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June 2007 
 WOW! Women On Writing
 Issue #10: Balancing Life & Writing
In This Issue:
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We're back from BEA, which was fabulous (see below), and took a little time off. So, this newsletter is brought to you by our Contributing Editors: Jean Lauzier and Sue Donckels. Thanks ladies!

In fact, that's what balance is all about... sharing work and play, helping each other out, and creating a positive environment or respite from the daily grind. So without further adieu...

Balance, a state of equilibrium or equipoise; equal distribution of weight, amount, etc., mental steadiness or emotional stability.

We all need it, in fact we crave it. Sooner or later when things get so out of balance, they crumble and fall around us like a house of cards. Before that happens to you, sit back, relax and check out this month's issue of WOW! Filled with tips on balancing our family, writing, careers, health and life in general, there's something for everyone. And don't forget to check out the article on Day Trips to stir up our muses and sooth the soul.


If you can write a short story on these photos as a prompt, please send them in to: and we'll post them on the WOW! Blog! Take the Day Trip with your own view! (Name the photo # you're writing about and we'll post it with your story - get creative! It's all about your interpretation.) The best write-up of the month will be in the running for a paid article on WOW! Women On Writing and other stories will be randomly chosen to receive gift certificates - so get your writing on, and we look forward to your interpretation!

BEA UPDATE: WOW! members: Angela, Beryl, and contributing writer Annette Fix attended Book Expo America in New York. It was wonderful to meet people in person we've only talked to on the phone or online: Carolyn Howard-Johnson, Lissa Warren, Sandra Dijkstra, and many others. Diana Gabaldon from this month's issue was there signing her latest book, and Amy Tan played with her Rock Bottom Remainders on Friday night! New York had record-breaking weather - 90 degrees and humid - but it was quickly forgotten by the energy of meeting new contacts. Stay tuned for updates on the blog (aka: the muffin).

Thanks goes out to our Freelancers:

C. Hope Clark (WOW! Columnist), Deb Kincaid, Beth Morrissey, Julie Sturgeon, and our very own Contributing Editor Sue Donckels for her amazing flagship article on this month's theme. A BIG thank you to one and all for your hard work and well-woven words. What a WOW!-ing team!

Balance, a harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements.

This very balanced issue of WOW! wouldn't have been possible without our wonderful and dedicated staff, our writers who send great submissions and especially all our loyal readers. Thank you so much for making WOW! a part of your life.


Announcing an open blog day! This is your chance to get your byline out there on WOW! and be heard by your peers. Speak Out! Friday is open blog, step up to the mike day here at the WOW! Blog. Naturally your post must be about Women and Writing.

  • Keep your post to about 500 words
  • Include a short (about 100 words) bio
  • Send to:
  • Paste in the body of an email. No attachments please.

Spring 2007 Contest update:

The Spring Flash Fiction Contest is now closed. Keep your fingers crossed as it goes through the first round of scoring. Contestants will receive an email next week concerning the schedule of events. Winners will be announced July 1, 2007.

The Summer Flash Fiction Contest is Now OPEN: CHECK OUT THE NEW PROMPT

Get a TOP Literary Agent's Attention: Jennifer DeChiara is our guest judge for the Summer 2007 Contest! Learn from this remarkable woman and have her read your entries!

WOW! a call for Book Reviews:

Take a break and de-stress. Do you have a favorite book you like to escape to or relax with? We'd love to hear from you. Send a short review, about 250words, of your favorite book to be shared with our readers on the blog. Be sure to include genre, author and don't give away any plot twists or endings that would spoil it for the rest of us! You can put your review in the body of an email and send it to our blog mistress

Freelancers: For upcoming themes, scroll to the bottom...

Now, onto the issue. Enjoy!

 Diana Abu-Jaber
 Discovers her true identity with ORIGIN

Diana Abu-Jaber For those of you just tuning into our WOW! world of interviews, Diana Abu-Jabar reveals a successful metamorphosis. Her previous works, Crescent and Arabian Jazz weave readers inside Arab-American themes, while The Language of Baklava shines as a humorous memoir.

But Diana grows a new set of wings for Origin, and they allow her to soar into the contemporary thriller realm, proving that writers can step beyond what they know. Read through her insightful words with Angela to learn why it's so important for writers to go against the grain for growth.


 Diana Gabaldon
 Prolific author of the Outlander Series!

Diana Gabaldon One of the things I've heard over and over is "you can't sell big books". Well, Diana Gabaldon does. And she sells a lot of them leaving her fans waiting eagerly for the next one.

Get to know Diana, her sense of humor and discover how she balances the fame that comes from a best selling series along with being a writer, mother and wife.


 Christina Katz
 On balancing writing and family

Christina Katz You may already feel like you "know" Christina if you saw her milestone interview with Diane Sawyer a few years ago on "Good Morning America." Christina is an experienced freelance journalist, writing instructor, and much more. Plus, she just has that warm personality to draw in people who want to ask questions.

In her interview with WOW! you'll learn how she maintains her balanced Writer Mama self, and she points to the real issue at hand regarding balance: the people. When "things" around us go out of balance, she reminds us that we must change something about ourselves, not the things.

Don't miss her interview if you want to learn multi-tasking from a master!


 Sue Donckels
 Walk the L.A.B.Y.R.I.N.T.H. for Balance

Sue Donckels One of the many things I love about reading WOW! is what I call the "take away factor". No matter where you are in your journey to a balanced life, there is something here for you. From learning to love ourselves, taking time for breathing and relaxing to leaving the dust for another day and treating ourselves with chocolate this article is one I'll be referring back to several times.

And don't miss those tips for finding time to yourself!


 Linda Formichelli
 20 Questions with a Renegade Writer

Linda Formichelli WOW! interviews Linda and learns a wealth of information about being a renegade writer as well as a person who "wears more hats than your old aunt Millie." She's a speaker, a corporate writer, a teacher, and a co-author of a several books, including The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success. Phew, I'm out of breath with all she accomplishes!

In this interview, Linda reveals what it means to be a renegade, and she also shares how she's acquired her own sense of balance through major multi-tasking. This is a definite "don't miss" interview. What a pleasure from the first question to the last!


 Should you write articles for free?
 Freelancer's Corner: The Good Apprentice by Deb Kincaid

Deb Kincaid Writing for free is a passionate topic for many writers. For pros and cons check out this great article.

While I'm not sure there is one "right" answer to this dilemma, you'll find something to think about here. Remember, what works for one may not work for another so make the decision that works for you and your situation.


 Funds 4 Writers: EXOTIC Retreats!
 C. Hope Clark helps you find travel to far-away locales

C. Hope Clark Do you dream of escaping your world and traveling to exotic places? I know I do! Ever wonder about France, Costa Rica, Spain, or Hawaii? Do they all sound beyond the span of your budget? Well, maybe not.

Hope gives us the vision and research we need to make travel a reality rather than just a dream.

With her usual wealth of resources and links you just might find an escape!

Hope cuts to the chase with specific writers' colonies, retreats, links, and tips. She never ceases to amaze with her talent for unearthing other-worldly opportunities... Check out her article and you'll agree!


 HOW 2 Achieve a Work/Life Balance
 By Beth Morrissey

Beth Morrissey Are you finding that your "portability" leaves you always working here and there and everywhere (and exhausted)? I think many professionals today can relate to that working-drone syndrome! But Beth Morrissey gives readers handy tips to take away and use immediately. She continues to inspire us with her down-to-earth view and experience! Don't miss her wisdom!


 Tracy McArdle, author of Real Women Eat Beef
 Inspiration: Balancing Writing, Work, & Life. By Susan Johnston

Tracy McCardle Tracy has accomplished enough in her professional history for a few women... she's spent thirteen years in entertainment, integrated marketing and promotions. She published Confessions of a Nervous Shiksa two years ago, and she's currently working on her third, Dear Orzo, while continuing her main career.

Susan Johnston taps into Tracy's unlimited supply of balancing techniques and unveils key points that readers can apply to their lives in this exciting article. It's refreshing to learn how one woman can maintain one career while engaging in successful writing alongside.

Talk about inspiration! Whew!


 Markets: Health & Fitness Magazines
 Do you need a challenging boost for health and fitness? This issue might give you that forward nudge.

womensmarkets We're proud to have magazine markets courtesy of Writer's Market.

Here's a sample listing:


Canusa Porducts/St. Ives, Inc.
5575 McLaughlin Rd.
Mississaugo ON L5R 3P7
Phone: (905)507-3545
Fax: (905)507-2372
Web site:

Description and Interests:
This monthly magazine covers womens' health and fitness.

Responds in 5 weeks

Send comlete manuscript.

Nonfiction 1,400-1,800 words; Columns: Nutrition 1,700 words; Weight Training 1,800 words; Aerobics 1,700 words

Nonfiction $35-500; Columns $150-500

Freelance Potential:
70% written by non-staff writers.


 Must Haves
 Essentials for Maintaining a Balanced Life

Hair Boutique

We've learned from authors, freelance writers, and editors about the importance of maintaining a good balance between work and extracurricular activities. Now we just need to explore ways to achieve this in our daily life. We've picked out some fun web sites to make you feel beautiful (including your hair!), and author Lauren Baratz-Logsted writes in about an interesting tool that helps her writing!

Want to write about your Must-Haves?

E-mail us with a short paragraph describing why the product is a Must-Have. Be sure to include a link so we can find it on the web.

Note: We prefer not to list books as must-haves since the rest of the issue covers must-have, must-read books! Be creative and pick out something that helps you write or relax.

Send to:


 Book Review: ORIGIN
 A literary thriller and a must-read!

Origin Nurturing a sixth sense for maintaining balance, Diana broadens her writing success by stepping beyond familiar territory.

Diana proves that writers can step outside their comfort zones and succeed, all the while evolving in the process. In her gripping new thriller, Diana weaves a world of mystery that will grab you immediately with her smooth style and pull you inside her new world. Come along for the ride with this exciting review by Beryl. You'll immediately want to go out and by a copy to delve into Lena's world as a mystery unfolds before her eyes. She's a fingerprint expert who investigates a series of crib deaths, and what she uncovers leads her to a mystery of her own childhood. Incredibly alluring stuff!


 BLOG Features
 Get the dailiy Muffin!

Blog Feature

Have you visited the WOW! blog lately? If not you've missed out on interviews, kudos, markets, a challenge or two, encouragement and so much more. This month we'll be sharing more interviews with authors, market news, industry happenings and more moral support and encouragement.

We want to hear from you at the WOW! blog. Not only do we have our Friday Speak Out! where you can share a blog post with us but each and every comment posted to the blog is read by the WOW! staff. We love getting your feedback so check out the blog and let us know how we are doing.

Join the Blogroll:

We've added a "Friends of WOW Blogroll" -- if you'd like to be listed, all you have to do is include our link and a write-up on your own blog. What better way to cross-promote ;-)

Or, subscribe to our blog on Bloglines, a free service.


 An Invite from Associated Content!

AC Ladies, recently we've been asked to do a few interviews on AC! We've heard great things coming from their corner, so we encourage you to check them out -- and if you do, keep us in mind, we'd love to be interviewed!

Associated Content invites everyone to contribute original text, video, audio and images on any topic to gain exposure and earn cash.

What type of content should you submit? Submit your unique and compelling text, video, audio and images on the topics of your choice.

Where is it published? Your content is included in the AC library, displayed on your profile page, and may even be distributed to partner sites.

How do you gain exposure? AC attracts millions of information seekers each month, and now they can discover your content, too!

And what's this about earning cash? AC offers upfront payments for some content submissions as well as a monthly Performance Bonus payment for all of your original content.

To get started, visit Associated Content>>

Freelancers: Submit to WOW!

WOW! wouldn't be WOW! without our contributors. Here's a list of our upcoming themes and submission guidelines:

August: Put On Your Writing Cap
September: Anniversary Issue!
October: Story Time: Children's Book Authors
November: Literary Agents Issue

You may either query or send the completed article in the body of an email. No attachments please. Be sure to use proper manuscript format and let us know in the subject line which issue you are querying about.

We are getting better and quicker about response times. We try to get back to you within a month. If you haven't heard from us by then, please query for status.


In Closing:

Balance floats over our heads as a confusing and sometimes vague term, by itself. But, hopefully, after reading this issue of WOW! you'll come away feeling better about how to cope with all that life hands to you on a daily basis. We always intend enjoyment as well as a little education and insight with our writing. We hope you take away as much from this issue as we did in pulling it together. We at WOW! weave monthly tapestries for your benefit. Please feel free to write and let us know how you're doing with your writing and what you enjoyed most about our issue (so we can send along the kudos)! Until next time, remember, you can do all that you dream, if you dream wisely!

Warmest regards,

Jean Lauzier & Sue Donckels, Contributing Editors
WOW! Women On Writing

Save 10%

Treat Yourself. For a limited time you can save 10% on any purchase at the WOW! Boutique. We've added a lot of new products, so be sure to check out the store.

Enter the code: healthyliving upon checkout to redeem your savings. Pass it along to a friend, but hurry for it expires June 26, 2007.

Offer Expires: June 26, 2007