday!  There will also be a recycled art activity, expert presentations about native plants and composting, a book swap, and a bike clinic to get our bike properly fitted and ready to ride.  Student Council is organizing a Crayon Recycling drive.  More details and information about other activities will be coming out in backpack mail after Spring Break. 


During Green Week, we will be hosting our fourth annual E-Waste Drive.  Please drop off old household electronic equipment and batteries to be recycled.  No hazardous waste please.  E-waste bins will be located at the kindergarten and Stratford gates. 


marenGOgreen logo 

School Board

Marengo students presented at a School Board meeting about similarities and differences in life at Marengo in 1911 and 2011.

Front row l to r: Liam Wright, Annika Easterby, Molly Kirschenbaum, Luke McGrath, Clara Pierce, Alexa Morales, Jin Woo Si, Serin Hwang, and Liana Zangwill Back row l to r: Veronica Lutz-Hibbard, Jackie Lutz-Hibbard, Oona Lee, Michael McGrath, Grey Dugan, Troy Elsner, Daniella Lat, Eric Cuellar,  

Adam Schroeder, Ella Lopez, and Rachel Ostrowski


On March 24, Governor Brown deferred $2.1 billion in payments to K-12 schools.  The Governor will also make additional cuts to K-12 education if tax extensions are not approved.  The Governor was hoping to allow the people of California to vote in June on whether certain taxes could be extended in order to avoid further cuts to K-12 Education, but time is running out.  Without the tax extensions, K-12 and dozens of state-funded programs will need to be cut.  In this scenario, SPUSD would lose at least $350 per student next year.  Our state representatives, Senator Kevin de Leon and Assemblymember Anthony Portantino are in favor of putting these extensions on a June ballot.  Please contact your family and friends in other parts of California and ask them to let their representatives know that education has been cut far too much and that these extensions are essential.
Don't Be Left Out in the Cold.
Here's How to Register. 

Get your kids the most popular Summer School classes and assure them a summer of enrichment, learning, creativity and fun. Get ready to act fast!


Elementary School registration for SPUSD students entering Kindergarten through 4th grade begins Monday, April 11, 2011.  The South Pasadena Educational Foundation will begin distributing placeholder line numbers starting at 6 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on April 11th  at the SPEF office, which is located at 1020 El Centro, Room #3, South Pasadena. Please note that some have lined up as early as 2 or 3 a.m. to ensure an early registration time.  In order to be issued a number, you must have a completed application with you. Applicants may leave once issued an appointment time/line number, but they must return to the evening Live Registration at least 10 minutes before their designated or assigned registration time.


Live registration takes place from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the School District Board Room, at 1020 El Centro Street, South Pasadena. Applicants may also register by mailing in their application, or by dropping them off at the SPEF office starting Tuesday, April 12, 2011.  


Intermediate School registration for SPUSD students entering 4th through 8th grades begins Wednesday, April 13, 2011. Please follow the same instructions as above.


Summer school runs from Monday, June 27 to Friday July 22, 2011 for both Elementary and Intermediate School students.


Summer School brochures are available for download from the SPEF website at, and in hard copy from the SPEF office at 1020 El Centro St.  Room #3.   


Don't delay! Popular classes fill up quickly.


Please call 626-441-5810 x1163 with any questions.


Dear Marengo Families,

While our students are taking a well deserved break, your PTA is still hard at work planning activities for the rest of the school year.  We are really excited about our Math Festival, which is taking place Wednesday, April 13.  During the day our students will rotate through various math stations as a class, and then from 6:30-7:30 that evening is a chance for you and your children to do math activities together. We still need many volunteers for the day time event - and you don't have to be a math whiz to help out!  If you would like to volunteer, please visit and chose a time that works for you.

We also hope you can join us for our next PTA meeting which is on Tuesday, April 12 at 8:20 am.  We will be electing our officers for next year and hope you will come be involved in the process.  Also in April we have Green Week and Book Fair from the 18th to the 22nd, with that week concluding with the All City Track Meet on April 22 (sign ups for that event are due today).  Then the week of April 25 - May 1 we have Turn Off the TV (and all Screens) Week - and that is just what your PTA has planned for April!

Looking back for a moment we would like to thank Mr. Speck for his presentation at the last PTA meeting about technology in the classroom. It was both informative and inspiring.  A high five goes to Michelle Speers and her team for bringing us the Jog-a-Thon once again, to our generous sponsors and of course to all of our runners!  Over $18,000 has already come in and more is coming in every day.  Finally, thank you to Kerri Terrill and Angie McGrath for again hosting a lovely Teacher-Staff Appreciation luncheon. 

Enjoy your break and we'll see you back at school!
PJ Lutz                                 Karen Weinstock

PTA President                      Executive Vice President