A Cluttered Life Blog Tour Invitation

WOW! Women On Writing announces Pesi Dinnerstein's blog tour!

Blog Tour dates:
January 16, 2011 - February 10, 2012
Come and join the fun! Meet these Pesi and visit her fabulous blog hostesses.

Hi ,

Do you live a cluttered life? Would you like to find yourself among the chaos?

The start of the New Year often comes with resolutions, and sometimes so do birthdays, but what happens when you make a resolution that completely upturns your entire existence? Pesi Dinnerstein made such a resolution on her fiftieth birthday--she vowed to finally get a handle on all the clutter in her life.

WOW! is delighted to offer you a seat on this rollicking-memoir ride as we journey with Pesi into the depths of her clutter--how it defines her, how it hides her--and the wonderful girlfriends (aka Holy Sisters) who band together and pull her out.
Pesi's Keys
Stop by The Muffin today for a wonderful interview and leave a comment for a chance to win a signed copy of A Cluttered Life: Searching for God, Serenity, and My Missing Keys! For an extra entry, link to the post on Twitter with the hashtag #ClutteredLife. The giveaway contest closes this Thursday, January 19 at 11:59 PM, PST. We will announce the winner in the comments section the following day, Friday January 20.

You're going to love the interview today! Pesi talks about cleaning out "the last room" (the final obstacle to an orderly life), the difference between hoarding and clutter, how she finally allowed her friends to see the mess and help her with it, and her path to publication.

Bloggers: Pesi's dance card is pretty full, but if you'd like to host a WOW! author on your blog, please check out our upcoming tours in the sections below and e-mail us with your request, or simply reply to this e-mail. We have a lot more tours coming up very soon. Stay tuned!

Also, if you'd like to schedule a tour for yourself, please reply to this e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Happy reading & decluttering!

~ Robyn & Jodi ~ (Your Hostesses)



  Meet Pesi Dinnerstein
Pesi Dinnerstein About the author:

Pesi Dinnerstein (a.k.a. Paulette Plonchak) has written selections for the best-selling series Small Miracles, by Yitta Halberstam and Judith Leventhal, and has contributed to several textbooks and an anthology of short stories.

Dinnerstein recently retired as a full-time faculty member of the City University of New York, where she taught language skills for close to thirty years. She has been an aspiring author and self-acknowledged clutterer for many years, and has spent the better part of her life trying to get organized and out from under. Despite heroic efforts, she has not yet succeeded; but she continues to push onward, and hopes that her journey will inspire others to keep trying as well. 

Find out more about Pesi by visiting her online: 


Author website: http://www.aclutteredlife.com/


 About A Cluttered Life  


A Cluttered Life A Cluttered Life: Searching for God, Serenity, and My Missing Keys 


by Pesi Dinnerstein 

A Cluttered Life: Searching for God, Serenity, and My Missing Keys (Seal Press / Sept 2011) tells the story of Pesi Dinnerstein's touching, quirky, and often comic search for order and simplicity amid an onslaught of relentless interruptions. When a chance encounter with an old acquaintance opens her eyes to the extent of the disorder that has crept into every corner of her existence, she begins a quest to free herself of the excess baggage she carries with her and finds--to her great surprise--that the answers she has spent a lifetime searching for lie within her own piles of clutter.

Dinnerstein's battle with chaos takes her on an odyssey of self-discovery that leads from the growing mess spilling out of her closets and the backseat of her car to the more subtle forms of disorder in her daily life and, finally, to the most hidden expressions deep within herself. In the end--with the help of devoted friends, a twelve-step recovery program, and a bit of Kabbalistic wisdom--her struggle with the things of this world is transformed from a distraction along the way into its own journey of healing and personal growth. At turns insightful, unsettling, and wildly funny, A Cluttered Life describes how one woman found her true self--and spiritual clarity--while trying to make sense of her muddled world.

Paperback: 312 pages

Publisher: Seal Press


ISBN-13: 978-1580053105

Twitter Hashtag: #ClutteredLife


A Cluttered Life is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, as well as bookstores nationwide. 


 Let's Kick Off the Blog Tour!

Monday, January 16 @ The Muffin! - Today! 

Stop by The Muffin for an interview with Pesi Dinnerstein, and enter to win a signed copy of A Cluttered Life!



Tuesday, January 17 @ Capability Mom

Do you like to peek into people's closets to find out more about them? Join Pesi Dinnerstein for a peek into hers!



Wednesday, January 18 @ Chaos in the Country

All you want is a simple life so why is it so complicated? Come commiserate with Pesi! Also, Nichole shares her review of A Cluttered Life: Searching for God, Serenity, and My Missing Keys.



Monday, January 23 @ Donna's Book Pub

Find out how an unsettling dream led Pesi Dinnerstein to write her first book.



Tuesday, January 24 @ Meryl's Notes Blog

Join Pesi Dinnerstein for a talk on adding more "verbs" to the chapters of life. She'll be giving away a print copy of A Cluttered Life!



Wednesday, January 25 @ Words from the Heart

What happens when you take down those boundaries? Pesi talks about "Living without Clutter: No Place to Hide."



Thursday, January 26 @ Thoughts in Progress

Author Pesi Dinnerstein shares her musings on "If I Could Live My Life the Way I Drive My Car." One lucky visitor will win a print copy of her memoir A Cluttered Life!



Monday, January 30 @ Crazy for Books

In her memoir, A Cluttered Life; Searching for God, Serenity, and My Missing Keys, Pesi talks about feeling she didn't have time to deal with her clutter because she was busy looking for answers-only to find out that the answers she had been seeking were there in the clutter! Join the author for a talk about her journey and a chance to win a copy of this funny, heartfelt memoir.



Tuesday, January 31 @ Mother Daughter Book Club

Pesi talks about the boundary issues hiding in the clutter. Book Review & Giveaway!



Wednesday, February 1 @ National Association of Memoir Writers

Come join us at the National Association of Memoir Writers where Pesi will share the experience of writing and publishing her memoir. Linda Joy Meyers is hosting an interview today and someone will win a copy of A Cluttered Life!



Thursday, February 2 @ CMash Loves to Read

Come laugh with Pesi as she discovers where she's been hiding! Pssst...you might leave with a copy of her book.



Friday, February 3 @ Books, Books, The Magical Fruit

Pesi discusses creating reality through illusion during her visit at Books, Books, the Magical Fruit.



Monday, February 6 @ Mom~E~Centric

Join memoirist and author Pesi Dinnerstein as she talks about "Shame, Isolation, and a Good Cup of Coffee."



Tuesday, February 8 @ Women's Memoirs

She gave her inner demons a pen and a piece of paper and it changed her life. Come listen to her tale and enter to win a copy of A Cluttered Life! Come back Friday for an interview!



Thursday, February 9 @ Empty Nest

Come over to the Empty Nest! Pesi reflects on the struggle to remove the clutter from her life and her writing and Momma Loft shares her review of A Cluttered Life: Searching for God, Serenity, and My Missing Keys. One lucky reader will win a copy of Pesi's memoir!



Friday, February 10 @ Women's Memoirs

Want to market your memoir? Join the ladies at Women's Memoirs for an interview with Pesi Dinnerstein about her experience marketing A Cluttered Life: Searching for God, Serenity, and My Missing Keys.



We may have more dates to come, so be sure to check out our Events Calendar HERE.  

Want to host one of our touring authors?

WOW! Women On Writing Blog Excellence AwardUpcoming Author Tours: If you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our authors below, we are still accepting a few choice blogs to participate in our Partnership Program.

Come and join the fun! Please email Jodi & Robyn at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com and put "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line. Please tell us the author you are interested in and your available dates. We'll get back to you with the details if you are accepted. We look forward to hearing from you!

Content for your blog: All of our touring authors are available for interviews, or they will provide a guest post on a topic related to the writing process or their book.




Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters  

Tour Dates: February 20, 2012 - March 15, 2012

Title: Freshman Year and Other Unnatural Disasters

Author: Meredith Zeitlin

Genre: Young Adult Fiction


Let's say you're fourteen and live in New York City. You'd think your life would be like a glamorous TV show, right? And yet... You don't have a checking account, much less a personal Black American Express Card. You've never been to a club, and the only couture in your closet is a Halloween costume your mom made from an old laundry bag.
In other words? You're Kelsey Finkelstein--fourteen and frustrated. Every time she tries to live up to her awesome potential, her plans are foiled. Kelsey wants to rebrand herself for high school to make the kind of mark she knows is her destiny. But just because Kelsey has a plan for greatness...it doesn't mean the rest of the world is in on it. 
Kelsey's hilarious commentary and sardonic narration of her freshman year will have readers laughing out loud--while being thankful that they're not in her shoes, of course.

Participate!  Please  email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from February 20 - March 15. You will receive a copy of Freshman Year and Other Disasters by Meredith Zeitlin. We look forward to hearing from you!


Meredith ZeitlinAbout the Author:   

Meredith Zeitlin is a writer and voiceover artist who lives in Brooklyn with two adorable feline roommates. She also writes a column for Ladygunn Magazine, changes her hair color every few months, and has many fancy pairs of spectacles. In case you're wondering whether any of Kelsey's experiences are based on Meredith's own, the answer is NO WAY. When she was fourteen, Meredith looked and behaved perfectly at all times, was never in a single embarrassing situation, and always rode to school on her very own unicorn.

Author's Website:   




 Ready to go touring?

Whether you need help clearing your clutter or not, we hope you'll join us on this transformative journey for Pesi Dinnerstein's memoir, A Cluttered Life. You're bound to find inspiration as Pesi finds herself among the chaos!

Stop by The Muffin today and comment for a chance to win a signed copy of A Cluttered Life!


Happy reading!  

Robyn, Jodi & Team WOW!

WOW! Women On Writing    


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