Agent in the Middle
November 2007 
 WOW! Women On Writing
 Issue #15: Agent in the Middle
In This Issue:
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Welcome to our annual literary agents issue! Last year, we did an issue called Walking in an Agent's Shoes, which focused on demystifying the myth of the big bad literary agent. In that issue we asked the agents a fun interpretive question, "What's your favorite pair of shoes? And what is it like to walk in them?" Each agent had a completely different response, and we had our illustrator (A.K.A. me) draw a picture of the shoe with a saying under it. The shoe symbolized their personality quite accurately! I thought it would be fun to see them all in one place, so if you are interested, go take a peek on the Editor's Desk.

So, this year, we have something even better! We dove in head first and tackled nearly every aspect of literary agents: how to get one, how to submit, how to query, interviews with agents, questions to ask your agent, writing a nonfiction book proposal to send to an agent, and much more. Seriously, I don't know if we'll have an agents issue next year... This topic is covered!

If you dream of getting published by a big NY publishing house, then you're going to need a good agent to take you there. Agents are the middlemen (or middlewomen in our case) who make deals for you as an author so you can focus on what you do best: write. Thus our theme, Agent in the Middle. Enjoy!


Welcome to the WOW! Family:

A warm welcome to the family goes out to new freelancers: Del Sandeen, Susan Kearney, and Jennifer Wright. Thank you ladies! We couldn't have done it without you. And of course, thanks to C. Hope Clark, our one-and-only monthly WOW! columnist for her breakthrough article that describes her personal journey of seeking the perfect agent.

Thanks to our WOW! Staff: intern Sally Franklin Christie for her captivating interview with Victoria Strauss of Writer Beware. To editor Sue Donckels for getting the Inside Scoop from Literary Agent Kristin Nelson (this is a fabulous article!). And to contributing editor Annette Fix for two knockout articles this month: How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal and Secrets for your Success: Signing with the Perfect Agent (an interview with Wendy Sherman). Thanks Annette for burning the midnight oil to bring us these two features!

Also, thank you to Chynna Laird for heading up our markets, to Debbie Delgado-Hand for taking on the blog and for all her support, and to Cher'ley Grogg, Joanne Stacey, and Kesha Grant for the wonderful job they do with contest entries.


Breaking News: WOW! is Named as a Finalist in the 4th Annual Stevie Awards for Women in Business:

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business honor women executives, entrepreneurs, and the companies they run worldwide. The Stevie Awards have been hailed as "the business world's own Oscars." (New York Post, April 27, 2005).

Nicknamed the Stevies for the Greek word "crowned," winners will be announced during a gala event at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas on Monday, November 12. Nominated women executives and entrepreneurs from the U.S. and several other countries are expected to attend.

More than 800 entries were submitted for consideration in more than 40 categories, including Best Executive, Best Entrepreneur, and Best Community Involvement Program. WOW! Women On Writing is a Finalist in the Website of the Year category.

This is a significant achievement for which finalists are to be applauded. This means that independent judges agreed that WOW! Women On Writing is worthy of international recognition, and has won at least a Certificate of Finalist Recognition, and possibly a Stevie Award trophy. WOW! CEO and Founder, Angela Mackintosh, states, "We are honored to be in the company of esteemed women who are making a difference in business. Heartfelt congratulations go out to all the finalists, and to the Stevie Awards for recognizing women and their achievements."

Finalists were chosen by business professionals worldwide during preliminary judging. Members of the Awards' Board of Distinguished Judges & Advisors and their staffs select Stevie Award winners from among the Finalists during final judging.

"Being named a Finalist in The Stevie Awards for Women in Business is an important achievement," said Michael Gallagher, president of the Stevie Awards. "It means that independent business executives have agreed that the nominee is worthy of recognition. We congratulate all of the Finalists on their achievement and wish them well in the competition."

Angela Mackintosh adds, "To be a finalist in the Stevie Awards is already an award in itself--not only for our website, but for our hardworking and dedicated staff of talented women writers. It's also an award for our readers and community who make our efforts worthwhile and keep us striving for the best. Ladies, take a bow! We're thrilled and honored to be a finalist for such a prestigious award."

Details about The Stevie Awards for Women in Business and the list of Finalists in all categories are available at


WOW! A Call for Interns:

Would you like to help other women writers?

I'm sure you know there is a lot of work that goes into WOW! -- and as we continue to grow and branch out into new areas, we need support to get things accomplished and out on time. This is a great opportunity to learn something new and there's room for advancement.

Currently, we are seeking four interns to contribute several hours a week. As an intern, you'll have the opportunity to advance very quickly after training, and will receive paid assignments should you choose to become more involved.

If you are interested in an intern position, please send us:

  • A brief bio
  • Links to any websites/blogs/publications etc.
  • What you'd like to be involved in: (e.g. writing, editing, newsletters, blogging, emails, contest, marketing, forums)
  • How much time you have available per week

This is a telecommuting position. Please send your info to:

We look forward to hearing from you!


Note on Newsletters:

As you know, we usually do a Call for Submissions in this newsletter, as well as Workshop Updates etc. And, as you can see, our newsletters keep getting longer as we add more features.

So, to keep interests and categories more specific, we're asking that you subscribe to our Think Green! Markets Newsletter for WOW!'s calls for submissions. We will only be posting them there from now on. As a freelance writer, you probably want to update your subscription to include the Markets newsletter.

You can always do this by scrolling to the bottom of the newsletter and clicking on where it says, "Update profile/Email Address."



Fall 2007 Essay Contest:

Can you write a story about luck? Perhaps you've found an item or discovered something that brought you good or bad luck, serendipity, a missed opportunity, or karma? We want you to write about it and we're giving you a higher word count to do it!

Minimum: 800 words; Maximum: 1200 words

The honorable C. Hope Clark of and WOW! columnist will be our fabulous Guest Judge for this season.

And as a bonus to our usual cash & prizes, the winner will receive publication in skirt! print magazine and/or on the skirt! website!

Visit the Contest Page for more details and try your luck today!


Now on to the issue, enjoy!

 Editor's Desk
 NaNoWriMo, Agents, More!

NaNoWriMo On Your Mark, Get Set... NANO!

Yes, it's that time again. November = National Novel Writing Month! So, sharpen your pencils or warm up your computer keys--and start that novel now!

Let us know if you're NaNo-ing: WOW! will be posting journal-style entries from NaNo-ers on The Muffin.

Don't know about NaNoWriMo? Check out our Ed's desk for an overview and get writing!

Agents and Shoe Illustrations:

Check out the fun, interpretive answers to our question: What is your favorite pair of shoes? And what is it like to walk in them?

Jennifer DeChiara writes: "My favorite pair of shoes are my very first pair of ballet shoes; they still fit me because I didn't start dancing until I was sixteen. I had wanted to study ballet since I was a baby, but my parents couldn't afford to give me lessons. I was determined to be a ballerina, and each week I would save my babysitting money for classes at the community ballet school. Although everyone around me told me I was too old to start lessons and that I should abandon all hopes of ever becoming a dancer, I proved them wrong...."

Read the rest of her story, plus other agents' stories >> 

 How To Get a Literary Agent
 By Del Sandeen

Del Sandeen Once a book reaches completion, a writer's work truly begins. Join Del Sandeen as she covers the scoop on literary agents and the process of finding the right one to make a writer's dream come alive.

If you want to know all the basics to guide you through the literary agent highway, this is a great place to start the issue!

In this highly informative article Del Sandeen pulls out all the resources from her toolbox and gives aspiring authors tips on:

  • What an agent will do for you
  • Where to find agents
  • How to land an agent
  • How to query an agent
  • Pitching agents at writing conferences
  • Recommendations: the most effective way to get an agent
  • Contests and literary journals
  • What AAR is and what it means to you
  • Agents to avoid
  • Encouragement

This is a fun refresher for pros, and a great guide for newbies. Don't miss this fun article!


 The Inside Scoop from Agent Kristin Nelson
 Interview by Sue Donckels

Literary Agent Kristin Nelson Kristin Nelson worked for literary agent Jody Rein before establishing Nelson Literary Agency (NLA) in 2002. In such a short period of time, NLA has built a solid reputation due to Kristin's excellent eye for fine work.

In this fascinating interview with Kristin, you'll see things from an agent's perspective -- Kristin shares a query that won her attention, and adds comments each step of the way. It's interesting to see what an agent sees.

Find out what the Nelson Literary Agency is seeking right now, and delight in the fact that they only want email queries!


 Secrets for your Success: Signing with the Perfect Agent
 An Interview with Wendy Sherman

Literary Agent Wendy Sherman Annette Fix interviews literary agent Wendy Sherman on how your manuscript submission can be sifted from the slush and become publishing gold.

Find out what it takes to get an agent's attention, what's hot and what's not, and the one thing that can be a deal-breaker if you don't have it.

Wendy Sherman is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of publishing experience. She has held senior executive positions at Simon & Schuster, Macmillan, and Henry Holt. During her tenure at these major publishing houses, she served as Director of Subsidiary Rights, Director of Marketing, and Director of Sales, as well as, most recently, Vice President, Associate Publisher, and Executive Director of Publishing at Henry Holt. With a desire to work more closely with writers, and have a key role in the development and management of their careers, she founded Wendy Sherman Associates, Inc. in 1999.

Take this rare opportunity to learn from Wendy, a seasoned pro!


 How to Write a Nonfiction Book Proposal
 By Annette Fix

Annette Fix In order to attract the interest of a large publisher, authors must know how to compose an enticing book proposal.

Join Annette Fix as she leads us along the right path to write a winning proposal.

In this feature, Annette covers:

  • The purpose of a book proposal
  • Why having a platform is necessary for nonfiction, and how to build one immediately
  • The necessary components of a book proposal: broken down in steps!
  • Dos and Don'ts
  • Gauging your competition
  • How to research your market
  • Building your publicity/media platform
  • How to write your bio
  • How to write a chapter outline step-by-step, and your sample chapter

This is one of those "bookmark this" or "print now" articles. Stay tuned for Annette's upcoming Hungry Writer's Guide Workshop exclusively for WOW! readers.


 20 Q: Literary Agent Janet Reid
 of Fine Print Literary Management

Literary Agent Janet Reid Meet Janet Reid, an agent on the scene who knows how to read the fine print. Janet has worked more than fifteen years in book publicity and had her own agency, JETREID Literary. She moved on to work with the Imprint Agency, and most recently the BIG agency, FinePrint Literary Management (a merger between Imprint and Peter Rubie and associates).

Janet shares wit and wisdom with aspiring authors in this lively interview, as well as, her three-step approach, and gives some excellent tips on how to approach her at a writer's conference (Hint: come bearing coffee, chocolate, and whiskey). Plus, read her vital stats on the sidebar!


 A List of Questions to Ask Your Agent
 Freelancer's Corner: By Bestselling Author Susan Kearney

Author Susan Kearney If you're a first-time author, and you haven't a clue where to begin your search for a literary agent, take a look at Susan Kearney's list. It provides a starting point and gives some great tips that authors need to keep in mind.

Do you know how much commission agents deduct? Or how much they should be deducting? Who takes over when an agent is on vacation? What should you ask before signing on the dotted line?

There are a lot of things to consider, and bestselling author Susan Kearney gives you her must-ask list!


 The Literary Agent Shuffle
 C. Hope Clark's Funds 4 Writers

C. Hope Clark C. Hope Clark takes a departure from her monthly column and gets real with WOW! readers. Seeking an agent for her first book, Hope is in the midst of the shuffle. With her dancing shoes on and manuscript in hand, Hope guides you through the steps to: locate, select, and submit to agents, and wait for their responses.

When I told Hope about November's theme, I also gave her free rein to break away from her regular column about grants and funding, and to write whatever she wanted to (because I knew no matter what, it would be good). Well, she surprised us with this fantastic piece -- her best yet! You can tell by reading it that she enjoyed writing it. Hope gets real with us, and you're going to love this article. By taking her advice, your dance card may be full soon.


 HOW 2: Write a BAD Query Letter
 By Jennifer Wright

Jennifer Wright We all hear advice about how to write a query letter, but what are some common mistakes that aspiring authors make when querying? In this how-to, Jennifer Wright gives us insider information on what NOT to do.

As a freelancer for a New York based literary agency Jen spends most of her day digging through the slush pile, and you'd be amazed at what she's found! This is a fun and humorous article that provides us with the unique perspective from the other side of the manuscript.

Did you know that people actually send pictures of themselves funneling beer?


 Inspiration: Shai Coggins, VP of b5media
 Interview by Angela Mackintosh

Shai Coggins Shai Coggins has a handle on balance. She's a successful entrepreneur, writer, artist, a mum of two young children, a psychologist, and is Vice President of one of the fastest growing blogging communities, b5media.

If you've ever considered writing for b5 or want to learn more about "baking a community cake," this interview with Shai will inspire you in many ways. Shai has a terrific outlook and even though she is extremely talented, this Aussie says her talents are "experiments." We say she's way too modest!

Shai talks about how she co-founded b5media, what a "normal" day is like for her, how to cure writer's block, and how to spark your creativity!


 Literary Agents Seeking Memoirs
 From the Markets


Are you looking for an agent to handle your memoir? Here are some excellent choices--right off the presses! Prepare your manuscript, perfect your book proposal, get that query letter in top form, and submit!

Sample listing:


880 Third Ave.
Eighth Floor
New York NY 10022

Phone: (646)505-1570
Web site:

Prior to her current position, Ms. Ehrlich was an award-winning journalist; she is the co-author of The New Crowd: The Changing of the Jewish Guard on Wall Street (Little, Brown). Ms. Hoffman worked at Harold Matson Company and as a freelance editor.

Actively Seeking:

Actively seeking stellar fiction (literary quality and commercial) with an intriguing storyline, strong characters, and distinctive style. Among our special interests are women's fiction, humorous novels, mysteries, thrillers, and historical.


2002 Author's Guild, the American Society of Journalists and Authors.

Writer's Guidelines:

How to Contact:

Query with SASE.
Queries should include a synopsis and some sample pages.
Send e-queries to
The agency will respond only if interested.

Accepts e-mail queries.
No fax queries.
Returns materials only with SASE.


 Pre-Holiday Pampering
 Must Haves

Snuggly foot warmer We know how busy you women writers are, especially during the holidays, so as a lovely diversion, we picked out a few gifts to add to your wish list!

For instance, do you know what that's a picture of? Well, it's something snuggly, and you'll have to find out more by visiting the must-haves!

Want to write about your Must-Haves? Email us at: and tell us about your favorite product or website that's helped your writing.


 Victoria Strauss from Writer Beware
 By Sally Franklin Christie

Victoria Strauss Find out about the Predatory Practices of Unscrupulous Agents!

Meet author and Writer Beware's scam huntress, Victoria Strauss. WOW! Intern, Sally Franklin Christie, sits down with Victoria in a revealing one-on-one interview regarding the Writer Beware website and how Victoria started her fascinating quest of protecting writers from literary scams.

Learn what to avoid, the safest way to search for an agent, and find out THE WORST scam perpetrated by a literary agent... You're going to be shocked and amazed! This is a Must-Read and an eye-opening interview.


 Find out the latest from the Bakers of WOW!

Blog Feature Have you checked out what we've been baking for you in the daily Muffin? We've stirred together some traditional ingredients with new ones to deliver more interviews, enlightenment, thought-provoking ideas, and inspirational messages to help you through those gray writing days.

Would you like to see your thoughts posted on the WOW! Blog? Join Friday Speak Out! Share your thoughts on writing, how you balance your writing and the rest of your life, or how you find and maintain inspiration. Of course, you might have another idea spinning in your mind. Go for it. We'd love to read your work and hear your voice.

This is a great free promotion for authors! Please submit your posts of approximately 500 words with a 100 word or less bio to:

Contest Winner Interviews:

Did you know that every Tuesday we feature an interview from a WOW! contest winner? Here's some recent interviews from Summer 2007 Flash Fiction Contest Winners:

Tiffany Chartier: 2nd Place Winner!

Linda Smith-McCormick: 3rd Place Winner!

Alicia Stankay: 1st Place Winner!

Laura Havens: Runner up!

Judy Fancher: Runner Up!


Recent Baked Goods:

99 "Blopics"
Are you lacking topics to blog about? Steal one of Sue's "blopics" and blog away! This is a super jump-start to your writing day.

So you want to write a romance...
The secret formula is revealed! Check out Nicola Beaumont's article for some great recipes on crafting romance.

Hung up on MS Word's Tools? You're not Alone!
Find out how to use MS Word to its full capacity and get a handle on your readability statistics and passive words... You'll soon be addicted!

Voice Debates
Sue takes the other side of Angela's post on MS Word's tools and brings a new perspective on how certain types of writing require a passive voice. Find out which types do!

An Author Chat with Marina Kuperman
If you read Marina's How 2 for our Children's issue, then you're going to love this interview about her YA novel, Turtle Feet, Surfer's Beat.

Which Comes First, Word or Thought?
When writing business letters or emails it's good to have a clear picture of whom you're writing to before you put pen to paper, or fingers to keyboard. Ask yourself these questions first.

A Beautiful Mind
Chynna shares her experience of her first book signing! This is a great post because you actually feel like you're there with her experiencing it all.

Some Thoughts on the Sixth Sense: Intuition
Sue always has thought-provoking posts and this one is no different. Sue discusses how to tap into your intuition when writing and poses some questions for readers!

Typing to the Beat of a New Drummer
Have you ever considered typing out another author's works to feel the voice and rhythm of their words?

Go Ahead! Shake Things Up!
Chynna gives us some motivation to get controversial, debate, and have fun with your writing.

Lucky You!
When asked what to write about for the new essay contest, Angela remembers a strange incident that sparked a life-changing event.

Look to the Nose Pool for Ideas
Experiencing writer's block? Why not try using your senses to create story, especially your sense of smell! Did you know that we have the ability to recognize 10,000 different smells?

Now What?
Debbie kicks off her first blog post and experiences a moment of panic. I'm sure we've all experienced this! But in the end she comes to a profound conclusion that is so very true.

Insight Into Self-Publishers
Chynna publishes her own book! (See more in announcements below.) And she gives you the lowdown on Outskirts Press and what it's like to work with them. This sparks some great conversation!

Criticism = Love
Randy Pausch's "last lecture" sparks some interesting thoughts on how sometimes telling someone they're doing something wrong, is better than not telling them anything at all. And watch the video here if you haven't seen it!

Preheat the Oven to 375F and Write!
In celebration of World Vegan Day, Debbie posts a yummy recipe for us all to try. We all need fuel to write, right? Well, Debbie's post sparked some interesting comments!

A Change of Perspective
Annette kicks off her first blog post with this lively romp to get us motivated and NaNo-ing!


There's a lot happening on The Muffin!

Recently, we've just added a feedburner so you can receive blog posts by email! Visit The Muffin and sign up where you see the "Get posts by Email" and the feedburner button.

And as always we offer you some fabulous link juice: Provide a link to WOW! Women On Writing, either our blog or our website, and we will include you in our Blog Roll!

Spread the word, and we'll spread yours. Be sure to comment on our blog and let us know that you linked to us.

We only check once a month through two different sources, and sometimes they aren't as accurate as we'd like them to be. So, tout your flair! Tell us, and join the conversation. We always appreciate your comments, no matter how large or small -- your opinion matters greatly!


 Letter to the Editors: A Warning!!
 Breaking News

Beware Letter from a WOW! writer/reader:

Hi Everyone!

I just wanted to pass on a warning to each of you. I just had something that scared me and I want to make sure that other writers that are out there are aware of this happening.

First off, I am sure that there are quite a few of your loyal readers who may have also been on the receiving end as I was. What am I talking about? "A Literary Agent" Supposedly interested in "my work".

This email came from a person by the name of (name omitted by WOW! Staff), that is claiming to be a literary agent. By the email, it began with some personal information, I immediately thought of the articles that I have written for Wow! She hit upon some key points that really stood out to me. Then I read on she gave me information about what she has done over the past "20 years" and the fact that she has been a literary agent for quite some time.

Red flags started going up a little bit, I figured I would test this "Literary Agent" I began asking a few questions, first off where her agency is located, what writers has she represented, what books resulted in publication, etc.

I answered one of her questions, being evasive, not going into full detail about my work, thus seeing what kind of a response I would or might get back from this "literary agent".

After I sent the message, I thought it best to follow up with a bit of research. To my amazement, her name popped up all over the net and not in a good way. Not only was she showed as being linked with several different agency names. Then there was a "BLOG" that I came across that gave personal information on her. This profile stated that she was only 25 years old. So having 20 years experience... hmmm... That would make her what 5 years old, wow what a talent (sarcasm a must).

Please let others know to be careful when reaching for their dream, someone is out there that could pull the rug out from under them. Don't want them hitting their backsides.

To everyone, please make sure you do your research. I am sure there are "real" agents out there.

Maybe it is time that Wow! do a special report of sorts on "Writer's Beware!" I think it would be good to help inform other writer's of situations that are going on in the writing community. Especially those who are new to the writing world. It would be a huge help for them.

Thanks again for all that you do!


From WOW: Thank you for your timely letter. As it happens, our intern, Sally Franklin Christie, just did a fabulous review/interview with Victoria Strauss of the Writer Beware site. You can see that here.

In this article Victoria points out various key aspects to look for when seeking an agent. One tip is that they don't usually come to YOU. Agents are very busy people. So when one does contact you, I'd probably run the other way. Victoria also said that if you have a question about a particular agent to contact her at:

And to WOW! Readers: Have you received a letter like this? Please let us know. We'd really hate to think that someone is preying on our readership. Remember to be wary of "agents" or other scam artists that go out of their way to send you an email. If you are ever in doubt, please contact us and we'll research AAR (for agents) or an Editor's network (for editors). Whatever you do, don't shell out your hard earned cash, and be careful!


 Go Green with Eco-Libris
Did you know that approximately 20 Million trees are cut down annually for virgin paper used for the production of books sold in the U.S. alone?


Every reader appreciates the power of books and their positive impact in our world; they educate, entertain, heal, and connect people across the globe through stories. But printed books impact our environment negatively through the destruction of trees. Aside from their aesthetic beauty and much-loved shade, trees serve us by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, conserving soil and water, providing solid foundations in the earth, and preventing avalanches, to name only a few. With global warming as our primary threat, we need to do our part to help the Earth.

We need to reach the point where we print books on recycled paper; yet, we're far from it. In fact, a fairly new green company, Eco-Libris, reminds us of a depressing number in the publishing industry: "About 20 Million trees are cut down annually for virgin paper used for the production of books sold in the U.S. alone." That's substantial for one country. Obviously, we can't simply stop the way the world works in a day. But we can turn to companies, like Eco-Libris, to teach us how to make a difference.

Simply put, Eco-Libris asks readers and organizations to pay one dollar for each book they read and, in return, they plant trees in developing countries to offset all the paper consumed. The more people balance out their books, the more trees planted. For instance, for every ten dollars donated, Eco-Libris actually plants thirteen trees. Donators also receive one sticker for every book balanced out. Of course, Eco-Libris designs their stickers from recycled paper.

Eco-Libris partnered with three conservation groups to plant the trees: Sustainable Harvest International (SHI), which focuses in Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama; RIPPLE Africa, operating in Malawi, Africa; and The Alliance for International Reforestation, which makes a difference in Guatemala and Nicaragua. Together they make a difference that impacts the environment, as well as, local communities in a positive manner.

To learn more, please visit their website,, and read all about their goals.

We should all go green with Eco-Libris!

Find out how you can help>> 

 A Special Drawing for WOW! Readers

Eco-Libris Eco-Libris has teamed up with WOW! to bring you this special Contest:

Balance out 10 books or more with Eco-Libris, and enter a drawing to get more trees planted in your name for F*R*E*E*

Eco-Libris generously offered to plant 50 trees in developing countries for three lucky winners. And, the winners will receive the Eco-Libris stickers for their books to boast about it!

Simply make a purchase at and afterward email WOW! at: to be entered in the drawing. In the subject line put, "Eco-Libris Drawing."

We urge you to take advantage of this generous offer! And do something good by balancing out your book purchases by planting trees.

To recap, here's what you need to do:

  1. Visit Eco-Libris and purchase their package to plant ten or more trees ($10 plants 13 trees)
  2. Email WOW! editors with your purchase confirmation. In the subject line put, "Eco-Libris Drawing."
  3. At the end of the month, 3 lucky winners will be chosen to have 50 trees planted in their names! And receive stickers!

You don't even have to break a sweat planting trees. The work is done for you and for a good cause. Balance out your books with trees and take advantage of this promotion today.

Visit Eco-Libris & enter the drawing>>

 Announcing the NEW UPDATED version of Patricia Fry's Most Popular Book!

Right Way to Write and Publish your Book The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book Your Complete Guide to Successful Authorship

by Patricia Fry

Announcing the Revised, Second Edition of The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book.

The original edition of this book (published in 2006) received over a dozen 5-star reviews from industry professionals. The second edition is the same book with 32 more pages reflecting dozens of updates and additions. We've included more information, tips and resources related to publishing fiction, choosing an appropriate title for your book, working with bookstores, promoting books through book trailers, using a blog to promote your book and establishing your all important platform, for example.

The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book is a definitive guide to successful authorship whether you're writing fiction, nonfiction, poetry a children's book or a memoir. It details critical information about the publishing industry in frank terms and includes numerous anecdotes and examples to illustrate the processes involved in successful authorship.

This book walks hopeful and experienced authors through the writing, publishing and book promotion process from start to finish and beyond. In this book, you'll learn how to:

  • Edit your own manuscript.
  • Write with more clarity.
  • Choose a good editor to polish your finished product.
  • Locate the right publisher for your book.
  • Select the best agent for your project.
  • Write query letters and book proposals.
  • Keep from making costly publishing mistakes.
  • Understand your responsibility as an author.
  • Successfully self-publish your book.
  • Tackle the business aspects of publishing.
  • Get your book into bookstores.
  • Get your book reviewed many times over.
  • Develop a promotional plan for your book.
  • Work a book festival so it works for you.
  • Sell more books at book signings.
  • Make money writing articles that promote your book.
  • Be a better public speaker.
  • Find speaking opportunities.
  • Locate and work with distributors and wholesalers.
  • Take the stress out of shipping books.

If you are still confused about the process of publishing, working with publishers and agents, organizing a nonfiction book, targeting your audience and developing a promotions plan, for example, this is the book you've been waiting for.

Only $19.95 (+ shipping)

Visit Patricia Fry's site Now for more details on The Right Way to Write, Publish and Sell Your Book: Your Complete Guide to Successful Authorship (additional workbook available)

WOW says: "You can't take a course for that price! And that's what this book is -- a complete guide."


 From the Articles Section:

New Articles from Literary Agent Wendy Keller!

How to Manage Your Literary Agent

How to Write a Compelling Query Letter

How to Write Great Queries without Resorting to Threats, Bribery or Coercion

How a Published Author Can Become a Paid Public Speaker

More than a Flash in the Pan

The Music of Words

The Desire Not to Write

Keller Media, Inc. is your primary source for information resources and teammates who will work with you to help you turn your basic book or speech idea into a lucrative, valuable message that connects with the hearts and minds of your audiences. Wendy Keller has taught thousands of authors her unique and efficient system for turning a simple book deal into a lucrative career.

Wendy Keller is unique among agents because she has worked in and around the media her entire career, as well as succeeded herself as an author and business person. "I'm always honored and excited by compelling new talent. I can't wait to meet you!"



WOW Announcements

This month we have a lot of books in the news! You ladies have been busy! So let's kick off the congrats:


Chynna Laird:

Congratulations goes out to our contributing editor, Chynna Laird, for her newest children's picture book I'm Not Weird, I have SID.

This book is beautiful, and a wonderful educational tool to anyone who knows a child with SID, has a child with SID, or a child who wants to understand their friend or themselves. Chynna did a super job by bringing this book into the world. I urge you to check it out. I guarantee you'll be moved and inspired. This makes a great holiday gift!
Visit Chynna's website:


Danette Haworth:

We want to share a writer's fantastic news! Danette Haworth just sold her middle grade novel, Violet Raines Almost Got Struck By Lightning. We're very excited for her!

Here's the blurb from PM:

"Danette Haworth's debut VIOLET RAINES ALMOST GOT STRUCK BY LIGHTNING, about a vivacious eleven-year-old whose life changes drastically when a new girl moves to her backwoods Florida town, to Stacy Cantor at Walker, on an exclusive submission, for publication in Fall 2008, by Ted Malawer at Firebrand Literary."

Isn't that "crazy, delirious, euphoric?" These words come from Danette's own blog. If you're not familiar with Danette's blogs, please take note:

We send super-sized congratulations to you, Danette!


Marci Mangham:

Marci has a short story collection out, Both Ends Burning. Congrats Marci!! And by clicking on the link above, you can read an excerpt from her book. We're thrilled!

Here's a modest quote from Marci: "This is just a small collection of short stories I've written over the last few years. It is the literary equivalent of a "silly little diddy." I decided to put them together in a little anthology as a gift to myself. Hopefully the royalties I plan to donate to charity will be a nice gift for those in need as well."

Find out more about Marci by visiting her new website:


A F*R*E*E* Offer from Patricia Fry:

Get F*R*E*E help with Your Book Promotion Plan. Order Patricia Fry's F*R*E*E report: Book Promotion: One Size Does NOT Fit All. Includes a "workbook feature" designed to help you create your marketing plan.


Carolyn Howard-Johnson:

Carolyn Howard-Johnson will chat with those who have questions on promotion, editing, the craft of writing, or anything else about the publishing world the entire month of November. The place is the Boomer Women Speak forum. Those who would like to become members of the Boomer Women Speak F-R-*-E forum, should go to homepage and then click on the "Visit our forums" and then follow the instructions.

Carolyn Howard-Johnson will be Valerie Connelly's guest on her Webinar Dec. 5th, 2007. The two will talk book promotion ad infinitum. There will be a printable agenda and follow-along materials prior to the event as well as a downloadable PDF of the Web screen shots and an MP3 recording of the Webinar available to registered attendees. There is a charge. Space is limited. Please register before Dec. 4. For more information or to register contact Valerie at


USA Book News, the premiere online magazine and review website for mainstream and independent publishing houses, announced Carolyn Howard-Johnson's The Frugal Editor: Put Your Best Book Forward to Avoid Humiliation and Ensure Success the National Best Book Awards (BBA) in the category of business and publishing.

Congrats Carolyn!! What an honor!

Learn more about Howard-Johnson at or

Also, take advantage of Carolyn's F*R*E*E* newsletter Sharing with Writers by sending an email to: with "subscribe" in the subject line.


Are you an Alumni Member (previously featured on WOW!) who'd like to be in our announcements section?

We'd love to hear what you've been up to! Drop us a note:

 WOW!'s Website Find of the Month

Cool Find Freelance Writing

With Allena Tapia

Recently, we received an email from Allena Tapia, the writer and channel editor for the New York Times website for freelance writers. We'd talked about trading interviews etc. so I checked out her website, and I was impressed!

Of course we all know about, but I don't think I've ever actually spent time on Allena's particular page. What a resource for freelancers! Her site is all about freelancing, and includes topics such as: basics of freelancing, breaking in, marketing yourself, job resources, markets and genres, editors and agents, getting published, mechanics of writing, managing your career, finances, legal issues and more! She also has a newsletter that you can subscribe to.

If you're eager to grow your freelance wings, check out this site and learn how to fly!


Support Women Writers by Nominating WOW!:

If you feel that WOW! is a valuable resource for writers, we urge you to nominate WOW! for Writer's Digest's 101 Best Web Sites.

Simply send an email to: and put "101 Best Web Sites" in your subject line. Make sure you mention our web address:

We appreciate your support. As long as WOW! is here on this planet we will continue to support women writers across the globe, and strive for new ways to continue our mission.

In Closing:

Talk about writing a book! Now that we've finished this newsletter, at least we know how to find an agent to publish it (*wink*).

Seriously though, we hope you enjoy this jam-packed agent issue and refer to it often, or when you're ready. But it's always good to arm yourself with knowledge when it comes to the publishing world. This IS your business and we want you to succeed. That's our primary goal, and the reason why we offer f*r*e*e* content to you.

All of us are in this together: to create a path for ourselves, our peers, and to make a difference in the publishing world. To have something special to pass on, and keep our dreams alive.

We hope that you take advantage of these resources and never give up! And as always, we'd love to hear from you. Send your comments, feedback, success stories, and publishing dreams to us.

Warmest regards,

Angela, Sue, & Team WOW!
WOW! Women On Writing