Put On Your Writing Cap
August 2007 
 WOW! Women On Writing
 Issue #12: Put On Your Writing Cap
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Do you remember back in grade school when your teacher used to say, "Now class, let's all put on our thinking caps." Well, WOW! says Put on your writing cap -- It's time to explore new avenues with your writing.

When I pondered the theme of "Put on Your Writing Cap" it made me think of all the things we can do with our writing. Many of us are working on novels but there are so many other choices to consider. This month we only scratch the surface of the options available. I hope you enjoy reading this issue as much as I enjoyed putting it together.

New Newsletters are available:

In our continued efforts to bring you the best content available to writers, we're now offering a new selection of newsletters to choose from:

WOW! Magazine Newsletter: well, you already know about this one if you're reading this ;-)

Writer's Markets: Monthly. If you enjoy the markets column of our magazine, this newsletter will give you even more! We'll also include unique markets and special markets geared toward women writers.

WOW! Boutique: Periodically. When we receive new items, highlight a special, or send out a coupon made especially just for you, you'll be the first to know.

FF Contest Newsletter: Periodically. Updates on our flash fiction contest, schedules, and other contests as well!

Workshops & Classes: Periodically. Due to popular demand, this is something we'll be launching very soon. Stay tuned!

Event Listings: Occasionally. If you like book signings, conferences, author readings, and online events, then this newsletter will provide you with the skinny. We'll only send out when there are special events of interest to women writers.

Special Offers from Affiliates: Occasionally. If we find an unbelievable deal we'll include you in on our secret find. Only the best deals will be made available to you.

NEWSLETTER Q: I already get the monthly newsletter, but how do I get the others?

A: Scroll to the very bottom of this newsletter and click on "Update Profile/Email Address" and you will be taken to a sign-up screen. Enjoy!

For more Q & As on newsletter topics, visit the Editor's Desk.

Thanks goes out to our Freelancers:

Special thanks to Rita Connelly, Holley Gerth, Nadia Ali, Barbara Shine, and Hailey Ratigan. It was a privilege to work with you ladies. C. Hope Clark, thanks for another great column. And extra special thanks to Sue Donckels (my editorial right arm) and Angela Mackintosh (our graphics genius) for taking time from their busy schedules to bring us great features.

Special thanks also go out to our interns, Joanne, Cher'ley and Chynna for the great job they did with the contest entries and all the proofreading. Thanks guys. You make my job so much easier.

WOW! A Call for Writing Prompts:

Fall Flash Fiction Contest Prompt! That's right, it's your turn to help with our contest prompt. Send us an idea for our Fall Flash Fiction Contest and you could win either a copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves or What Would Your Character Do by Eric and Ann Maisel.

Here's the rules:

-- Prompt must be original, meaning you thought of it, no stealing from books!
-- Keep prompt word count to no more than 100 words.
-- Deadline to enter is Aug. 20th. Judges decision will be final.
-- Send prompt to jean@wow-womenonwriting.com. Be sure to include the word "PROMPT" in the subject line to prevent being discarded as spam.

Contest Updates:

Spring winners, your prizes are now on their way! When you receive them, we'd love to hear from you.

The 2007 Summer Flash Fiction Contest is Now OPEN: CHECK OUT THE NEW PROMPT

Get a TOP Literary Agent's Attention: Jennifer DeChiara is our guest judge for the Summer 2007 Contest! Learn from this remarkable woman and have her read your entries!

NOTE: Ladies, this Summer season has been a little slow. Are you all waiting until the last minute? We surely hope not! Let's stir some competition and get those entries in early!


They say variety is the spice of life, so when the words just won't flow on your current project, take a break from it. Try writing a review on your latest great meal out or dig into your center of emotions and write a card for that upcoming birthday, holiday or special family occasion. And don't forget to make note of that catchy saying that pops into your head when you least expect it. Who knows, you might discover another writing passion.

-- Jean

Now, onto the issue. Enjoy!

 By Rita Connelly

Become a Food Writer Have you ever wondered just what it takes to be a food critic and write restaurant reviews?

Then you are going to absolutely love this feature by Tuscon, Arizona food writer Rita Connelly. Not only does she share some of her experiences but she shows us how we can get started writing food related articles too.

Rita shares her tips on what we should, should not, and never do as a food writer, what topics publications are looking for, how to do the research, and even gives us an exercise to try the next time we're dining at a restaurant. I'm getting hungry already...


 Give the Gift of Empathy
 Holley Gerth on Greeting Card Writing

Holley Gerth I love greeting cards. In fact, I spent an hour just the other day browsing the cards while out shopping. I'm amazed by just how many types and ranges of emotions that fill the card rack.

DaySpring Creative Manager, Holley Gerth takes us on a step by step journey down the road to greeting card publication. If you want to touch lives with just a few words, this is the place to start!


 Down the Yellow Brick Road to eBook City
 By Sue Donckels

Sue Donckels Growing in popularity and availability ebooks are one of the hot alternatives to the more traditional publishing routes.

WOW! Editor Sue Donckels gives all the information we need to decide whether epublishing is the right option for us and gives us insight into the ebook publishing world.

We might even find out who the magical wizard is behind the curtain!


 Tap into the Serial Book Market
 By Jean Lauzier

Serial Book Market Busy? Don't have time to read as you would like? Then we have the thing for you! Each week Virtual Tales will deliver a "take a break" sized portion of a story to your email inbox.

Sherri Gormley tells us how serial stories work and even has a special offer for WOW! readers. Plus, Virtual Tales is looking for writers with complete novellas or novels.


 20 Qs: Therese Fowler, Author
 By Hailey Ratigan

Therese Fowler From auction, agents, writing and MFAs, Therese shares her journey from unpublished writer to debut novelist. Tag along, get to know Therese and learn from a professional.

Therese shares her tips on book promotion, how to research the publishing industry, how to avoid predictable writing, and shares her great oulook on those dreaded rejection letters.


 Get With the Slogan!
 By Nadia Ali

Nadia Ali Want to get the most money for the least amount of words? Say $50 per word? Then try writing slogans.

Though a limited market, just about all products need a great slogan. Nadia gives us a primer on slogan writing and shares some markets with us.


 Funds 4 Writers: Awards that Publish Your Book
 By C. Hope Clark

Hope Clark Contests and awards are a great way to get feedback and even publication. Plus, they look great in a cover letter to the "dream" agent you plan to query.

Hope shares with us how she uses contests to catapult her career. And as always, she provides you with a great list of places to start. Some of them are even free to enter!


 HOW 2 Work with a Writing Critique Group
 By Barbara Shine

Barbara Shine Critique groups can be an important part of the writing process. They can inspire, help and encourage or they can be a waste of time. However there are things you can do to make the experience all it can be.

Barbara Shine shares some helpful advice on how to make the most of your group, how to set up your meeting agenda, and gives us advice on how to be a hit at your critique group.


 Inspiration: Pat Matsueda, Managing Editor of Manoa
 By Angela Miyuki Mackintosh

Pat Matsueda Meet Pat Matsueda, editor, author, publisher, designer, teacher, and global inspiration. (Talk about hats!) Pat has been in the publishing industry for over thirty years and has a refreshing outlook on life. Even with all she does, she tries to keep life simple.

We can all learn a thing or two from Pat's extensive experience in the industry. Her position as managing editor of Manoa Journal lends itself to some fascinating experiences. She works with translators to bring writing from other cultures to the states. Her keen artistic sensibilities derive from her love of architecture and poetry. I could go on, but you'll have to read the article. I'm just honored I had the opportunity to meet such an amazing woman.


 Markets: A Little Bit of Everything
 Put On Your Writing Cap

womensmarkets Step out of your normal writing genre and try something new with this month's markets.

Sample Listing:


1279 N. 10th Ave.
Hanford, CA 93230
E-mail: editor@theangrypoet.com
Web site: www.theangrypoet.com

This is a weekly publication. "We are mostly looking for new voices--writers and artists who desire a venue where anything goes."

QUERIES: Responds in 1 week

SUBMISSION: Send complete manuscript for nonfiction; send query for columns (see website for guidelines)

LENGTH: Nonfiction: 200-500 words; Fiction: 100-500 words

PAY: $10-$50 for unsolicited articles; $10-$30 for fiction

Freelance Potential: 90% freelance written


 Must Haves: All for eBooks
 Writing Cap Necessities

Now that you know all about ebooks from Sue's article, here's what you need to make the most of your ebook experience.

You might enjoy a quick trial with these free software selections, or get more involved and pick up an ebook reader, or perhaps you want to create an ebook of your own. Sue Donckels shares her must-have picks with you!


 Review: The Other Mother, by Gwendolen Gross
 Reviewed by Sue Donckels

The Other Mother In this "must read" Gwendolen tackles the tough issues of stay at home moms verses those of the working moms.

The multi-level power struggles that Gwendolen exposes throughout the course of the book make the women come to life on the pages. Their similarities and differences give them a three-dimensional view to which all women will relate.


 Brenda Hill's Grammar Quiz
 Exercise your brain!

Quiz Girl Quizzes are great to keep that brain active and healthy. I read somewhere the other day that after the age of 20, we lose 50,000 brain cells a day. Pretty scary huh? It's not surprising I can't remember where I heard that one!

So, here's a quiz from Brenda Hill to keep you on your toes.

Some Grammar Troublemakers.

Which is the Correct word?

Pick a) or b):

a) If you could invite anyone, WHO would you invite?


b) If you could invite anyone, WHOM would you invite?



It's whom. Think of who/whom as the same as he/him. Then try turning the sentence around into a declarative:

I would invite __________.

a. he - who
b. him - whom

Since the answer here would be "him," you'd use "whom."


Another troublemaker is LIE or LAY.

a) No matter how many times I chase my dog, Sparky, off the furniture, he loves to LAY on the sofa.


b) No matter how many times I chase my dog, Sparky, off the furniture, he loves to LIE on the sofa.



It's lie. When your character, human or pet, reclines, it lies. Shanna was lying on the sleigh bed.

To place something, i.e., silverware on the table, you lay it. The hen laid the golden egg, because she placed it somewhere.

lay laid laying: I'll lay the silverware on the table. I laid the silverware. I am laying the silverware.

lie lain lying: I want to lie down. She has lain there since early this morning. She is lying on the new sleigh bed.


Brenda Hill is an expert editor, instructor, and author. She offers first chapter analysis and plotting help.

Visit Brenda's site to find out more: http://www.brendahill.com


 Find out the latest from the Bakers of WOW!

Blog Feature Have you checked out what we've been baking for you in the daily Muffin? We've stirred together some traditional ingredients with new ones to deliver more interviews, fresh enlightenment, thought-provoking ideas, and inspirational messages to help you through those "gray" writing days.

Would you like to see your thoughts posted on the WOW! Blog? Join Friday Speak Out! Share your thoughts on writing, how you balance your writing within your "other" life, or how you find and maintain inspiration. Of course, you might have another idea spinning in your mind. Go for it. We'd love to read your work and hear your voice.

This is a great free promotion for authors! Please submit your posts of approximately 500 words with a 100 word or less bio to: wowblog@wow-womenonwriting.com

Recent Interviews:

Interview with M. L. Cordle on her forthcoming novel, Silencing Sarah. Marla is a success story, and WOW! is proud of her! She won an honorable mention in our Winter 2007 Flash Fiction Contest, and now is coming out with her first book. Read the interview here.

Marci Mangham placed 3rd in our Spring 2007 contest with her story, "The Wedding Zinger." Find out more about Marci here.

C. J. Mouser is the 2nd place winner in the Spring 2007 contest. Find more about CJ and the new novels she's working on here.

Meet Lauri Griffin, our 1st Place Winner of the Spring 2007 Contest. Find out her inspiration behind her story and more about this amazing woman! Here


 Event Recap: Women's Writing & Publishing Summit
 July 19-21 & 25, 2007

The WECAI NETWORK (Women's eCommerce Association International) hosted a three-day (plus) Webinar/teleconference to "Help Women Do Business On and Off the Web." The virtual event was jam-packed with information on writing and publishing-from how to get the book inside you on paper, to how to top the Amazon charts.

In this article we review several of the speakers and what was discussed. If you missed it, you can read all about it here, and hopefully we'll see you next year!


 An Invite from Associated Content

Associated Content Associated Content invites everyone to contribute original text, video, audio and images on any topic to gain exposure and earn cash.

Do you love to write? Why not submit your own original text to Associated Content? Associated Content is an online community where everyone contributes content on any topic to gain exposure. (You can even earn cash!) Choose your own subjects and work at your own pace while building an online portfolio. Write, gain exposure and become a part of a community of Content Producers that share your interests. Video, audio and images are also accepted.

To get started, visit Associated Content>>

 A Writer's Guide to Magazine Articles For Book Promotion and Profit

A Writer's Guide to Magazine Articles A Writer's Guide to Magazine Articles For Book Promotion and Profit by Patricia Fry

Do you dream of becoming a professional article writer? Do you want to write for magazines in your spare time? Would you like to promote your books through magazine articles?

This book offers the inspiration and the tools to help you get started.

Patricia Fry is a full-time freelance writer. She has contributed hundreds of articles to 125 different magazines during her 27-year career, including Writer's Digest, Canadian Author and Bookman, Freelance Writer's Report, Writer's Journal, Writer's Connection, Entrepreneur, The World and I Magazine, Kiwanis Magazine, Walking Magazine, Woman's Own, Your Health, The Artist's Magazine, Teaching Tolerance, Catholic Digest and many, many others.

Here, Patricia teaches you the organizational and business skills needed to succeed as a professional freelance writer. She tells you how to:

  • Come up with good article ideas
  • Locate Experts
  • Discipline yourself to write
  • Find the right markets
  • Conduct interviews
  • Understand contracts
  • Write a good query letter
  • Do research
  • Work with editors
  • Write the article, and recycle your articles

A Writer's Guide to Magazine Articles for Book Promotion and Profit (Matilija Press, 2000) ISBN: 0-9612642-6-8, 70 pages.

Our Price: 6.50 USD

Shipping: 4.95

 From the Articles Section:

Sandy Tritt is the founder of Inspiration for Writers http://users.wirefire.com/tritt/, a manuscript critique service for writers. She is the fiction editor for Confluence and the president of the Ohio Valley Literary Group. Sandy frequently gives writer workshops and public readings.

Her website if filled with great information for writers of all craft levels. Topics include dialogue, characters, POV, and grammar tips. Be prepared to spend some time here.

Sandy's Articles:

  • Show Don't Tell
  • Breathing Life Into Dialogue
  • Character Trait Chart
  • Pacing
  • Comma Usage
  • Seven Deadly Sins of Writing



WOW Announcements

WOW! Intern Chynna Laird tells us her story Kids Amaze Me will be in the newest Chicken Soup for the Soul release, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children with Special Needs. Release date is Sept. 3rd. Pick up your copy at all the online websites and brick and mortar stores that carry the Chicken Soup books. Way to go Chynna!

Find out more about Chynna by visiting her site: http://www.lilywolfwords.ca/


Morbid Curiosity by Deborah LeBlanc Deborah is a master of promotion and shares her knowledge with WOW! in her interview here. Deborah is putting that knowledge to work promoting her Five Strokes to Midnight anthology. Click on over and enter her contest.


Sell More Books: Write a Post-Publication Book Proposal

Are book sales slow? Perhaps it's because you're targeting the wrong audience, you haven't established a platform or your promotions plan is weak. But it may not be too late to experience publishing success. How? Follow Patricia Fry's FREE guide to writing a Post-Publication Book Proposal. Request this FREE report today. PLFry620@yahoo.com.


One Night in Boston by Allie Boniface

Allie is a previous contributor to WOW! For those of you who missed her great article, here's the link. Check out Allie's website for more info on where and how to purchase One Night in Boston.


Are you an Alumni Member (previously featured on WOW!) who'd like to be in our announcements section?

We'd love to hear what you've been up to! Drop us a note: buzz@wow-womenonwriting.com

 WOW!'s Website Find of the Month

Cool Find As a freelancer, do you really know what you should be charging?

Most of us find it hard to accurately calculate all our time and expenses, but you don't have to do it alone! This nifty tool is a freelance calculator that helps you come up with your hourly rate.

It's based upon your costs, number of billable hours and desired profit. Give it a shot and see if you think it's accurate!

Visit the Freelance Switch Hourly Rate Calculator at: http://freelanceswitch.com/rates/

In Closing:

We hope you enjoy this issue and are inspired by the variety of places you can take your writing. From food writing, to greeting card writing, to slogans, and serial book markets--the avenues for your writing are endless!

When it comes down to it, every idea, plan or business starts on paper. And writers are in the prime position to seize these opportunities and see them through to fruition. We hope you do that and share your success stories with us.

Warmest regards,

Save 10%

Treat Yourself. For a limited time you can save 10% on any purchase at the WOW! Boutique. We've added a lot of new products, so be sure to check out the store.

Enter the code: writingcap upon checkout to redeem your savings. Pass it along to a friend, but hurry for it expires August 31, 2007.

Offer Expires: August 31, 2007