Rocky Mountain Synod logo for the newsletter

weekly email of the
Rocky Mountain Synod

September 27, 2012     
Bishop Gonia installed Sunday in a moving and memorable worship celebration


The Rev. James W. Gonia was installed as the third Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America in an inspiring celebration of the church on Sunday, September 23, 2012, at Bethany Lutheran Church in Cherry Hills Village, CO.


We extend humble and sincere gratitude to all who contributed to the planning and carrying out of the celebration, but especially to Pastor Scott McAnally who was chair of the Installation overall and to Bethany Lutheran Church for their gracious hosting and hospitality.


The offering given at the installation towards ELCA Missionary Sponsorship and the RMS Seminary Scholarship Fund is $2,930. We give thanks for these gifts given in celebration of our partnership in ministry together as the Rocky Mountain Synod.


The photo is by Dale Horkey. Additional photos will be posted soon.



View the installation online on demand

The worship may be viewed online on demand, and a .pdf of the bulletin may be downloaded and viewed. The links are on our homepage,


Note that the video image may be made larger by clicking on the icon on the bottom right corner of the image window. The entire celebration is 2 hours and 45 minutes, including the half-hour prelude. Our thanks to Bethany Lutheran Church for providing the video.



Rocky Mountain Synod Position Description: Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM)


Currently, Pastor Rob Moss is serving as the interim Director for Evangelical Mission. This is an ELCA position which represents the Congregational & Synodical Mission (CSM) unit in the territory of the Rocky Mountain Synod. 


We are seeking a permanent staff member to fill this position beginning somewhere around February 1. 


The individual serving in this position works with developing new and renewing congregations, engages the synod in missional strategy, and encourages congregational mission support. The link below provides specifics, as well as an Addendum to the position description unique to the Rocky Mountain Synod.


Ordained leaders and rostered lay leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who apply for a position in the churchwide organization must have completed Rostered Leader Profile (RLP) papers on file. 

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost  
Generous God, your Son gave his life so that we may come to peace with you. Give us a share of your Spirit, and in all we do empower us to bear the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

Prayer from Sundays and Seasons Year B 2012

Brigette Weier Ordained and Installed at Lutheran Church of the Master, Lakewood


Brigett Weier and the community of Lutheran Church of the Master invite everyone to celebrate her Service of Ordination and Service of Installation on Sunday, September 30, 2012, at 3:00 p.m. Lutheran Church of the Master is located at 14099 West Jewell Avenue in Lakewood, CO (80228).  


The color of the day is red, and all clergy, diaconal ministers, and associates in ministry are invited to vest and participate. Bishop James Gonia is presiding. Brigette will be the Associate Pastor of Youth and Family Ministries. 


Pastor Scott Thalacker installed
at Prince of Peace, Logan

Please join Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Logan, Utah, for the installation of Pastor Scott Thalacker on October 7, 2012, at 2:00 p.m.  Rev. Ron Roschke, Synod Minister for Shared Ministries, will preside.  Everyone is invited to the reception following the service.  Clergy are invited to vest and join the procession. The color of the day is green. For more information or to RSVP, please contact the church by email.


Synod Prayer Cycle:
Metro South Conference 
You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday prayers of the people. The prayer list for October is available.

to remember in prayers on 9/30:          


Prince of Peace Denver, CO

     Sung Yong (Kevin) Cho
Risen Lord
Conifer, CO

   Stefan Rickman

Saint Peter Greenwood Village, CO

     David Risendal

St. Philip Littleton, CO

     Nathan Doerr, Brad Doty



Peace in Chrixt Episcopal Lutheran Ministry emblem

Elizabeth, CO, ministry to become a chartered ELCA congregation in the Rocky Mountain Synod 



RSVP NOW for the celebration and reception.


Peace In Christ Episcopal Lutheran Ministry in Elizabeth, CO, invites you to share in their joy!  They have been approved to become a chartered congregation of the ELCA and a parish of the Diocese of Colorado. A service of celebration and recognition will be October 28, 2012, (Reformation Sunday) beginning at 2:00 p.m. at Joy Lutheran Church, 7051 East Parker Hills Court in Parker, CO (80134).  


Bishop Jim Gonia will preside and The Reverend Canon Lou Blanchard will represent the Colorado Diocese. Light refreshments will follow the service.  Lay members and clergy are invited to attend. Clergy are asked to vest and to process. The liturgical color is red. Please RSVP the number of attendees from your congregation so that plans can be made for the service and the fellowship.



Deeply Rooted, Bearing Fruit


What is God up to in the community surrounding your church? How can your congregation participate in God's mission activity there? 


Every congregation in the Rocky Mountain Synod is invited to bring rostered leaders plus 5-7 lay leaders of diverse ages and interests to your Conference Mission Gathering to begin the conversation. Come with questions, curiosity, resources, or just an interest as we support and encourage one another in this process. 


You'll be sent home with ideas, new friendships, a network of support, and multiple resources for beginning a strategic mission plan in your own congregational setting.


Watch for information next week on registration.

Sunday, October 14-North Colorado. Our Savior's, Greeley, 2:30-5:00pm
Thursday, October 18-Boulder/Broomfield. Christ the Servant, Louisville, 6:00-9:00pm
Thursday, October 25-Metro East. Augustana, Denver, 5:30-8:30pm
Saturday, October 27-Utah. Our Savior's, Salt Lake City, 10:00am-1:00pm
Thursday, November 1-Metro West (eastern).
Saturday, November 3-Border, Our Savior. Our Savior, Alamogordo, 10:30am-1:30pm
Saturday, November 10-North New Mexico. Holy Cross, Albuquerque. 9:30am-12:30pm
Tuesday, November 13-Metro South.
Saturday, December 8-Southeast Colorado. First, Colorado Springs, 11:00am-2:00pm


Saturday, January 12-Wyoming. Casper
Metro West (western) - to be determined 



Sky Ranch new logo

Coyote Howl 
Confirmation Camp


Start your confirmation year off right with a weekend full of community building, Bible study, worship and fun. There will be plenty oCoyote Howl at Sky Ranch Lutheran Campf time to make new friends and explore the wonders of creation



DATES: September 28 - 30; or October 5 - 7   PRICE: $85


Urban Servant Corps logo2

Upcoming Urban Servant Corps Events




Urban Servant Corps Community Worship  

Monday, October 1, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.

1660 Ogden Street (80218)


Urban Servant Corps Community Worship image The first Monday of each month is a time for Urban Servant Corps volunteers and other community members to gather for a simple worship service. This month, co-founder of USC, Rev. Bonita Bock will lead the service. Dinner is at 5:30 p.m. and worship begins at 6:30. All are welcome! 

Thrivent Financial logo

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Event


 Sunday, October 7, 2012 from 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

at History Colorado Center, 1200 Broadway (80203)


Thrivent is hosting a "thank you for your partnership" event for Urban Servant Corps and other ministries supported by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Exclusive admission to the museum as well as a reception and program with speaker Chris Andersen (founder and president from Lutheran Community Foundation), are all a part of this great celebration event! If you are interested in attending, please contact and please know that we are GRATEFUL FOR YOUR PARTNERSHIP! 


All Saints day image

All Saint's Day Pancake Breakfast


Sunday morning, November 4, 2012

Location and time TBD


Help support Urban Servant Corps volunteer's retreat to visit our sister organization,  

Border Servant Corps by attending the All Saint's Day/Dia de los Muertos Celebration.  There will be HOT CAKES!

Urban Servant Corps trivia image

Urban Servant Corps 25th Anniversary Trivia


 Did you know.......?!?!


The budget in the founding years of Urban Servant Corps was (drum roll, please) $0. Eventually support came from the Wheat Ridge Foundation and later from non-profit partner agencies as USC matured. Now, the USC budget has grown to $281,781. This includes food, housing, health insurance, stipends and personal enrichment for 18 full time volunteers as well as programmatic expenses (3 retreats, speakers, etc.), 1.5 staff members, office expense, property maintenance, recruiting, and conferences and education. Stay tuned for the 2011-2012 Annual Report that will be published in October.

Stay tuned for announcements for the Advent Prayer Breakfast  


The litany that was written for the 10th year Anniversary will be sung in celebration of the 25th Anniversary and the Ten Thousand Villages Community Shopping Benefit that will take place on 12/12/12 from 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.


Safe Haven logo

Safeguarding God's Children Training October 18, 19 and 20 



A goal of the RMS Safe Haven Initiative is to have Certified Trainers for the Safeguarding God's Children program available in each RMS Conference. One set of curriculum will be provided free for each Conference. Anyone interested in becoming a trainer, please contact your Conference Dean or Linda Staats, 602-740-3752, to discuss the criteria and expectations. The fee per trainer is $25. There are several options for times to attend the Training of Trainers. Please choose one: 


Option 1.Thursday, October 18: First Lutheran, Longmont, CO. 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. combined with the Saturday afternoon session at Glory of God Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge

Option 2. Friday, October 19: RMS Offices. 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Intensive

Option 3. Saturday, October 20:  Glory of God Lutheran Church, Wheat Ridge, CO. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. 


Nancy Bond, our synod's trainer, is also providing the general Safe Guarding God's Children course for your  staff, volunteers, council members or parents. The fee is $10/person or maximum of $50/congregation. To register or indicate the number coming from your congregation, contact Cheryl Almquist by email or phone (303-777-6700)


Option 1. Thursday, October 18: First Lutheran Church, Longmont, CO. 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Option 2. Saturday, October 20: Glory of God Lutheran Church, Wheat Ridge, CO. 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp b/w logo
RTLC: opportunity to purchase their site!


We're almost there but your help is vital!

Total increased to $330,000 raised to date.
Let's keep the momentum going!

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp has the opportunity of a lifetime! The camp is on leased Federal land and has been since its inception. They now have the opportunity to purchase non-federal land that the forest service wants and then exchange it with the forest service to own their site!  


But there is a catch. They will need to raise approximately $350,000 by December 7, 2012 to secure this non-federal land. So they need your help. So they need your help. To date, $330,000 has been raised which includes $170,000 of matching funds.  So far, $130,000 of these funds have been matched. That means we still have $40,000 that can be matched by your gifts so your help is needed to keep the momentum going to reach the goal. 


To find out more and learn how you can help, go to: 

RTLC Eagle Peak Golf Classic

golf image Attention Golfers:

Come join Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp for a great day of golf at the Air Force Academy and support RTLC's effort to buy land for their land exchange.

The RTLC Eagle Peak Classic will be on Friday, September 28, 2012 starting at 8:00 a.m.  You can register as an individual golfer or as a foursome.  You are invited to register online. Interested sponsors for the tournament are asked to check out the website for more information.    



Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp Day Camps 2013

RTLC Day Camp Weeks Available



Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp Day Camp is a unique partnership designed to provide congregations with a vibrant and faith formative experience that nurtures relationships between the adults and children within the church, and provides an outreach opportunity in the local community.  Each Day Camp is tailored to the unique context of the hosting congregation, with volunteers and staff from the host congregation working with staff from RTLC throughout the planning and implementation of the program.


Teams are available several weeks next summer (2013): June 30 - July 6, July 21-21, August 4-10, and August 11-17.  If you are interested or would like more information, please visit the website or contact Ben Larson by email or phone at 719-431-0050. 


Border Servant Corps logo

Border Servant Corps Celebrates 15 Years of Service on the U.S./
M�xico Border


SC Quincea�era.  Please join the Border Border Servant Corps Quinceanera image Servant Corps from October 5-7, 2012 as they celebrate 15 years of service on the borderland.  For a schedule of events, check out the BSC website.  


If you have any questions or would like to become more involved with the Border Servant Corps, please contact the Border Servant Corps by email or phone at 575-522-7119.


Do justice. Love kindness. Walk humbly.

Save the Date!

 Recharge logo

Recharge is coming to Denver 
  Saturday, November 3, 2012     


Recharge is a practical, affordable, team-based training and mid-year ministry boost for you and your children, youth and family ministry teams. It is a one-day multi-denominational event that aims to inspire and equip professional staff and C-Y-F ministry volunteers in their efforts to share faith to the next generation. Valerie Hess, Coordinator of Music Ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church, Boulder, CO, will be presenting a workshop at the conference.  


Recharge is a ministry of Youth Leadership in cooperation with a local planning team.  

Registration is underway!

SHYG logo 2012
RMS Senior High Youth Gathering 


The 2012 RMS Senior High Youth Gathering is scheduled for November 16-18, 2012, at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park Colorado. This year's gathering is a place and time to "Connect-4 LIFE!" Check out all the details available on the website.  


facebook logo The Senior High Youth Gathering is now on Facebook. Check it out!   


"Let's Eat!"



Middle School Youth Gathering, January 18-20, 2013 in Colorado Springs


Registration for the Middle School Youth Gathering opens October 1. The Theme is "Let's Eat," Ezekial 3:2-3. Jonathan Rundman will lead our singing and music for worship.  MSYG traditions will be honored as well as some added twists and surprises! The Gathering will once again be at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Check out the promotional video made by the youth at Ascension Lutheran in Colorado Springs!   

Portico Benefits Manager logo
Portico Announces Changes for the 2013 ELCA Health Plan


Portico Benefit Services Regional Representative Andrea Arey invites you to attend an hour-long presentation on Thursday, November 1, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. concerning 2013 benefit changes. There will also be a time for question and answers. The presentation will take place at First Lutheran Church, located at 1515 N. Cascade Avenue in Colorado Springs (80907). To RSVP, please contact Teri Swanner by email or phone (719-632-8836). All are welcome!


Peace Not Walls logo

Living and Working Together for Peace
in Palestine


This half-day workshop introduces "Kairos Palestine" as an opportunity for American Christians. We will explore the reality on the ground in Israel and Palestine, where Christians, Jews and Muslims live together and work for peace with justice.


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Augustana Lutheran Church

5000 East Alameda Avenue, Denver (80246)

8:30 a.m. - noon   

  • "Breakfast in Palestine" 
  • Abby Farrand, Young Adults in Global Mission in Jerusalem and the West Bank, 2011
  • Workshops to equip participants to host studies in congregations

Cost: $15 - includes breakfast and "Steadfast Hope," a study guide for Kairos Palestine - with DVD


Register online: or contact Jan Miller:



California Lutheran University 2012 Celebration

Cal Lutheran Sunday Celebration


Cal Lutheran Sunday is celebrated in the congregations of Region 2 of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on October 7, 2012, or on a Sunday determined by the local pastor. The Rocky Mountain Synod and its congregations are a part of Region 2. The focus of the service is upon Lutheran higher education and specifically Lutheran higher education at California Lutheran University located in Thousand Oaks, California. For more information, please contact the Church Relations Office, 805-493-3936.


Download materials or place an order on line.



Rocky Mountain Synod logo



Let Your Opinion be Heard! 


Provide your feedback on the proposed
Criminal Justice Social Statement

The Office of the Bishop of the Rocky Mountain Synod, in conjunction with the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry offices in Colorado and New Mexico, encourage all congregations to study the new proposed Social Statement on Criminal Justice and offer comments before the deadline of October 15, 2012.  


At the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, it is anticipated that the proposed social statement will be considered. Draft copies of the Social Statement on Criminal Justice, leader resources and frequently asked questions can all be found at 


Bethany Chancel Choir Director image Bethany Lutheran Church Seeks a New Chancel Choir Director


Chancel Choir Director, Dan Grace, has announced his retirement at the end of the 2012/2013 program year after years of faithful service to the Bethany Lutheran Church congregation which looks forward to celebrating his ministry over the coming year.


The position description has been finalized, and includes a list of qualifications and process details. Applications are now being accepted and information for the process can be found on the website.  


The interview and evaluation process will occur from January to March of next year. The aim is to have Dan's successor named by April 2013. Application deadline is December 31, 2012.



Information about open positions can be found onthe Rocky Mountain Synod's website. 

Every Person, Every Congregation, Every Ministry, Boldly Serving God's Mission in Christ



Bishop Jim Gonia

  Anniversary Celebration at Abiding Hope Lutheran Church, Littleton, CO; Ordination and Installation of Brigette Weier at Lutheran Church of the Master, Lakewood, CO

Linda Staats

Available by email 
 or phone appointment.

Pastor Kent Mueller    

Serving as Team Leader for Connected Community.  


Pastor Ron Roschke  

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp Board meeting; Synod Council Property Committee meeting, Denver, CO; Ordination and Installation of Brigette Weier at Lutheran Church of the Master, Lakewood, CO.    


Pastor Sarah Moening    

Visiting and worshipping with the congregation of Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church, Dillon, CO.       

Pastor Rob Moss
Serving as Team Leader for Expanding Vision.


 Find us on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter 





RMS Senior High Youth Gathering

YMCA of the Rockies
Estes Park, CO 




JANUARY 18 -20 

RMS Middle School Youth Gathering
Crowne Plaza Hotel,
Colorado Springs, CO

MAY 2-4 

2013 RMS Assembly

Loveland, Colorado


Theological Conference 

Estes Park, Colorado





RMSWO's 10th Biennial Convention: 
Come -  Rescue, Rest,
Reflect, and Refresh


The event takes place at the Elegant� Hotel in Albuquerque, N.M. from September 28 through September 30, 2012. The hotel is located at 2020 Menaul NE, Albuquerque (87107).  For more information please see the brochure, visit the website or contact your registrar, Linda by email or phone (303-841-



2013 Education Event Connects U.S. and German Churches


June 14, 2013 (10 Day Tour)

Coordinated by: Pastor Stephanie Kopsch of St. Andrew Lutheran Church (ELCA). Please contact

 Pastor Stephanie by email or phone (303-421-5197) for more information.


submit Wyoming news or photos





submit Utah news or photos


Cross on the Elim Lutheran Church - Ogden website

Elim's Blessing of the Animals Service

Pastor DanaLee Simon of Elim Evangelical Lutheran Church, 575 - 23rd Street in Ogden announced that crowd-friendly pets of all shapes and sizes and their people are invited to the Blessing of the Animals Service on Wednesday, October 3, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. The service will meet on the church lawn, weather permitting, for a service of prayer, singing, a short meditation and an individual blessing for each pet.


Elim Lutheran Church Blessing of the Animals 2012 Treats for canines, felines and humans will be served after the service. The service is open to all pets of the community and their humans. Animals must bring their human with them, and must be safely secured in a cage, carrier, or on a leash. If an animal does not travel well, their human may bring a symbol of the animal, such as a leash, food bowl, cushion, or photograph. For further information, please call the church office at 801-394-5543 or send email to  


photo is of Pastor DanaLee Simon blessing Shauni and her human Charlene Soderquist
at the 2010 Blessing of the Animals Service at Elim Lutheran Church

Photo courtesy of Gloria Wurst, Elim Lutheran Church




LSS Utah Art Show "Excuse Me While I Kiss the Sky" - an Art Show  

On Wednesday, September 5, 2012, Lutheran Social Service of Utah presented "EXCUSE ME WHILE I KISS THE SKY", the Utah Refugees, Utah Young Women in Recovery and Utah Local Artists Artistic Projects. The art show opened at the Salt Lake County South Building, 2100 South State Street in Salt Lake City. The show runs through September 21, 2012.


The celebration continued on September 16 at the Salt Lake County Chambers with food by Iraqi Catering by Zainab and music by Royal Heritage Music.    


Channel 5 TV in Utah produced a video and a written story to highlight an aspect of Lutheran Social Service of Utah inter-faith ministries - the extra love shared in God's name by grace alone and by the beauty of all of God's people.

LSS Utah Spanish Classes 2012  

LSS Utah has begun Spanish Classes for the Community 



Lutheran Social Service of Utah is offering Spanish Courses - during Fall 2012. Mr. Jose Bonilla, Spanish Language Instructor and Professional Guitarist will be the instructor. Classes will take place every Wednesday from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. from September 12 through November 14, 2012. No registration is needed - just come by at 1:00 p.m. each Wednesday to learn and have fun. A suggested donation is $5.00 per class with all proceeds benefiting LSS of Utah ministries. For more information, you may contact Mr. Bonilla by email or phone (801-703-3274).








submit Colorado news or photos  


  Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains logoLFSRM 19th Annual Innkeeper Dinner  


Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains cordially invites you to 19th Annual Innkeeper Dinner at the Air Force Academy Press Box on Tuesday, September 25, 2012.


Air Force Academy Chapel inside This is a fun causal evening where you can wear your favorite team's colors!  There will be a silent auction, live music and you will learn how Lutheran Family Services assists vulnerable children and families in Colorado Springs through disaster relief, foster care, adoption, and refugee services. If you would like more information on this event, please contact   


Taize candles image Taiz� at Saint Paul, Denver


Taiz� at Saint Paul has returned! The first service of the new season is on Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the nave of Saint Paul Lutheran Church, located at 1600 Grant Street in Denver (80203).

All are welcome to this contemplative service held by candlelight. For more information and for a program of the upcoming service, visit our website:


Also, if you're interested in helping us lead and/or plan services, please let me know! We're always happy to have new participants and leaders.   


Workshop at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church featuring Sydna Mass� has been Cancelled 


Sydna Masse image Due to unforeseen circumstances, the workshop that was being sponsored by New Beginnings Church of the Rocky Mountain Synod (ELCA) that was to be conducted by Sydna Mass� on Saturday, September 29, 2012 has been cancelled. We deeply regret any inconvenience in light of the expected participation for the event. Please note that there will not be a keynote speaker for New Beginnings Church 12th Annual Celebration Dinner and Silent Auction. 


NewBeginnings Church at the Denver Women's Correctional Facility New Beginnings Church 12th Annual Celebration Dinner and Silent Auction


New Beginnings Church invites you to joint them in their 12th Annual Celebration Dinner and Silent Auction on Saturday, September 29 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, located at 4500 Wadsworth Blvd. in Wheat Ridge (80033).


The auction will also include many handmade items donated by women on the inside. Music will be provided by New Beginnings Church. For dinner, there is a suggested donation of $10.00, payable at the door. For more information or to register, please email Kathy or give her a call on 303-831-7023.


  Progressive Alliance of Colorado  
Marcus Borg and Carrie Newcomer: In Denver October 6, 2012


Marcus Borg Carrie Newcomer photo The Progressive Christian Alliance of Colorado invites the community to a presentation: Proclaiming a Courageous and Compassionate Christianity: A Conversation with Marcus Borg with music by Carrie Newcomer on Saturday, October 6, 2012 at Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church located at 1980 Dahlia Street in Denver (80220). A flyer is available to download and post. You may purchase tickets at:


Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church banner Shepherd of the Hills, Boulder invites Everyone to "Blessing of the Animals" Service 


Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church would like to invite pets of all religious beliefs and their owners to the second annual Blessing of the Animals Service at 9:30 a.m. on October 7, 2012. The service celebrates the wonder of all of God's Creation, and each pet will receive a 'I Am Blessed' tag.  This service is a favorite for animal lovers of all ages. Shepherd of the Hills is located at 7077 Harvest Road (71st and Lookout) in Boulder (80305). Please join us! For more info, please contact the church office by email or phone (303-530-4422).


Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey new logo
Cristo Rey's Luncheon of Gratitude 


The congregation and community of Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey (ELCA) in southwest Denver cordially invite everyone to join them for a "Lunch of Gratitude." Cristo Rey is so very grateful for the support received in these past years and would like to share their Cristo Rey Denver Luncheon of Gratitude Luncheon image good fortune. The luncheon will take place October 10, 2012, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the newly renovated church located at 501 Raleigh Street in Denver (80204). A special invitation is extended to clergy who would be willing to share their stories about working with the Cristo Rey community. A flyer is available to download and use as a bulletin insert or to post. All are welcome to stop by for a bite!


Twelve Twelve Twelve Project for Bethany Lutheran Church

Bethany Lutheran Church Presents Its Twelve Twelve Twelve Project 


This holiday season, your faith community is invited to join a hunger relief movement by mobilizing every person within your congregation to:
  • donate $12
  • collect 12 pounds of food AND
  • tell 12 people about Metro CareRing.  

Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village image Collectively, Bethany hopes to raise $50,000 to help the nearly 1 out of 4 children who are hungry in Denver.  


In the coming months this blog will be jam packed of ideas, resources, tools, hunger facts, stories, prayers and quotes to help inspire and motivate you to action!  


Check out this Twelve.12.Twelve promo video on the blob page.


Our Saviour's Lutheran Church Ft. Collins emblem

Professor David Lose will Speak at Our Saviour's, Fort Collins 


Please note the date correction.


Professor David Lose of Luther Seminary will present a 3 hour seminar on "Culture Change and the Church: Building Up Faith on Shifting Soils " at Our Saviour's Lutheran Church (2000 South LeMay, Fort Collins CO 80525) on Saturday, October 27, 2012 from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (Reformation Weekend).


Professor David Lose He will also be preaching at Our Saviour's 5:30 p.m. Saturday Evening Service. You will have another opportunity to hear Professor Lose when he preaches during the Morning Service and during the education hour on Sunday. Admission is free and a free will offering will be taken. Download the flyer and post it on a bulletin board or use it as a bulletin insert.


The event coincides with Lutheran Campus Ministry at CSU annual chili-cook-off fundraiser from 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. that afternoon, so consider making an evening of it.  Please contact Our Saviour's Lutheran's office at 970-484-3133 for more information.

Celebrating 125 Years as a Family of Faith at Mount Calvary, Boulder
Sunday, October 7, 2012  from 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. the grand celebration of our life as a community of faith at Mount Calvary takes place. A fabulous late-afternoon dinner will be followed by a spirited competition pitting the men vs. the women in a game of Mount Calvary Jeopardy. Prizes will be awarded for best "decade outfits. For more information, please contact the church by phone on 303-499-1444.   


Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann to Give Lectures in Denver Oct 26-28

"The Interface of Power and Truth" 

Messiah Community Church, located at 1750 Colorado Denver (80220) invites everyone to attend their lecture series from October 26-28, 2012 featuring Dr. Walter Brueggemann. Dr. Brueggemann is seen as the foremost Hebrew Bible scholar in the world and is known throughout the world for his method of combining literary and sociological modes when reading the Bible. He has authored many books, articles and Bible commentaries. A poster announcement is available to download and display for those who might be interested in attending. The poster contains the schedule and ticket process.

A Weekend with Pastor Mitri Raheb of the Christmas Lutheran Church, Palestine

"Instruments of Peace" - December 5-9, 2012

You are invited to come and learn about the ministries and vision of Lutherans in Palestine and help raise funds for the music programs at Dar Al-Kalima Lutheran College in Bethlehem. A schedule of times and places is available. For more information, please contact Jan Miller by email



Communications Staff
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700

Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following day. Event announcements are included for two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear.