Savvy Writer,
The freelance issues are always my favorite and very near and dear to my heart. Before becoming an editor and publisher, I was a six-figure freelancer working in brand advertising. Over the years, my passion project consumed me, and I let my freelancing take a backseat. But recently, I realized something; I miss the challenge of working with clients on innovative projects. I miss the chase, the pitch, and pushing my creativity to new bounds. I miss working with people from all walks of life. (I also miss the money!) So I've made a decision to get back into it, but so many things have changed over the past six years--especially technology and contacts--that I realize I have to pretty much start from scratch. That means back to basics: building a portfolio, researching markets and planning a strategy, probably taking on some pro bono work in the sector I want to reach, networking with fellow freelancers and potential clients, and creating a daily routine for not only my creative and marketing time but my health and non-writing related activities as well. So I'm glad this issue came along to help me. I'm certain it will help you, too.
We have a lot of new subscribers on board, and many of you have written in and asked us questions about freelancing. We're happy to respond to them via e-mail, but you'll also find some answers in this issue. We have several exciting things in store, including a new markets column! More on that below. And if you missed previous freelancing issues, here are some you may be interested in: Freelancing Freedom (writing for magazines, ghostwriting, writing for the educational market, media insurance); Writing the Web (blogging for pay, starting your own e-zine, monetizing your blog); The Freelance Union 2 (becoming an guide, breaking into animation writing, writing filler); The Freelance Union 1 (freelancers' viewpoints); Breaking Out of Your Cube (interviews with freelance magazine writers, repurposing articles); and Money Matters for Writers (health insurance, retirement planning, how to survive during a recession). Please review these issues for more freelance writing topics.
Visit the editor's desk for thank yous . . .
Issue Sponsors:
We handpick sponsors that we think will be of interest to WOW! readers.
Contest and Call for Submissions: Anthology
BORN TO BE WILD? Where were you in the 60s and 70s? Seeking women with telltale stories of that extraordinary era for: Times They Were A-Changing: Women's Memoirs of the 60s and 70s. Contest prizes and publication opportunities. Deadline: February 15, 2013.
Submission Guidelines:
Writer Advice's New Contest: Scintillating Starts
Grab and hold us with your opening paragraphs--one chapter or 2,000 words. $250 in prize money. If your opening is shared on Writer Advice, you'll be able to tell prospective agents, publishers, and book buyers that you were one of the winners of Writer Advice's First Scintillating Starts Contest.
Deadline: October 15, 2012
Submission Guidelines:
2013 Writer's Market Books
If your goal to get paid to write and see your work published in print or online, then the 2013 Writer's Market is the perfect resource for you. Not only does it provide you with writing advice from industry pros, but it also gives you access to contact information for literary agents, book publishers, editors of trade and consumer publications, and writing contests!
Find out exactly how Smart Women create Smart Businesses
Learn, network and grow a sustainable business based on your passion. Smart Women build membership-based businesses that leverage their time and expertise.
Create Your Own Network Today
Feedback for Your Writing
At FanStory you can get feedback on your writing. Learn from feedback that will be written on everything you write. Enter writing contests with cash prizes. Fun poetry contests with cash prizes. FanStory has been helping writers improve since the year 2000.�
Break into Print! Learn How to Write for Magazines
If you've ever dreamed of writing and seeing your words in print, this professional writing program is your best opportunity to make that dream a reality.
Long Ridge Writers Group was founded in 1989 to create a superior home study program for people who want to write fiction and nonfiction that meets or exceeds the standards set by today's editors.
The program, Breaking into Print�, is taught by a faculty of nationally published writers and experienced editors whose expert teaching and coaching over the last 20 years has produced thousands of published writers. It combines instruction in fiction and nonfiction, the two most admired forms of contemporary writing. In fact, all of WOW! Women On Writing's editors are graduates of the program!
Full details can be found here.
Become a Six-Figure Copywriter
Turn the writing skills you already have into a highly-paid recession-proof profession . . . working part time! You're already a writer. Find out how you can earn $100 to $150 per hour from this little-known lucrative business.
Meet copywriter Pat McCord and learn about the Acellerated Six-Figure Copywriting Program.
Sign up for The Freelance Writers Den's FREE Call this Thursday, September 20th
Learn how to get subscribers and earn money from your blog (while avoiding the biggest mistake writers make). If you are trying to build a money-making blog, you will not want to miss this call! Join Carol Tice as she chats with one of her mentors, Derek Halpern, about what makes people buy off a blog.
To attend this FREE event, all you have to do is register here.
If you'd like to be featured in this section, please contact us about our special advertising rates and discounts that aren't reflected in our media kit.
Fall 2012 Flash Fiction Contest
Fall into Fiction this Season!
DEADLINE: November 30, 2012 Midnight,
Pacific Time.
GUEST JUDGE: Jessica Sinsheimer, Literary Agent at the Sarah Jane Freyman Literary Agency
About Jessica: Jessica Sinsheimer has been reading and campaigning for her favorite queries since 2004. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, she went east for Sarah Lawrence College and stayed for the opportunity to read soon-to-be books for a living.
Now an Associate Agent at the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency, she's developed a reputation for fighting office members to see incoming manuscripts first--and for drinking far too much tea.
Always on the lookout for new writers, she is most excited about finding literary, women's, and Young Adult fiction, and--on the
nonfiction side--psychology, parenting, self-help, cookbooks, memoirs, and works that speak to life in the twenty-first century.
To learn more about the Sarah Jane Freymann Literary Agency, please visit
You can also follow her on Twitter @Jsinsheim.
PROMPT: Open Prompt
WORD COUNT: 750 Max; 250 Min
LIMIT: 300 Entries
Don't wait until the last minute! Enter
Today. Visit the Contest
Page and download our terms &
conditions e-book. Good luck!
Calls for Queries/Submissions:
A New Year, A Fresh Take: Editing & Revision
Issue 55: January 2013
Deadline for queries: October 1, 2012
This should be a fantastic issue full of tips and advice on how to edit, revise, and polish both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts. Writers and editors: we want to hear from you!
You can review our submission guidelines on our Contact
Page (scroll to the bottom under "Submissions") for info on how to submit. Pay rate is $50 - $150 per article. We look forward to hearing from you!
On to the issue . . . Enjoy!
Success Stories!
Success Stories from WOW's Facebook Fans
Congratulations to all our Facebook fans on their successes this month!
Barbara Wackerle Baker had a second place win in the Writer's Village contest. She won a $155 prize in the short story (3000-word) writing contest titled, Writers' Village 'Best Writing' Award summer 2012 contest.
Jill Witt Pertler writes, "I have stories due to be published in two upcoming Chicken Soup books--both due out in October. The first is Chicken Soup for the Soul: Hooked on Hockey; the second is Chicken Soup for the Soul: Finding My Faith. My self-syndicated newspaper column continues to expand. I am currently in 127 newspapers in 22 states."
Carla Cummins Thomas writes, "Just wanted to say 'thank you' for the regular encouragement you provide to writers to push themselves and delve more deeply into their creativity. I entered your Winter '12 Flash Fiction Contest that ended a few months ago and made it to the honorable mentions. The experience spurred me to revamp the piece I had submitted, and it's now been published in an online literary journal--what a great feeling! Thank you for the push. The journal is The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature. My story is called "The Patriarch" and is in the current issue under fiction.
Judith Newton writes: "I'm the first author to sign a contract with She Writes Press. My food memoir, The Joys of Cooking: A Love Story, will be published in February of 2013. The memoir is the story of a woman's emotional education, the tale of a marriage between a straight woman and a gay man, and a chronicle of the ways that cooking lay the groundwork--not just for personal healing and family relation but for political community as well. Five pieces of my memoir have won contests with over the last year and a half." Read more about Judith at
Brandi Schmidt writes, "I have signed with an amazing publishing house, MuseItUp Publishing, for my first women's fiction novel, The Kindling, to hit the cyber shelves in March 2013. Come see me at"
Aneta Cruz's debut novel, Heart-Break Hotel, is now available as an e-book! Heart-Break Hotel is the winner of the 2011 Desert Literary Society Fiction Award. Aneta's works have been published in Badlands, GNU, The Global Alchemy Forum, and numerous issues of Mused. You can find her audacious opinions and observations, as well as excerpts of her writing, on the Conundrum Corner, a blog at
Would you like to be featured in this section?
We want to hear your success stories! Have you signed with an agent or publisher? Has your self-published e-book become an Amazon Bestseller? Have you placed in a writing contest? Has your blog won an award? Did you sell an article to a magazine or newspaper? Whatever it is, we would like to hear about your success to share with fans on our Facebook page. We may even publish your story in this e-newsletter that goes out to over 30,000 subscribers! All you have to do is go to the NOTES app on WOW's Facebook page. Then find the note that says SUCCESS STORIES. Finally, leave your success in 100 words or less. Make sure you include your full name (first and last) under your success story. Please leave any links that make sense with your story. Let's hear it straight from you...
Join the Fun! Visit WOW's Facebook Page and Click LIKE>>
WOW! Women On Writing Workshops & Classes
Finish the year strong. Get writing!
Whether you are looking to boost your income
or work on your craft, we know that education
is an important part of a writer's career.
That's why WOW! handpicks qualified
instructors and targeted classes that women
writers will benefit from. The instructors
are women we've worked with on a professional
level, and these ladies offer high quality
courses on various topics.
How the courses work: All of the
courses operate online--whether through
email, website, chat room, or listserv,
depending on the instructor's
preferences--and are taught one-on-one with
the instructor. The flexibility of the
platform allows students to complete
assignments on their own time and work at
their own pace in the comfort of their own
home. It's a wonderful experience and an
excellent way to further develop your skills,
or to try your hand at something completely new.
Featured e-Courses (By Date):
Starts every Friday:
INDEPENDENT PUBLISHING: The Definitive Course On Achieving Self-Publishing Excellence and Profitability by Deana Riddle
Starts the First Tuesday of Every Month:
SEE YOU AT THE MOVIES: An Introduction to the Craft of Screenwriting by Christina Hamlett
ALL THE WORLDS A STAGE: An Introduction to Playwriting by Christina Hamlett
HOW TO WRITE A TV PILOT: An Introduction to the Craft of Creating a TV Show by Christina Hamlett
Starts the Third Friday of Every Month:
GET PAID TO WRITE: Become a Freelance Writer! by Nicky LaMarco
Published in 90 Days by Deana Riddle
September 17, 2012
September 21, 2012
September 26, 2012
October 1, 2012
WRITING YOUR NOVEL FROM THE GROUND UP--In Three Parts NEW! by Diane O'Connell and Renate Reimann, PhD
October 3, 2012
October 6, 2012
October 8, 2012
October 8, 2012
October 15, 2012
ADVANCED SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR WRITERS: Twitter, Facebook, And LinkedIn by Margo Dill
October 29, 2012
The Omnivore's Pen: Food Writing for Blogs, Restaurant Reviews, Recipes, Fiction, Memoir, and More NEW! by Melanie Faith
November 14, 2012
WRITING FOR CHILDREN:��How to Get Started, Get Ready for the New Year, and Take Hold of Your Career NEW FORMAT! by Margo Dill
I hope you are as excited about our classes as we are. WOW! Women On Writing ensures that our instructors will work with you one-on-one. In most cases you will receive emailed course materials and assignments, or for those with groups, you will be able to download course materials. Your instructor will give you assignments and personal feedback, and guide you through a charted course of learning. Our instructors are wonderful ladies who go above and beyond to help you achieve your writing goals.
Find out the latest from the Bakers of WOW!
Have you checked out what we've been baking
for you on the daily Muffin? We've stirred
together some traditional ingredients with
new ones to deliver more interviews,
enlightenment, thought provoking ideas, and
inspirational messages to help you through
those gray writing days.
Never Stale! Here's the Latest:
Tuesdays are contest interview days!
If you are interested in writing for our contests, check out the interviews with previous Top 10 winners to find out how they crafted their stories.
Spring 2012 Flash Fiction First Place Winner: Dale Sakamoto
Interview by Marcia Peterson
Check out the current book giveaways and enter the Rafflecopter form for a chance to win! All giveaways end at 12:01 AM EST.
End of Summer Mystery Books Giveaway! (Ends 9/18)
Giveaway by WOW!
Eat the City - Review and Giveaway (Ends 9/20)
Review by LuAnn Schindler
Until My Soul Gets It Right by Karen Berner, Blog Tour & Giveaway! (Ends 9/21)
Interview by Jodi Webb
Wired for Story: The Writer's Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence - Review and Giveaway (Ends 9/30)
Review by Elizabeth King Humphrey
Blog Posts of Interest:
What's Your Log Line?
By LuAnn Schindler
A log line can be particularly helpful when attending a writing conference or pitch session, when time is of the essence and you need to give the agent or editor a clear vision. Find out how to use this scriptwriting technique to explain what your book's about.
When the Writing Stinks
By Cathy C. Hall
What writer hasn't had a moment when you look at the reeking words before you, and then glance around in search of a blowtorch to put the putrid sentences out of their misery? When you're having a bad writing day, a few strategies (plus a bit of humor) can really help.
Creating a Writing Retreat, Part One
By Margo Dill
The Lit Ladies recently went on a writing retreat, excited about an entire weekend of writing. Find out what they did before they left, to hold ourselves accountable, what their daily schedule was, and how their trip turned into a bit of an adventure.
Influential Teachers
By Elizabeth Humphrey
Do you have a teacher who helped move you to become a writer? Is there someone whose passion set you on the writerly path? Tell us about him or her!
Do You Use Your Blog as Your Writer Website?
By LuAnn Schindler
A writer explains why she uses her blog as her writer website, and how she's making it work for now. Check out the reader comments with plenty of good discussion on the topic!
The Importance of Rising Tension in Your Story
By Sue Bradford Edwards
The other day, my son discovered Maury Povich, and it wasn't just any topic. This was "who's the baby's daddy." I decided to watch with my tween son and use the show to drive home a few cautionary points. What I didn't expect was a lesson in building tension.
A Modified Writer
By Jodi Webb
Are you a "pantser" or a plotter? A writer describes how she is instead, a little known variety: the modified. If you're a busy writer who wants to make some progress on your latest WIP, perhaps it's time to become a modified writer too.
Why You Should Create an E-book and 6 Basic Steps to Creating One
By Karen Cioffi
As a writer there are a number of ways to earn money. You can freelance, ghostwrite, and you can create your own information products. And, the easiest information product to create is an e-book. Learn the six basic steps to create your own e-book from WOW! instructor Karen Cioffi.
Preparation: Don't Leave Home Without It
By Cathy C. Hall
Going to a writing conference? Learn how to put in the work before you go, and you'll have a successful and worthwhile experience. A few weeks' preparation is all it takes!
The Power of Daily Writing
By Kelly Stone
One of the most powerful actions you can take to establish writing as a habit in your life is to carve out time to write every day for at least 30 days, and make a commitment to write every day for that entire 30 days. Even if it's just 15 minutes a day, if you make the short-term commitment to do this, you will soon have a deep understanding of a very important concept: there is power in daily writing!
The three most important elements of your action scene: Character, Character, Character
By Bonnie Hearn Hill
You need more than guns, knives and exploding objects to make an action scene work. When I started writing thrillers, I didn't know that. The more bodies, the better, right? Those early attempts of mine didn't sell, and I didn't have a clue what they were missing.
Gaining Momentum in Your WIP
By Margo Dill
Every writer needs to find some way that works for her to get her momentum going in her WIP. If setting your own deadlines doesn't work or you find yourself constantly creating a writing schedule you don't stick to, try one of the helpful ideas in this post. Your WIP and cast of characters will thank you!
Tuning Out the Self-Sabotage Monster
By Bonnie Hearn Hill
You want to write more than anything, yet you can't seem to follow through. Why? Because there's a monster in your head. Every writer has one. I've assigned a gender and an identity to mine--Mrs. Delp, one of my middle school teachers. Do you have a Mrs. Delp? Learn how to tune out that voice inside your head with Bonnie's tips!
Want to contribute to The Muffin?
Friday's are "Speak Out!" days. We allow posts from contributors for promotion. If you'd like to submit a post, please make sure that it's about women and writing.
Your post can be about: writing inspiration, balancing family life/parenting with writing, craft of writing fiction/nonfiction, how-tos, tips for
author promotion/marketing/social media, book reviews, writing prompts, special opportunities (paying markets for writers), publishing industry news/gossip, and anything you think our readers will love.
Please make sure that there is take-away value to our readers. No press releases please. We're more interested in hearing from our core audience--personal essays and humorous anecdotes are encouraged as well, as long as they provide something useful to our audience--including a good laugh! ;)
How To Submit: Submit your 250 - 500 word post in the body of your email to our blog editor Marcia Peterson:
Please put "Friday Speak Out! Submission" in your subject line. Upon acceptance, we will ask for your bio, links, bio photo, and any other pics to
illustrate the article. We look forward to hearing from you!
Friday Speak Out! Posts of Interest:
Benefits of an Editorial Calendar by Stephanie Romero
No More Query Letters by Joanne Lewis
Take Notes! by Mary Jane Downs
Words From A Clear Inner Voice by Irene Cohen, MD
10 years--A journey by Priyanka Batra Harjai
The Joy of Writing by Katie Martin
If you haven't read these posts, be sure to check them out. They're so inspiration and motivating. F.S.O.s rock!
Want to get blog posts via email?
to The Muffin with Feedburner and get the
latest delivered straight to your inbox.
Visit The Muffin >>
In Closing:
We hope this issue has inspired you to really go for it, and make money from your writing. And if you are already a full-time freelancer, our hats are off to you! We know it's not easy, and we admire your dedication. We think you'll pick up something from this issue, too. Even if it's an undiscovered market or the simple notion that maybe you can make money by writing about your writing.
I'm so glad summer is coming to a close. Don't get me wrong; I love the lazy days of summer! But I'm ready for a weather change and the fall season. Not that I took any time off, but it's time to get serious about the business of writing. I know you're there with me. So let's do it!
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