WOW! Women On Writing: Follow the Leader
Sept/Oct 2009 
 WOW! Women On Writing
 Issue #33: Follow the Leader - Advice from Successful Authors

In This Issue:
Quick Links
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For WOW Readers:

How to Land a Literary Agent

The Last Will of Moira Leahy

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Some of the best writing advice I've received over the years has been from interviewees. There's something about sitting down and engaging in an intimate chat with a fellow writer that can't be replicated in any other form--not even a how-to article or a first person account.

When we first started WOW! in September 2006, the mission was to promote the communication between women writers, authors, editors, publishers, and readers. We created the "WOW! conversation bubble" logo you see on the site because interviews are an integral part of our publication. That mission still holds true today.

In celebration of our three-year anniversary, we're doing what we do best: chatting with successful women authors! This all-interview issue features a diverse selection of authors whose stories are as varied as the authors themselves. I have to admit, this issue hasn't been the easiest to put together. Some interviews fell through, and we're still waiting on others; but somehow we managed to pull everything together and are thrilled with the outcome. From a humor writer to a ghost hunter, a love doctor to a career counselor--one of these authors is bound to inspire your writing.

One thing to remember: just like the children's game, Follow the Leader, you'll still want to look at the road ahead of you and decide if it's the path you want to take. We have authors who recommend self-publishing and others who are vehemently opposed to it. We have authors that think social networking is a waste of time and others who think it's the cat's meow. That's the wonderfully unpredictable thing about interviews--you never know what someone is going to say! The best thing to do is listen to it all, take it all in, bring a lunch or your favorite beverage, and pull up to the screen as you read. Enjoy the conversations, then follow the advice that resonates with you.


A big, warm, Thank You goes out to our freelancers & staff:

Below I share my favorite quotes/parts of each interview.

A big thank you goes to WOW! columnist LuAnn Schindler for her hilarious interview with Doreen Orion, author of Queen of the Road. I especially loved the part about the nudist RV park and Doreen's quote, "You haven't lived 'til you've done naked karaoke."

Thank you goes to WOW! columnist and contributing editor Margo L. Dill for her insightful and writerly chat with Christina Baker Kline. One of my favorite parts of this interview was finding out that Christina put aside her latest novel, Bird in Hand, for a few years before picking it up again. That gives me some hope I will actually revisit my novels-in-progress from many years ago and complete them!

Another big thank you goes to WOW! columnist Marcia Peterson for her interview with Dr. Diana Kirschner. I wish I had this advice back when I was dating! Dr. Diana says something that certainly some of us can relate to: "I wanted the guys that didn't want me, partied and tried too hard, settled for crumbs, got dumped in humiliating ways, and hid out with pints and pints of Haagen-Dazs coffee ice cream." Hmm... Sounds vaguely familiar!

We welcome freelancer Sara Hodon to the WOW! family and thank her for her interview with Dr. Katherine Ramsland. Get ready for some chills! This interview is fascinating to me on all levels, but my favorite parts were the stories Katherine told. One was about a time when she agreed to meet a murderer out in the woods--alone--to research her vampire book, which she now says, "It was a risk that, in retrospect, seems dumb." Another story was about when she visited a cemetery at night to record paranormal voices...and recorded one.

We welcome back freelancer C. Hope Clark and thank her for her interview with mystery author Kathryn Wall. You can tell these two have a great relationship and that makes the interview that much more intimate. When Hope asked Kathy how similar she is to her protagonist, Bay Tanner, she said, "We both smoked and quit, don't drink, swear occasionally and mildly, and are uncomfortable with praise or undue attention. Nah, we're nothing alike."

We welcome freelancer Andrea Campbell to the WOW! family and thank her for her interview with Elizabeth Lyon. These two have known each other for years--they met while they were both authors with Blue Heron Publishing, now defunct--so I was thrilled when they decided to share their chat with WOW! readers. I learned that Elizabeth is a single parent of two disabled children who are now adults with lots of needs. She's an amazing woman. And as a publisher, I found the statistics Elizabeth shared on book publishing in regards to the economy rather interesting. Many of the categories are down in sales, but it appears juvenile titles are up! Who knew?

We welcome back freelancer Cathy C. Hall and thank her for her interview with career expert Maureen Anderson. I loved learning about Maureen's first publishing clip (Good Housekeeping) and reading her inspiring stories of people who made a career switch. My favorite quote in this interview is, "Don't decide the best part of your life is behind you." That really resonated with me.

Last, but certainly not least, I'd also like to thank contributing editors Margo L. Dill and Joanne Stacey for making the issue sparkle!



Social Networks:

Perhaps it was because of last month's issue on self-promotion, or perhaps it's because all the cool kids are doing it, but we finally ramped up our social networking platform! You can find WOW! on the following social networks.




Find out what happens behind the scenes and keep an eye out for special giveaways!


Spring Contest Winners' Prizes:

We announced our Spring Contest winners last issue. We had a bit of a delay in printing, but we're back on track. You should receive your prizes very shortly, before the end of the month. Thank you for your patience.


Summer Contest Final Judging:

We are officially in final judging for the Summer Contest. We sent out first-round notifications a few weeks ago, and will be sending out Top 10 notifications mid-month. All winners will be announced with our November '09 issue. If you purchased a critique, you will receive your critique via email shortly after the winners are announced.


Fall 2009 Flash Fiction Contest

DEADLINE: November 30, 2009 Midnight, Pacific Time.

GUEST JUDGE: Literary Agent, Noah Lukeman

About Noah: Noah Lukeman is President of Lukeman Literary Management Ltd, which he founded in 1996. His clients include winners of the Pulitzer Prize, American Book Award, Pushcart Prize and O. Henry Award, finalists for the National Book Award, Edgar Award, and Pacific Rim prize, multiple New York Times bestsellers, national journalists, major celebrities, and faculty of universities ranging from Harvard to Stanford.

Mr. Lukeman is also an accomplished and bestselling author. His books for writers include: The First Five Pages: A Writer's Guide to Staying out of the Rejection Pile (Simon & Schuster, 1999); The Plot Thickens: 8 Ways to Bring Fiction to Life (St. Martins Press, 2002); A Dash of Style: The Art and Mastery of Punctuation (W.W. Norton, 2006 and Oxford University Press in the UK, 2007); How to Write a Great Query Letter (free e-book); How to Land (and Keep) a Literary Agent.

We're thrilled to have him as our honorable guest judge this season!

PROMPT: Open Prompt

WORD COUNT: 750 Max; 250 Min

LIMIT: 300 Entries

Don't wait until the last minute! Enter Today. Visit our Contest Page and download our terms & conditions ebook. Good luck!


Call for Submissions

WOW! is seeking submissions for their upcoming themes:

December '09 Literary Agents:
This issue is now full on agent interviews, but we still have the Freelancer's Corner column open and the How 2 column open. Ideas include:

  • How to perfect your elevator pitch and back cover copy
  • Book proposal writing
  • Publishing contracts
  • After NaNoWriMo: manuscript editing
January '10 Beginnings:
This issue focuses on beginning/starting something--we're open to ideas and interpretation.

We are also looking for photo essays and video on a variety of subjects: workspaces, tours of author's homes, how-tos, speakers on craft of writing subjects, author interviews, event coverage, balancing work/writing with family, etc. If you have an idea for a photo essay (300-500 words), or a video, please query us with examples of photo essays/video work you've previously completed.

Please review our submission guidelines on our Contact Page (scroll to the bottom) for pay rates and how to submit. We look forward to hearing from you!

To find out about first calls from WOW! please subscribe to our Premium-Green Writer's Markets. We share detailed descriptions of specific articles we need right now. Land one gig and it more than pays for a year's subscription! We currently have over 23 issues--ebooks filled with over 100 pages of markets--available for immediate download with the purchase of your subscription. Join the community that gives back! And write-on!


On to the issue, enjoy!

 Meet Doreen Orion, the Queen of the Road
 By LuAnn Schindler

Doreen Orion Ready to laugh? Come along on a journey with the incredibly hilarious psychiatrist-turned-author Doreen Orion, the self-proclaimed Queen of the Road. WOW! columnist LuAnn Schindler had a chance to visit with Doreen about her writing life and what it felt like to pack up for a year and travel across the lower forty-eight with her husband, who was in the midst of a mid-life crisis, her 2 cats, poodle, 200 pairs of shoes, and a bus with a will of its own.

MORE >> 

 Exploring Themes with Christina Baker Kline
 By Margo L. Dill

Christina Baker Kline "What if?" is a question that writers are thankful for, and one that Christina Baker Kline used to prompt the story behind her latest novel, Bird in Hand.

Join WOW! columnist Margo L. Dill as she chats with Christina about the topics that writers are most interested in, such as creating themes, balancing life with writing, acquiring a literary agent, and author promotion.


 Dr. Diana Kirschner, Love in 90 Days
 By Marcia Peterson

Dr. Diana Kirschner Finding true love can be just as hard as publishing a novel! Psychologist and bestselling author Diana Kirschner, Ph.D., has helped thousands of singles and couples find their dream relationships. With over twenty-five years of professional and practical experience doing therapy and workshops for singles and writing relationship articles for women, she is the go-to psychologist for TV talk and reality shows. WOW! columnist Marcia Peterson chats with Dr. Diana about her new book, Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love.


 Take a Walk On the Dark Side with Katherine Ramsland, Ph.D
 By Sara Hodon

Katherine Ramsland Taking a walk through the dark side of America's vampire subculture or exploring the minds of serial killers may not be every writer's cup of tea, but writer and professor of forensic psychology Dr. Katherine Ramsland has made a career out of analyzing and writing about the shadowy side of human nature. The author and co-author of thirty-five nonfiction books, Ramsland is comfortable walking the fine line between the real and the unimaginable. Join Sara Hodon as she chats with Katherine about immersion journalism and researching difficult subjects. Read some true ghost stories--just in time for Halloween!


 Southern Charm: An Interview with Mystery Author Kathryn Wall
 By C. Hope Clark

Kathryn Wall Kathryn Wall is the author of the Bay Tanner mystery series and has published nine books in as many years. She's not only a prolific writer, but she's an officer in the Southeast Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime professional organizations. She's also one of those rare writers who self-published her first two books before being "discovered" by a traditional publisher. C. Hope Clark chats with Kathy about the twists and turns of mystery writing, her fascination with the South, and why it's never too late to start your career as an author (Kathy had her first book published at the fabulous age of fifty-five!).


 Elizabeth Lyon, Author & Writer's Advocate
 By Andrea Campbell

Elizabeth Lyon Elizabeth Lyon is the author of many instructional writing books, including the classic Nonfiction Book Proposals Anybody Can Write. She's a full-time independent book editor, teacher, and writing mentor with an undeniable love for all things writing-related. Andrea Campbell interviews Elizabeth about the climate of the publishing industry, manuscript makeovers, clever marketing methods, and much, much more!


 Maureen Anderson, Finding Work You Love
 By Cathy C. Hall

Maureen Anderson Are you thinking of changing careers or writing full time? Then this interview is bound to inspire! Maureen Anderson seemed to be well on the road to success when she graduated with a civil engineering degree. She worked in a variety of positions until the day she stopped to think about where her road was leading. Maureen changed directions and found true success in a job she loved! She started writing and penned several books, including her recently released The Career Clinic: Eight Simple Rules for Finding Work You Love. She also entered radio and now hosts a program called The Career Clinic. In this interview, Cathy C. Hall asks Maureen career questions, and Maureen shares some inspiring stories about lifestyle changes!


 Announcement: Participate in Family Relationships Blogging Day!
 Come and join the party!

Everybody's Talking About...Family Relationships Be a Blogging Buddy - Write About Family Relationships

This is going to be a great day! We already have lots of participating blogs! If you have a blog, we'd love you to join us.

When: October 13, 2009 (Tuesday)

Where: On your blog

Why: Our friend Therese Walsh, author and owner of WriterUnoxed, is celebrating the release of her debut novel, The Last Will of Moira Leahy, on October 13, 2009. Therese will be at WOW! Women On Writing's blog, The Muffin, blogging about family relationships and she'd like some buddies writing on their blogs about family relationships that same day.

What to blog about: The theme is "Family Relationships." You can write about anything from tracing your family history to the family feud between your mom and aunt Martha to planning activities that bring your children closer together. Use your imagination and have fun!

What to include in your blog post: Make sure you include the following blurb about the blogging day at the top or bottom of your post:

"Today I'm participating in a mass blogging! WOW! Women On Writing has gathered a group of blogging buddies to write about family relationships. Why family relationships? We're celebrating the release of Therese Walsh's debut novel today. The Last Will of Moira Leahy, (Random House, October 13, 2009) is about a mysterious journey that helps a woman learn more about herself and her twin, whom she lost when they were teenagers. Visit The Muffin ( to read what Therese has to say about family relationships and view the list of all my blogging buddies. And make sure you visit Therese's website ( to find out more about the author."

Note: We have the book's title linked to Amazon under our affiliate link, but you can replace the link with your own or link to a similar site like B&N, for instance.

How to participate: Contact Jodi at if you'd like to participate and we'll include you and your blog link on the list of Therese's Blogging Buddies running on The Muffin on October 13th. It's a fun way to introduce your blog to The Muffin's community while helping a fellow writer.

Goodie Giveaways: Besides link-love, we have several goodies to give away (gift certificates, t-shirts, tote bags, books, subscriptions). We will hold random drawings for all bloggers who participate.

Come blog with us!


 Tip: Use Twitter to Find Jobs
 Straight from the tip jar.

Use Twitter Search and hashtags to uncover potential job leads.

Go to and search for keywords someone might use to post a job opportunity in 140 characters or less.

Many companies and recruiters use "hashtags" to categorize their job posting tweets. General job search hashtags such as #jobs, #telecommute, #hiring, etc. could lead you to interesting job links. Industry-specific hashtags such as #writingjobs, #prjobs, etc. will lead you to positions in your area of expertise and are also a good resource to find other Twitter users to follow.

For more on hashtags, read this post on TwitTip.

Third-party Web sites like Twellow ( or Mr. Tweet ( are good starting points to find other users. Search for keywords pertaining to your profession. Many users also list the company they work for, so make sure you connect to people who work for your target companies.

Good luck!


 Give Yourself the Ultimate Gift that Gives Back
 Jump Start Your Freelance Career


Are you tired of markets newsletters that simply "list" a bunch of markets without any personal guidance?

Get the Guide That Helps You Grow Your Freelance Writing Career!


The Ultimate Guide for Freelance Women Writers

Will Show You the GREEN!

Premium-Green isn't just market listings, it's a guide with community benefits. For only $4 a month, you get a 100+ Page Ebook delivered to your inbox every month, and you'll have access to a private community of women writers just like you!

We know that becoming a freelance writer takes more than just market listings. You'll need the opportunity to network with your peers and have a support system to help you reach your goals. And that's exactly what your Premium-Green Markets Subscription will do.

Here's what you get when you subscribe to PREMIUM GREEN:

  • Monthly 100+ page ebook in friendly PDF format: Easy to print, easy to save. No need for storing emails to find links and articles you missed!
  • Articles to grow your Freelance Career: These are articles not found anywhere else: More than Your Magic 8-Ball, I.T.T. In the Trenches, Tips & Tricks, Meet Your Mentor, Get Writing Mamas!, Project Workbook, and more...
  • Access to the PG Subscribers Group: Network with your peers through the Google list-serve, post discussions, ask questions, and receive insider tips.
  • Documents for PG Subscribers: Upload, download, and share content with the group. We put up f*r*e*e* articles, contracts, and ebooks for the group each month, so take advantage!
  • First Calls from WOW!: We give you immediate calls for what we need on the spot (or when we're in a crunch) to fill each issue. Get on the ground level and write for us!
  • Pink & Green: Find women's markets only, and get insight from the editors and what their needs are right now.
  • Markets, markets, and more markets. We provide markets for all aspects of freelancing. One example is, "Niche Quiche," which includes greeting card markets, slogans, and anything you can write in a few words and get paid! Check out our markets page for more details.

Earn the money you deserve, and get a real support team who will help you grow your freelance career.

Join Now and Download all 23 Premium-Green ebooks Instantly!

The subscription price is $48 a year, which is $4 per month. We want to support you! Let's make this a banner year for all women writers. We can only do it by helping each other and creating a strong network and community for ourselves. Together, we can do it!


 WOW! Women On Writing Workshops & Classes
 invest in yourself, write now

WOW! Classes Whether you are looking to boost your income or work on your craft, we know that education is an important part of a writer's career. That's why WOW! handpicks qualified instructors and targeted classes that women writers will benefit from. The instructors are women we've worked with on a professional level, and these ladies offer high quality courses on various topics.

How the courses work: All of the courses operate online--whether through email, website, chat room, or listserv, depending on the instructor's preferences--and are taught one-on-one with the instructor. The flexibility of the platform allows students to complete assignments on their own time and work at their own pace in the comfort of their own home. It's a wonderful experience and an excellent way to further develop your skills, or to try your hand at something completely new!

Featured e-Courses (By Date):


START DATE: October 15, 2009

DURATION: 6 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This is a class for writers who'd like to build a portfolio (and make money). Magazine articles are a great place to start. The class not only discusses writing non-fiction articles for well-known publications (e.g., Cosmo, Good Housekeeping, Wired), it teaches students to look beyond them and points out other avenues for both income and recognition. This is NOT a how-to-write class; it's about finding saleable story ideas, marketing yourself and your work, and getting the best price for it. At the end of class, students receive a free e-zine summarizing top 10 class highlights, for easy review.

Limit: 25 students




START DATE: October 20, 2009

DURATION: 10 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This class is for beginning freelance writers or for those who are interested in becoming freelance writers. It includes all of the basics of freelance writing: overviews of the different fields in freelance writing, what is needed to begin, how to store ideas, where to get ideas, how much you should make, where to find clients, and how to get clients.

In this class, I am your writing mentor through every lesson and every assignment. Make some extra money with your writing or create your own full-time freelance career! Learn from my personal stories, information, resources, goals, activities, lessons, and assignments. This class will provide the you with the structure and guidance you need to Get Paid to Write. A certification will be given to those who pass the entire class.

Limit: 25 students



SEE YOU AT THE MOVIES: An Introduction to the Craft of Screenwriting by Christina Hamlett

START DATE: October 27, 2009

DURATION: 6 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This 6-week class provides an overview of the techniques and formatting requirements to develop an original screenplay. The lectures and assignments cover character development, dialogue, genre, structure, pacing, budget, and marketability. All materials submitted are critiqued by a professional screenplay consultant and learners are free to ask as many questions as they'd like about how to turn a story idea into a commercial, pitch-ready script.

Limit: 10 students



THE GATEKEEPERS: ALL ABOUT AGENTS AND EDITORS--Getting them, Working with them, and Growing as a Career Author, by Andrea Campbell

START DATE: November 2, 2009

DURATION: 4 weeks

The Course Objectives
In order to succeed in this industry, you, the writer, must know it intimately from all sides. If you were a clothing designer: you wouldn't start without creative talent, the right materials, and a pattern to guide you. If you opened up a retail business, you wouldn't expect to: sell your products without knowing how to produce or restock your merchandise; you wouldn't open your doors without having a business foundation or center from which to sell, and you wouldn't try operating without a market strategy or knowing the competition. So why would you expect writing to be any different? Yet thousands of would-be authors do. They buy into the philosophy that if I just pen a terrific book, then I will become successful.

Well, craft is surely something all writers should work at and a beautiful book can certainly open doors, but only those writers who know and understand the business will stay on to succeed. Now if you want to write as a hobby or don't care to try to earn a living at this work, then this course will just be a knowledge primer. But if you want to create and write for a living, then you must learn the principles for this hard-knock business.

By the end of this course you will:
  • Know how the publishing business works
  • Know what the key players do and how to find them
  • Know how to describe your product and its features
  • Be able to do a market survey and assessment, and apply those skills over and over to everything you do in the future
  • Prepare business documents that help to position you for a sale
  • Ride the wave of rejection with style and grace
  • Learn brainstorming by yourself and with others
  • See networking as a subtle tool
  • Make yourself a dream client/writer/author
  • Pave the way for your continuing career



START DATE: November 3, 2009

DURATION: 8 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Through writing exercises and classmate and instructor feedback we will delve into the fundamentals of short fiction with a view to publishable work. We will explore a variety of craft elements including: character, plot, point of view, description, dialogue, setting, pacing, voice and theme.

Course objectives:

1. To complete at least one work that is publishable.
2. To encourage you to read published short fiction including, short stories, personal essays and flash fiction (Fiction under 800 words).
3. To increase your confidence and skills as a writer.
4. To develop a foundation for the skills of crafting, editing, and revising.

Limit: 8-10 students




START DATE: November 9, 2009

DURATION: 6 weeks

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Love reading about ordinary people that have done something extraordinary? Those are "real life" stories, and magazines love receiving pitches freelance writers who cannot only craft a compelling tale, but find the people to profile. Not only do I share my real life experience as a freelance writer who specializes in real life stories, but I also offer valuable feedback on all assignments and ideas. My previous students have been published in such national publications as Redbook, In Touch, Woman's World, Cooking Light,, Vibe, and Ladies' Home Journal.

Limit: 10-15 students



I hope you are as excited about our classes as we are. WOW! Women On Writing ensures that our instructors will work with you one-on-one. In most cases you will receive emailed course materials and assignments, or for those with groups, you will be able to download course materials. Your instructor will give you assignments and personal feedback, and guide you through a charted course of learning. Our instructors are wonderful ladies who go above and beyond to help you achieve your writing goals.


 Find out the latest from the Bakers of WOW!

The Muffin Have you checked out what we've been baking for you on the daily Muffin? We've stirred together some traditional ingredients with new ones to deliver more interviews, enlightenment, thought provoking ideas, and inspirational messages to help you through those gray writing days.


Never Stale! Here's the Latest:

Tuesdays are contest interview days!

If you are interested in writing for our contests, check out the interviews with previous Top 10 winners to find out how they crafted their stories.

Spring '09 Flash Fiction Contest 1st Place Winner: Teresa Davis
Interview by Marcia Peterson

Spring '09 Flash Fiction Contest 2nd Place Winner: Laurel Robertson
Interview by Margo L. Dill

Spring '09 Flash Fiction Contest 3rd Place Winner: Elizabeth Barton
Interview by LuAnn Schindler

Spring '09 Flash Fiction Contest Runner Up: Ann Imig
Interview by Anne Greenawalt


Blog Posts of Interest:

Celia Rivenbark, Author of You Can't Drink All Day if You Don't Start in the Morning, Launches Her Blog Tour!
Interview by Jodi Webb

If you like your humor shaken, stirred, or straight up, you're going to have a blast on this tour! And if you like to write short humorous essays, Celia's the mentor for you. Not only is she the author of five essay collections, she's also a humor columnist, and a writer mama. This Southern author will capture your heart. 46 comments! If you're interested in short essay writing, humor writing, or just want to laugh, Celia's blog tour is not to miss! There are a few more stops to go on this tour, check it out! Check the dates and join in.

Paul Martin, Inspirational Author of Original Faith, Launches His Blog Tour!
Interview by Jodi Webb

We're thrilled to announce the launch of Paul Maurice Martin's Blog Tour with WOW! Women On Writing. Even though he suffers from a debilitating illness that makes even the simplest tasks extremely painful and difficult, he continues to write through it all and shares his personal journey and insights with others. If you're in need of some inspiration or have been feeling a little down lately, this interview will lift your spirits and encourage you to write and live your life fully. 18 comments! There are a few more stops to go on this tour, check it out! Check the dates and join in.

Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Author of The Sky Begins at Your Feet, Launches Her Blog Tour!
Interview by Jodi Webb

Caryn is a poet laureate, nonfiction writer of memoir, biography, and instructional writing books, and founder of the Master's level program in Transformative Language Arts at Goddard College where she teaches. And yes, she's a breast cancer survivor. How she manages to do it all with a smile and a positive attitude is remarkable! In today's interview you'll learn more about Caryn and her love of writing. When she talks about teaching and helping other women, she lights up, and her energy is contagious! She also shares many helpful resources for writers that you may never have heard of. 9 comments! There are a few more stops to go on this tour, check it out! Check the dates and join in.

Sara Morgan, Author of No Limits: How I Escaped the Clutches of Corporate America to Live the Self-employed Life of My Dreams, Launches Her Blog Tour!
Interview by Jodi Webb

Four years ago Sara made the jump to self-employment and despite challenges, stayed true to her belief that a better, more fulfilling life lay ahead. She now lives the life she always dreamed of and she hopes to inspire others to take the remarkable path she has chosen. In this inspiring interview, Sara talks about trading the security of a 9 to 5 job, why self-publishing is a better option than traditional publishing, and her goal to sell one million books. 12 comments! There are a few more stops to go on this tour, check it out! Check the dates and join in.

Movies for Writers: State of Play
By Angela Mackintosh

If you're a writer and are curious about how reporters get their scoops, State of Play (now out on DVD) is a good model. It shows the steps reporters take to research a story, how they develop their content, follow leads, verify information, and obtain permission from sources. Of course, not all scoops are this big, but it's a movie, after all. Tell us about your other favorite movies for writers!

Navigating the Black Hole of Writing Job Applications
By Elizabeth Humphrey

She loves writing for the versatility and the sheer energy she can expend on her assignments. It's the business of freelancing that gives her a woozy feeling. One that makes her wish that she'd never applied for the job because then she wouldn't be watching her mailbox like a shunned lover.

Progress Can Feel Amazing, Can't It?
By Alison Diefenderfer

The first steps will be the query and deciding where she wants to send it then starting the proposal...who knows where the steps will lead, but even just taking the first steps feels amazing! Alison describes how finding something to focus on and putting the plans into motion are the keys to making it all come together.

Will Your Blog Bring You Fortune and Fame?
By Margo L. Dill

Having read the remarkably funny and insightful book, Julie & Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously by Julie Powell, Margo analyzes Powell's rise from blogging to book deal. What can we learn from her and her blogging experience? Don't miss part two as well--you'll want the full list of tips!

Writing Is A Cop-Out
By Jill Earl

Is writing is a cop-out? A selfish excuse to live perpetually in fantasyland, where you can create, direct and watch the products of your own head, as Charles Dickens once said? Join the discussion!

Healing With Words--the Best Medicine
By Chynna Laird

Life is filled with many adventures that nobody else experiences the way you do. Why not write them down, even if it's only for you to read? Chynna shares examples of women writing through pain, and describes how healing through words has always been the best medicine for her.

Searching the National Archives
By LuAnn Schindler

The possibilities for story ideas from information housed at the National Archives and Record Administration is endless. Check out this untapped resource and watch history come to life. LuAnn shares how to do it!


Want to contribute to The Muffin?

Friday's are "Speak Out!" days. We allow posts from contributors for promotion. If you'd like to submit a post, please make sure that it's about women and writing.

Your post can be about: writing inspiration, balancing family life/parenting with writing, craft of writing fiction/nonfiction, how-tos, tips for author promotion/marketing/social media, book reviews, writing prompts, special opportunities (paying markets for writers), publishing industry news/gossip, and anything you think our readers will love.

Please make sure that there is take-away value to our readers. No press releases please. We're more interested in hearing from our core audience--personal essays and humorous anecdotes are encouraged as well, as long as they provide something useful to our audience--including a good laugh! ;)

How To Submit: Submit your 250 - 500 word post in the body of your email to our blog editor Marcia Peterson: Upon acceptance, we will ask for your bio, links, bio photo, and any other pics to illustrate the article. We look forward to hearing from you!


Want to get blog posts via email?

Subscribe to The Muffin with Feedburner and get the latest delivered straight to your inbox.

Visit The Muffin >> 

 Announcements from WOW! Alumni Members
 News & Success Stories

WOW Announcements

Let's kick off the news:


From Sarah Jane Stratford:

Sarah was a Runner Up in our very first flash fiction contest (Fall '06)! When we interviewed her on The Muffin in Feb. '07, she mentioned her novel in progress about vampire espionage. She wrote in to say, "Well, that novel will be available everywhere on October 13 from St. Martin's Press. It's actually about vampires trying to defeat the Nazis on the eve of World War II - a thriller and a love story."

From WOW: Congratulations Sarah! We're thrilled to hear about your success! Your novel sounds fantastic, and we can't wait to read it. We're always thrilled to hear from previous contestants that made it!

Readers, you can find out more about Sarah's upcoming vampire thriller, The Midnight Guardian, on her website:


From Kimberly Zook:

Kim placed 3rd in our recent Winter '09 Flash Fiction Contest, and she wrote in to share some fantastic news! She just launched a new literary e-zine, The Motherhood Muse, which she created to encourage mother writers to rediscover and reconnect with nature through their bodies, minds, and souls. They publish creative nonfiction essays, articles, fiction, poetry, columns and photos. The website also features contests, a boutique, bookstore, blog, and much more for mom writers! It's a fantastic site that you'll definitely want to check out. Visit The Motherhood Muse at: Sign up for their newsletter to keep up with the latest. They have great things in store!


Would you like to send a letter to the WOW Editors? We will answer your questions, post your success stories, kudos, comments, suggestions, or anything else you have on your mind. Email us at: We look forward to hearing from you!


In Closing:

We hope the interviews featured in this issue will inspire your writing in many ways. These successful authors share their advice (for free, no less) in hopes it will help other writers along their paths. They do it because they are writing mentors and want you to succeed. Believe me, it's not easy to participate in a WOW! interview! Each interview is no less than 3,000 words. So take advantage of the in-depth chats we have with these wonderful authors and welcome them into your home, office, or wherever you pull up to the screen. And remember to keep on writing. That's what they'd want you to do.
