The Whip Blog Tour Invitation

WOW! Women On Writing announces Karen Kondazian's blog tour!

Blog Tour Dates:
April 23 - May 23, 2012
You are invited to a rip roaring time! Meet Karen and visit her fabulous blog hostesses.
Dear ,

How many times did your mom tell you, "You can't judge a book by it's cover"? Of course, she wasn't just talking about books--she meant people, too. And Charlotte "Charley" Parkhurst, the main character that appears on the cover of the novel The Whip is one of those people you just can't know from a first glance. Charley is many people: a sheltered New England woman in love, a grizzled stagecoach driver, a woman willing to give up her new life in the West for love, and a person obsessed with revenge for the murder of her family. You might find The Whip hard to believe if not for the fact that it's based on the life of a real woman!
Karen at Parkhurst's Grave
Karen at Charley Parkhurst's Grave, Pioneer Cememtary, Watsonville, CA

The Whip is a roller coaster ride of the constantly changing personality of Parkhurst. As you wonder "Who is the real Parkhurst?" you'll find yourself pondering another question--"Who is the real me?"

Stop by The Muffin today and comment for a chance to win a copy of The Whip. For an extra entry, link to the post on Twitter with the hashtag #WhipNovel. The giveaway contest closes this Thursday, April 26 at 11:59 PM, PST. We will announce the winner in the comments section the following day, Friday, April 27.

Did you know Charley Parkhurst was the first woman to vote in the U.S.?

Bloggers: Karen is not taking any more blog tour reservations because she's touring across country on a book signing at the moment, but if you'd like to participate in hosting one of our authors please e-mail us with your request, or simply reply to this e-mail. Be sure to check out our Upcoming Tours section below.
Authors: If you'd like to schedule a tour for yourself, please reply to this e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Write on!

~ Jodi, Angela, and Robyn ~ (Your Hostesses)



  Meet Karen Kondazian
Karen Kondazian
About the Author:

Karen Kondazian's life dream was to be a CIA spy . . . until she turned eight and she was invited to appear on Art Linkletter's "Kids Say the Darndest Things." After several days of missing school to tape the show Karen realized that acting was indeed her true calling. Karen has an extensive list of both theatre and television roles she's played and also teaches at the Lee Strasberg school of Theatre and Film in Hollywood. Karen's first foray into writing also stayed in the acting realm: The Actor's Encyclopedia of Casting Directors. But now she's branched out into historical fiction with a main character that any actress would love to play!    

[Editor's note: If Karen looks familiar that may be because she was featured in this month's issue of WOW! Women On Writing. Karen shares her expertise in the feature article, It's Not Easy Being a Historical Fiction Writer.]

Find out more about Karen by visiting her online:


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 About The Whip    


The Whip The Whip    

 a novel   


by Karen Kondazian   


The Whip is inspired by the true story of a woman, Charlotte "Charley" Parkhurst, who lived most of her extraordinary life as a man in the Old West. As a young woman in Rhode Island she fell in love with a runaway slave and had his child. The destruction of her family drove her to California, dressed as a man, to track the killer. Charley became a renowned stagecoach driver for Wells Fargo, killed a famous outlaw, had a secret love affair, and was the first woman to vote in America in 1868 (as a man!).   

Paperback: 302 pages  
: Hansen Publishing Group, LLC 
: 1601823029 
: 978-1601823021 
Twitter Hashtag
: #WhipNovel


The Whip is available as a print and e-book at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your local independent bookstore.   


 Let's Kick Off the Blog Tour!

Monday, April 23 @ The Muffin! - Today! 

Stop by The Muffin for a video interview with Karen Kondazian, and enter to win a signed copy of The Whip!


Wednesday, April 25 @ Book Bags and Cat Naps 
Are you tempted to add real people to your novel? Novelist Karen Kondazian posts about Writing Historical Figures.   

Thursday, April 26 @ CMash Loves to Read

We all deserve second chances! Charlotte "Charley" Parkhurst got one in the 1860s and you get one today to win The Whip
, a novel based on her life.   

Friday, April 27 @ Thoughts in Progress

Women have lived as men through the ages for all types of reasons. Learn about some of these women from author Karen Kondazian. Her debut novel, The Whip
, was inspired by the story of one of these women.   

Tuesday, May 1 @ I Am a Reader, Not a Writer

Win a copy of the historical novel The Whip
, and learn more about the author, Karen Kondazian.   

Wednesday, May 2 @ Peeking Between the Pages
After reading a review of The Whip, a novel that takes place in the Wild West, you'll be eager to enter and win a copy of Karen Kondazian's debut novel!   

Thursday, May 3 @ Peeking Between the Pages 

A real character. Those three words just about sum up Charley Parkhurst's whole existence. Learn more about the life of this historical character that inspired the novel, The Whip

Friday, May 4 @ Selling Books

Learn more about turning fact into fiction with an interview of Karen Kondazian, author of The Whip: A Novel

Tuesday, May 8 @ Books, Books, the Magical Fruit

top by today for another fascinating interview with Karen Kondazian, and enter to win her debut novel, The Whip!   

Wednesday, May 9 @ Musings from the Slushpile

Where do you find inspiration for novels? Karen Kondazian, author of The Whip
, shares her map to inspiration. Stop by and never lose your way again!   

Monday, May 14 @ Me and Reading

Need to know the secret to novel writing? Karen Kondazian tells you how to tap into your creative inspirations.   

Wednesday, May 16 @ Dianna's Writing Den

Learn more about Karen Kondazian and her tips on writing in today's interview!

We may have more dates to come, so be sure to check out our Events Calendar HERE.  

Want to host one of our touring authors?

WOW! Women On Writing Blog Excellence AwardUpcoming Author Tours: If you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our authors below, we are still accepting a few choice blogs to participate in our Partnership Program.

Come and join the fun! Please email Jodi & Robyn at and put "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line. Please tell us the author you are interested in and your available dates. We'll get back to you with the details if you are accepted. We look forward to hearing from you!

Content for your blog: All of our touring authors are available for interviews, or they will provide a guest post on a topic related to the writing process or their book.




Ragdoll Redeemed  

Tour Dates: May 7, 2012 - June 1, 2012

Title: Ragdoll Redeemed: Growing Up in the Shadow of Marilyn Monroe

Author: Dawn Novotny

Genre: Memoir


When she married Joe DiMaggio Jr., Dawn thought she would be leaving the tough days of her childhood behind her forever. She didn't know that her new husband was bringing memories of his own tough days into the marriage--and a need to recreate his wife as his very own Marilyn. Ragdoll Redeemed tells the tale of Dawn's escape from her marriage and search for the real Dawn as well as the feelings that Marilyn's and her life were somehow connected after her first ill-fated marriage. 


Participate!  Please  email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from May 7 - June 1. You will receive a copy of Ragdoll Redeemed by Dawn Novotny. We look forward to hearing from you!

Dawn Novotny
About the Author:   

Dawn Novotny is a successful psychotherapist who has met and conquered many personal challenges: sexual abuse, poverty, breast cancer, addiction, and blending families. She is now a happily married mother of three biological children, two step-children and six grandchildren who hopes her journey through life can help others walking the same path. 




Mass Blogging Pre-Tour: Write About the Art of Loving Your Life


Tour Dates: May 23, 2012 - June 23, 2012


This is a pre-tour party to celebrate Barbara Conelli's new book Chique Secrets of Dolce Amore!    


Join us for a little Dolce Amore--the art of loving your life.  


What is it that makes your life poetic? How do you find beauty in every day? Is there a special memory...a favorite day that wraps up the meaning of Dolce Amore for you?  


Let's blog about it! Come join the party!  

Contact Robyn for more information: 






Chique Secrets of Dolce AmoreTour Dates: June 25, 2012 - July 20, 2012

Title: Chique Secrets of Dolce Amore

Author: Barbara Conelli

Genre: Nonfiction


Fascinating, enthralling and seductive travel and life tales about unexpected encounters with the capricious, unpredictable and extravagant city of Milan, its glamorous feminine secrets, the everyday magic of its dreamy streets, the passionate romance of its elegant hideaways, and the sweet Italian art of delightfully falling in love with your life wherever you go.


Participate!  Please  email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from June 25 - July 20. You will receive a copy of Chique Secrets of Dolce Amore by Barbara Conelli. We look forward to hearing from you!

Barbara Conelli
About the Author:   

Barbara Conelli is an internationally published bestselling author, seasoned travel writer specializing in Italy, and Chiquenist on the mission to bring Fantastic Fearless Feminine Fun into women's lives. In her charming, delightful and humorous Chique Books filled with Italian passion, Barb invites  women to explore Italy from the comfort of their home with elegance, grace and style, encouraging them to live their own Dolce Vita no matter where they are in the world.

Author's website:  




Finding Emma  

Tour Dates: June 4, 2012 - June 29, 2012

Title: Finding Emma

Author: Steena Holmes

Genre: Women's Fiction


A child torn from the arms of loving parents, a relationship torn apart from loss... Megan sees her daughter Emma everywhere. She's the little girl standing in the supermarket, the child waiting for the swings at the playground, the girl with ice cream dripping down her face. But it's never Emma. Because Emma's been missing for two years. Unable to handle the constant heartache of all the false sightings, Megan's husband threatens to walk away unless Megan can agree to accept Emma is gone. Megan's life and marriage is crumbling all around her and she realizes she may have to do the thing she dreads most: move on. When Megan takes a photo of a little girl with an elderly couple at the town fair, she believes it to be her missing daughter. Unable to let go, she sets in motion a sequence of events that could destroy both families lives.

50% of the proceeds of this book will be donated to The Missing Children's Society of Canada - an organization dedicated to reuniting families. Visit for more information.


Participate!  Please  email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from June 4 - June 29. You will receive a copy of Finding Emma by Steena Holmes. We look forward to hearing from you!

Steena Holmes
About the Author:   

Author of the new heart wrenching story Finding Emma, Steena is a woman who believes that "in the end, everything the passions of your heart." Steena's life revolves around her family, friends, and fiction.

Author's website: 




 Ready to go touring?

We hope you join us on this rip-roaring adventure for Karen Kondazian's debut novel, The Whip. You're going to love getting to know Charley Parkhurst.

Stop by The Muffin today for more information and comment for a chance to win a signed copy of The Whip!


Yee-haw! Happy reading, writing, and sharing!  

Jodi, Angela, Robyn & Team WOW!

WOW! Women On Writing    


Keep up with the touring authors and find out about book giveaways here:!/WOWBlogTour   


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