Cienega High School
Cat Chat Newsletter
August 2012  


Dear Cienega Families:


Welcome to the 2012/2013 school year! School is well underway with 1900 students and 210 staff. We said goodbye to several teachers who began new chapters in the lives in other school districts. We welcome our 13 new teachers to Cienega.


New electives have been scheduled and now include our Navy Cadet Program. We have had a few facelifts with the facilities and have created an exceptional learning and caring environment for your students.


Welcome to our new families - new to the Vail Community and incoming Class of 2016! You have entered an A+ School of Excellence; a city recognized "Be Kind" school, and a Commit to Graduate (C2G) National Model School. Cienega High School is a high-energy, dedicated school focusing on Connections High standards Success. We work to make connections with students and families, working to ensure that students are known, feel safe and comfortable at school. The Vail School District offers a guaranteed curriculum setting high standards to maximize student's potential because we believe that students can and will have success from our staff and programs.


If your son or daughter is interested in bringing their own "digital device" such as a netbook, laptop, iPod, iPad and would like to register the device to connect to Cienega's Wi-Fi, these devices are welcomed by teachers to use in class for note taking and extended learning activities. Students can register their devices in the tech office. We do not have lockers, so students would keep their devices with them in backpacks during the school day. A great alternative for note-taking and easy access to the MOODLE.


What is MOODLE?. A strange word for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment. It is an open-source software package for teachers to post lectures, assignments, discussions, calendars, etc. This way when you son or daughter is not in school, he or she can access the work from the MOODLE for the specific teacher. No more calling in for missed work! Take a few minutes to Google MOODLE for more information Your student has a MOODLE password. Be sure to ask your student to share that password with you and show you each of their teacher's MOODLE page.


Again, welcome to the new school year. Students will make memories here to last a lifetime.




Dr. Tricia Pe�a

Safe Routes to School Grant Awarded!
AC3 Ghia Almost Ready
Monologue Showcase 2012
Bus Drivers Needed
Brainbook Course Online
Senior Information
Vail Ranks #1
Poetry Slam Club
Volunteer Corner
Math Tutoring


Vail's application for the Safe Routes To School grant has been successfully awarded to our community.  It is a $400,000 grant that will provide a multi-use path from OVMS past Cienega to the end of the housing development to the west. 

Many people were involved in pulling together the grant and making this possible.  It is another fine example of our community working together for the common good of our student.  Thank you Rob Samuelson from VCAB for leading the charge!


The Arizona Educational Foundation A+ program celebrates education and bringing to light the positive stories and successes happening in public schools. In the A+ application process students, parents, staff, and community members addressed school culture, climate, activities, and academics. The A+ award is a four year recognition. Cienega High School was recognized as an A+ School in 2008 and again in 2012.

Click below to download a copy of the A+ application Cienega High School was required to submit for consideration of this award.

A+ Application

CHS GHIA Students are working on the final details of the AC3 Ghia.  According to the students they are" working on the final 5% that takes 30% of the work time."  Students plan to show the finished car at local car shows in September and October, before having the appraised and offering the car for sale.  Money from the sale of the Ghia will then finance the finishing of the '72 Volksrod.


  Cienega Intermediate Drama will be presenting the 2012 Monologue Showcase.  This year the showcase features four classic American plays from four American playwrights.  Harvey by Mary Chase, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams, Barefoot in the Park by Neil Simon, and A view from the Bridge by Arthur Miller.  This show will feature selected monologues from each of the shows to provide the audience the flavor of the different styles and themes present in the playwrights' works.  The show times are September 7th during Advisory Base and 7:00pm.  The advisory base show is $1.00 per person, first come first serve.  The evening show is open to the public and the suggested donation is $2.00.  Hope to see you at the show.


Now Hiring School Bus Drivers - paid training, no experience needed. Apply online at or call 879-2064.


The Brainbook-Concussion Education course is now online!  


All Athletes must complete brainbook online before the first competition. Only one is needed for entire High School career. See the Athleltic Office for questions or call 879-2892.


  • Bring printed certification to the 400 office
  • Failure to complete will eliminate players from competing 



Class of 2016
500+ students signed the Class of 2016 banner at the Freshmen Assembly!  Way to Go Class of 2016!


The Brainbook-Concussion Education course is now online!  


All Athletes must complete brainbook online before the first competition. Only one is needed for entire High School career. See the Athleltic Office for questions or call 879-2892.


  • Bring printed certification to the 400 office
  • Failure to complete will eliminate players from competing 






Welcome senior parents and students!


I am John Tritz, the counselor for the Class of 2013. The senior year in high school is full of exciting challenges and opportunities. Exciting traditions are in place to celebrate our senior's successes and accolades this year. One of the traditions started last year is our "Wall of the Future". When a senior has been accepted to a college, signs military enlistment papers, or enrolls in a technical or trade school, we want to acknowledge this achievement by hanging a plaque in the front office. For every accolade mentioned on this wall, the senior student will be placed in a drawing for a free iPad to be given away at Honors night next May!

Other important information:


Seniors needing a transcript will now need to request them electronically through We no longer manually process transcripts for students. Go to:  to request a transcript.


Fall Testing Deadlines for SAT and ACT:


All seniors attending a 4 year College or University must take the SAT OR ACT. It is strongly recommended to take it this fall if a student has not already done so. Practice tests are available in the counseling office.


     TEST                    DATE                    DEADLINE             WEB Address



     ACT                    Sept. 8                     Aug. 17      
                               Oct. 27                    Sept. 21
                               Dec. 8                      Nov. 2  

     SAT                    Oct. 6                       Sept. 7  
                               Nov. 3                      Oct. 4
                               Dec. 1                      Nov. 1
  • Scholarship opportunities are listed and updated on the Cienega Website on the "Counselor Page." View the site often for regular updates.
  • Financial Aid information will be available in January, look for details in future Cat Chats!
  • Students with a 3.5 unweighted core GPA that have no "C's" or lower in any core classes, have EXCEEDED all three sections of the AIMS test and scored a 28 on the ACT or a 1300 on the reading and math portion of the SAT test qualify for a 25% tuition waiver from any of the three state universities. The Spring 2012 tests were the last tests available for a student to qualify. Students can still qualify for the tuition waiver if they exceeded TWO tests and have a score of 3 or higher on TWO AP Exams.
  • I look forward to working with the students and parents of the class of 2013! You can contact me at 879-1843 or 



The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) today announced the Vail School District as the top-rated, multi-school district in the State of Arizona.

Vail School District received an "A" grade based upon the 2011-2012 school year. All twelve of Vail's elementary and middle schools also earned an "A" grade for the school year.  


See more    





Hey, Cats! Love words? Love to express yourself? We wanna hear your voice! "Absom," Cienega's newest club, is all about "poetry slams" and "poetry outloud." (click here to learn about poetry slams!)  (click here to learn about "poetry outloud"!)
Contact Kirsten Conrad or Jessica Fetsko, English teachers and co-leaders, for any details you need. We can't wait to meet you!




Hi and Welcome to the Volunteer Corner!   


If you would like to volunteer at Cienega this school year, you will need to complete an online volunteer application and print/sign a notarized Affidavit.  Vantage West Credit Union in Rita Ranch notarizes our Affidavits for free.  We also have a notary on campus for your convenience.  If you have already completed your on line application, you will need to update it every year with your desire to continue to volunteer.  It's easy to update your volunteer information, click on the VOLUNTEER tab on the Cienega website and follow the prompts.  

I'd like to say THANK YOU to the following volunteers who helped get our school ready for the new year!

Reyna Peery              Gaylynn Blancett        Teresa Denson
Joe Grossi                 Jenni Palmer              Maggie Griffith
Colleen L-Bigman       Araceli Gomez            Michelle Rottler
Rachel Lyman            Susie Brettel              Robyn Waier
Corrine Gresham        Brad Olson                Gabrielle Varvel
Michele Spooner         Regina Tiedemann     Andrea Gomez
Kiki Ngo                     Leslie Weatherford     Peggy Johnston
Missy Blair                 Ashley Bingham         Marcia Zuta
Ali Garrett                  Ana Escobar              Tracy Conklin
Odia Duran                 Heather Rascon         Kathy Thitchener
Michelle McClellan       Erika Vareles             Rhonda Mack
Renee Fischer             Charles Othon           Brenna Clendaniel
Kayla Good                 Allie Bingham            Kiana Good
Glenaver Charles-Emerson

Also thanks to all the volunteers that just showed up to help, it's a big job and we couldn't have done it without you!

Here's a big shout out to our band parents, they've been working extremely hard getting uniforms ready, sets built and painted and all around task masters!  Thanks to:

Sharon Banken        Gary Banken            Barry Bahrychuk 

Frank Carrizosa        Kathy Coffman         Mike Coffman       Nicole Delgado         Lisa Delbert             Kim Gauthier         

Kim Kenner             Mike Kenner             Vivian Leitel
Ramona McHenry     Nancy Niemeir         Doan Ngo               Kiki Ngo                  Sergio Pizarro          Christina Pizarro   David Prather          Don Ringuette          Robin Ringuette   Jennifer Vandivort    Michelle White         Marc White

Please remember to sign in and out with the front office whenever you are on campus.   





For Seniors and Parents of Seniors.  Did you know that Cienega is an SAT testing site on October 6th?  Sign up on by September 6th to reserve your spot.  Also, look for information in the mail about PSAT/ SAT test prep on September 12th and 13th.



In order to help our students perform well on the SAT's we've instituted the CHS Word of the Week.  We will be selected words from the Top 100 words found on the SAT's.  Check out our August Words of the Week:

Week of 8-6-12
su�per�flu�ous [soo-pur-floo-uhs]
being more than is sufficient or required; excessive.

Week of 8-13-12 

spu�ri�ous [spyoor-ee-uhs]


not genuine, authentic, or true; not from the claimed, pretended, or proper source; counterfeit.


Week of 8-20-12 

pro�sa�ic [proh-zey-ik]


commonplace or dull; matter-of-fact or unimaginative: a prosaic mind.


Week of 8-27-12  

sa�gac�i�ty [suh-gas-i-tee]


acuteness of mental discernment and soundness of judgment.




After-school Math tutoring will be available on Mondays and Wednesdays, 3:30p - 5:30p, in room 322.



Thank you parents for your support of Cienega. We truly appreciate your involvement! 


Cienega High School



8/13 Cat Frat Meeting 6:30

8/14 SEP Propsaal Review

8/15 - Half Day for Students

8/21 & 8/22 - Picture Day

8/29 Half Day for Students

9/3 - No School - Labor Day

9/6 & 9/7 Intermediate Monologue Showcase 7pm

9/10 Cat Frat Meeting 6:30

9/13 Parent/Teacher Conferences in Cafeteria

9/24-10/5 Fall Break

10/8 - Cat Frat Meeting 6:30

10/16 Picture Make Up & Retakes

10/17 - Bobcat Student of Success

11/2 & 11/3 - Drama Fall Show 7pm Blackbox

11/8 - ASVAB Testing

11/12 - No School - Veteran's Day

11/22 & 11/23 No School - Thanksgiving Holidays



High Standards




Cienega High School

Vision Statement


Cienega High School creates an educational environment utilizing partnerships among community, parents, and staff to assist students in maximizing their academic potential and promoting life-long learning.


Front Office   - 879-2800     Attendance   -  879-2803   
Bookstore     -  879-2824 
Registrar       - 879-2812

Health Office - 879-2810
Volunteer Coordinator
Karen Brandt  - 879-2811                  

Front Office/200 House   
Tricia Pe�a, Ed.D
Secretary - Della Ruiz 879-2816 
Senior Counselor
John Tritz - 879-1843 

300/700 House
Assistant Principal
Geoff Parks

Secretary - Gloria Klinicki 879-2855
Freshmen Counselor
Eric Boxley - 879-2854


400/600 House/Athletics      
Assistant Principal
Nemer Hassey
Athletic Director - Whitney Holland - 879-1813            

Secretary - Cathy Ochoa  879-2892
Counselor A - L
Dainah Graham - 879-2819

500 House/Special Education/Security          
Assistant Principal
Kelly Hadden
Secretary - Rachel Ferrari 879-2874

Counselor M - Z
Colette Clendaniel-879-2817

Special Education Secretary Patty McKnight 879-1804

Special Education Counselor

Rebecca Carrier - 879-1825 


Communications Coordinator

Elizabeth Taggart - 879-2878 


CHS website:               


Silhouette Photography - 886-1710  (Senior pictures for yearbook)
Sodexho - 879-2090 or

District Office - 879-2000

Transportation - 879-2475

Get your YEARBOOK today!


Follow Us on FACEBOOK 



Follow CHS on Twitter 


CHS Online Store
Spirit Wear & More!

Cienega Stadium Chair

Cienega Stadium Seat


Only available at our on-line store.


 Click here for Online Ordering   



Support Cienega while supporting your back. Convenient pockets hold concessions and necessities. Features include: 600 denier polyester. Adjustable straps on each side of seat for perfect fit and easy carrying. Large zippered pocket for additional storage. Dimensions: 17"w x 15.5"d (seat)




Job Openings

Are you a parent or resident looking for a job?


Vail School District - Community Services is looking for dynamic, energetic and positive staff members. Please click on the link below for the job descriptions, qualifications, salary guide, and the application process.


Please contact Linda Jones at 520-879-2032 or for further information.


Click for job openings here   


Cienega High School

It's that time of year again to pre-order your yearbook.  Go to


Would you like an extra 4 pages in your yearbook that you design?  This year, you can buy an extra 4 pages to be put in only your yearbook.  Go to  

for more information.