Issue 25: A Novel Idea
November 2008 
 WOW! Women On Writing
 Issue #25: A Novel Idea

In This Issue:
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For WOW Readers:

Holiday Goodness

Melitta Coffee

Holiday Gift Guide
For Freelancers:

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Every work of fiction starts with a novel idea--something so big, so uniquely you, that you have to put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard. Then comes the real work: crafting characters, plot, subplots, dialogue, setting, and theme. And let's not forget marketing and book promotion!

If this all seems daunting, even monumental, this issue will help you get started and keep you on track. The experts "between the pages" provide advice for every stage of the game, and will even introduce you to new ideas. It's only natural to fear the process will be too difficult, but with the right tools at hand, your fingers will begin to tap furiously. The first thing you need to remember is fiction should be fun, a chance to play and explore a magical world of your making.

The laundry can wait. The dishes can sit. We have fiction to write!


A big, warm, Thank You goes out to our freelancers & staff:

We welcome new freelancer, Beth Daniels (aka Beth Henderson), to the WOW! family. If you are new to novel writing and don't know where to start, take Beth Daniel's advice and begin by Preparing to Tell Lies (Fiction Slam).

Another issue that first-time novelists face is deciding whether to Outline Vs. Blank Page. We welcome back freelancer, Devon Ellington, and delight as she discusses the pros and cons of this topic in depth for our Freelancer's Corner column.

Perhaps you're in the midst of crafting a novel or short story, and need to brush up on dialogue. Then Gayle Trent's article, Tips for Making Dialogue Stronger (Fiction Slam) is definitely for you. Gayle is currently touring with WOW! for her latest novel, Murder Takes the Cake, but this is her first foray into freelancing for us, and we're proud to have her!

We welcome new freelancer, Suzanne Pitner, to the WOW! family. Suzanne helps us get into the groove of National Novel Writing Month with her article, NaNoWriMo Applied. If you're new to NaNo, check out this article. And if you're NaNoing right now, be sure to explore the fantastic resources in the "NaNo Toolbox" sidebar!

We welcome back WOW! Alumni Member, Allie Boniface! In this issue, Allie covers a unique topic--IM Novel Collaboration--in an interview with sister-author duo, Stella and Audra Price. Allie's previous articles include Today's Romance Novel: It's Not Your Mother's Bodice Ripper Anymore, How To Play Nice in the Cyber-Sandbox, and a unique article for fiction writers, Character Trouble? Try Man's Best Friend. It's always a pleasure, Allie!

Another starting point in novel writing is crafting characters, but what should you name them? New freelancer, Lynda Schab, tackles that question in depth in this month's How2 Column: How To Choose Character Names for Your Novel. Welcome, Lynda! Your article has definitely shed a new light on my fictional characters.

A huge thank you goes out to WOW! Columnist, Marcia Peterson, for two fabulous and insightful interviews this month. If you are seeking writerly inspiration, prompts, and creative juice, be sure to check out her interview with Patti Digh, author of Life is a Verb, featured in this month's Inspiration Column. If you need to motivate your muse, this has got to be one of the most encouraging interviews I've read in a while. Be sure to check out the excerpt and try Patti's focused free-write! Also, be sure to read the part where Patti first declares, "I'm a writer." We all can relate!

Marcia Peterson also interviews Hollis Gillespie, author of Trailer Trashed, for our 20 Questions Column. This interview is not only fun, but informative! A close sister to fiction writing, memoir writing proves to be just as creative and colorful. This interview is not to be missed!

With all this talk about writing, let's not forget one of the most important aspects of authoring--book promotion! We welcome new freelancer, Rita Milios, to the WOW! family. Rita shares a unique idea for promoting your novel, which she explores in depth in her feature article, How To Create Quizzes that Sell Your Novel. Take Rita's quiz and find out where you score on the book-marketing highway!

We also announce our Summer 2008 Flash Fiction Contest Winners! This is always a grand occasion, and we are thrilled with literary agent Elise Capron's selections. A huge thank you goes out to Elise, and also to our multitude of guest judges who carefully scored this season's entries. Be sure to check out the fabulous sponsors that rallied to support women writers. Each one of them, truly remarkable.

And last, but not least, to Annette Fix and Joanne Stacey for their wonderful editing skills. The issue couldn't have happened without your attention to detail!


FALL 2008 Personal Essay Contest:

Last month to enter!

Deadline: November 30th, Midnight (Pacific Time)

Word Count: 250 - 750 words


This season's prompt is inspired by Jill Butler's book, Create the Space You Deserve: An Artistic Journey to Expressing Yourself Through Your Home.

Jill offers a favorite quote from Winston Churchill: "We create our dwelling and afterwards our dwellings create us." Jill believes it runs both ways simultaneously. As we create ourselves, we create our homes, and in the creating of our homes we have the opportunity to recreate ourselves.

In less than 750 words, tell us how recreating your personal space has changed your life, or how by making changes in your life, it has moved you to express yourself and recreate your home. These can be personal stories of love, loss, moving to a new area, or anything that has affected or inspired you to recreate your life and your home.

Only stories that have the Prompt incorporated in them will be accepted. You may do this any creative way you would like, just make sure anyone would know you wrote your story specifically for this contest.

To find out more about Jill Butler, please visit: Be sure to stop by Jill's boutique and explore her fabulous French-inspired creations! And in case you missed it, read WOW's interview with Jill Butler. Her words are truly inspiring.

Don't wait until the last minute! Visit our Contest Page and download the Terms & Conditions.

Your fabulous guest judge for this season is Literary Agent Jennifer DeChiara. Get your work reviewed by a top literary agent! To find out more about Jennifer DeChiara, please visit:

This is the last month to enter! ENTER TODAY

Check out our exclusive interview with Jennifer DeChiara and get some insider info!



The Muffin Got a Makeover

Finally! It's been over a year since I discovered the template was broken in Internet Explorer, and I'd been putting off delving into the scary world of html, but I simply couldn't stand it any longer. So, I finally treated her to a spa day. The Muffin officially has a new outfit--a gorgeous three-piece ensemble, otherwise known as a three-column template. It was not an easy task! This old girl is still in FTP Blogger Beta, so I had to create the template from scratch--no easy push-button publishing here. It caused me an html headache, but it was worth it. I'd love to know what you think! Check out The Muffin today.

Speaking of The Muffin, a few of our bloggers have been creating quite a stir over at's new video series for Best Children's Lit Blog Posts of the Day! (You'll see them highlighted in our "Website Find of the Month" featured at the bottom of the email.) Our first blogger to be mentioned is Alison Diefenderfer, for her post, "LinkIn" to Opportunity. Congrats Alison!

Shortly thereafter, Write4Kids awarded Margo L. Dill with the Best Children's Lit Blog Post of the Day for her important and wonderfully controversial post, When Writing For Children.... Jon, the editor at Write4Kids, originally thought that he wouldn't repeat the same blog in one week, but he said, "If a blog is so good that they continually give me things that I just can't ignore, they deserve the credit. One such blog is wow-womenonwriting. They are officially the first repeat entrance." Wow! Jon, we are honored.


WOW! Launches Blog Tours and Partnership Program

Due to popular demand, WOW! is hosting select authors for its Blog Tour Program. In preparation for the launch, we scoured the web for various blogs that were not only well-trafficked and well-commented, but truly unique, to participate in our Partnership Program. The program has already been well-received, with numerous requests from both authors and bloggers.

The first two authors to take center stage were Gayle Trent, author of Murder Takes the Cake (Bell Bridge Books, October 2008), and Linda C. Wisniewski, author of Off Kilter: A Woman's Journey to Peace with Scoliosis, Her Mother, and Her Polish Heritage (Pearlsong Press, 2008).

Our "test-run" into this new venue has already taken off like wildfire. So many wonderful blogs have stepped up to the plate, and both Gayle and Linda truly outdid themselves. Believe me, I made them work. These ladies went out of their way to provide unique articles for each blog, and no two blogs were the same. They wrote articles on the topics of family, cake decorating, health issues, yoga, inspiration, and of course, craft of writing articles. They also conducted interviews, and participated in book giveaways!

To keep up with our latest blog book tours, snag our events calendar!

Would you like to book a blog tour with WOW!?

Let us help promote you! We provide you with excellent customer service and out of the box promotions. Your tour would include:

  • 12-15 stops with highly trafficked blogs (tailored for your book)
  • An interview on one of WOW's blogs
  • Email blog tour announcement in WOW's Events Newsletter (20,000 subscribers)
  • Written media release sent to editors, sister sites, and posted on social networks

To find out more about our economically priced packages, please email Angela & Jodi: We look forward to working with you and making your promotion a success!


Holiday Gift Guide Coming to Your Inbox Next Week!

Want some help with your holiday shopping? Give the best gift that you can give to a loved one. Our selection of books will inspire your friends and family for a long time. I've always loved turning people on to wonderful new reads. Some of my favorite gifts have been books with a personal inscription from a friend. When I graduated from high school in '89, my best friend gave me a book with a long letter written on the inside cover. It was The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. To this day, that present has been my most memorable. Books certainly have a way to inspire and move a person, and our selection of books will amaze you! There's something for everyone on your list.

The Holiday Gift Guide is created by our talented designers specifically for you and delivered as a F*R*E*E* ebook, which will be sent to newsletter subscribers and also available for download on the WOW! website. We've also received a lot of interest from reading and writing groups that will be sharing it with their own subscribers. What a treat! Stay tuned...the delicious selections are coming to your inbox next week! If you have a friend who doesn't know what to buy for the holidays, be sure to spread the word about the WOW! Holiday Gift Guide. Enjoy!


Calls for Submissions

WOW! is seeking writers for their upcoming themes:

- Children's Writing
- Romance Writing and Genre Writing
- Finances

Please review our submission guidelines on our Contact Page (scroll to the bottom) for pay rates and how to submit. We look forward to hearing from you!

To find out about first calls from WOW! please subscribe to our Premium-Green Writer's Markets. We share detailed descriptions of specific articles we need right now. Land one gig and it more than pays for a year's subscription! We currently have over 12 issues--ebooks filled with over 100 pages of markets--available for immediate download with the purchase of your subscription. Join the community that gives back! And write-on!


On to the issue, enjoy!

 Summer 2008 Flash Fiction Winners Announced!
 Drum Roll....

Summer 2008 Flash Fiction Contest Winners Congratulations goes out to everyone who entered the Summer 2008 Flash Fiction Contest, sponsored by WOW! and a multitude of fabulous sponsors. All your entries were incredible this round, and our esteemed guest judge, Elise Capron, of the Sandra Dijkstra Literary Agency, did not have an easy job! But with her expertise, she dutifully picked the winners, and we thank Elise!

Ladies, and gents, I know you've all been waiting patiently, so here's the results!

-- 1st Place Winner: Sarah Mian

-- 2nd Place Winner: Emily Howson

-- 3rd Place Winner: Amy Perry

Runners Up (in no particular order):

-- Madeline Mora-Summonte
-- James Tipton
-- Emily Rinkema
-- Gayle Carline
-- Beth Cato
-- Amber Frangos
-- Doris E. Wright

Read the Top 10 winner's stories in our contest feature!

Honorable Mentions (in no particular order):

-- Johnna Stein
-- Eleanor Austin
-- Brenda Zirkle
-- Diane Hoover
-- Laura Salamy
-- Julie Momyer
-- Debbie Dilton
-- Madeline Mora-Summonte
-- Janice Ryan Hall
-- Carrie Hannah
-- Tammy Lansford Walters
-- August Johnson
-- Julie Momyer
-- Terrie Johnson
-- Richard Gibney

Congrats ladies and gents! And congrats to everyone who hit the send button--we know it's not easy, but each season provides a rebirth of opportunity!


A HUGE thank you goes out to all of our sponsors this season. Please check out the ENORMOUS sponsor list to see what prizes you'll be receiving. And remember, when you receive your prize-packs, be sure to send the sponsors a personal thank you, or review their books/products on Amazon to show your appreciation. All of the sponsors are proud promoters of literacy and writers and encourage you to keep on striving for the best. Be sure to keep them in mind this holiday season.

An additional note:

This is the first season where we've had two men place in the contest! Even with blind judging, their stories resonated with our female judges. They were that good! It's a first in WOW! history.

So, go on already! Read the entries!


 Stella & Audra Price: IM Novel Collaboration
 By Allie Boniface

Stella and Audra Price Collaborating on any kind of project can be tough, but what about when you're writing a novel with another author? Not only have author-sisters Stella and Audra Price turned out over fifteen novels, they've done so by working almost completely online, since they live across the Atlantic Ocean from one another.

Join Allie Boniface as she interviews these two talented and prolific authors and learn the secrets of successful novel collaboration!


 How To Create Quizzes that Sell Your Book
 By Rita Milios

Rita Milios You've written a book, congratulations! But now, as you may already know, the real work begins. What are you planning to do about marketing and promotion--those necessary little evils that actually sell your book? Well, don't fret. Rita Milios provides you with a unique way to promote your book and target your readers by creating quizzes that sell your book! And be sure to take her book marketing quiz to test your ideas about book marketing and promotion.


 NaNo Applied
 By Suzanne Pitner

Suzanne Pitner Are you NaNoing this November? Does the whole concept of writing 50,000 words of a novel in one month sound daunting? It needn't be. With a focused plan, you can pump out a novel and boost your writing skills.

Suzanne Pitner has successfully participated in NaNoWriMo twice (going on her third), and shares her fantastic tips for making the most out of your NaNo experience! She also shares her tips on forums and resources in her NaNo Toolbox sidebar! It's not to miss.


 Preparing To Tell Lies (Fiction Slam)
 By Beth Daniels (aka Beth Henderson)

Beth Henderson Are you planning to write a novel? Then, this article is for you! Beth Daniels helps new fiction writers get started with Preparing To Tell Lies. As a published author of 25 books, Beth shares her secrets in genre writing--whether historical, fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, or romance--and provides an overview of how the publishing industry works.


 Tips for Making Dialogue Stronger (Fiction Slam)
 By Gayle Trent

Gayle Trent If you are knee-deep in novel writing, you'll delight at Gayle Trent's Tips For Making Dialogue Stronger. Getting dialogue just right can be tricky, and what about those dreaded dialogue tags?

Gayle shares some wonderful examples from her novels that you can apply right away to your work in progress!


 20 Questions: Hollis Gillespie
 By Marcia Peterson

Hollis Gillespie Hollis Gillespie is a syndicated humor columnist for Atlanta magazine, NPR commentator, and guest on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. Her writing has been described as "Riotous, raunchy and surprisingly touching," (Miami Herald), and she's at it again with her latest collection of essays: Trailer Trashed: My Dubious Attempts at Upward Mobility (skirt! books, 2008). Join Marcia Peterson as she chats with Hollis about memoir writing and the art of sharing your personal experiences.


 Outlining VS. Blank Page
 By Devon Ellington

Outlining Vs. Blank Page When you set out to write your novel, should you start with an outline or a blank page?

A positive in the outlining process includes thorough preparation before you sit down to write. However, one of the joys of the blank-page approach is the sense of discovery. Devon Ellington discusses the pros and cons of both to help you decide!


 How 2 Choose Character Names for Your Novel
 By Lynda Schab

Lynda Schab So, what's the big deal about naming your character? I mean, a name is a name, right? Remember, a name is the first thing your reader will encounter in the story to help him or her identify with your character. Whether you realize it or not, everyone associates names with people they know. Lynda Schab shares her tips to help you decide which names are best for your characters. This is the most in-depth article on name exploration I've read yet!


 Inspiration: Patti Digh, Life is a Verb
 By Marcia Peterson

Patti Digh "What would you be doing today if you only had 37 days to live?" By asking this simple but powerful question every morning, Patti Digh--an internationally recognized diversity expert and mother of two--transformed her life. Get ready to be inspired! Marcia Peterson interviews Patti about the secrets behind her book, Life is a Verb, and living life to the fullest. Be sure to check out the excerpt from Patti's book and try the focused free-write.


 Give Yourself the Ultimate Gift that Gives Back


Are you tired of markets newsletters that simply "list" a bunch of markets without any personal guidance?

Get the Guide That Helps You Grow Your Freelance Writing Career!


The Ultimate Guide for Freelance Women Writers

Will Show You the GREEN!

Premium-Green isn't just market listings, it's a guide with community benefits. For only $4 a month, you get a 100+ Page Ebook delivered to your inbox every month, and you'll have access to a private community of women writers just like you!

We know that becoming a freelance writer takes more than just market listings. You'll need the opportunity to network with your peers and have a support system to help you reach your goals. And that's exactly what your Premium-Green Markets Subscription will do.

Here's what you get when you subscribe to PREMIUM GREEN:

  • Monthly 100+ page ebook in friendly PDF format: Easy to print, easy to save. No need for storing emails to find links and articles you missed!
  • Articles to grow your Freelance Career: These are articles not found anywhere else: More than Your Magic 8-Ball, I.T.T. In the Trenches, Tips & Tricks, Meet Your Mentor, Get Writing Mamas!, Project Workbook, and more...
  • Access to the PG Subscribers Group: Network with your peers through the Google list-serve, post discussions, ask questions, and receive insider tips.
  • Documents for PG Subscribers: Upload, download, and share content with the group. We put up f*r*e*e* articles, contracts, and ebooks for the group each month, so take advantage!
  • First Calls from WOW!: We give you immediate calls for what we need on the spot (or when we're in a crunch) to fill each issue. Get on the ground level and write for us!
  • Pink & Green: Find women's markets only, and get insight from the editors and what their needs are right now.
  • Markets, markets, and more markets. We provide markets for all aspects of freelancing. One example is, "Niche Quiche," which includes greeting card markets, slogans, and anything you can write in a few words and get paid! Check out our markets page for more details.

Earn the money you deserve, and get a real support team who will help you grow your freelance career.

Join Now and Download all 12 Premium-Green ebooks Instantly!

The subscription price is $48 a year, which is $4 per month. We want to support you! Let's make this a banner year for all women writers. We can only do it by helping each other and creating a strong network and community for ourselves. Together, we can do it!


 Articles Page: Moira Allen
 10 New Articles!

Moira Allen Moira Allen, editor of, has published more than 350 articles and columns and seven books, including How to Write for Magazines, Starting Your Career as a Freelance Writer, The Writer's Guide to Queries, Pitches and Proposals, and Creative Internet Strategies to Advance Your Writing Career. You can find Moira's books available for purchase HERE. Allen has served as columnist and contributing editor for The Writer and has written for Writer's Digest, Byline, and various other writing publications. In addition to, Allen hosts the travel website, The Pet Loss Support Page, and the photography website She can be contacted at

Moira Allen was also interviewed by WOW! Women On Writing in our April Issue's 20 Questions column.

Moira Allen's articles:

To Plunge or Not to Plunge? Becoming a Fulltime Freelancer

How To Create a Writer's Resume

How Much Should a Freelancer Charge?

How To Break Into Corporate Editing

Writing Corporate Newsletters

How To Write for Pet Magazines

Figuring Freelance Taxes: Handling a Windfall Profit

Someone Stole My Article! What To Do When it Happens To You

Avoiding Comma Confusion

Writing a Family History


Are you an author who would like to submit to our Articles Page?

If you are an author who has five or more promotional articles on the craft of writing and would like to be included on this page, please email with "Articles Page Submission" in your subject line. Please note: we do not pay for these submissions. This is for promotional purposes only. All of the articles on this page are reprints.

If you are a freelancer who would like to submit an original article for paid publication in our ezine, please visit our Contact Page and scroll down to the "Submissions" subheading for writer's guidelines. Please note: we do NOT publish reprints in the WOW! ezine issues, only on the Articles Page.


 Find out the latest from the Bakers of WOW!

The Muffin Have you checked out what we've been baking for you on the daily Muffin? We've stirred together some traditional ingredients with new ones to deliver more interviews, enlightenment, thought provoking ideas, and inspirational messages to help you through those gray writing days.


Never Stale! Here's the Latest:

Tuesdays are contest interview days!

If you are interested in writing for our contests, check out the interviews with previous Top 10 winners to find out how they crafted their stories.

Spring '08 Flash Fiction Runner-Up: Shannon Caster
Interview by Jill Earl

Spring '08 Flash Fiction Runner-Up: Caryl Cain Brown
Interview by Anne Greenawalt

Spring '08 Flash Fiction Runner-Up: Grace Marcus
Interview by Margo L. Dill

Spring '08 Flash Fiction Third Place Winner: Rachel McClain
Interview by LuAnn Schindler

Spring '08 Flash Fiction Second Place Winner: Gerry Cofield
Interview by Marcia Peterson


Blog Posts of Interest:

Get a Real Job? I HAVE a Real Job!
By LuAnn Schindler

Has anyone ever said to you, "How's that little writing thing you've been doing?" Or, "I wish I had a writing job like you have. Then I could work when I want to." Excuse me? Writing IS a real job, ask any freelance writer who has to hit deadlines and work their butt off for a buck! This is a great post and I urge you all to check it out. LuAnn includes an inspirational poem that I know you'll all enjoy.

Getting in Touch With the Current YA
By Margo L. Dill

Margo experiences some controversy at her local critique group about a 'racy' scene in her YA novel. This prompted a discussion on how to reach your teen audience. Margo says, "Don't write for the teen you wish or think you were, or you wish your children were. Write for the teen you were!"

Exposing the Layers of the Season
By Alison Diefenderfer

This is a beautiful post and a fun writing exercise. Alison writes, "The idea of exposing the layers comes from an anthropological theory on "thick description," that in order to fully start to comprehend and appreciate something, you have to peel back the layers one by one like that of an onion." Explore your senses and get writing!

Collection Tips
By LuAnn Schindler

A freelance writer assumes multiple roles, and among those roles is the job of collection agent. Oy! If the thought gives you a headache, follow LuAnn's tips to make sure you get paid on time.

Celebrate Rockville's Favorite Son at The F. Scott Fitzgerald Literary Conference
By Jill Earl

I love Jill's recaps of writers' conferences. She always makes me feel like I just attended with her! And this post is no different. Jill recaps her day and shares some inspiring quotes from professionals.

Ten Tips for Choosing a Good Domain Name
By Marcia Peterson

If you are thinking about a domain name for your blog or website, Marcia shares some of Tim North's tips on what to look for. Good info here!

Gayle Trent, author of Murder Takes the Cake, Launches her Blog Tour!
By Angela Mackintosh

Gayle kicks off her tour on The Muffin and shares writing advice on everything under the sun--voice recognition software, cozy mysteries, her publishing company, crafting believable characters, and much more. It's not to miss!

Agent's Advice Mended
By Margo L. Dill

Should you give up on your manuscript after six editors rejected it? Literary agent Krista Goering says you should, but Margo disagrees and gives you some darn good examples why not, as well as a suggestion: maybe you should REVISE it a bit.

"LinkIn" To Opportunity!
By Alison Diefenderfer

Are you on the social network LinkedIn? If not, read Alison's award-winning post to find out more about it. And if you are, like me, read it to find out more what you can do with it. For instance, I didn't know they now have type features where you can mention all the books you are reading. How cool is that?

Persona That Pops
By Jill Earl

Not sure if your voice is the right one for that piece you're pulling together? Try swapping your persona with one different from your own to add some interest in your writing. Jill shares a really interesting exercise and a funny story to go with it.

Linda Wisniewski Launches Her Blog Tour for Off Kilter!
By Angela Mackintosh

Linda kicks off her exciting blog tour by chatting with WOW! about her memoir, Off Kilter, and many other topics: scoliosis, her publisher, writing routines, and inspiration.

When Writing For Children...
By Margo L. Dill

Margo's award-winning post sure kicked up some dust with writers! Margo says, "When people are discussing whether or not a book is 'appropriate' to be on the shelf, I feel that this is another form of book-banning. Like movies and TV shows, this decision needs to be up to the individual parents and teachers, whether or not their children or their class are ready for a book." Great comments here!

Want to get blog posts via email?

Subscribe to The Muffin with Feedburner and get the latest delivered straight to your inbox.

Visit The Muffin >> 

 WOW! Women On Writing Sponsors Award for the Best Book in Women's Literature


Reader Views Award Did you know that WOW! sponsors the Reader Views Award for Best Book in Women's Literature every year? And the deadline is approaching!

Criteria: May be either fiction or nonfiction. Book must express all the conflicts and struggles influencing women as well as growth and transformation. Qualifying female writers must write with this commonality and keep feminine awareness in mind.

Prize: $100 cash prize; an interview on The Muffin; and a WOW! Prize Pack.

Find out the details and enter before the deadline by visiting Reader Views today!

Please note: we are not the judges, we merely supply the prizes. Of course, we'd love it if one of our own won! That would be a treat! So, if you are an author with a book that fits the criteria, take a chance and enter the contest. Good luck!

Visit Reader Views>> 

 Do You Need an Editor?

Can You Proof This?

Typos. Faulty grammar. Improper punctuation. Nothing sinks your credibility faster than embarrassing errors. Fortunately, it doesn't have to happen to you. catches the things your spellchecker misses, and if you desire, we'll polish and improve your writing style along the way, so that nothing distracts from your message. And unlike other online editing services, we really do make it easy!

Fair rates and firm quotes

With our instant Rate Calculator, we tell you exactly what our service will cost before you commit. Even better, our quotes are guaranteed, so the price you're quoted is the price you'll pay. Check out our competitive rates and "above and beyond" philosophy today!

Get a F*R*E*E* Quote Today>>

 WOW! Workshop: Learning to Write Great YA and Middle Grade Stories (Jan 4, 2009: 10 Weeks)

Ann Gonzalez WOW! Women On Writing is proud to offer you a workshop from talented writer and instructor, Ann Gonzalez!

Ann Gonzalez holds an MFA from the Whidbey Writers Workshop. She wrote her debut novel, Running for My Life, in 30 days during National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). Ann is a member of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, Pacific Northwest Writers Association, and the Whidbey Island Writers Association. In addition, she has published works of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry in VerbSap, In The Family, Aikido Today, Her Circle Ezine, Women Writers, and Lunch Hour Stories. The bravery and strength of teenagers inspires and motivates Ann to write.

Learning to Write Great YA and Middle Grade Stories

Starts: January 4, 2009
Runs: 10 Weeks

Course Description:

The middle-grade and y*o*u*n*g adult reader is the most passionate, demanding, hungry and, arguably, important reader alive. Write a novel or story that speaks to the heart of a y*o*u*n*g reader and you'll create a faithful reader, for life. And, after all, we are nothing, as writers, without readers.

The Trials and Triumphs of Teens will cover the basic rules of writing for children and YA, and of crafting great stories that will connect with the reader. The fundamentals of story structure: openings, setting, character, shape, imagery and dialogue will be covered. Also there will be discussion of the publishing process, agents, editors, handling rejection and a chat session with a published author. There will be voluntary short writing prompts and each participant will have the opportunity to workshop at least 3 stories over the 10 week course.

Course Requirements:

Each week, for 10 weeks, a different topic will be presented to help participants tell more powerful and tension filled stories. Each week there will be short writing prompts to support the material being studied. Depending on class size students may submit 3 or more stories or chapters for group and instructor critique (Each submission 20 pages or less.)

Class Schedule

Week One - Openings (Jan 4 - Jan 10)

Week Two - Setting (Jan 11 - Jan 17)

Week Three - Character (Jan 18 - Jan 24)

Week Four -- Structure (Jan 25 - Jan 31)

Week Five - Point of View (Feb 1 - Feb 7)

Week Six -- Dialogue (Feb 8 - Feb 14)

Week Seven - Sensory Detail and imagery (Feb 15 - Feb 21)

Week Eight - Don't Be an Overprotective Writer (Feb 22 - Feb 28)

Week Nine - Writing Markets for YA and Children Readers (Mar 1 - Mar 7)

Week Ten - Care and Feeding of the Writer or How to Handle Rejection (Mar 8 - Mar 14)

How You Can Get Started

The next session of for Learning to Write Great YA and Middle Grade Stories starts the week of January 4, 2009. The premium course fee is just $120 for ten weeks of lessons and group participation. (Cheap!)

After you complete payment, you will be invited to a Private Google Groups Website, where you can create a profile, download course materials, and participate in discussions. Classes officially begin the week of January 4th, and space is limited. Reserve your spot now to be included.

We hope you join us by participating in this fantastic course! See you in the Classroom. :)

10 Week Price: $120.00 USD

Workshop "Learning to Write Great YA and Middle Grade Stories" (10 Weeks) BUY NOW

 ANNOUNCEMENTS: From WOW! Alumni Members

WOW Announcements

Let's kick off the news:


Brenda Hill:

WOW! Alumni Member, Brenda Hill, has some very exciting news! She recently received word that her mainstream/women's fiction novel, Beyond the Quiet, will be released this spring!

Brenda wrote: When I lost my husband to divorce after nearly thirty years of marriage, I read everything I could, desperate to learn how other women coped and what they did to rebuild their lives. Beyond the Quiet, my new novel scheduled for release in spring, 2009, is my version of how one woman struggles though bitterness, loss, and betrayal, learning to cherish each moment and follow her long-buried dreams. It's the story of how a quiet, passionless widow becomes spirited enough to climb onto her lover's shoulders for a piggyback ride in the nude.

"To all of our years together," Lisa Montgomery's husband said one evening, raising his glass in a toast, "some of them good." They laughed and clicked wine glasses. But after his death, Lisa discovers he hadn't been teasing. When the contents of a secret post office box reveals his illicit affair, she struggles to come to terms with his betrayal. Forced to examine her life as a wife, mother, and as a woman, she realizes her troubled childhood didn't allow her to be anything but composed and quiet. She'd never learned to show love.

A chance meeting with a retired fire chief leads to changes she'd never imagined, and she falls in love for the first time. She learns to open her heart, to let go of the sterile woman she'd become and passionately embrace the woman she wishes to be. Only her relationship with her estranged daughter dulls her new happiness, so Lisa prepares to make one more effort to talk to her, to offer the love she'd always felt but never knew how to express. But a jealous coworker watches, wanting to destroy what he can't have.

Find out more about Brenda by visiting her website:

Congratulations, Brenda! We're looking forward to reading your book!


Carolyn Howard-Johnson:

Author to Advise Boomers Seeking New Careers

Author advocate Carolyn Howard-Johnson will appear with Paul Bruno on his Career Czar talk radio program on January 30, 2009. This unique Internet talk radio program focuses on all aspects of the world of careers.

The two will chat about something dear to the hearts of baby-boomers--reinventing yourself at retirement. Howard-Johnson was selected because her writing career spans everything from journalism to poetry and writing movie reviews to writing novels. The first segment of Paul's hour-long show will be about careers in freelance and journalism. The second segment will be about forging a career in fiction (novels and short stories). The third segment will cover the joys of poetry. And the fourth segment will be about nonfiction. It will include how Howard-Johnson's nonfiction books for writers have helped her career and those of others and how some similar how to books or books of inspiration can work for yours.

Bruno has had guests like " Rudy Ruettiger (, whose dream to go to Notre Dame and play football for the Fighting Irish was chronicled in the 1993 movie Rudy, and Brian Kurth (, President of Vocation Vacations and author of Test-Drive Your Dream Job.

After the broadcast, the show will be available to those thinking about a career change or enhancement at Download the show dated 01-30-09 or cut and paste into a web browser.

Learn more about Howard-Johnson at or where she blogs at

Thanks for the info, Carolyn! We'll be looking forward to your broadcast!


Sandi Ault:

Sandi Ault's WILD INFERNO on PW Best Books of the Year List

On November 3, 2008 Publishers Weekly named Sandi Ault's WILD INFERNO one of its Best Books of the Year. WILD INFERNO was one of only nine mystery novels that made the prestigious list. PW is "The International News Magazine of Book Publishing and Bookselling," and first published in 1872. Known for its no-nonsense appraisals of published books, it targets publishers, librarians, booksellers, and literary agents as its primary audience. The Best Books of the Year list is a tribute to excellence in the books listed in each category. PW said of WILD INFERNO: "Ault smoothly blends a murder mystery plot with Native American lore in this impressive sequel to her debut, WILD INDIGO." PW, together with the other major insider publication, Library Journal, gave WILD INFERNO a pair of starred reviews.

WILD INFERNO is Ms. Ault's second addition to the WILD mystery series, which again features rough and ready Bureau of Land Management agent Jamaica Wild and her memorable pet wolf, Mountain. The setting of this second book is in the midst of a blazing wildfire while Native Americans are performing sacred ceremony at Chimney Rock. Jamaica's task is to keep them safe while her life is threatened both by man and fire. Now listed as one of the Best Books of the Year for 2008 by Publishers Weekly, it is a must read. Both books are published by Berkley Prime Crime/Penguin USA and are available at booksellers everywhere.

Sandi Ault writes, researches, and explores the Southwest; teaches WILD Writing Workshops; and is a Type 2 Fire Information Officer responding locally and nationally to wildfires. In her preparations for the WILD books, Sandi spent years studying Pueblo Indian customs, rituals, and ceremonies, and sharing life with a Pueblo family. Sandi and her husband live in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with their wolf Tiwa and their cat Buckskin. Visit her on the web at

Congratulations, Sandi! That's quite an achievement!


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 WOW!'s Website Find of the Month

Cool Find Want to know what the best children's lit blog posts are? Now, you can easily find them with's blog!

Jon Bard's video series of "Top Children's Lit Blog Posts of the Day" is an invaluable resource for anyone seeking current information on the industry. Whether you are a children's book writer or a reporter looking for the latest scoop on KidLit, these videos are true gems!

In Jon's very first video post (Nov 10th), he writes about his mission: "The children's literature blog world (for kidlitosphere, as it's come to be known) is filled with smart, clever and insightful folks. So many, in fact, that it can be a bit overwhelming to keep up with all the genius being tossed around out there. So, we're doing our part, by highlighting the absolute best postings, from the kidlitosphere in this daily video series."

Let me say, they're doing more than 'their part'--the videos are top-notch and include screen captures from blogs. You watch as Jon actively scrolls through the blog and comments on what he likes best about the posts. The topics are wide ranging--from author promotion to controversial topics--artwork, great books, publishing news and contests! Practically anything you can think of devoted to children's literature. I could gush some more, but you should just go on and check it out for yourself!


In Closing:

What a jam-packed issue, huh? We hope this issue will provide you with all the tools you need to get those fingers tapping! Take time to explore all the expert advice and savor the various flavors of writing. This is the time to get involved in the writing community. The weather is perfect for staying indoors, and the holidays are brimming with material for your works-in-progress. Take advantage of this time and treat yourself to good reads and good writes. And remember, we love hearing from you, so if you want to hit reply and ask a question, send us a message, or just chat about writing, we're here for you. We're proud to be a part of such a thriving community of women writers. Write-on!
