WOW! Classes: Invest in Yourself, Write More
In This Issue
Quick Glance: Classes by Start Date
Creating an Effective Book Business Plan
Finding Your Writer's Voice
Get Paid to Write: Become a Freelance Writer
The Secret to Freeing Your Creative Mind
Blogging 101 and More
Journaling for Holistic Wellness
Bring Out the Story-Teller in You
Following the Golden Thread: A Tapestry of Poetry
The Unwilling Grammarian
How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal that Sells
Quick Links
WOW! Women On Writing Classes & Workshops
Fall is the perfect time to focus on your writing! Join a group of dedicated writers and improve your craft.


We're excited to bring you some new classes this fall!
We have courses on a variety of subjects: creating a book business plan, finding your writer's voice, journaling for holistic wellness, creativity, poetry, story-telling, grammar, and blogging.

Our instructors are great accountability partners and will help you get started as a writer, get your work published, hone your writing skills, or make extra money with your writing.

Personal Attention from InstructorsTreat yourself by improving your craft. WOW! Classes combine the best writing instruction with the convenience of the Internet to create a great learning environment. All class sizes are limited so you get one-on-one instruction from our teachers as well as a community of classmates to share ideas with. Best of all, you create your own schedule and work at your own pace. There's no specific time you need to be present.

We want you to succeed, and we know classes are a great way to jump-start your writing career.

The prices our instructors offer are affordable for writers on a budget. If you look at other online writing classes, you'll notice that ours are at least a hundred dollars less expensive. But that doesn't mean they are less intensive. Our instructors are truly here to help you with your writing goals.

Visit the Classroom Page to find out what's available to you.
Classes by Start Date
September 19, 2010 (Starts Tomorrow!):

Creating an Effective Book Business Plan

September 20, 2010 (Starts Monday!):

Finding Your Writer's Voice

September 27, 2010:

Get Paid to Write: Become a Freelance Writer

October 4, 2010:

The Secret to Freeing Your Creative Mind (New!)

Blogging 101 and More

Journaling for Holistic Wellness  (New!)

October 6, 2010:

Bring Out the Story-Teller in You (New!)

October 15, 2010:

Following the Golden Thread: A Tapestry of Poetry (New!)

October 20, 2010:

The Unwilling Grammarian (New!)

October 25, 2010:

Publish Your Book: How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal that Sells (Back due to popular demand!)


Below are brief descriptions of each course. For complete listings including price and a week-by-week glance of what you'll be learning, please visit the Classroom Page.

Creating an Effective Book Business Plan
Starts Tomorrow! New!
Deborah Riley-Magnus Instructor: Deborah Riley-Magnus

Start Date: Sunday September 19, 2010
Duration: 4 Weeks

One of the most productive things an author can do is write a Book Business Plan. It's a required exercise for authors writing non-fiction book proposals and easily as important as actually writing the book, whether non-fiction or fiction. Why?

1) Writing is a business
2) Writing is YOUR business
3) Nothing reminds a business person about the importance of their business more than a business plan

This is the reason the very first serious effort you should make in building your platform should start with a Book Business Plan. Don't be afraid, it's not so bad. If you're writing fiction or non-fiction, this is a critical step in assuring the success of your project and taking yourself seriously as an author. For this workshop, we will explore why and how an author should put all the ducks in line, numbers where they belong, and place everything in a neatly wrapped package.

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and to find out what you'll be learning week-by-week.
Finding Your Writer's Voice
Starts Monday!
Alison Dubois Instructor: Alison Dubois

Start Date: Monday September 20, 2010
Duration: 6 Weeks

Before you start writing, you should find your voice and the way to perfect it. Perfecting your voice can mean the difference between selling your next article or story idea or that idea remaining in the editor's slush pile. Throughout this class I will be your guide, helping you through exercises and instruction to help unlock your unique writer's voice.

Limit: 10 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a full description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
Get Paid to Write: Become a Freelance Writer
Nicole LaMarco Instructor: Nicole LaMarco

Start Date: Monday September 27, 2010
Duration: 10 Weeks

This class is for beginning freelance writers or for those who are interested in becoming freelance writers. It includes all the basics of freelance writing: overviews of the different fields in freelance writing, what is needed to begin, how to store ideas, where to get ideas, how much you should make, where to find clients, and how to get clients.

Limit: 15 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
The Secret to Freeing Your Creative Mind
Kelly L. Stone Instructor: Kelly L. Stone

Start Date: Monday October 4, 2010
Duration: 4 Weeks

Make the most of your limited writing time by learning how to tap into your subconscious mind's unlimited wellspring of creativity using easy-to-learn techniques.

From Kelly L. Stone, author of Thinking Write: The Secret to Freeing Your Creative Mind.

Limit: 50 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
Blogging 101 and More: Start a Blog, Make it Unique, and Keep it Going
Margo L. Dill Instructor: Margo L. Dill

Start Date: Monday October 4, 2010
Duration: 5 Weeks

Blogging is one of the best and cheapest ways to achieve an Internet presence. This class will help students start a blog. If you already have a blog, it will help you target the readers you want to reach. Students will also learn how to create a unique blog, build followers and/or drive traffic to their blogs, blog on a schedule, connect posts to social networking sites, and monetize their blogs. This course is for beginning and intermediate bloggers or for people who are looking to spic up their blogs! **Please note: you do not have to be technologically savvy to start a blog and keep up with it!

Limit: 20 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
Journaling for Holistic Wellness
Linda Rhinehart Neas Instructor: Linda M. Rhinehart Neas, M.Ed.

Start Date: Monday October 4, 2010
Duration: 9 Weeks

Through writing prompts from a workbook created by the instructor, students will answer specific questions on the nine aspects of life found on the wellness wheel--physical, emotional, intellectual, cultural, economic, vocational, environmental, social and spiritual. These prompts will lead to self-discovery that will help the students to hone their writing skills. Various readings of other authors' work as well as writing assignments to share with the group will be assigned weekly.

Limit: 10 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
Bring Out the Story-Teller in You
Karlyn Thayer Instructor: Karlyn Thayer

Start Date: Wednesday October 6, 2010
Duration: 6 Weeks

Fiction writers, you're in for a treat! This class teaches story-writing from the idea of thinking before writing. Emphasizes correct story structure. Topics covered include: the value of an outline or synopsis; bringing characters to life; building a plot; viewpoint and mechanics; and keeping the action and conflict going. The class includes weekly assignments and critiques from the instructor.

Limit: 10 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
Following the Golden Thread: A Tapestry of Poetry
Melanie Faith Instructor: Melanie Faith

Start Date: Friday October 15, 2010
Duration: 5 Weeks

It's here--the season John Keats (in "To Autumn") called "season of mists and mellow fruitfulness." Celebrate the arrival of back-to-school yellow buses and leaf-crunching ambles by picking up your poetic pen.

Through readings of our text, Writing The Life Poetic, along with hand-picked weekly poetry handouts from the instructor, we will examine how poets turn the stuff of life into remarkable poems. Students will write one poem per week, based on writing prompts from the text or a topic of the author's own choosing, for constructive yet encouraging feedback from the instructor. There will also be a private class group (through Google Groups) where students may interact as a community of poets and enjoy sharing numerous poetic links, including audio poetry clips.

Topics explored will include: incorporating the five senses, figurative imagery, sound patterns, making the most of lines and stanzas, components of the prose poem, crafting a catchy titles, and more. Join us for a reawakening and deepening of your poetic craft.

Limit: 8-10 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.

Note: If this class isn't up yet, that's because our webmaster is in the process of posting it. Please check back in a day or so, or email us at to express your interest, and we will let you know as soon as it's up. :)
The Unwilling Grammarian
Karlyn Thayer Instructor: Karlyn Thayer

Start Date: Wednesday October 20, 2010
Duration: 4 Weeks

Do you hate grammar like you hate snakes? This class, "The Unwilling Grammarian" takes an easy and fun approach to grammar. Other grammar courses require students to learn dozens of complicated terms. This course begins by asking you to learn two terms only, and shows you how those two terms can be the key to writing success.

I don't want to mislead you. In no way will the study of grammar ever be a ride on a carousel or even a walk in the park. But in "The Unwilling Grammarian," you'll be asked for homework that will amuse you rather than frustrate you and send you screaming from your computer.

Students will look at grammar with a new perspective--not as a necessary evil, but as a study that's understandable and satisfying. Who knew that punctuation, often considered to be beyond understanding, could actually be fun?

Limit: 10 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal that Sells
Have your nonfiction book proposal ready for January 2011!
Andrea Campbell Instructor: Andrea Campbell

Start Date: Monday October 25, 2010
Duration: 8 Weeks

Let me show you through my intense, 8-week-long workshop how to get a nonfiction book proposal ready for publishers. This is your opportunity to gain a serious business advantage over other writers who will try to wing it. And even if your first book doesn't sell, you will have the skills and the template to apply to other ideas and other projects. You may even come up with more ideas for more books as you work through this course.

And my workshop is different. I keep the classes small so you receive a lot of individual attention; class size is limited to 10 students. In addition, you will have e-mail feedback on all assignments. Another thing I do in my workshops is to have weekly chat sessions. Yes, every Thursday night, we will meet online to ask questions, discuss the lesson plans, and talk about additional information or details that you might have missed. Chats are an important tool for learning (and camaraderie) and why shouldn't we work together to leverage our knowledge? And to make it worth your while, you will also receive additional materials to help illustrate important points from the lesson plans or that you can use to aid you in staying abreast of what is happening in the publishing industry.

This course is for intermediate level students. Try to clear your plate of other things that may distract you and be prepared to work hard. If you want results, you will get them but this class involves work and preparation week after week.

In this class, you can expect to learn:
  • If your idea is a good one
  • The essential ingredients of a book proposal
  • What the format and overall look of the actual proposal should be
  • How to write your proposal letters and the best markets for your book
  • Why you must exploit your "intellectual capital"
  • The nuts and bolts of the nonfiction book publishing industry
By the end of class, students will have a marketable, nonfiction book proposal package ready to send out to agents, including a query letter, along with the confidence to market his/her product.

Limit: 10 Students

Visit the Classroom Page for a complete description and what you'll be learning week-by-week.
Note: If this class isn't up yet, that's because our webmaster is in the process of posting it. Please check back in a day or so, or email us at to express your interest, and we will let you know as soon as it's up. :)
We hope you are excited about these new classes!

WOW! Women On Writing ensures that our instructors will work with you one-on-one. In most cases you will receive emailed course materials and assignments, or for those with groups, you will be able to download course materials. Your instructor will give you assignments and personal feedback, and guide you through a charted course of learning. Our instructors are wonderful ladies who go above and beyond to help you achieve your writing goals. You do not have to be present at any particular time or day and can work at your own pace.

If you have any questions, or would like to suggest a course topic you are interested in, we'd love your feedback. Email us at:

We'll be updating our classroom page periodically with new classes and workshops, so please check back often. Write on!
Angela, Marcia & Team WOW!
WOW! Women On Writing

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