WOW! Women On Writing announces Karen Wojcik Berner's blog tour
Blog Tour Dates: September 17 - October 12
You're invited! Meet Karen and her fabulous blog hostesses
Have you ever looked around at your home, your family, your life and wondered, Really? This is me? What happened to that person who was going to live in a penthouse in New York City? Travel to the Arctic Circle? Save the world? We've all had those moments where we wonder if we've stumbled into the wrong life.
Of course, Catherine Ebert of Until My Soul Gets It Right has the moments more frequently than most of us. In fact, every time something goes wrong in her life she looks around and decides it's time to move on to the next town, the next life, the next recreation of herself.
Don't miss the latest book in the Bibliophiles Series that follows Catherine, the actress of the group, as she searches for her real life.
Stop by The Muffin today for a fantastic interview with Karen, and enter to win a copy of Until My Soul Gets It Right via the Rafflecopter form. The giveaway closes on Thursday, September 20, so don't miss out. Tweet about this great giveaway using the hashtag #Bibliophiles2.
Bloggers: If you'd like to host a WOW author, please e-mail us with your request or simply reply to this e-mail. Be sure to check out our Upcoming Tours section below.
Authors: If you'd like to schedule a tour for yourself, please reply to this e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!
Happy reading!
~ Jodi and Angela ~ (Your Hostesses)

Karen Wojcik Berner lives a provincial life tucked away with her family in the Chicago suburbs. If it was good enough for Jane Austen, right? However, dear Miss Austen had the good fortune of being born amid the glorious English countryside, something Karen unabashedly covets, so much so that she majored in English and communications at Dominican University. Like the magnificent Miss Austen, Karen could not help but write about the society that surrounds her.
A booklover since she could hold one in her chubby little toddler hands, Karen wanted to announce to the world just how much she loves the written word. She considered getting a bibliophile tattoo but instead decided to write about the lives of the members of a suburban Classics Book Club. The series is called, of course,
The Bibliophiles.
When she's not reading, writing, or spending her time wishing she was Jane Austen, Karen can be found sipping tea or wine, whichever is more appropriate that day, and watching Tim Burton movies or "Chopped," her favorite foodie TV show.
Find out more about Karen by visiting her online: Author website: http://www.karenberner.com/
Karen's blog, Bibliophilic Blather: http://karenwojcikberner.blogspot.com/
About Until My Soul Gets It Right |
Until My Soul Gets It Right
by Karen Wojcik Berner
The ladies (and man) of the Bibliophiles Book Club are back! This time the spotlight is on Catherine. Catherine Elbert has never been good at making decisions, whether it was choosing an ice cream flavor as a child or figuring out what she wanted to be when she grew up. The only thing Catherine knew for sure was there had to be more to her life than being stuck on her family's farm.
So Catherine became enamored with the complete opposite of the flat farmlands of Burkesville, Wisconsin--the ocean, lobsters, and rugged coast of Portland, Oregon. Despite her parents' threat to disown her and her brothers' bets on how many days until she comes home Catherine heads for Peaks Island, off the coast of Portland.
She is finally free. Or so she thought.
Paperback: 294 pages Publisher: CreateSpace (May 2012) ISBN: 1475189036 Twitter Hashtag: #Bibliophiles2 Until My Soul Gets It Right is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well as your local independent bookstore.
If you missed Book 1 in the series, A Whisper to a Scream, Karen is holding a giveaway on her blog, Bibliophilic Blather, starting on Tuesday! You can also pick up a copy at Amazon and Barnes and Noble as well.
Let's Kick Off the Blog Tour!
Monday, September 17 @ The Muffin! - Today!
Stop by The Muffin for a fascinating interview with Karen Berner, and enter to win a copy of Until My Soul Gets It Right!
Wednesday, September 19 @ A Writer's Life Learn more about Karen Berner and the second book in her Bibiliophiles series today. http://carolineclemmons.blogspot.com
Thursday, September 20 @ Bibliophilic Blather Stop by Karen's blog to learn how to win the first book in the Bibliophiles Series! http://karenwojcikberner.blogspot.com/
Friday, September 21 @ Book Spark Try your hand at a quiz on Shakespeare-a favorite of Catherine, the main character of Until My Soul Gets It Right by Karen Berner. Then enter to win a copy of this can't-put-it-down novel! http://book-spark.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, September 25 @ Empty Nest Don't miss today's review of Until My Soul Gets It Right, book two in the Bibliophiles Series by Karen Berner. http://emptynest1.blogspot.com
Wednesday, September 26 @ Musings from the Slushpile In the mood for a Bibliophile's Tour of Chicago? Join us for today's tour with author Karen Berner as your guide. You can also win a copy of Berner's novel Until My Soul Gets It Right. http://blog.juliealindsey.com/
Thursday, September 27 @ Donna's Book Pub When the going gets tough, the tough get going...at least that's the motto of the latest star of the Bibliophiles Series by Karen Berner. Don't miss a review of Until My Soul Gets it Right. http://donnasbookpub.blogspot.com
Friday, September 28 @ CMash Loves to Read Have some fun today when Karen Berner tells you how to "Be a Character: Dressing Up Like Your Favorite Literary Hero/Heroine" Don't miss out a chance to win Karen's latest book, Until My Soul Gets It Right. http://cmashlovestoread.com/
Sunday, September 30 @ Fresh Fiction Stop by for a bit of Shakespeare from Karen Berner's latest character and a chance to win her latest book: Until My Soul Gets It Right. http://freshfiction.com/
Tuesday, October 2 @ Thoughts in Progress Learn how to organize your own classics book club and enter to win Until My Soul Gets It Right, Book Two in Karen Berner's series The Bibliophiles. http://www.masoncanyon.blogspot.com/
Wednesday, October 4 @ Words by Webb Stop by for thoughts on a new kind of book series and a chance to win A Whisper to a Scream by Karen Berner. http://jodiwebb.com
Thursday, October 4 @ Kerrific Get the scoop on the second book in Karen Berner's Bibliophiles series: Until My Soul Gets It Right with today's review. http://kerrificonline.blogspot.com
Friday, October 5 @ Kritters Ramblings Can Karen Berner follow up the success of her debut novel A Whisper to a Scream with her new novel Until My Soul Gets It Right? You bet! Don't miss today's review! http://www.krittersramblings.com/
Saturday, October 6 @ Kritters RamblingsCan't get enough of Karen Berner. To celebrate Book Two in the Bibliophiles Series she's back for Day Two at Kritters Ramblings with a guest post. http://www.krittersramblings.com/
Sunday, October 7 @ Writer UnboxedLooking for some extra fun this Halloween? Author Karen Berner has some ideas for throwing a Literary Halloween Bash. And if you hate coming in after the first act this is your chance to win BOTH books in Karen's Bibliophile Series and meet all her characters from the very beginning. http://writerunboxed.com/
Monday, October 8 @ Melissa's Midnight Musings Melissa's getting in the mood for Karen Berner's tour with her latest book by reviewing her first book: A Whisper to a Scream. Come back Wednesday for Until My Soul Gets It Right. http://midnight-orchids.blogspot.com/
Tuesday, October 9 @ Lovey Dovey Books Learn how to organize your own classic book club and learn more about Karen Berner's new addition to the Bibliophiles series: Until My Soul Gets It Right. http://www.loveydoveybooks.blogspot.com
Wednesday, October 10 @ Melissa's Midnight MusingsIf you threw Halloween and literature in a pot and stirred, what would you get? Stop by and find out with a fun guest post from Karen Berner, author of the novel Until My Soul Gets It Right. http://midnight-orchids.blogspot.com/
Thursday, October 11 @ Celtic Lady ReviewsDon't miss a visit from the author of the Bibliophile Series, Karen Berner! http://www.celticladysreviews.blogspot.com
Friday, October 12 @ Writer's Corner You don't even need a ticket for today's journey! Karen Berner, author of Until My Soul Gets It Right is taking everyone on a Bibliophile's Guide to Portland Maine. http://www.jenceywrites.blogspot.comWe may have more dates to come, so be sure to check out our Events Calendar HERE. Or follow us on Twitter: @WOWBlogTour
Want to host one of our touring authors? |
Upcoming Author Tours: If you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our authors below, we are still accepting a few choice blogs to participate in our Partnership Program.
Come and join the fun! Please email Jodi & Robyn at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com and put "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line. Please tell us the author you are interested in and your available dates. We'll get back to you with the details if you are accepted. We look forward to hearing from you!
Content for your blog: All of our touring authors are available for interviews, or they will provide a guest post on a topic related to the writing process or their book. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tour Dates: October 1, 2012 - October 126, 2012
Title: Sonia's Song
Author: Sonia Korn-Grimani
Genre: Memoir
Synopsis: At the age of eight, little Sonia Korn is declared an enemy of the German State. She and her family are given a grim option; either find a way to disappear, or be rounded up and sent to certain death. After a perilous escape to the Belgian border, and becoming caught in the chaos and carnage of war-torn France and Belgium, Sonia finds that she must give up everything she knows and loves just to survive. This is the complex true story of one girl, who rises from war's ashes to sing the songs of hope and love world-wide.
Elie Wiesel writes, "Korn-Grimani describes not only suffering she had to endure, but how she succeeded in overcoming it...I am sure that Sonia's Song will touch the hearts of many readers."
Participate! Please email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from October 1 - October 26. You will receive a copy of Sonia's Song. We look forward to hearing from you!----- About the Author:
Sonia Korn-Grimani earned her doctorate in French literature and the teaching of foreign languages, and directed a multi-cultural language program at UNESCO. With her husband John, and their children Anthony and Renee, Sonia traveled and lived all over the world. She taught foreign languages at the university level, and performed frequently to the delight of audiences worldwide. In her album Cantos al Amor, Sonia sings in 16 languages.
In 1989, Dr. Korn-Grimani was knighted Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Acad�miques, and in 1996 she was decorated Officier des Palmes Acad�miques. These decorations were awarded in recognition of her lifelong dedication to and promotion of French culture and language.
Sonia continues to sing regularly at UNESCO events in France, and is also frequently invited to share her Holocaust experiences as a guest speaker in high schools, universities, synagogues and churches.
For this tour, we also have a Mass Blogging Day on October 11!
Everybody is Talking About... Finding the Music in Life Join us for a walk on the sunny side of the street! It's so easy to get caught up in our struggles or traumatic events in our past, but we can't move forward while focusing on these! Instead, we need to focus on the positive, count our blessings, and find the music in life. Bloggers everywhere will be joining us for a symphony of positive stories and uplifting content today--won't you join us? Please e-mail Robyn at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com for details/sign up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tour Dates: October 8, 2012 - November 2, 2012
Title: Televenge
Author: Pam King Cable
Genre: Women's Fiction
Synopsis: Andie Oliver is a faithful woman--to God, to her handsome husband Joe, and to televangelist Reverend Calvin Artury, a Godfather in a Mafia of holy men. Raised in the 1970s to be subservient and submissive in the tradition of the Bible-belt South, she becomes a prisoner of that tradition. As a reluctant member of Artury's evangelical megachurch, the House of Praise in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Andie's dream of children, home, and marriage falls apart when Joe is hired by the ministry team. Joe had been a gentle lover, a kind man, and a hard-working and faithful husband. Only lately had Andie felt him turn his attention more to church than her. Vivid and tragic, Televenge exposes chaos in the megachurch, and embraces those who discover their destiny in unconditional love in a world fraught with fear and intimidation. With more twists and turns than the Blue Ridge Parkway, Televenge takes you from the Piedmont South to the Hawaiian Islands, to Nigeria, Africa, and back to the high country of North Carolina. Editor's Pick, from Book Expo America, 2012 ~ Library Journal
Participate! Please email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from October 8 - November 2. You will receive a copy of Televenge by Pamela King Cable. We look forward to hearing from you!
About the Author:
Pamela King Cable is the author of the highly acclaimed collection of short stories, Southern Fried Women. Born a coal miner's granddaughter and raised by a tribe of wild Pentecostals and storytellers, she is an award-winning writer who has taught at many writing conferences, and speaks to book clubs, women's groups, national and local civic organizations, and at churches throughout the country. Televenge is her debut novel. A Southerner at heart, she now lives in Ohio with her husband, Michael.
Author's website: http://www.pamelakingcable.com/
If you love book clubs and book series, support your fellow writer by joining us on this fantastic tour for Karen Berner's book, Until My Soul Gets It Right!