Rocky Mountain Synod logo for the newsletter

weekly email of the
Rocky Mountain Synod

March 27, 2012     

Registration & Hotel Deadline is Today: March 27

Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly
April 26-28, 2012
Colorado Springs, Colorado
A late fee of $25 applies to registrations after today. The hotel rate is guaranteed through today!


The Preliminary Agenda is now available. Assembly information packet for voting members and visitors to download and print/read/bring will be posted on April 5.
Please continue to submit PHOTOS if you haven't already. Information about photos.


Detailed assembly information and registration and hotel reservation link.


Consider a nomination for a board or committee / churchwide  assembly
Many of our elections have no candidates! Those listed below had zero nominations last week! Youth and young adults, as well as people with multicultural backgrounds, are encouraged for all positions, not just those labelled such.
Descriptions of positions and the submission form are posted online. Please submit a photo with your nomination form if we do not have one in the synod office. You may nominate yourself. Please submit nominations by Friday, March 30.
CHURCHWIDE ASSEMBLY August 12-18, 2013
Metro East-Lay Male

Metro South-Clergy 

Metro West-Clergy

North Colorado-Clergy

SE Colorado-Lay Female 


Wyoming-Lay Male

at Large Youth



Southeast Colorado Lay Female  


at Large-Young Adult (Age 18-28)

Youth 2 year term (Age 15-17)



Colorado (not Denver area) Lay or Clergy  

New Mexico/Texas Lay or Clergy  

Wyoming Lay or Clergy   



New Mexico/Texas Lay or Clergy  



Border Lay or Clergy  

Denver & Suburbs Lay or Clergy  

Wyoming Lay or Clergy  



New Mexico/Texas Clergy  

Colorado (not Denver are) Clergy  



at Large Lay Male

at Large Clergy  



at Large Lay Male

at Large Clergy

Wyoming Lay or Clergy  

at Large Lay or Clergy


Palm Sunday 

Everlasting God, in your endless love for the human race you sent our Lord Jesus Christ to take on our nature and to suffer death on the cross. In your mercy enable us to share in his obedience to your will and in the glorious victory in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.  Amen.

Prayer from Sundays and Seasons Year A 2012

Synod Prayer Cycle: Wyoming Conference 

You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday prayers of the people. The prayer lists for April and May are available.

to remember in prayers on 4/1:           


Ascension Cheyenne, WY

     Paul Everett

Christ Cheyenne, WY

     Karen O'Malia

Covenant Wheatland, WY

     Joshua Bruns

Landscapes of Faith blog includes reflections, stories, photos
Visit the Landscapes of Faith blog at to reflect on our "landscapes of faith," view stunning photos, pause, and ponder--in preparation for our April Assembly.

ELCA Logo2







Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,


Christ is risen! Imagine the power in those words of promise.


When the disciples first heard Jesus speak of his death and resurrection, "they kept the matter to themselves" (Mark 9:10). But the news is too good to keep to ourselves. The life of Jesus Christ has been unleashed into the world.


The BishopBecause Christ is risen, you can embrace life's complexities and uncertainties with a living, daring confidence in God's grace. The risen Christ goes ahead of you, meeting you in the most surprising faces and unexpected places. Christ's resurrection puts us right where God wants us to be -- in the thick of life.


Because Christ is risen, you have a word of hope. To those weary from mourning loss and fearing death, the assurance is given that nothing in all creation will separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.


The life of Jesus, God's own life, has burst into the world, restoring community. At the barriers we erect to divide us, the risen Christ meets us, turning those walls into tables of reconciliation. To those who live in fear and feel unworthy, the promise is given. "You are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are citizens with the saints and also members of the household of God" (Ephesians 2:19).


Every morning you awaken with the mark of Jesus' death on your forehead and the promise of Christ's resurrection on your lips.

Christ is risen! Alleluia!


In God's grace,


Hanson Signature
Take It Now button Leaders: Take the Health Assessment by March 31!
We need 95 more to take the assessment by March 31 in order to be on track to meet our goal!!! The estimated savings will be $42,000! While cholesterol and blood pressure numbers are helpful, they are not essential in completing the form, so DON'T DELAY! This is for ELCA Primary Coverage leaders AND their spouses!
Youth Ministry Network logo

RMS Front Range Youth Ministry Network Meeting  



Hope you will be able to make it for a time of sharing and then business/information, goodness and lunch at a local cafe to follow.


RMS Youth Ministry Trainings 


Remaining Training Opportunities:

Salt Lake City, UT - April 15 - Zion Lutheran  Church
Grand Junction, CO - April 29 - American Lutheran Church   

A series of on-site, face-to-face Youth Ministry trainings will take place throughout the RMS as part of the Practice Discipleship: The ELCA Youth Ministry Training Project.


Specifically, all adults accompanying youth to the ELCA Youth Gathering are encouraged to attend, as well as a representation of your high school youth registered for The Gathering - at least one youth for every five registered. The three-hour trainings, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., will be led by Kristen Baltrum, Gathering Coordinator and  Linda Staats, Gathering Coach and members of the synod's Core Team for the Gathering: Andy  Sprain (Sky Ranch) and Ben Larson (RTLC).



Observe World Malaria Day on April 29    


The ELCA has committed to raise $15 million to join hands with 11 African companion churches in the global effort to prevent, treat and contain malaria by 2015.  


World Malaria Day is Wednesday, April 25, so consider observing it in your congregation on Sunday, April 29, with a special offering. Order offering envelopes, brochures and more by visiting and click the ELCA Malaria Campaign tab on the left. Together we can Make Malaria History!


One Year to Live logo
One Year to Live Men's
Retreat in Grant, Colorado


One Year to Live, April 13-15, 2012 is an intense 40 hour retreat for men to explore their own lives and faith and make real discoveries and real decisions about themselves.  


This retreat will take place at Camp Santa Maria in Grant, CO, and is being hosted by First Lutheran Church, Longmont; Faith Lutheran Church, Golden; St. Peter Lutheran, Greenwood Village; and Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village.  


Check out the web page to learn more.  

Global Links logo


Malaysia: New Lutheran study center opens    

Malaysian Lutheran Christian CenterSabah Theological Seminary in Malaysia opened the Lutheran Study Centre on March 9. Established at the initiative of the five Lutheran churches in Malaysia and Singapore, this center will enhance Lutheran identity within these churches and across southeast Asia, leading to enhanced evangelism efforts throughout the region. The ELCA is supporting this effort, and will place a missionary professor there this fall. Learn more.


 "Suffering and Salvation in Ciudad Ju�rez"   

 Since 1993 more than 600 girls and women have been brutally slain in Ciudad Ju�rez in internationally condemned violence for which no one has been arrested. This new volume from Fortress Press offers a powerful reflection on this destructive violence and the yearning for release, justice and healing. Check out a copy.


ELCA bYouth Gathering logo 2

New Orleans: 100 Wells Challenge at ELCA Youth Gathering in July
Just $2500 could build a well that provides clean water for up to 500 families. The 100 Wells Challenge allows youth of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) across the country to make a difference by raising $250,000 to build 100 wells or support water projects where they are needed most. More information.  

Red Rocks Amphitheater

Alumni Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks Amphitheater and Brunch at Ogden House


This event, presented in partnership with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, is a great way to celebrate Easter with an ecumenical community! Meet in row 48 at 5:45 a.m. on April 8. After worship, join fellow USC alumni at the Ogden House (1660 Ogden Street in Denver) for Brunch, or come just for brunch)! Cost is $2.50 per person.



Urban Servant Corps Anniversary logo 2

USC Celebrating Silver, Service and Simplicity  


The Urban Servant Corps invites you and the community to participate in celebrating Silver, Service and Simplicity. Everyone is welcome to the 25th Anniversary Celebration and Silent Auction event which will take place on Thursday, April 19 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. at St. John's Cathedral's Dagwood Hall (14th and Washington). Tickets are $10 at the door (suggested donation).


Co-workers, family, church folk, and all friends of the Urban Servant Corps are asked to help spread the word about the event. A postcard is available to print and post for others to see. Got Facebook?! ? There are SO MANY ways to engage people around this very momentous and celebratory occasion.


Funds from the Denver Chapter of Thrivent will be matched 1:2 up to $3200.


Rainbow Trail Confirmation Retreat 2011
Retreat and Camping Experiences for Everyone 


Men's Adventure Camp at RTLC

April 27-29, 2012 (New Friday - Sunday Format)

Information and registration.


Women's Retreat at RTLC

April 12-15, 2012

Information and registration.  


Into The Wild

July 8-14, 2012

Get more information.

2012 Holy Land Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Greece and Turkey  


October 1-17, 2012  


A journey of faith and relationships!  


The cost of this 17-day Holy Land/Turkey/Greece tour is $4450 from Denver. Find details on the website or contact tour leader, Pastor Paul Rowold by email. Reservation deadline is April 1, 2012.


Christ the servant Lutheran Church-Louisville Seeking a Youth and Family Ministries Director 


Christ the Servant Lutheran Church located at 506 Via Appia Way in Louisville CO, seeks a Christ-centered individual to work with children, ages birth through 5th grade, and their families. Our Director will work closely with parents, the Pastor, the Youth Director, staff, and a Children's Ministries Committee to carry out the Children's and Family Ministries Vision. We see the Director as an essential member of the ministries team, whose presence on Sundays is important to children and families.


Additionally, the Director is responsible for Sunday School, Faith Milestones, and Vacation Bible School. This is a part-time position (~15/hours per week). A full job description of the position is available. To apply please email a resume and the contact information for three references to the secretary of Christ the Servant Lutheran Church. The review of applicants will begin on April 2nd.


Please check out the synod's website for other job opportunities.
Every Person, Every Congregation, Every Ministry, Boldly Serving God's Mission in Christ



Bishop Allan Bjornberg

Candidacy Retreat, Augustana Lutheran Church, Denver, CO; Chism Mass, Christ Lutheran Church, Santa Fe, NM.   

Pastor Dan Bollman    

 Visiting with the Call Committee of Peace Lutheran Church, El Paso, TX; Visiting with the Call Committee of Mt. Hope Lutheran Church, El Paso, TX .   


Madelyn Busse, DM

Candidacy Retreat, Augustana Lutheran Church, Denver, CO, Candidacy Meetings and Interviews, synod office, Denver, CO.
Available by email  
or phone appointment.  

Pastor Jim Hytjan

Visiting with the Camino de Vida Advisory Committee, Albuquerque, NM.

Linda Staats

Available by email 
 or phone appointment.


 Find us on Facebook


Follow us on Twitter 



APRIL 26-28

2012 RMS Assembly

Colorado Springs, Colorado

JULY 16-18 


New Orleans, LA

JULY 18-22

ELCA Youth Gathering
New Orleans, LA



Installation of Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop

 Cherry Hills Village, CO.



Fall Theological Conference/ Bishop's Convocation

 Denver, CO. 



MAY 2-4 

2013 RMS Assembly

Loveland, Colorado


Theological Conference 

Estes Park, Colorado





submit Wyoming news or photos

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church-Casper stained glass window

Good Shepherd - Casper is on the Air



Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Casper, WY, will launch a first-time radio broadcast of its worship services on Easter Sunday, April 8. This will be a major mission outreach for Good Shepherd, which has a large percentage of elders and those who have difficulty attending worship on a regular basis. Casper, home to four of our ELCA churches, currently has only two Baptist broadcasts on Sunday mornings.


The liturgical worship of Good Shepherd Lutheran will be a major addition to the religious landscape in central Wyoming, expecting to connect well with many of the Episcopal, KUYO radio in WyomingPresbyterian, Catholic, and other main-line church listeners. The signal from radio station KUYO-AM, heard at 10:00 on Sunday mornings, will beam across a 300-mile swath of Wyoming. The worship service will also be available world-wide through the internet. KUYO-AM streams its Sunday morning broadcasts on  Check it out!





submit Utah news or photos








Community of Joy logo

Community of Joy - Rio Ranch Presents: Lenten Journey



On Palm Sunday, singers from Community of Joy Lutheran Church will join with singers and soloists from the community and professional musicians to present Lenten Journey.

Lenten Journey is a suite of original pieces composed by Aaron Howe, Director of Music at Community of Joy Lutheran Church, using text from the readings commonly used during the season of Lent.

Community of Joy Lutheran Church area image

The performances will be on Sunday, April 1st (Palm Sunday) at 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Admission is free and attendees are highly encouraged to bring friends and guests. For more information contact Earlene by email or phone (505-896-2543).


submit Colorado news or photos   

Taize image for 2012

Taiz� at Saint Paul - Denver in March 


As we embrace the Lenten Season, you are encouraged to join us for an hour of candlelight, simple song, prayer, and silence. This is an opportunity to spend time with yourself and with God. We encourage and welcome anyone to attend, whatever your faith background!   


Saint Paul Lutheran Church bannerTaiz� Service at Saint Paul Lutheran Church in Denver will take place on Wednesday, March 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the nave of the church (1600 Grant Street). All are welcome at this contemplative, ecumenical service! Come and spend some time reflecting, praying, and singing as you continue on the journey of Lent.   


Parking is available and free on the street surrounding the church after 6:00 p.m. For more information and directions, please visit our website:  


Christ the servant Lutheran Church-Louisville

Biblical storytelling: Hearing The Passion Story (Mark 14 & 15) told in worship


Storyteller Pam Faro (MDiv) will be telling "The Passion Story from The Gospel of Mark" four separate times as part of the upcoming Holy Week services at two Boulder-area churches:


Saturday, March 31 at 5:30 p.m. and 

Sunday, April 1 (Palm Sunday/Passion Sunday) at 8:00 and 10:30 a.m.

Christ the Servant Lutheran Church  

506 Via Appia, Louisville, CO 80027 (303-666-4655


Atonement Lutheran Church-Boulder bannerFriday, April 6 (Good Friday) at 7:00 p.m.

Atonement Lutheran Church 

685 Inca Parkway, Boulder, CO 80303 (303-499-4567)


For more information contact Pam at 303-828-2267/ 


Palm Sunday Afternoon Concert at Our Savior's, Denver 


On Palm Sunday afternoon, April 1, at 2:00 Our Savior's Lutheran Church in Denver will present its annual fund-raising concert to benefit the ministries of the church. Music will be offered by the Lesniaks, Erica Hoaglund, Pastor Paul Carlson, and Donald Zimmermann. This program will be in honor of Lilo Pacheco's 60th anniversary of becoming a member of Our Savior's and will feature the singing of some of her favorite German hymns.   


Creation Care Conference

Climate Change & Faith 2012 Conference


 The conference will take place from April 14-15, 2012 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, located at 4500 N. Wadsworth Blvd. in Wheat Ridge (80033).


Rebekah Simon-PeterThe keynote speaker for the event is Rev. Rebekah Simon-Peter, founder of BridgeWorks and the author of Green Church: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rejoice! and Seven Simple Steps to Green Your Church.


For more information or to register, please visit the Colorado Interfaith Power and Light website.


Katie mahan photo

Benefit Piano Recital by Katie Mahan


On Sunday afternoon, April 15, at 3 p.m.,internationally known superstar pianist Katie Mahan will return to Our Savior's for another benefit recital. This will feature piano music by Debussy, whose 150th birthday is being observed this year. Katie was recently described as "the empress of the piano" by conductor Jurgen de Lemos.  


The event will be a benefit concert for Metro CareRing of Denver.



Welca new logoWomen of the ELCA Southeast Colorado
Cluster Retreat May 4-5


This retreat will challenge all women called to discipleship. Our theme, "Lessons for Today's Disciples," invites women to grow more deeply in their understanding of whose they are and where they are going. It will be a time of exploration and personal growth.  

  • What does discipleship mean to women?
  • How does it affect their response to God?
  • How does walking in fellowship with God become a part of us?
  • How do we walk confidently?

Registration opens at 2:00 p.m. on Friday afternoon at the historic landmark, the Abbey, near Canon City. There will be a pre-retreat reflection experience at 2:30 p.m. followed by dinner and Bible Study at 6:00 p.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m. Matins will expand our experience as we see where discipleship places us in the community of faith. The worship at 5:00 p.m. will be a moment for final reflection as we end our time together. For more information, like a list of featured speakers, lodging and registration options, please check out the brochure or visit the website of the Rocky Mountain Synodical Women's Organization (WELCA).

Lutheran Church of the Master solar panels 
Lutheran Church of the Master powered 100% by solar

Lutheran Church of the Master of Lakewood, CO, in an effort to strengthen their relationship with God's creation, is now 100% solar-powered. Partnering with Renewable Energy Ventures LLC, a full solar array was installed and is now leased, both at no cost to the congregation. LCM now purchases electricity at a competitive rate from them until such time as they can purchase the array--anywhere from six to twenty-five years out. It is one more way this congregation is strengthening relationships with God, worshiping community, and the world.




Stephen Ministry Workshop

April 21, 2012 (More Information) 

Our Saviour's Lutheran Church 

Fort Collins, CO 80525


Saint Peter Lutheran Church 5K Run/Walk Event

to Benefit Selian Lutheran Hospital in Tanzania
9300 East Belleview Avenue
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Contact Carol for more Information or click here to register

Communications Staff
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700

Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following day. Event announcements are included for two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear.