WOW! Women On Writing announces Jan Lundy's Blog Tour Schedule!
Blog Tour dates:
January 19, 2009 - February 14, 2009
Come and join the fun! Meet Jan and visit her fabulous blog hostesses.
Dear ,
We're thrilled to announce the launch of author Jan Lundy's Blog Tour with WOW! Women On Writing. Stop by The Muffin today and comment for a chance to win a signed copy of Jan's book!
I know some of you must be wondering...what exactly is a blog tour? A blog tour is similar to an author's book tour, but it's hosted online, instead of at, say, a bookstore. The touring author visits a number of blogs (otherwise known as "blog stops") over a set period--typically, a month.
Authors use this format to buzz their book, connect with readers, and have fun! It's a wonderful way to network with a readership the author might never get to meet in "real" life. For instance, this tour takes us across the U.S. and to Canada, all in one month! Even the most gregarious traveler couldn't conquer that much territory in such a short time. But it's not about the territory covered, it's about the interesting people you meet along the way.
The author we bring you this month is a wonderful writer, and a new friend. She's worked hard to bring you the most inspiring selection of articles to help you be the best you this New Year. I can't think of better timing.
Are you excited? I am! Come and join us on this fabulous journey! Let's meet the author, shall we?
~ Angela & Jodi ~ (Your hostesses)
* Feel free to copy any part of this email and share it on your own blog or in your newsletter.
About Jan:
Described by her readers, audiences, and colleagues as "practical and poetic, possessing deep and gentle wisdom," Janice Lynne Lundy serves as an interfaith spiritual guide to tens of thousands of women throughout the United States through her nationally syndicated magazine column in Women's LifeStyle, as a professional speaker and retreat facilitator, and as a Spiritual Director. She has been recognized for her sensitive and compelling interviews as well as for her gift for connecting with soul-searching women. Jan is an adjunct staff member for the Institute of Spirituality at the Dominican Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Her newest book, Your Truest Self: Embracing the Woman You Are Meant to Be, was released in October 2008 by Sorin Books. Jan is the author of three previously published personal and spiritual growth books: Coming Home to Ourselves: A Woman's Journey to Wholeness; Awakening the Spirit Within; and Perfect Love: How to Find Yours and Make It Last Forever (co-authored with her husband, Brad Lundy). The mother of three, stepmother of four, and grandmother of three more, Jan resides on the peaceful shoreline of Grand Traverse Bay in northern Michigan with her husband, Brad, her creative partner and soul's companion. Visit Jan's Websites:Learn more about Jan at her website: http://www.awakenedliving.com/, and on her blog: http://www.awakeisgood.blogspot.com/. Contact her at jan@awakenedliving.com
Your Truest Self
Embracing the Woman You Are Meant to Be By Janice Lynne Lundy
Within every woman there is an essential truth waiting to be uncovered, a truth that will empower her to discover a spiritual life that is real and authentic, one that will nourish and sustain her every day. Janice Lynn Lundy thoughtfully guides readers toward finding that essential truth for themselves. Drawing from her personal encounters with twelve spiritual mentors--Frances Moore Lappe, Daphne Rose Kingma, Iyanla Vanzant, Naomi Judd, and more--she has created twelve Transformational Truths to guide and enable women to live more peaceful, confident, and open-hearted lives.
ISBN: 1-933495-12-X Sorin Books, October 2008
To purchase Your Truest Self, Please visit Jan's site Awakened Living. It is also available through Amazon and bookstores.
Do you want to participate in this tour?
Email Angela, your tour guide.
If you'd like to host Jan or one of our other fabulous authors on your blog, we still have a few dates available. Come join the party! Email Angela & Jodi with your request.
If you're an author interested in promoting your latest book with WOW! Women On Writing Blog Tours please email us for more info.
The following are the tour dates for Jan Lundy. Don't miss a single day. It's going to be a great trip.
Also, as you view the listings, make note of these wonderful blogs. Each one of them, a treasure, and a place that many readers call home. In a noisy online world, you will find sanctuary in these true gems.
January 19, 2009 (Monday)Jan Lundy launches her tour at The Muffin!Come join us for the first day of Jan's tour! We will be chatting with Jan about her book and the writing process. Let's start the party! We welcome your comments and urge you to participate! Those who comment will be entered to win a signed copy of Your Truest Self: Embracing the Woman You Are Meant to Be.Visit: http://www.wow-womenonwriting.com/blog.htmlAbout The Muffin: From the bakers of WOW! Women On Writing. Have you checked out what we've been baking for you on the daily Muffin? We've stirred together some traditional ingredients with new ones to deliver more interviews, enlightenment, thought-provoking ideas, and inspirational messages to help you through those gray writing days. Want to get blog posts from The Muffin via email? Sign up for free and get posts delivered straight to your inbox with feedburner.
January 21, 2009 (Tuesday)
Jan Lundy at About.com Freelance Write
Jan visits Allena Tapia's About.com Freelance Writing blog to talk about writing for magazines. For the past ten years, Jan has served as the Lifestyle Writer for Women's LifeStyle magazine, a franchised publication distributed throughout the U.S. Her inspirational columns touch the lives of over 175,000 women each month. This will be an interesting post for any freelance writer looking to break into the magazine market.
Visit: http://freelancewrite.about.com/
About Allena Tapia and Freelance Write: Allena started her writing career as a full time editor and marketing
writer, but left the cube to freelance full time in 2006. She built her
writing and editing firm, GardenWall Publications,
from scratch with just one client, and was turning a profit within 6
months. Within just a couple years, GWP began writing for companies,
websites, publishers and magazines such as the New York Times'
About.com, EBSCO, Gale, The Current Events newspaper, and Latino
Leaders magazine.
January 21, 2009 (Wednesday)
Jan at Self-Help Daily
Jan stops by Joi Sigers' blog Self-Help Daily to talk about the "Vow of Transparency" and how important it is to our growth. This is sure to be an inspiring and motivating post!
Visit: http://www.selfhelpdaily.com/
About Self Help Daily: Unlike a lot of Self Help sites and blogs, the writing, research, and
general running of this site is done by one individual--Joi
(pronounced Joy) Sigers. Self Help Daily runs on the two things it's owner runs on: Starbucks
coffee and an honest desire to make the world a better place. The best
way to help move that in the right direction is to demand the best from
ourselves, daily.
January 26, 2009 (Monday)
Jan at Mom Spark
Jan stops by Mom Spark to talk about living as your truest self by treating ourselves gently, and befriending ourselves. This is a wonderful blog and I can't wait to hear Jan's advice!
Visit: http://www.momspark.net
About Mom Spark: Mom Spark is a cool blog for moms. It is a place to bond, discuss and share funny stories, recipes, tips, demostration videos, favorite things and fabulous giveaways! It's the place to go to laugh and learn with other moms without leaving
your home! (and I know you're desperate for adult conversation).
January 27, 2009 (Tuesday)
Jan at Tammie McElligott's Blog
Jan stops by Tammie McElligott's blog to talk about how important it is to share our stories with other women, and how that helps in our growth.
Visit: http://www.tammiemcelligott.blogspot.com/
About Tammie McElligott: Tammie is a writer and a Chilren's Librarian. Her blog is dedicated to women's literature and fiction. Her profile says, "I love to laugh, and Steve Carell, Dane Cook, and Eddie Izzard do the trick."
January 28, 2009 (Wednesday)
Jan at The Daily Blonde
Jan Lundy stops by The Daily Blonde to talk about living boldly, authentically, with no apologies. This should be a good one! The Daily Blonde is a fun and fabulous blog.
Visit: http://dailyblonde.blogspot.com
About The Daily Blonde and Cheryl Phillips: I created The Daily Blonde in a moment of boredom. Stuck on the couch recovering from extensive knee surgery, I decided that I'd get back to basics and use writing as good pain therapy. I've been writing since I could hold a pencil in my hand but the busy life of a single mom to five seemed to put writing low on the list. Blogging seemed to me like a good outlet while going stir crazy after surgery.
This isn't a typical Mommy blog. In fact, I don't think I'm a mommy blogger at all. I am, however, a Mom. My children are 24, 22, 13, 10 and 8. Great fuel for writing. There is never a dull moment around here!
January 29, 2009 (Thursday)
Jan at Out of Bounds
Jan stops by The Mental Fitness Center's blog, Out of Bounds, to talk about the topic, "Just Breathe." It sounds like a wonderful discussion!
Visit: http://www.thementalfitnesscenter.com/blog
About Out of Bounds: This is another informative blog run by Joi Sigers. It's the official blog of theMentalFitnessCenter.com.
"Discoveries are often made by not following directions, by going off the main road, by trying something new." - Frank Tyger
February 2, 2009 (Monday)
Jan at Whole Latte Life
Jan will be sharing her insight on living as your truest self. Joanne's blog is very inspiring and the discussions are lively. Grab a cup of coffee and join the conversation!
Visit: http://joannedemaio.blogspot.com/
About Joanne DeMaio and Whole Latte Life: As a writer, my current work of fiction focuses on knowing who we
really are and staying true. While writing it, I began to notice how
other, real people live their choice lives, and the goodness that
follows. Here, I'll share thoughts on finding our own perfect blend of
February 4, 2009 (Wednesday)
Jan stops by Deena's Bookshelf
Jan Lundy stops by Deena's bookshelf to talk about Living as Your Truest Self in general, and the 12 Transformational Truths. Deena may also review Jan's book! Stay tuned.
Visit: http://deenasbooks.blogspot.com
About Deena's Bookshelf: Looking for a good book? You've come to the right place! I am an avid
reader and I'm always posting a new review, hosting a blog tour, giving
away books for comments, and introducing debut authors. I tend to review Christian fiction and non-fiction, but I also have
recommendations for secular adult and children's fiction that doesn't
have that "ick" factor. If there's a book you're curious about, drop me
an email and maybe I've read it. I love to hear from my readers...but
for now, let's get reading, shall we??
February 5, 2009 (Thursday)
Jan at GardenWall Publications Blog
Jan stops by Allena Tapia's GardenWall Publications blog to chat about magazine writing, freelancing, or editing. I'm not exactly sure which topic she'll pick, but this should be a lively chat and very informative!
Visit: http://www.gardenwallpublications.com/blog
About GardenWall Publications: GardenWall Publications was founded by freelance writer and editor
Allena R. Tapia to provide high end copy to websites, businesses, and
publications, to edit pre-published material, and to serve as a
repository for the author's own works.
Based in Lansing, Michigan, Allena is a trained writer and
editor, having gradauted from Michigan State University with a degree
in English and double cognate minors in K-6 Education and Spanish.
Before establishing GardenWall Publications, Allena put in years of
writing for full time employers, including her alma mater, as an
editor, copywriter, marketing writer and project manager. |
February 6, 2009 (Friday)
Jan at Raising Socially Anxious Children
Jan visits Raising Socially Anxious Children and shares her insight on how to create a non-anxious presence in ourselves for the benefit of those around us. This sounds like a great post that's not to miss!
Visit: http://www.raisingsociallyanxiouschildrenblog.com/
About Darlene and Raising Socially Anxious Children: I'm a mother of two wonderful children. My daughter was diagnosed in
2005 with anxiety disorder and in 2007 with social anxiety disorder.
She has suffered from this terrible diagnosis all of her life. It has
been an uphill battle for the last three years for us to help people
understand that the way she interacts with others is not due to
beligerance or unwillingness but from anxiety. Support is essential.
Sharing ones experiences and everyday struggles helps in making one
feel not so alone. Being alone in this constant battle does not need to
exist. I hope that through my battles and victories I can help others
find their place. Anxiety is with us for a lifetime but strength can
overpower it and support can silence it.
February 9, 2009 (Monday)
Jan at Happily Ever After Today
Do you believe in happily-ever-after? Or do you want to? Then stop by Allyn Evans' blog and get ready to be inspired! Jan chats about how choosing thoughts and feelings that honor our sacred self can help us be all that we can be.
Visit: http://www.allynevans.blogspot.com/
About Happily Ever After Today: Allyn says, "QueenPower has had a facelift! We'd love you to subscribe to our blog (formerly our ezine) for our almost weekly messages about living happily ever after today. Here you'll find inspiration and support."
February 10, 2008 (Tuesday)
Jan at Donna's Book Pub
Jan stops by Donna Volkenannt's blog, Donna's Book Pub, to chat about living as your truest self and living with a wide open heart. I know this will be an inspirational topic and one we should revisit this New Year.
Visit: http://donnasbookpub.blogspot.com/
About Donna's Book Pub (DBP):A virtual pub for writers and readers to hang out and discuss
writing, publishing, and books. Like a brick and mortar pub, DBP is
also a place to feel comfortable and get personal by talking about
what's important in life and sharing a few stories. Each day I post the
weather forecast for my hometown of St. Peters, MO, because anyone who
has ever lived in the Midwest knows how quickly the weather changes. Visitors, please feel free to leave comments.
February 11, 2009 (Wednesday)
Jan at The Frugal, Smart, and Tuned-In Editor
Janvisits Carolyn Howard-Johnson's blog, The Frugal, Smart, and Tuned-In Editor, to chat about editing, of course! This will definitely be a must-read.
Visit: http://www.thefrugaleditor.blogspot.com
About The Frugal, Smart, and Tuned-In Editor: Gremlins out there are determined to keep your work from being
published, your book from being promoted. They are resolved to
embarrass you before the gatekeepers who can turn the key of success
for you. Whether you are a new or experienced author, you need the
"Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and
Ensure Success." It won USA Book News Reader Views Literary awards and
was a finalist in the New Generations Award contest.
Want to host one of our touring authors?
you have a blog or website and would like to host one of our authors below, we are still accepting a few choice blogs to participate in our
Partnership Program. Come and join the fun! Please email Angela & Jodi at blogtour@wow-womenonwriting.com
and put "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line. We currently have
4 more authors that are launching their tours in the next few weeks. Please tell us the author you are interested in and your available dates. We'll get back to you with the details if you are accepted. We look forward to hearing from you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Tour Dates: Janury 26, 2009 - February 26, 2009
Title: My Life in Mental Chains My struggle with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Author: Ruth J. Hartman
Genre: Chapbook/Autobiography/Health & Fitness: Coping with Illness
Ruth J. Hartman used to be "normal." She perceived the world around her
as any other person would...until she turned 27. That's when Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder (OCD) dug its claws in and refused to let her go.
Her world, and her family's world, was turned inside out.
job as a dental hygienist was difficult enough, but trying to balance
her work life with the challenges of OCD was overwhelming. Ruth's
family, friends, and co-workers didn't understand why she suddenly
acted so bizarre. She wanted to help them understand, but she couldn't.
She didn't understand it herself.
"My Life in Mental Chains" is
a moving, tragic, yet in the end, uplifting story of personal faith and
uphill battles. It will be of great comfort to OCD sufferers, their
families, and their friends.
About the Author:
J. Hartman graduated from the Indiana University School of Dentistry
with a degree in Science/Dental Hygiene. Her interest in writing, which
began in high school, led her to earn her diploma from the Institute of
Children's Literature, for "Writing for Children and Teenagers." She is
a freelance writer who has had her work published in various magazines,
such as I Love Cats magazine. She lives in rural Indiana with her husband and two cats.
Author's Websites:
Ruth Hartman's blog: R.J. Writes Chapbook available for purchase at: Pipers' Ash | Goodies:
You will receive a copy of the book on CD, and be entered in the WOW! Women On Writing Blog Tour Goodie Bag competition!
Participate! Please email us
with "Blog Tour Parnership" in the subject line and your available dates. We
schedule 2-3 stops per week from January 26th - February 26th. We look
forward to hearing from you!
 Tour Dates: February 2, 2009 - March 2, 2009
Title: The Break-Up Diet: A Memoir
Author: Annette Fix
Genre: Memoir (but it reads like chick-lit fiction)
Synopsis: Annette Fix always believed in happily ever
after and was busy working her Five-Year Plan: marry her golf-pro
boyfriend, homeschool her preteen son, become a famous writer, and
retire to Fiji. When her live-in boyfriend calls it quits, Annette
finds herself on The Break-Up Diet, consuming vast amounts of chocolate
and exercising by diving blindly into the shallow end of the dating
Working as an exotic dancer to bankroll her aspiring writing career
and support her son alone, Annette uses her blue-collar instinct to
survive in the plastic jungle of The OC.
Annette's adventures take her on a wild ride as she attempts find
the perfect balance between her dreams and her day-to-day life as
About the Author:
Annette Fix is an author, the senior editor for WOW! Women On Writing, a speaker and spoken-word storyteller, a mom, a wife, and the alpha female to two rescued dogs.
is galloping toward happily-ever-after with her Danish Prince Charming
husband, aspiring photographer son, and socially retarded dogs in
Laguna Niguel, CA.
The Break-Up Diet is Annette's debut book.
Author's Websites:
Annette Fix' website: www.annettefix.com Annette's Book Blog: The Break-Up Diet Standing On One Foot (single parenting website): www.successfulsingleparent.com Book available for purchase: Amazon.com, B&N.com, and any independent or chain bookstore.
You will receive a signed copy of Annette's book, and be entered in the WOW! Women On Writing Blog Tour Goodie Bag competition!
Participate! Please email us
with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available
dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from February 2nd - March 2nd. We look forward to hearing from you! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
 Tour Dates: February 9, 2009 - March 9, 2009
Title: No One is Perfect and YOU are a Great Kid
Author: Kim Hix
Genre: Children's Nonfiction/Special Needs
Winner of Best Children's Book for ages 6 and under, Reader Views Award for 2007 Annual Literary Awards
Synopsis: No One is Perfect and YOU are a Great Kid is a lovely book written about Zack, a young boy who struggles
daily with ever changing moods. He tries to understand why he gets very
sad, upset, discouraged and angry in response to what most would
consider insignificant events. Zack often feels different, left out, and
isolated due to his moods. He poses thought provoking questions to his
audience that can spur some meaningful conversation.
book will touch your heart and anyone who has a special child in their
life who struggles with any degree of emotional, behavorial, or
psychiatric disorder.
About the Author:
Hix is a native of Columbia SC. She graduated Lander University with a
BS in Psychology 1988. She worked at various capacities at Marshall
Pickens Hospital in Greenville SC from 1990 until 2004. She is now
employed part time by Greenville Hospital System as a Patient Family
Liaison (Advocate) and also as a part time personal trainer for
Sportsclub Simpsonville. She has been Married 15 years to Doug Hix and
have two children Zack 12(dx OCD, Tourettes Disorder Spectrum, and
PANDAS) and Kelsie, 8, a real girly girl! She currently reside in
Simpsonville SC with her family and 3 dogs.
"My name is Kim Hix
and I am the mother of a very special young boy who struggles with
emotional difficulties. He has experienced an array of moods from an
early age, which include rages, depression, anxiety, and drastic mood
shifts. In our journey to find help, we've encountered many specialists
and interesting people. During this time, my son dealt with feeling
different from his peers, isolated, and at times, rejected. My son
would express to me that he felt no one understood him and that he was
the only kid in the world with these problems. What started out as a
project to help my son, cultivated a desire to let other kids and
parents know that they are NOT alone. In fact, millions of children are
suffering with mental illness, neuropsychiatric disorders, and behavior
disorders. They long to be accepted, to be normal, and just fit in.
They suffer, and we, the parents, suffer all the while our hearts are
"This is why I wrote a book for Zack and kids like
him, who struggle with feelings of being different. It is my hope that
this story will offer some measure of comfort and belonging to the
children who read it."
Author's Websites:
Kim Hix' website: Intense Kids, Great Kids Book available for purchase: No One is Perfect and YOU are a Great Kid Best Children's Book Award: Reader Views
You will receive a signed copy of Kim's book, and be entered in the WOW! Women On Writing Blog Tour Goodie Bag competition!
Participate! Please email us
with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available
dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from February 9th - March 9th. We look forward to hearing from you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Tour Dates: March 16, 2009 - April 16, 2009
Title: Pep Talks, Warnings, and Screeds: Indispensable Wisdom and Cautionary Advice for Writers
Author: George Singleton
Genre: Writing (Writer's Digest Books)
Synopsis: Toddlers - and drunks - bang around hitting walls, tables, chairs, the floor, and other people, trying to find their legs. Writing fiction is a similar process. Sometimes it might take a while before the story gets some balance and moves forward. Sometimes the story takes off as if motor-driven, then crashes into something not foreseen or expected. Learning to be a writer is all about finding your legs, and doing your best to convince onlookers that you know what you're doing and where you're going.
In Pep Talks, Warnings & Screeds, acclaimed Southern story writer and novelist George Singleton serves up everything you ever need to know to become a real writer (meaning one who actually writes), in bite-sized aphorisms. It's Nietzsche's Beyond Good & Evil meets Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird. It's cough syrup that tastes like chocolate cake. In other words, don't expect to get better unless you get a good dose of it, maybe two.
Accompanied by more than fifty original full-color illustrations by novelist Daniel Wallace, these laugh-out-loud funny, candid, and surprisingly useful lessons will help you find your own writerly balance so you can continue to move forward.
About the Author:
George Singleton has published short stories in a variety of magazines and journals including The
Atlantic Monthly, Harper's Playboy, Zoetrope, The Georgia Review,
Shenandoah, Southern Review, Kenyon Review, Glimmer Train, North
American Review, Fiction International, Epoch, Esquire.com, Nw England
Review, Carolina Quarterly, Greensboro Review, Arkansas Review, American Literary Review, and so on. His stories have been anthologized in eight issues of New Stories from the South, and also in 20 Over 40, Surreal South, Writers Harvest 2, They Write Among Us, and Behind the Short Story. His non-fiction has appeared in Bark and Oxford American, and has been anthologized in Best Food Writing 2005, Dog is My Co-Pilot, and Howl. He has published four collections of stories: These People Are Us, The Half-Mammals of Dixie, Why Dogs Chase Cars, Drowning in Gruel; and two novels: Novel and Work Shirts for Madmen.
was born in Anaheim, California and lived there until he was seven. He
grew up in Greenwood, South Carolina. He graduated from Furman
University in 1980 with a degree in philosophy, and from UNC-Greensboro
with an MFA in creative writing. Singleton has taught English and
fiction writing at Francis Marion College, the Fine Arts Center of
Greenville County, and the South Carolina Governor's School for the
Arts and Humanities. He has been a visiting professor at the University
of South Carolina and UNC-Wilmington, and has given readings and taught
classes at a number of universities and secondary schools.
His papers are reposited at the Jackson Library at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
He lives in Pickens County, South Carolina, with the clay artist Glenda Guion and their eleven dogs and one cat.
Author's Websites:
George Singleton's website: www.georgesingleton.com
You will receive a signed copy of George's book, and be entered in the WOW! Women On Writing Blog Tour Goodie Bag competition!
Participate! Please email us
with "Blog Tour Partnership" in the subject line and your available
dates. We schedule 2-3 stops per week from March 16th - April 16th. We look forward to hearing from you! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please Note: Apply early. We only schedule a maximum of 15 stops per author. To be included on one of these tours, query now! We'll let you know asap if you are accepted and what happens next. |
As you can see, Jan's dance card is quite full! I hope you'll join us on this exciting new adventure. Mark your calendars, and save these dates. I'm personally going to be attending each and every blog on the tour. And I have to say, I'm truly excited! The participating blogs are phenomenal. All of them offer something unique to the reader, and they all have different flavors. One thing is for certain, they are all a sweet treat.
We'd love for you all to get involved and join us in a virtual vacation! Take a trip across the globe by participating in this tour. Each stop shares a different point of view, a new topic, and has its own unique voice. We'd love to hear yours too, so come along for the ride, and we'll be looking for your comments!
Oh, and don't forget to visit The Muffin today and comment for a chance to win a signed copy of Jan's book!
Angela, Jodi, & Team WOW! WOW! Women On Writing