Hearts of Hope
In This Issue
Paige's Story
Transposition - TGA
Upcoming Event?
The Heart of a Child
Protein Losing Enteropathy
Quick Links

Featured Story
9 year old Paige was born with Transposition of the Great Arteries and has had two open heart surgeries.

Read how this brave young girl has triumphed over this severe heart defect.
If you would like to share your child's story, please email us at: [email protected]
Featured Congenital Heart Defect
Transposition of the great arteries is a heart defect present at birth (congenital), in which the two main arteries leaving the heart are reversed (transposed). In transposition of the great arteries, these two arteries - the aorta and the pulmonary artery - are connected to the wrong chambers of the heart.

Read more about TGA
Do you have an upcoming event?
It is one of Hearts of Hope visions to help our community of heart families share their special event in honor of the many children born with a CHD every year. If you are organizing or participating in a fundraising opportunity, Hearts of Hope would like to support you.

click here and give us information about your event so that we can share it with our heart community.

  Stay connected with other HOH members
Hearts of Hope would like to help our members stay connected to eachother through our 
"Sharing Program"
If you would like to share you childs CarePage, blog page or webpage with us to share with other HOH members, please e-mail us at:
ATT: Kristy
[email protected]
with the name of your child's webpage.
please e-mail us at:

Hearts of Hope Links

Please be sure to update us if your home address, e-mail address or phone number have changed so that we can keep you informed of upcoming events.Thanks!


Please join Hearts of Hope for our annual
"Day for Hearts"
Feb event

celebration in honor of all our heart miracles.

Saturday, February 9th, 2008
12:30-3:00 pm

Woodside Bible Church
6600 Rochester Road
Troy, Michigan  48085

We invite all families affected by congenital heart defects and the professionals who work with them. Our afternoon will be filled with activities, music, magicians, clowns, games, and a special surprise guest appearance by a much loved character. Lunch and beverages will be provided. This is a terrific opportunity to meet other families, share stories, offer support, spread hope and create friendships that will last a lifetime. 

 If you would like to join us at this event, located at
Woodside Bible Church
you can register on-line at [email protected] or call (248) 840-0907 with your name and number of people attending by February 2nd.
Click HERE for event Flyer
Click HERE for a list of suggested items

**We will be collecting donations for our care packages to be sent to children in the hospital recovering from open-heart surgery. Please consi
der helping us with this wonderful program**

volunteers neededVolunteers are needed to help with set up, tables and clean up. If you are able to volunteer any of your time, please e-mail us at voluntee[email protected] or call (248) 840-0907

heart of a childThe Heart of a Child's
2nd Annual
Dinner and Silent Auction.

February 2nd, 2008
from 6:30-11:00 pm at
 Bakers of Milford
205 S. Milford Rd.
                   Milford, MI

The Heart of a Child is a non-profit organization benefiting children with congenital heart defects through Cardiovascular research at Children's Hospital of Michigan.


For ticket information visit:
Deadline for ticket orders is January 26, 2008. 


The Rebekah G. Leithren Foundation is asking for our help in raising funds to find the cause, safer interim treatments, and subsequent cure for Protein Losing Enteropathy or PLE

You can help by simply asking your employer if you can set up collection boxes for used inkjet, laserjet and toner cartridges. They will supply you with the boxes and labels. All you would need to do is tape the box up fill in the top portion of the label with information they will provide and call FedEX to pick the box up. Shipping is prepaid. The recycler pays the RGL Foundation directly for the cartridges. Please contact them at [email protected] or call them at 302-731-9713 if this is something you would be willing to do.

**Hearts of Hope will have a collection box at our February 9th, "Day for Hearts" celebration. Please feel free to bring any used cartridges for the collection box to this event so we can help fight the battle against PLE.**
There are many events happening within our community. If you know of an upcoming event, please contact us with any information about the event. Lastly, you are invited to share your child's story on our website which provides "hope" to new families beginning their heart journey. If you would like to help us offer this "hope" or if you have an existing CarePage set up and would like to share your child's CarePage, please e-mail us with your CarePage name or bio and photo to [email protected] .
We appreciate your support. Together we will make a difference in the lives of those affected by congenital heart defects.

Hearts of Hope S.E. Michigan
Stay Connected with Friends and Family during your child's hospitalization!

CarePages are private personalized Web pages provided to you as a FREE service by Hearts of Hope.
Starting a CarePage is easy! We can help you set yours up in less than 10 minutes. To get started click here and then on the CarePages logo!
Legal Disclaimer: The information contained is made available by Hearts of Hope for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute the services of a healthcare professional or to replace the medical advice of physicians. The reader should consult a physician in all matters relating to health issues.