WOW! Women On Writing announces Linda Rhinehart Neas' blog tour!
Blog Tour dates:
June 7, 2010 - July 7, 2010
Come and join the fun! Meet Linda and visit her fabulous blog hostesses.
Dear ,
The author we bring you today is a wonderful writer and poet with a heart of gold. We're proud to be launching Linda Rhinehart Neas' blog tour for a good cause.
Her book, Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered, started with a challenge to write a poem a day and turned into a mission to help the orphaned children and peoples of Swaziland. She decided on the theme of the book after hearing the stories of Grandmothers, or "Gogos" in Swaziland, who are raising their grandchildren in abject poverty because the Gogos' children (mothers and fathers of the grandchildren) have died or are dying of AIDS. As a four-time (soon to be five) grandmother herself, these stories touched Linda's heart deeply. 
(Photo, right: Linda with her granddaughters.) Visit The Muffin today to learn more and show your support. Leave a comment for a chance to win a signed copy of Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered.
Linda's goal with her blog tour is to bring awareness to the plight of the peoples of Swaziland and to fundraise for this important cause.
100% of the profits of this book will go to Possible Dreams International, a non-profit grass roots organization that helps communities and families in poverty.
Some information about Swaziland and Possible Dreams International:
- Swaziland has the highest prevalence of HIV infection in the world. - 42% of the population is infected with HIV, the precursor to AIDS. - 70% of the population lives on less than one dollar a day. - 10% of the population are orphaned children. - There are over 15,000 orphan led households in Swaziland.
Due to the far-reaching effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic, an entire generation (people of childbearing age) has been decimated within Swaziland. This has left thousands of orphaned children trying to survive without food, shelter, or guidance. Through community and homestead/family-based projects Possible Dreams International aims to bring concrete change into the lives of those affected by the HIV pandemic, extreme poverty, malnutrition and endemic disease. You can find out more about the non-profit organization here: www.possibledreamsinternational.org. By purchasing a copy of Linda's book, Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered, you receive a wonderful book of poetry and are helping the peoples of Swaziland. ----- In today's interview, Linda talks a bit about the inspiration behind the book and its mission, how she is marketing it, and how she got started writing poetry. If you have a question about using a book as a fundraiser or poetry writing, or simply want to stop by and show your support, visit The Muffin today and ask Linda a question. She'll be checking in and chatting with WOW ! readers today, so be sure to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. If you'd like to host Linda on your blog, please e-mail us with your request. Also, be sure to check out our upcoming tours in the sections below.
~ Angela & Jodi ~ (Your Hostesses)
** Feel free to copy any part of this e-mail and share it on your own blog or in your newsletter.
Meet Linda Rhinehart Neas
About Linda:
Linda Rhinehart Neas self-published her first written work at the age of seven on the cardboard she gathered from her dad's shirts after they came back from the laundry. Since then, she has written extensively in various venues. She holds an M. Ed. from the University of Massachusetts in Reading and Writing. Her work has been published and performed throughout New England. Gaining inspiration from her four daughters and three granddaughters, she has calculated that she will run dry of ideas for writing sometime in the next millennium. Her first full collection of poems, Winter of the Soul, was published in 2008. Next to writing, teaching is her second passion. Presently, she is working on a book of poetry, essays and memoirs on teaching and two children's books. Linda also won 3rd
Place in WOW! Women On
Writing's Essay Contest. You can read her essay, Enchanted Cottage, here.Author's Websites: Website: http://www.holisticwritings.com/
About Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered
Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered
By Linda M. Rhinehart Neas
Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered is the culmination of a month long challenge to write a poem a day. When the author took the challenge, she was determined to write about the people and land that had touched her so deeply.
This book of poetry is inspired by the people of Swaziland and the work of Dr. Maithri Goonetilleke, an Australian physician and poet who spends time working with the people of Swaziland. The poems illustrate the poverty and need in Swaziland but also the love and dignity of this family-oriented culture.
100% of the profits of this book will go to Possible Dreams International to help the peoples of Swaziland. You can find out more about the non-profit organization here: www.possibledreamsinternational.org
Genre: Poetry
Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered is available for in either softcover or hardcover at Blurb.com, where you can also preview the book. By purchasing Gogo's Dream, you receive a wonderful book of poetry and are also helping the peoples of Swaziland. It's a win-win situation! We appreciate your support.
Do you want to participate in our blog partnership program?
Email Angela & Jodi, your tour guides.
If you'd like to host Linda Neas or one of our upcoming authors on your blog, Email Angela & Jodi with your request.
If you're an author interested in promoting your latest book with WOW! Women On Writing Blog Tours please email us for more info.
Let's Kick Off the Blog Tour!
Ready to go traveling around the web? The following are the tour dates for Linda Rhinehart Neas. Each stop is worth visiting and is filled with inspiration! As you view the listings, make note of these wonderful blogs. Each one of them, a treasure, and a place that many readers call home. In a noisy online world, you will find sanctuary in these true gems. June 7, 2010 Monday (Today!) The Muffin
will be chatting with WOW ! Women
On Writing at The Muffin. One lucky
commenter will win a copy of her book! http://muffin.wow-womenonwriting.com/ ---------- June 8, 2010 TuesdayThe Write SpotLinda
Neas, author of Gogo's Dream, stops by Anne-Marie Nichols' blog The Write Spot to tell us about her
journey to publication and the choices she made. http://www.the-write-spot.com/---------- June 10, 2010 Thursday Misadventures with Andi
Andi Fischer
has some questions about poetry and Swaziland for Linda Rhinehart Neas,
author of Gogo's Dream: Swaziland
Discovered. http://www.misadventureswithandi.com/---------- June 11, 2010 Friday Adventures in the Writing Life
Why do we
need poetry in our life? Linda Neas stops by Sara Hodon's blog to answer
that question and introduce us to Swaziland, the place that inspired
her book of poetry. http://www.adventuresinthewritinglife.blogspot.com/---------- June 14, 2010 Monday Writers Inspired
Blogs are
for more than just talking. Linda Neas stops by Mary Jo Campbell's blog Writers Inspired to tell us how blogs can also educate. You can
also enter to win a copy of Gogo's Dream, Linda's book of
poetry inspired by the people of Swaziland. http://writerinspired.wordpress.com/---------- June 15, 2010 Tuesday Chefdruck Musings
miss today's interview with Linda Rhinehart Neas at ChefDruck, a
wonderful food and travel blog. http://www.chefdruck.blogspot.com/---------- June 17, 2010 Thursday Mom-e-Centric
Stop by
Mom-e-Centric today for a visit from Linda Neas: poet, philanthropist,
grandmother and author of Gogo's Dream.
http://www.momecentric.com/---------- June 21, 2010 Monday Read These Books and Use Them!
Margo L. Dill has a guest blogger, Linda Neas, to share the life of the
women of Swaziland with you. You can also enter to win Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered! http://www.margodill.com/blog/
June 22, 2010 Tuesday Write for a Reader
Linda stops by Write for a
Reader to contribute to their "Because of a Book" column and shares how
reading and writing have influenced her life. http://www.writeforareader.blogspot.com/ ------------
We have more dates to come, so be sure to check out our Events Calendar HERE.
If you have a blog and would like to host Linda, please e-mail us with your request and link to your blog.
Want to host one of our touring authors?
Upcoming Author Tours: If
you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our authors below, we are still accepting a few choice blogs to participate in our
Partnership Program.
Come and join the fun! Please email Angela & Jodi at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com and put "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line. Please tell us the author you are interested in and your available
dates. We'll get back to you with the details if you are accepted. We
look forward to hearing from you!
Content for your blog: All of our touring authors are available for interviews, or they will provide a guest post on a topic relating to the writing process or their book.
Tour Dates: July 12, 2010 - August 12, 2010
Title: Healing with Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey
Author: Diana M. Raab
Genre: Memoir/Self-help
Synopsis: Healing With Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey is a compassionate
and wry self-help memoir written by an award-winning prolific author,
nurse and poet, who at the age of forty-seven found her life shattered
first by a DCIS (early breast cancer) diagnosis and five years later by
another, seemingly unrelated and incurable cancer--multiple myeloma.
The book includes the author's experiences, reflections, poetry and
journal entries, in addition to writing prompts for readers to express
their own personal story. Raab's journals have provided a safe haven
and platform to validate and express her feelings. Raab views
journaling to be like a daily vitamin--in that it heals, detoxifies and
is essential for optimal health.
Readers will learn to: Understand
the importance of early cancer detection and how to take control of
their own health Discover the power of writing to release
bottled-up emotions Learn how the process of journaling can
facilitate healing See how a cancer diagnosis can be a
riveting event which can renew and change a person in a unique way
About the Author:Diana M. Raab,
MFA, RN was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1954 and received her
undergraduate degree in Health Administration and Journalism in 1976. A
few years later she received her RN degree. After 25 years as a medical
and self-help writer, she's directed her creative energy towards
nonfiction and memoir writing. In 2003 she earned her MFA in Writing
from Spalding University's low-residency program.
She is the author of eight books. Her most recent release, Healing With Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey (2010) is a memoir/self-help
book which includes reflections, experiences, journal entries and poems
all emphasizing the healing power of writing. In addition to extensive
appendices, each chapter finishes with blank pages and journaling
prompts for the reader to write about their own experiences.
Her first memoir, Regina's Closet: Finding My Grandmother's Secret Journal (2007) is the
recipient of the 2009 Mom's Choice Award for Adult Non-Fiction, and the
2009 National Indie Award for Excellence in Memoir.
Diana's has been writing since a very young age. Currently, she
teaches creative journaling and memoir in UCLA Extension Writers'
Program. She facilitates workshops in journaling and writing for healing
around the country. She is a frequent moderator for panels on writing.
She's editor of the anthology, Writers and Their Notebooks (USC Press 2010), a collection of essays
written by distinguished writers who journal, including Sue Grafton, Kim
Stafford, Dorianne Laux, John DuFresne, James Brown and Michael
Steinberg, to name a few. The foreword is written by world-renowned
personal essayist, Phillip Lopate.
After experiencing three successful, but high-risk pregnancies, she
wrote a comprehensive guide for other women. The award-winning Getting
Pregnant and Staying Pregnant (1989) which was recently updated
and revised in collaboration with Dr. Errol Norwitz of Yale School of
Medicine under the new title, Your High Risk Pregnancy: A Practical
and Supportive Guide (2009).
Raab's award-winning work has been published in numerous literary
magazines and is widely anthologized. She has one poetry chapbook, My
Muse Undresses Me and two poetry collections, Dear Anais: My
Life in Poems For You winner of the 2009 Next Generation Indie
Award for Poetry and the newly released The Guilt Gene. Author's Websites:
Website: http://www.dianaraab.com
Blog: http://dianaraab.com/blog/
You will receive a
copy of Diana's book Healing
With Words: A Writer's Cancer Journey.
Participate! Please email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available
dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from July 12th - August 12th. We look
forward to hearing from you!
Tour Dates: July
19, 2010 - August 20, 2010
Title: Accidental Cowgirl: Six Cows, No Horse and No Clue
Author: Mary Lynn Archibald
Genre: Memoir/Humor
Synopsis: Carl dreamed of wide open spaces...think Bonanza here...while Mary Lynn dreamed of gardens overflowing with flowers, elegance and thoroughbred horses...think Town and Country here. Accidental Cowgirl is the tale of their search for the perfect retirement spot and the unexpected place they ended up calling home. When they purchased Twin Creeks Ranch their dreams were quickly replaced by a reality of ornery irrigation systems, calluses, and wild turkeys. And that was just the first week!
If you've ever found yourself smack dab in the middle of a wacky adventure or even just wished for a wacky adventure, don't miss the tale of this couple who went from city dwellers to cowhands with the signing of a deed. Will they survive? Will the cows? Would you?
** Accidental Cowgirl was declared a finalist for three awards: the Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Humor, the Next Generation Indie Book Awards for Memoir, and the National Best Book Awards (NBBA) for humor.
About the Author:Mary Lynn Archibald grew up on an apple and chicken farm in Soquel, California and went on to be a chorus girl, an herb grower, a teacher, a ballerina, a switch board operator, an interior designer and a model. She did not intend to add cattle farmer to that list. But there was a tiny town called Zenia, a husband longing for "vistas," and a dream of elegant country living. And without warning she was plucked from comfy city living and plunked back on the farm. When she isn't mucking out stables, Mary Lynn is a copywriter, editor, and author. Her first book, Briarhopper, was written about a woman's journey from the coal region of Kentucky to California from the early 1900's to World War II. She has also written about interior design, gardening, real estate, business communications and (surprise!) farming and ranching. With her partner-in-crime Carl and dog Fizzbo, Mary Lynn now spends her days in the country trying to get the dirt out from under her fingernails. Author's Websites:
Business website: http://www.winecountrywriter.com
Book website: http://www.accidentalcowgirl.com
You will receive a
copy of Mary Lynn's book Accidental Cowgirl.
Participate! Please
email us with "Blog
Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available
dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from July 19th - August 20th. We
forward to hearing from you!
Tour Dates: July 26, 2010 - August 27, 2010
Title: The Quick and the Thread: An Embroidery Mystery
Author: Amanda Lee (a.k.a. Gayle Trent)
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Synopsis: First in a new mystery series that will have readers stitching--and itching--for more...
Marcy Singer has big plans: a move to the breathtaking Oregon coast, opening an embroidery shop called The Seven Year Itch, and a fun grand opening stitch-in. What she doesn't plan on is the shop's old owner showing up--DEAD--in her shop. Some people think Marcy killed him. Some people think she's the next victim. All Marcy knows is someone has to uncover the murderer before she's forced to flip the sign on her shop door to CLOSED permanently. And it looks like that someone might be Marcy.
The Quick and the Thread Pre-Order Contest!
The Quick and the Thread is now available for pre-order from Amazon.com and AmazonUK.com. To celebrate, the author is holding a special contest for the month of June. Anyone who pre-orders The Quick and the Thread from Amazon by June 30 will be entered to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
To enter the contest, simply forward a copy of your Amazon confirmation e-mail to gayle@gayletrent.com or send a jpeg of your order. If you choose to pre-order from your local bookseller, please send a jpeg of your receipt with sensitive information blacked out. Be assured your Amazon confirmation is safe. Sensitive information is protected by the customer's password.
One winner will be drawn from all the e-mail addresses submitted on the morning of July 1, 2010. The winner will be notified by e-mail and will receive an electronic Amazon gift certificate in the amount of $50 US.
Pre-order The Quick and the Thread here and enter to win!
About the Author:
Amanda Lee is the lady next to you in the grocery line or car pool. She has twins: one boy and one girl, she's a baseball fan, she likes to decorate cakes, she rocks at Guitar Hero...oh, and she likes to think about murder. But it's okay! She only writes about murder--a lot.
Amanda Lee is also Gayle Trent, author of the Daphne Martin Cake Decorating series that includes Dead Pan and Murder Takes the Cake.
Author's Websites:
Website: http://www.gayletrent.com
Blog: http://www.gayletrent.com/blog/
You will receive a
copy of Amanda Lee's book The Quick and the Thread.
Participate! Please
email us with "Blog
Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available
dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from July 26th - August 27th. We
forward to hearing from you!
I hope you'll join us on Linda Rhinehart Neas' book blog tour and help create awareness for a good cause. It will be an inspiring journey! We'd
love for you all to get involved and join us in a virtual vacation.
Take a trip across the globe by participating in this tour. Each stop
shares a different point of view, a new topic, and has its own unique
voice. We'd love to hear yours too, so come along for the ride, and
we'll be looking for your comments!
And don't forget to visit The Muffin today and comment for a chance to win a copy of Linda's book of poetry Gogo's Dream: Swaziland Discovered!
Write on!
Angela, Jodi, & Team WOW! WOW! Women On Writing
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