Aries Rising by Bonnie Hearn Hill Blog Tour Invitation

WOW! Women On Writing announces Bonnie Hearn Hill's blog tour!

Blog Tour dates:

March 1, 2010 - March 31, 2010
Come and join the fun! Meet Bonnie and visit her fabulous blog hostesses.

Dear ,

If you're interested in writing for teens or are interested in astrology, then you'll be thrilled with the tour we're launching today!

Bonnie Hearn Hill wrote six thrillers, as well as numerous short stories, nonfiction books and articles, before she decided to write for young adults. A three-book deal with Running Press/Perseus Books resulted in the Star Crossed series, and she's launching the first in the series, Aries Rising, today at The Muffin. Stop by today and leave a comment for a chance to win a copy of Aries Rising.

Today Bonnie talks about the inspiration behind her new series, which was partly inspired by her friendship with astrology writer Hazel Dixon-Cooper--a member of her dedicated writing group called "The Fridays"--and the importance of having a professional critique group. Bonnie even shares tips on how you can form your own!

If you have a question about writing for young adults, fiction writing, critique groups, or anything else, stop by today and ask Bonnie a question! She's sharing her expert advice with WOW! readers today and will be checking in to answer your questions, so be sure to take advantage of this opportunity.

Bonnie will be giving away a copy of Aries Rising at each stop on her tour, and she also has an extra special contest to win an iPod Touch. Here are the details:

iPod Touch31 Days of Aries: Your chance to win an iPod Touch!
The Aries Rising Blog Tour & Book Giveaway continues through March 31st. Destinations will be posted daily on the Star Crossed Series Facebook Fan Page (or you can find them on WOW's Events Calendar), and a FREE copy of Aries Rising will be given away at each one. At the conclusion of the tour, a drawing will be held for an iPod Touch. No purchase is necessary. You can enter as often as you wish, and you can qualify in three ways:
1. Be an Aries. Just send your birth date (month and day) to
2. Write a review and post it anywhere. Send the link to the same e-mail address.
3. Post a fan badge on your Facebook page and send the link to the same e-mail address.
Send your entries to: On each entry, include your name, address, e-mail address, and phone number where you can be reached. Deadline: March 31, 2010.

If you'd like to host Bonnie on your blog, please e-mail us with your request. Also, be sure to check out our upcoming authors in the section below.

Let's meet the author, shall we?

~ Angela & Jodi ~ (Your Hostesses)

** Feel free to copy any part of this e-mail and share it on your own blog or in your newsletter.

Meet Bonnie Hearn Hill

Bonnie Hearn HillAbout Bonnie:

Bonnie Hearn Hill worked as a newspaper editor for 22 years, a job that, along with her natural nosiness, increased her interest in contemporary culture. Prior to her new Star Crossed series from Running Press/Perseus Books, she wrote six thrillers for MIRA Books, as well as numerous short stories, nonfiction books and articles.

An interest in astrology along with her close friendship with Cosmo Magazine Astrologer Hazel Dixon-Cooper inspired the Star Crossed series: Aries Rising, Taurus Eyes, and Gemini Night.

A national conference speaker, Bonnie founded The Tuesdays, a bonded and successful writing workshop in Fresno, California, and she also teaches an occasional online class. On Fridays she meets with her private critique group (humorous astrology author Hazel Dixon-Cooper, prescriptive nonfiction writer Dennis C. Lewis, mystery novelist Sheree Petree, and musician/thriller novelist Christopher Allen Poe). What happens in those groups ranges from spontaneous applause to "getting filleted," as Bonnie's students and colleagues call it.
Find out more about Bonnie by visiting her websites:

  Aries Rising

Aries Rising by Bonnie Hearn HillAries Rising
(Star Crossed series)

By Bonnie Hearn Hill

Aquarius Logan McRae is a high school sophomore in Terra Bella Beach, CA and has been working all semester to impress her teachers in order to get into the summer writing camp she desperately wants to attend. But when this ordinary girl finds an extraordinary book, Fearless Astrology, her life is changed forever. Applying what she's learned about the zodiac, she lands her own column in the school paper and a date with the hottest guy in school!

But when Logan threatens to catch the members of a secret society called The Gears, who have been vandalizing school property, by reading the stars, she quickly learns that she's in over her head. Will Logan be able to catch The Gears, save her love life, keep her newspaper column, and get into the writing camp of her dreams all through the use of astrology?

Genre: Young Adult fiction
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Running Press Kids (March 2010)
ISBN: 0762436700

Aries Rising is available for purchase at, Barnes & Noble, and both chain and independent bookstores nation wide.

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Angela & Jodi
Do you want to participate in our blog partnership program?

Email Angela & Jodi, your tour guides.

If you'd like to host Bonnie Hearn Hill or one of our upcoming authors on your blog, Email Angela & Jodi with your request.

If you're an author interested in promoting your latest book with WOW! Women On Writing Blog Tours please email us for more info.

Let's Kick Off the Blog Tour! 
Ready to go traveling around the web? The following are the tour dates for Bonnie Hearn Hill. Make sure you check out each listing--they all include a book giveaway contest for a copy of Aries Rising! Each stop is worth visiting and is filled with useful information for aspiring authors.

As you view the listings, make note of these wonderful blogs. Each one of them, a treasure, and a place that many readers call home. In a noisy online world, you will find sanctuary in these true gems.

March 1, 2010 Monday (Today!)
The Muffin
Bonnie will be chatting with WOW! Women On Writing at The Muffin. Stop by and share your comments! One lucky commenter will win copy of Bonnie's book!

March 2, 2010 Tuesday
Write for a Reader
Bonnie will be contributing to the "Because of a Book" feature at Write for a Reader. You can also enter to win a copy of her YA novel, Aries Rising!

March 3, 2010 Wednesday
Hell Or High Water

How can you find time to write when your life is packed with a 9-to-5 job, family, and a few hours of sleep each night? Novelist and former newspaper editor Bonnie Hearn Hill shares her Five Tips for Finding Time to Write When You Have a Full Time Job. Not to miss!

March 5, 2010 Friday
Bonnie will be stopping by Mom-e-Centric to introduce her new YA series Star Crossed. Readers can also win a copy of the first book in her series, Aries Rising!

March 9, 2010 Tuesday
Read These Books and Use Them

Just can't seem to talk to your teen? Margo L. Dill and Bonnie Hearn Hill discuss how books can help you communicate with the teens in your life. And don't forget to enter to win Hill's novel Aries Rising. Maybe it will give you and your teen something to talk about!

March 12, 2010 Friday
The Book Case
Bonnie will be stopping by's The Book Case to explain how she used astrology to help create the characters in her new YA series. You can also win a copy of the first book in the series Aries Rising.

March 16, 2010 Tuesday
Write Like Crazy
Bonnie Hearn Hill started out as a writer in the fourth grade and along the way she's made a few mistakes and learned a few things. Today she shares her experiences with us in Six Things I Wish I had Known When I Started Out. You can also enter to win a copy of Aries Rising.

March 19, 2010 Friday
Day by Day Writer
Stop by for novelist Bonnie Hearn Hill's answer to questions posed by readers on Day by Day Writer. If you have a question for Bonnie, visit the link below now and find out the answer on the 19th! Bonnie's favorite question wins a copy of Aries Rising!

March 22, 2010 Monday
Books By Their Cover
Bonnie Hearn Hill stops by Books by Their Cover to chat about astrology. You can also win a copy of Aries Rising where the main character discovers an astrology book that gives her power over her world.

March 23, 2010 Tuesday
Finders & Keepers
Cathy C. Hall is taking five on Finders & Keepers today--five questions for author Bonnie Hearn Hill that is! Stop by for some tips on writing and a chance to win Hill's first YA novel Aries Rising!

March 25, 2010 Thursday
Mother Daughter Book Club
Have you and your daughter ever read your horoscopes out loud to each other?
Stop by the Mother Daughter Book Club for an interview with Bonnie Hearn Hill, author of the Star Crossed YA series. Enter to win a copy of Aries Rising!

March 26, 2010 Friday
Fresh Fiction
Stop by Fresh Fiction today and visit Bonnie Hearn Hill, author of the Star Crossed YA series. Enter to win a copy of the first book in the series Aries Rising!

We have more dates to come, so be sure to check out our Events Calendar HERE.

Want to host one of our touring authors?

WOW! Women On Writing Blog Excellence AwardUpcoming Author Tours: If you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our authors below, we are still accepting a few choice blogs to participate in our Partnership Program.

Come and join the fun! Please email Angela & Jodi at and put "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line. Please tell us the author you are interested in and your available dates. We'll get back to you with the details if you are accepted. We look forward to hearing from you!

Content for your blog: All of our touring authors are available for interviews, or they will provide a guest post on a topic relating to the writing process or their book.


The Power of MemoirTour Dates: March 8, 2010 - April 8, 2010

Title: The Power of Memoir: Writing Your Healing Story

Linda Joy Myers, Ph.D.

Genre: Writing Reference


A groundbreaking work for healing long-term emotional problems.

The Power of Memoir is a pioneering how-to book that provides a new step-by-step program to use memoir writing as a therapeutic process. By going through these steps you'll learn how to choose the significant milestones and turning points that make up a coherent story leading to a life-changing epiphany.

  • Help uncover the secret stories that are the keys to healing
  • Explore the dynamics and roles of dysfunctional families
  • Heal old wounds, creating a better present and brighter future

Using many examples from her students and clients, Linda Joy Myers, Ph.D. shows how creative, well-planned, and carefully researched memoir writing can offer a process for sorting out the truth from lies and family myths.

Linda Joy MyersAbout the Author:

Linda Joy Myers, Ph.D. is the president of the National Association of Memoir Writers and the author of the prize-winning memoir Don't Call Me Mother: Breaking the Chain of Mother Daughter Abandonment. Her new book The Power of Memoir--How to Write Your Healing Story was released in January 2010 through Jossey Bass publishers.

Linda has been a therapist in Berkeley for the last thirty years, and received her MFA at Mills College.

Through her workshops, online coaching, and speaking engagements, Linda integrates the principles of healing and creativity in presenting the powerful healing process of writing true stories. Her first book Becoming Whole: Writing Your Healing Story was used as a text by therapists, ministers, and writing coaches, and was a finalist in the ForeWord magazine's 2008 Book of the Year Award. Linda's prize-winning nonfiction and poetry has been published in various literary journals. Her novel excerpt, Secret Music, a novel about the Kindertransport, music, and redemption was a finalist in the San Francisco Writing Conference contest.

Linda is past-president of The California Writers Club, Marin branch, and former Vice-President of the Women's National Book Association, and has served on the board of Story Circle Network.

Author's Websites:


National Association of Memoir Writers:


You will receive a copy of Linda's book The Power of Memoir.

Participate! Please email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from March 8th - April 8th. We look forward to hearing from you!


Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book ClubsTour Dates: April 19, 2010 - May 21, 2010

Title: Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs

Cindy Hudson

Genre: Parenting/Lit Reference

Mothers and daughters share a special bond...why not further this bond through reading together?

Book clubs have been growing in popularity over the past ten years, started by a variety of people with various interests and goals. Mother-daughter book clubs offer a great way for families to grow and share--with each other and with other mother-daughter pairs. In Book by Book Cindy Hudson offers all the how-to tips mothers need to start their own successful book clubs. Hudson offers her own firsthand experience as the founder of two long-running successful mother-daughter book clubs.

Hudson offers suggestions on book topics, club guidelines, and how to keep the club going as daughters grow older. How big should the club be? Whom should we invite? How often should we meet? How do we make sure we actually read the books? Hudson has all the answers. With recommended book lists (divided by four age groups), online resources, and suggested recipes for book-club treats, Book by Book is a great resource for helping moms and daughters form new memories and traditions.

Cindy HudsonAbout the Author:

Cindy Hudson grew up in Brusly, Louisiana, where she nourished her early love of reading while wandering the cubbyhole rooms of her local library, a converted Victorian mansion. Wandering the aisles of bookstores and libraries are still two of her favorite things, and if she can do that with her husband and daughters she's even happier.

Hudson writes from her home in Portland, Oregon.

Author's Websites:

Facebook: Mother-Daughter Book Club Fan Page


You will receive a copy of Cindy's book Book by Book: The Complete Guide to Creating Mother-Daughter Book Clubs (Seal Press).

Participate! Please email us with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from April 19th - May 21st. We look forward to hearing from you!

Ready to go touring?

I hope you'll join us on Bonnie Hearn Hill's book blog tour. It will be a fun and informative journey! Mark your calendars, and save these dates. Either Jodi or myself will be personally attending each and every blog stop on the tour. And I have to say, I'm truly excited! We'd love for you all to get involved and join us in a virtual vacation. Take a trip across the globe by participating in this tour. Each stop shares a different point of view, a new topic, and has its own unique voice. We'd love to hear yours too, so come along for the ride, and we'll be looking for your comments!

And don't forget to visit The Muffin today and comment for a chance to win a copy of Bonnie Hearn Hill's YA novel Aries Rising!

Write on!
Angela, Jodi, & Team WOW!
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