WOW! Women On Writing Newsletter "No One is Born Published"
October 2006


Welcome to our very first newsletter!

We are thrilled that you’ve chosen to stay up-to-date on the latest news from us and we thank you for your support.

We’ve got a great issue in store for you and a fresh new look.

Your comments and suggestions have all been great! You help keep our content exciting, as we learn from you, our guest interviews, and grow together as a community.

This issue, “No One is Born Published,” is about staying focused and never giving up. There’s a lot of good information in this issue, so you won’t want to miss out. We’re here to support you through each stage of the writing process.


in this issue:
  • *Feature Article: Diana Abu-Jaber*
  • *Have you entered the Contest Yet?*
  • *FreshPR*
  • *Mary Rosenblum took her own advice...and never gave up!*
  • *Louise Marley: The Perfect Pitch*
  • *How To: Market Your Book (the smart way)*
  • *Inspiration: Mona Giraud*
  • *Markets*

  • *Have you entered the Contest Yet?*

    The Flash Fiction prompt is posted

    Due to popular demand, we've posted the prompt. It's fun and open to any interpretation, style and genre. It's proving to be a fun contest with a variety of takes on the prompt. We'd love to read your story.

    First Place:
    Published on Wow!
    Goodie bag of items from our store


    Meet Jeannine Schechter, owner of Fresh PR, a Los Angeles based public relations firm, and get some valuable tips on promoting your new book or business.

    Jeannine has some great advice for authors who don't think they're publicist is doing all they should. And for those of you who are new to PR, get a crash course in just what a PR person does...and what you should expect.

    *Mary Rosenblum took her own advice...and never gave up!*

    It takes courage to write, go into outer space and take others with you; meet Mary Rosenblum, science fiction author, writing teacher, and web editor.

    Mary talks about her new book Horizons, the struggles of getting published, and learn why you should, "Never listen to well meaning people who say you can't do what you want to do with your life."

    *Louise Marley: The Perfect Pitch*

    From Opera singer to genre-hopping Author, Louise Marley does it all with a perfect pitch, and a classical voice.

    Louise talks about who this mysterious person named Toby Bishop is, and her new book Airs Beneath the Moon , a very "horsey" story that any woman or girl would love. She also shares with us the influence of Opera singing on her writing!

    *How To: Market Your Book (the smart way)*

    "Marketing plans are great guides for business owners. And a book marketing plan is the specific tool you will use to find and create places to sell your book(s)," says Sheri McConnell, founder and president of NAWW. (National Association of Women Writers)

    Get her smart tips on promotion, and learn the five things you Must Do in order to sell your books.

    *Inspiration: Mona Giraud*

    Meet Mona Giraud, author of the children's book, The Imaginative Adventures of Archer Gooseberry Silver: The Heroic Elephant, and learn how she uses her writing to promote healing.


    First time author? No agent? Want an advance? No problem!

    YA MARKETS THAT PAY AN ADVANCE Markets for young adult writers who want an advance.



    "We publish original and well-written material for all ages."

    Freelance Facts:

    Publishes: hardcover originals and trade paperback reprints. 75 titles/year. Receives 6,000 queries and manuscripts/year.
    5% of books from first time authors. 50% of books from unagented writers.
    Publishes manuscript 18 months after acceptance. Accepts simultaneous submissions.

    Responds: in 2 months to queries, 4 months to manuscripts.
    Pays: 2-6% royalty on retail price for paperbacks, 3-10% for hardcovers. Offers $3,000 - $25,000 advance.
    Submission method: Query with SASE, outline, synopsis, 3 sample chapters

    Tips: Audience is full age range, preschool to young adult. Specializes in literary fiction.

    Farrar Straus Giroux, Inc.
    19 Union Square W.
    New York, NY 10003

    Ph: (212)741-6900
    Fax: (212)633-2427

    *Maralys Wills: A Circus Without Elephants*
    New Low Price!

    Don't miss out! For a limited time, order Maralys Will's memoir: A Circus Without Elephants for only $6.95!

    That's $10.00 off the cover price!

    Treat yourself! This is a special opportunity for a fine book, and one of the best ones that we've read... so don't wait, and get yours today!

    It makes the perfect gift for your avid reader, or a dear friend.

    If you missed her interview, you'll want to check out the "Fresh Issue" for Maralys Wills' Interview: Maralys Wills serves up more than a delicious sundae...
    She is not only a genre-hopper extraordinaire but has nineteen years of college-level and memoir teaching you can benefit from.

    Our Price: $6.95

    Learn More>>

    *Feature Article: Diana Abu-Jaber*


    This is the interview you've all been waiting for! Diana Abu-Jaber talks about her latest memoir, scary publishing stories, and why all girls still need a collection of feather boas and tiaras.

    Find out more>>

    Have you Checked our our Blog?

    Resources for Writers

    Markets: Young Adult Publishers that Pay an Advance

    Mailbox: Sign our guestbook!

    Editor's Desk: Phone Chats

    Review: Noah Lukeman

    Must Haves: The things that us women writers lust after...

    The Wow! Boutique: unique items for women writers


    Contact us: we're hiring :)

    Issue 2: No One is Born Published

    Articles: Featuring Jenna Glazer & Sheri McConnell

    Did you miss the "Fresh Issue?" See it here

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