Issue 37: Fall in Love with Romance Writing
February 2010 
 WOW! Women On Writing
 Issue #37: Fall in Love with Romance Writing

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Are you in the mood for love? I can't think of a better way to celebrate the month of February than exploring the fastest-growing genre out there--romance. Sweet, chocolate-covered culinary romance; sultry, suspenseful romance; hot-blooded, thrilling romance; otherworldly paranormal romance--it's all delicious!

This is our third issue dedicated to romance, and we haven't even begun to scratch the surface of all the subgenres it has to offer. That's because it's so flexible and ever evolving. But at the genre's core is one thing that holds it together--love--the basis of any romance novel no matter what subgenre and most likely, a happy ending.

Who doesn't want a little happiness and romance in their lives? According to book sales, it appears that readers do. More than ever, readers are hungry for romance and ready to fall in love with the next series from their favorite authors. So let's dive into the genre by learning from the experts in this issue. I bet you'll fall in love with them like I did!

And in case you missed the first two romance issues, you can find them here: February '08 Romance is... and March '09 What's Romance Got to Do With It? Both are worth exploring and contain interviews with bestselling authors, wonderful craft articles, and markets for the romance writer.


A big, warm, thank you goes out to our freelancers & staff:

We welcome back freelancer Sara Hodon and thank her for her delicious interview with Shirley Jump, a romance writer who has successfully blended her three favorite ingredients--romance, food, and humor--into a bestselling series. Shirley is a woman after my own heart. She loves pasta--from Fettuccini Alfredo to simple mac and cheese. But her love doesn't stop there. She's authored over twenty books for Harlequin and Silhouette, and if that weren't enough, is branching out into other genres, which include a young adult thriller she co-authored with her daughter. She has a real love for writing and sharing her knowledge with aspiring authors. You're absolutely going to fall in love with her--and laugh!--at the wit and inspiration she brings to the page.

Ready to walk the hot-blooded tightrope? A big thank you goes to WOW! columnist LuAnn Schindler for her interview with Shannon K. Butcher, an author who steadies herself on the writing tightrope somewhere between romance and suspense. In this interview, Shannon shares her thoughts about the suspense genre and its elements, crafting those oh-so-delicate-or-not sex scenes, and what it's like to be married to New York Times bestselling sci-fi and fantasy author Jim Butcher. Can you imagine that? Discover how these two celebrated authors work together at home and collaborate as a creative couple.

Another big thank you goes to WOW! columnist and contributing editor Margo L. Dill for her steamy interview with Louisa Edwards. Louisa combines the "foodie craze" with the much-loved genre of romance and serves up a delicious paring of delectable novels, inspired from her crushes on various celebrity chefs! In this interview, Louisa shares her tips on creating passionate characters, weaving strong subplots, crafting timely and fresh topics, and even her thoughts on marketing and her experience of working for an editor at Berkley Books. If you love food and romance equally (and who doesn't?), this interview is not to miss!

Are you a fan of paranormal romance? If so, you're in luck! We welcome back freelancer Annette Fix and thank her for her interview with NY Times bestselling author Nalini Singh. Nalini has got to be one of the most prolific authors out there--eighteen books in seven years! In this interview, Nalini shares her thoughts on how to keep characters fresh in a series and talks about both of her bestselling series: the Psy-Changeling series and her newest, the Guild Hunter series. She also shares a bit about author promotion and her love of traveling, which she uses as research for her books.

And who says teens can't fall in love? I can certainly remember reading some steamy Judy Blume books back in my day. But what's the genre up to now? We welcome back freelancer Sue Bradford Edwards and thank her for her interview with young adult romance author Simone Elkeles who gives us the skinny on writing for the teen romance market. In this interview, Simone talks about the teen voice, the importance of tough characters--especially the hero, censorship, and writing for teen audiences. She also encourages writers to just write and says, "I don't think you need a degree in writing to write." Hear, hear!

On the other side of the age spectrum comes a fairly new and fast-growing market: boomer lit. A big thank you goes to WOW! columnist LuAnn Schindler for her fun and informative article Romancing the Middle-Aged Reader. Some critics call the genre chick lit for grandmothers. A few label it as Sex and the City for the menopause set. And for others, boomer literature tells a powerful story about facing challenges and persevering. Since boomers purchase one of every seven books sold, boomer lit is smoking hot...and the label is a marketing tool worth pursuing. Find out how you can tap into this market with advice from authors Debbie Macomber and Binnie Klein--both interviewed for this article.

As writers, we all know the importance of reading in our genre to keep our finger on the pulse. But how can we read as a writer and pay close attention to the techniques we discover on the page? We welcome back freelancer Beth Daniels and thank her for her informative article How to Dissect Romance Novels and Create Rules for Writing. Beth shows us how to carefully examine the books we read to create our own genre-specific "bible," a set of rules we can use for our own novels. Her list includes researching professions and income of main characters, romantic background, conflict, children and family, danger, scenes with main characters, "sounding board" characters, secondary storylines, series and spin-offs, settings, names, and much more! By following her outline, you can identify the necessary bits to create your own set of rules for writing your romance novel.

And if that weren't enough, we're proud to announce the Fall '09 Flash Fiction Contest winners! We'd like to thank literary agent Noah Lukeman for judging this season's contest. Thank you, Noah, for your expedience and expert attention to detail. And congratulations goes to all the winners and to all those that had the courage to enter the contest as well. You're going to really enjoy reading this season's stories!

As always, I'd like to thank WOW!'s contributing editors Margo L. Dill and Joanne Stacey for making this issue a delicious read!


Winter 2010 Flash Fiction Contest


DEADLINE: February 28, 2010 Midnight, Pacific Time.

GUEST JUDGE: Literary Agent, Elise Capron

About Elise: Elise Capron is an agent with the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency, an agency known for establishing and guiding the careers of critically acclaimed fiction and nonfiction authors, including Amy Tan, Lisa See, Maxine Hong Kingston, Chitra Divakaruni, Kate White, Diane Mott Davidson, Luis Urrea, Janell Cannon, and many others. The Los Angeles Times dubbed the Dijkstra Agency "the most powerful literary agency on the West Coast" and, in its 25+ years, the agency has developed a reputation for discovering new talent and representing quality work with commercial potential.

Elise has been with the Dijkstra Agency since 2003. In addition to her own agenting, she assists Sandra Dijkstra and handles first serial sales. She specializes in debut fiction, character-driven literary and offbeat fiction, and short story collections. She is also interested in selected nonfiction if it has a literary edge. She hopes to find fiction with unforgettable writing, terrific narrative voice/tone, and great characters. Elise loves novels with an unusual or eccentric edge, and is drawn to stories she has never heard before. She hopes to work with writers who are professional, have a realistic sense of the market, and who are getting their work published regularly in literary magazines.

Some of Elise's recent and soon-to-be-published books include Jonathon Keats' The Book of the Unknown: Tales of the Thirty-Six (Random House), Ali Liebegott's The IHOP Papers (Carroll & Graf), Peter Plate's Soon the Rest Will Fall (Seven Stories Press), and Whitney Lyles' Party Games (Simon Pulse) and First Comes Love (Berkley).

Find out more about Elise by reading her interview on WOW! Women On Writing: 20 Questions Answered By Elise Capron.

Visit The Dijkstra Agency's website:

This is Elise's second time judging for us! She first guest judged for our Summer '08 Flash Fiction Contest and was one of our most expedient guest judges to date. You can read the winning stories she selected here. We're thrilled to have him as our honorable guest judge this season!

PROMPT: Open Prompt

WORD COUNT: 750 Max; 250 Min

LIMIT: 300 Entries

Don't wait until the last minute! Enter Today. Visit our Contest Page and download our terms & conditions ebook. Good luck!


Call for Submissions

WOW! is seeking submissions for their upcoming themes:

May '10 Book to Film: (Deadline for queries/subs: March 15, 2010)
The majority of films are made from books these days, so using this as a basic premise, we are dedicating May's issue to all things related to words and pictures.

Here are some topic ideas for articles/interviews:
- Interviews with authors of books that were made into films.
- Interviews with screenwriters who crafted a screenplay from a book.
- How to write a screenplay--I know, big topic, but we can start with the basic structural differences of novel writing vs. screenwriting and share some tips for screenwriting.
- Basics of writing a TV pilot.
- How a book gets optioned for a film: how does it happen, what steps are involved, including quotes from experts.
- The YouTube phenomena: how to effectively use YouTube as an author or freelance writer, how to make money from YouTube, etc.

Fiction Mechanics/Novelist's Tool Kit: (Deadline for queries/subs: April 15, 2010)
Last month, when I was putting together the links at the bottom of Beth Cato's fabulous article Beginning After NaNoWriMo, I noticed that we were short on articles that covered the mechanics of fiction. I'd love to see comprehensive articles on all the tools novelists need to have in their toolbox for working on their novels. Here are some basic topics: (Note: this is an all "how to" issue, no interviews.)
- Plot & Structure
- Scenes
- Description & Setting
- Pacing
- Voice
(Note: we already have articles on: dialogue tags, self-editing for fiction writers, and beginnings/middles/ends.)

Submission Guidelines:Also, please review our submission guidelines on our Contact Page (scroll to the bottom) for pay rates and how to submit. We look forward to hearing from you!

Some of the slots have already been filled above because we announce first calls for submissions in our Premium-Green Markets newsletter. To find out about first calls from WOW! please subscribe to our Premium-Green Writer's Markets. We share detailed descriptions of specific articles we need right now. Land one gig and it more than pays for a year's subscription! We currently have over 27 issues--ebooks filled with over 100 pages of markets--available for immediate download with the purchase of your subscription. Join the community that gives back! And write-on!


On to the issue, enjoy!

 Fall 2009 Flash Fiction Contest Winners Announced!
 Drum roll...

Fall '09 Contest Winners' pics Congratulations goes to everyone who entered the Fall 2009 Flash Fiction Contest. All of your entries were incredible this round, and our esteemed guest judge, literary agent Noah Lukeman, did not have an easy job! But with his expertise, he dutifully picked the winners, and we thank Noah!

All of the stories this season were phenomenal! It was hard to narrow down the entries to the Top 25 and then the Top 10. All the stories were superlative in subject, content, and style--it really came down to technical aspects and the guest judge's personal choice of which ones made it into the Top 10. Every story is a winner in its own right and has the potential to win a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place. They were that good.

I know you've all been waiting patiently, so here's the results!

-- 1st Place Winner: Leigha Butler

-- 2nd Place Winner: Arlene L. Walker

-- 3rd Place Winner: James Tipton

Runners Up (in no particular order):

-- Georgia Allred
-- Stacy Post
-- Martha Katzeff
-- Lori Strauss
-- Catherine E. Jones
-- Pamela Allison
-- Jacquelyn Malone

Read the Top 10 winners' stories in our contest feature!

Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):

-- Patricia Winton
-- Alessia Brio
-- Wayne Scheer
-- Michelle Lemons
-- Cheri Downie
-- Michele Roach
-- Dee Blackwelder Marley
-- Jenn Gibson
-- Tammy Blackwell
-- Sarah Becker
-- Serena Helriot
-- Corinne Mahoney
-- Carolyn Crowell
-- Kathleen M. Redmond
-- Sandra Cook

Congrats ladies and gents! And congrats to everyone who hit the send button--we know it's not easy, but each season provides a rebirth of opportunity!

So, go on already! Read the entries!

Notes: if you purchased a critique for the Fall '09 contest, we will be sending critiques one at a time over the next couple of weeks. If you haven't received your critique by the end of February (make sure you check your bulk mail), please send us an e-mail and we'll resend. Prizes: all prizes this season are digital, so we will be sending gift cards, e-books, and cash prizes electronically next week. Thank you!

MORE >> 

 Delicious Dish with Shirley Jump
 By Sara Hodon

Shirley Jump Author Shirley Jump has managed to successfully blend three of her favorite ingredients--romance, food, and humor--into a bestselling series. Her Romances with Recipes novels combine perfectly imperfect female leads, gorgeous leading men, and a dash of humor that all feature food as a central theme. And her fans, quite literally, eat her words. Join Sara Hodon as she chats with Shirley Jump about food, romance, and of course, writing.


 Walking the Hot-Blooded Tightrope with Shannon K. Butcher
 By LuAnn Schindler

Shannon K. Butcher Somewhere between flirtation and romance, between lust and love, Shannon K. Butcher steadies herself on a writing tightrope, creating page-turning romantic suspense novels featuring handsome hunks and heroine hotties. For Butcher, the line between romance and suspense forms a fine thread of space loaded with sinister killers, twisted plot details, and believable romantic tension.

In this interview conducted by LuAnn Schindler, Shannon shares her thoughts about the suspense genre and its elements, romantic encounters on the page, and what it's like to collaborate with her husband Jim Butcher, a New York Times bestselling sci-fi and fantasy author!


 On the Steamy Side with Louisa Edwards, the Queen of Culinary Romance
 By Margo L. Dill

Louisa Edwards Louisa Edwards always had an interest in food and romance novels, but never thought of paring the two until after she took a part-time job at the Culinary Vegetable Institute. Personal interaction with chefs, plus the limited repertoire of local restaurants stoked Louisa's interest in food. She began critiquing restaurants for the local newspaper, got sucked into Gordon Ramsay's Hell's Kitchen, trailed a chef friend at his restaurant in Raleigh, North Carolina, started cooking her way through Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking, and decided to bring it all together by writing Can't Stand the Heat. Now, she's getting ready for the release of her second foodie-inspired romance On the Steamy Side.

In this interview, conducted by Margo L. Dill, Louisa shares her tips on creating passionate characters, weaving strong subplots, crafting fresh topics, and even her thoughts on marketing and her experience of working as an assistant editor at Berkley Books.


 The Paranormally Perfect Romance Series of Nalini Singh
 By Annette Fix

Nalini Singh With multiple books that have graced the New York Times Bestseller List, it's obvious that author Nalini Singh knows how to create great romantic tales of paranormal proportions. Nalini began writing paranormal romance in 2006 with her Psy-Changeling series: Slave to Sensation, Visions of Heat, Caressed by Ice, Mine to Possess, Hostage to Pleasure, Branded by Fire, and Blaze of Memory. In 2009, she launched into another series with Angels' Blood, and the newest release, Archangel's Kiss, the second book in her Guild Hunter series.

Annette Fix caught up with Nalini for a brief interview, right before the launch of her newest title. Find out what it takes to churn out a romance series that has readers clamoring for the next book!


 20 Questions: Answered by Simone Elkeles, Teen Romance Author
 By Sue Bradford Edwards

Simone Elkeles With five young adult books out and a list of awards to her credit, you might think Simone Elkeles was one of those book-crazy kids who always longed to write. But it isn't the story you're going to hear from Simone. Unlike many writers, Simone didn't study literature or journalism in college. She focused on psychology, graduating in 1992 from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana before completing her master's of science degree in industrial relations at Loyola University-Chicago. Following college, she went to work at her father's manufacturing company, S-T Imagining, Inc. When he died, she became the company president and CEO at the age of twenty-four. Her writing career began in 2000 when she sold the company to be a stay-at-home mom. Reading to her daughter, Simone discovered the joy of sharing a book with a child. Soon, she was writing at night when her daughter was in bed. And the rest, as they say, is history.

In this interview, conducted by Sue Bradford Edwards, Simone talks about the teen voice, the importance of tough characters, censorship, and writing for teen audiences.


 Boomer Lit: Romancing the Middle-Aged Reader
 By LuAnn Schindler

Debbie Macomber Twenty years from now, will Sex and the City faithful yearn for a new adventure featuring a much older Carrie and Mr. Big as they reach fifty- or sixty-something and juggle midlife hassles, aging parents, and retirement? As the tail end of the estimated eighty million baby boomers reach the magical mark of fifty, it makes sense that boomer generation readers want to identify with fictional characters who share similar life experiences. Some critics consider it chick lit for grandmothers. A few label it as Sex and the City for the menopause set. And for others, boomer literature tells a powerful story about facing challenges and persevering. Since boomers purchase one of every seven books sold, boomer lit is smoking hot...and the label is a marketing tool worth pursuing.

WOW! columnist LuAnn Schindler interviews authors Debbie Macomber and Binnie Klein, who share their thoughts on the genre!


 How to Dissect Romance Novels & Create Rules for Writing
 By Beth Daniels, a.k.a. Beth Henderson, J.B. Dane

Beth Daniels As writers, we all know the importance of reading in our genre to keep our finger on the pulse. But how can we read as a writer and pay close attention to the techniques we discover on the page?

Beth Daniels admits that she'd never read a contemporary romance until an agent convinced her to write a proposal for one. After toting a pile of books home in her genre, she realized she needed to dissect them and create her own set of rules for novel writing. This was all about identifying the sort of things that had to appear in a book. Her list includes researching professions and income of main characters, romantic background, conflict, children and family, danger, scenes with main characters, "sounding board" characters, secondary storylines, series and spin-offs, settings, names, and much more! By following her outline, you can identify the necessary bits to create your own set of rules for writing your romance novel.


 Delicious Book of the Month!
 The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins

The Next Best Thing by Kristan Higgins Lucy Lang isn't looking for fireworks...

She's looking for a nice, decent man. Someone who'll mow the lawn, flip chicken on the barbeque, teach their future children to play soccer. But most important... someone who won't inspire the slightest stirring in her heart...or anywhere else. A young widow, Lucy can't risk that kind of loss again. But sharing her life with a cat named Fat Mikey and the Black Widows at the family bakery isn't enough either. So it's goodbye to Ethan, her hot but entirely inappropriate "friend with privileges" and hello to a man she can marry.

Too bad Ethan Mirabelli isn't going anywhere. As far as he's concerned, what she needs might be right under her nose. But can he convince her that the next best thing can really be forever?

Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: HQN Books (February 2010)
ISBN: 0373774389

The Next Best Thing is available for purchase through, Barnes & Noble, and in chain and independent bookstores nation wide.

About the author: Kristan Higgins is the RITA award-winning author of Catch of the Day and three other romantic comedies. Previously a copywriter, Kristan began writing fiction when her children graced her life with simultaneous much more satisfying than folding laundry. She holds a BA in English from the College of the Holy Cross, which enables her to identify dangling participles and quote many great novels. Kristan lives with her family in Connecticut. Find out more about author Kristan Higgins by visiting her website:

Read an Excerpt
Watch the Book Trailer


 Must Have: Recycled Book Handbags!
 A Spoonful of Chocolate Hope

Gorgeous purses made from recycled books These handbags made from recycled books are a must have for any bibliophile! Can you imagine having your favorite book made into a gorgeous purse?

One of our WOW! team members found these one-of-a-kind creations at Etsy, and we just had to find out more. Michelle Pulis, owner of the Etsy store A Spoonful of Chocolate Hope, handcrafts these gorgeous purses from hardcover books. Buyers have the option of purchasing one of her purses on her site, or having their favorite book made into a purse. The pages from the book can either be donated to a local refugee placement committee in Arizona (where Michelle lives) or she can re-bind them with the matching fabric used for the handbag to create a unique set!

For the traveler, she also creates passport holders/wallets that are disguised as books to keep pick-pocketers away while you're on vacation. And her newest product is a super cute bookshelf made out of used books. It makes a great addition to any home library. And for those Do-it-Yourselfers out there, Michelle also sells an e-book that shows you how you can make your own book handbag.

Michelle created A Spoonful of Chocolate Hope to help her father save his house. 100% of all profits go to her father, who is facing losing the house that he built with his own two hands.


 Premium-Green Writers' Markets: Give Yourself the Ultimate Gift that Gives Back
 Jump Start Your Freelance Career this New Year!


Are you tired of markets newsletters that simply "list" a bunch of markets without any personal guidance?

Get the Guide That Helps You Grow Your Freelance Writing Career!


The Ultimate Guide for Freelance Women Writers

Will Show You the GREEN!

Premium-Green isn't just market listings, it's a guide with community benefits. For only $4 a month, you get a 100+ Page Ebook delivered to your inbox every month, and you'll have access to a private community of women writers just like you!

We know that becoming a freelance writer takes more than just market listings. You'll need the opportunity to network with your peers and have a support system to help you reach your goals. And that's exactly what your Premium-Green Markets Subscription will do.

Here's what you get when you subscribe to PREMIUM GREEN:

  • Monthly 100+ page ebook in friendly PDF format: Easy to print, easy to save. No need for storing emails to find links and articles you missed!
  • Articles to grow your Freelance Career: These are articles not found anywhere else: More than Your Magic 8-Ball, I.T.T. In the Trenches, Tips & Tricks, Meet Your Mentor, Get Writing Mamas!, Project Workbook, and more...
  • Access to the PG Subscribers Group: Network with your peers through the Google list-serve, post discussions, ask questions, and receive insider tips.
  • Documents for PG Subscribers: Upload, download, and share content with the group. We put up f*r*e*e* articles, contracts, and ebooks for the group each month, so take advantage!
  • First Calls from WOW!: We give you immediate calls for what we need on the spot (or when we're in a crunch) to fill each issue. Get on the ground level and write for us!
  • Pink & Green: Find women's markets only, and get insight from the editors and what their needs are right now.
  • Markets, markets, and more markets. We provide markets for all aspects of freelancing. One example is, "Niche Quiche," which includes greeting card markets, slogans, and anything you can write in a few words and get paid! Check out our markets page for more details.

Earn the money you deserve, and get a real support team that will help you grow your freelance career.

Join Now and Download all 27 Premium-Green ebooks Instantly!

The subscription price is $48 a year, which is $4 per month. We want to support you! Let's make this a banner year for all women writers. We can only do it by helping each other and creating a strong network and community for ourselves. Together, we can do it!


 WOW! Women On Writing Workshops & Classes
 invest in yourself, write now

WOW! Classes Whether you are looking to boost your income or work on your craft, we know that education is an important part of a writer's career. That's why WOW! handpicks qualified instructors and targeted classes that women writers will benefit from. The instructors are women we've worked with on a professional level, and these ladies offer high quality courses on various topics.

How the courses work: All of the courses operate online--whether through email, website, chat room, or listserv, depending on the instructor's preferences--and are taught one-on-one with the instructor. The flexibility of the platform allows students to complete assignments on their own time and work at their own pace in the comfort of their own home. It's a wonderful experience and an excellent way to further develop your skills, or to try your hand at something completely new!

Featured e-Courses (By Date):

SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR AUTHORS: Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more! by Margo L. Dill

START DATE: February 22, 2010

DURATION: 4 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class will teach writers how to use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites such as Shelfari or JacketFlap (students' choice) to network; to build a loyal following of fans; to start working on a brand/image; and to promote books, articles, magazines, and blogs. Instead of using Facebook and Twitter to write about your fabulous dinner or disastrous day at the grocery store, you will learn to sell yourslef and your writing!

Limit: 20 students




START DATE: February 22, 2010

DURATION: 6 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 6-week class provides an overview of the techniques and formatting requirements to develop an original screenplay. The lectures and assignments cover character development, dialogue, genre, structure, pacing, budget, and marketability. All materials submitted are critiqued by a professional screenplay consultant and learners are free to ask as many questions as they'd like about how to turn a story idea into a commercial, pitch-ready script.

Limit: 10 students




START DATE: February 22, 2010

DURATION: 6 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Since the time of the Ancient Greeks, the live theater experience has satisfied an audience's need for entertainment that is immediate, intimate and accessible to all ages and levels of society. Whether performed in an outdoor courtyard, on a vintage stage, in a school auditorium, or above the din of an urban coffeehouse, a play is an ever-evolving and timeless art form that derives its energy from both sides of the footlights. Unlike a novel or a film which is financed and produced only once, a theater script undergoes a new transformation with each change of cast and each change of venue. Even the passage of time itself impacts how a theatrical story will resonate with successive generations, giving new definition and perspective to old ideas or providing a yardstick of how far we've come from social mores that were once held as truth.

In this class, you'll be learning what makes a play successful...and how to write one yourself! Each module consists of a lecture and writing assignment, as well as interviews, websites and anecdotes. Ideally, it should only take one week to complete each exercise. The final assignment will be the writing and submission of an original 15-minute one-act play, which will be professionally critiqued for its adherence to all of the principles addressed in class.

Limit: 10 students




START DATE: March 5, 2010

DURATION: 5 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Spring is near-at-hand! What better way to celebrate this impending renewal than by picking up a pen and creating new works of your own? An Irish proverb offers, "The most beautiful music of all is the music of what happens." Through readings of our text, Ordinary Genius, along with weekly poetry handouts from the instructor, we will examine how poets turn everyday moments into extraordinary verse. Students will write and submit one poem per week, based on writing prompts from the text or a topic of the author's own choosing, for constructive yet encouraging feedback from the instructor. There will also be a private class group (through Google Groups or Wetpaint) where students may interact as a community of poets--discussing the week's readings and the progress of their writing or asking questions of the instructor. This class is meant to kick-start your own reawakened Muse--from strengthening your knowledge of literary techniques to providing a bridge for sparking your own life-breathing, imaginative poems from pen to printed page.

Limit: 8-10 students




START DATE: March 9, 2010

DURATION: 10 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is for beginning freelance writers or for those who are interested in becoming freelance writers. It includes all of the basics of freelance writing: overviews of the different fields in freelance writing, what is needed to begin, how to store ideas, where to get ideas, how much you should make, where to find clients, and how to get clients.

In this class, I am your writing mentor through every lesson and every assignment. Make some extra money with your writing or create your own full-time freelance career! Learn from my personal stories, information, resources, goals, activities, lessons, and assignments. This class will provide the you with the structure and guidance you need to Get Paid to Write. A certification will be given to those who pass the entire class.

Limit: 25 students




START DATE: March 22, 2010

DURATION: 6 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Through lectures, writing exercises, and instructor feedback we will cover the basics of food writing (in print and online formats). Students should complete the class with at least one work suitable for publication. We will explore food writing essentials including: food reporting and research, techniques for developing sources in the food world, resources for covering food news, and conventional forms of food writing.

Course objectives:
1. To complete at least one work that is publishable.
2. To encourage you to read published food writing to better understand the genre.
3. To increase your confidence and skills as a writer.
4. To develop a foundation for the skills of crafting, editing, and revising.

Limit: 25 students




START DATE: April 5, 2010

DURATION: 8 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Let me show you through my intense, 8-week-long workshop how to get a nonfiction book proposal ready for publishers. This is your opportunity to gain a serious business advantage over other writers who will try to wing it. And even if your first book doesn't sell, you will have the skills and the template to apply to other ideas and other projects. You may even come up with more ideas for more books as you work through this course.

And my workshop is different. I keep the classes small so you receive a lot of individual attention; class size is limited to 10 students. In addition, you will have e-mail feedback on all assignments. Another thing I do in my workshops is to have weekly chat sessions. Yes, every Thursday night, we will meet online to ask questions, discuss the lesson plans, and talk about additional information or details that you might have missed. Chats are an important tool for learning (and camaraderie) and why shouldn't we work together to leverage our knowledge? And to make it worth your while, you will also receive additional materials to help illustrate important points from the lesson plans or that you can use to aid you in staying abreast of what is happening in the publishing industry.

This course is for intermediate level students. Try to clear your plate of other things that may distract you and be prepared to work hard. If you want results, you will get them but this class involves work and preparation week after week. In this class, you can expect to learn:

- If your idea is a good one
- The essential ingredients of a book proposal
- What the format and overall look of the actual proposal should be
- How to write your proposal letters and the best markets for your book
- Why you must exploit your "intellectual capital"
- The nuts and bolts of the nonfiction book publishing industry

By the end of class, students will have a marketable, nonfiction book proposal package ready to send out to agents, including a query letter, along with the confidence to market his/her product.

Limit: 10 students




START DATE: April 6, 2010

DURATION: 8 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Through writing exercises and classmate and instructor feedback we will delve into the fundamentals of short fiction with a view to publishable work. We will explore a variety of craft elements including: character, plot, point of view, description, dialogue, setting, pacing, voice and theme.

Course objectives:
1. To complete at least one work that is publishable.
2. To encourage you to read published short fiction including, short stories, personal essays and flash fiction (Fiction under 800 words).
3. To increase your confidence and skills as a writer.
4. To develop a foundation for the skills of crafting, editing, and revising.

Limit: 8-10 students



I hope you are as excited about our classes as we are. WOW! Women On Writing ensures that our instructors will work with you one-on-one. In most cases you will receive emailed course materials and assignments, or for those with groups, you will be able to download course materials. Your instructor will give you assignments and personal feedback, and guide you through a charted course of learning. Our instructors are wonderful ladies who go above and beyond to help you achieve your writing goals.


 Find out the latest from the Bakers of WOW!

The Muffin Have you checked out what we've been baking for you on the daily Muffin? We've stirred together some traditional ingredients with new ones to deliver more interviews, enlightenment, thought provoking ideas, and inspirational messages to help you through those gray writing days.


Never Stale! Here's the Latest:

Tuesdays are contest interview days!

If you are interested in writing for our contests, check out the interviews with previous Top 10 winners to find out how they crafted their stories.

Summer '09 Flash Fiction Runner Up: Evelyn Addison Ray
Interview by Jill Earl

Summer '09 Flash Fiction Runner Up: Tricia Bowering
Interview by Margo L. Dill

Summer '09 Flash Fiction Contest Runner Up: Elizabeth Barton
Interview by Anne Greenawalt

Summer '09 Flash Fiction Contest Runner Up: Norma Bishop
Interview by LuAnn Schindler

Summer '09 Flash Fiction Contest Runner Up: James Tipton
Interview by Jill Earl


Blog Posts of Interest:

Elisa Lorello, Author of Ordinary World, Launches Her Blog Tour!
Interview by Jodi Webb

Join us for Elisa Lorello's first blog tour stop for Ordinary World, the sequel to the bestseller, Faking It. Learn more about book genres and how the categories are perceived differently by critics and readers. Find out how she'd classify her novel--though Barnes and Noble doesnt have a section for it in their stores. There are more stops to go on this tour, check it out! Check the dates and join in.

Laura Cross, Author of The Complete Guide to Hiring a Literary Agent, Launches her Blog Tour!
Interview by Jodi Webb

Join us for the launch of Laura Cross's blog tour for her terrific resource, The Complete Guide to Hiring a Literary Agent. Her first stop is an informative and interesting chat that participants are loving so far. Laura even includes a link for you to download a free sample chapter of her book! 28 comments! There are more stops to go on this tour, check it out! Check the dates and join in.

Does Reading Have a Place in Your Writing Goals?
By Jill Earl

Previously, Jill hadn't thought about how reading intentionally could help in making one a better writer. Intrigued by the notion, she set about creating my own plan. Find out about her 2010 reading plans and share yours!

Author/Writer/Blogger/SUPERMAMA Rebecca Eckler
By Chynna Laird

A fun and insightful interview with Canadian-based author, journalist and freelance writer, Rebecca Eckler. Find out why she thinks writing is a good career for single mothers, what she always tells people who want to write, and why Chynna calls her the ultimate "Writer Mama."

What Does Your Business Card Say About You?
By LuAnn Schindler

A business card is one of the quickest introductions a writer can make. It's also one of the least expensive forms of self-promotion. Learn more about one of the most basic marketing tools available in this helpful post.

Why a Blogging Conference?
By Elizabeth Humphrey

Last year, when she started a blog for herself and was hired to blog for someone else, Elizabeth decided to go to a blogging conference. Find out why she's heading back this year!

Got Scene Problems? We've Got Quick Solutions!
By Angela Mackintosh

If you're in the process of editing your NaNo manuscript, novel, or short story and find that a scene isn't working, it may have one of the problems listed in this helpful post. See if you can pinpoint the problem and apply the quick-fix solution!

Talk to Your Readers
By Carrie Hulce

Say no to boring, dry writing and have a "conversation" with your readers. Carrie shares a powerful tool that she's putting into practice!

The E-Book Revolution: Publishing Wars, Kindle, and Readers
By Angela Mackintosh

It started with Amazon's kindle e-book reader--a product that did for e-books what iPod did for music. And last Christmas, e-book sales outnumbered print sales for the first time in history! Find out the skinny on who's actually using them, what users think of kindle, what publishers think of the e-book revolution, and share your thoughts!


Want to contribute to The Muffin?

Friday's are "Speak Out!" days. We allow posts from contributors for promotion. If you'd like to submit a post, please make sure that it's about women and writing.

Your post can be about: writing inspiration, balancing family life/parenting with writing, craft of writing fiction/nonfiction, how-tos, tips for author promotion/marketing/social media, book reviews, writing prompts, special opportunities (paying markets for writers), publishing industry news/gossip, and anything you think our readers will love.

Please make sure that there is take-away value to our readers. No press releases please. We're more interested in hearing from our core audience--personal essays and humorous anecdotes are encouraged as well, as long as they provide something useful to our audience--including a good laugh! ;)

How To Submit: Submit your 250 - 500 word post in the body of your email to our blog editor Marcia Peterson: Upon acceptance, we will ask for your bio, links, bio photo, and any other pics to illustrate the article. We look forward to hearing from you!


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In Closing:

We hope this issue will inspire you to fall in love with your writing--no matter what genre! The authors in this issue generously share their advice with you in hopes that it will encourage you to write what you love. And if you do happen to be a romance writer, now is the time to celebrate! You're a part of one of the fastest growing and most lucrative genres out there.

I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I did putting it together. I think I consumed more chocolate this issue than ever! And remember Sunday is Valentine's Day, so indulge in something special and share the love. After all, love is truly the thing that makes life worth living.

With love and chocolate,