Rocky Mountain Synod logo for the newsletter

weekly email of the
Rocky Mountain Synod

August 2, 2011    


Rainbow Trail logo

RTLC Says seeks donations for  

Horn Creek gift


Because of the incredible generosity from Horn Creek Camp, which welcomed Rainbow Trail during the recent fire which evacuated Rainbow Trail for many weeks, Rainbow Trail would like to gather gifts to give a $15,000 thank offering to Horn Creek. RTLC is hoping that both congregations and individuals will consider making a gift to this project. Gifts can be sent to the Rainbow Trail and marked Horn Creek gift. All donors to this project will be listed in a letter that will accompany the gift. Thanks for continuing to be partners in ministry with Rainbow Trail! 


Dave Jarvis, Director 

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp


Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 

O God our defender, storms rage around and within us and cause us to be afraid. Rescue your people from despair, deliver your sons and daughters from fear, and preserve us in the faith of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.


Kim Gonia photo

Kim Gonia to be Ordained August 7 in Littleton


You are invited to join in celebration as Kimberly Anne Gonia is ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 6322 S. Lakeview Avenue in Littleton, CO (80120) on Sunday, August 7, at 4:00 p.m. A reception at the church will follow. Clergy and rostered leaders are invited to vest and process. The liturgical color of the day for ordained clergy is red. Kim has been called as Pastor to Living Waters Lutheran Church, Crystal Lake, Illinois. Your prayers and presence are welcome.



Synod Prayer Cycle: North Colorado Conference
You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday prayers of the people. The prayer lists for August and 
September are available.

to remember in prayers on 8/7:

 All Saints, Brush, CO

     Teri Hermsmeyer

 Bethel, Windsor, CO

     Kevin Meyer

 Bethlehem, Brush, CO

     Sherman Gordius

Faith, Eaton, CO

     Paul Ward (interim)

First, Ault, CO

     Matt Converse


Lutheran Campus Ministry-CSU
Campus Ministry Needs Your Students Names!!

A request from Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg, Lutheran Campus Ministry


I am meeting some great Lutherans at Colorado State University's freshman orientation, but I know that I am only meeting a small portion of Lutheran students. My colleagues and I want to reach out to your students to offer them the wide variety of activities that are offered by Lutheran Campus Ministry. We can't contact them if we don't have their names and contact information. We want students to know about our worship, bible studies, leadership training, service learning projects, retreats, and social events. We have loads to offer.



Please send college student names to:
(Colorado State University)
(University of Northern Colorado)
(University of Colorado)
(University of New Mexico)
(New Mexico State University)
(Utah State University)
(University of Wyoming)

If you have students at other universities, please email with the information and I and my staff will see that the information is passed on to the appropriate school and campus ministry.


Pastor Connie




God's Positioning System  


November 18-20, 2011

at Estes.


Registration for the

2011 Senior High Youth Gathering

 is now open! Deadline: October 18


Register online now.


The RMS is one of the stops on the Citizens with the Saints  pre-tour concerts featuring AGAPE and Rachel Kurtz. They will be featured at this year's Senior High Youth Gathering, November 18-20. Download a schedule/poster and get more details at the SHYG website .  


Journey of Renewal image"A Journey of Renewal"


Cultivate a spiritually centered approach to well-being through A Journey of Renewal, an intensive, year-long wellness experience designed by the ELCA Board of Pensions to benefit rostered ELCA-primary health plan members for the sake of ministry.
Over the course of one year, A Journey of Ren
ewal combines retreats and small group telephonic coaching to help leaders explore, reflect, take action, and grow their ability to live well in Christ. Why? Because healthy leaders enhance lives when they live--and serve--abundantly.


Registration is open for two A Journey of Renewal experiences beginning this fall at Spirit in the Desert and Lutheridge Conference Center. Are you ready for the journey? Learn more at

ELCA Board of Pensions logo 


ELCA logo lagre size
ELCA/RMS Hunger-Nutrition Program


The ELCA Washington, DC Office on Public Policy is working on protecting federal funding for nutrition programs, especially those that impact children. They are looking for stories that illustrate the need and how Lutherans are helping to fill it.  

Has your congregation engaged in any of the following?

  • Summer food service program site     
  • After-school program that provides healthy snacks  
  • Community garden (perhaps provides fruits and vegetable from garden to help feed children)
  • Lunches at Vacation Bible School programs
  • Backpack Ministry

If your congregation is involved in any of these types of programs, please email Brad Wood or give him a call (303-777-6700). Or if you know or a member of your congregation knows of a congregation that is involved in one of the types of programs listed above, please contact Nancy Michaelis  (800-638-3522 ext. 2713) or  Jodi Slattery (202-626-7947) directly.  

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado logo 


rban Servant Corps logo
Urban Servant Corps Expresses Its Gratitude


Urban Servant Corps volunteers, staff, and board members would like to share their gratitude for your support of the 2011-2012 program year!  It has been another outstanding year of full-time service in the Denver community; people have been fed and clothed; homes given affordable and efficient energy; and youth and children have been supported and sheltered.  In the midst of this, USC volunteers have grown in their faith journey and obtained leadership skills and job experience to set the world on fire! It could not have been done without your support! You are in our prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving!

Krista Ullestad, Executive Director


Urban Servant Corps Wish List


As you may know, summer time is full of transitions at Urban Servant Corps!  Please join us during August to spruce up the houses for the upcoming crew of volunteers.  Dates are flexible!


Additionally, several of our current volunteers are looking for items to furnish their new apartments in Denver. We are seeking: 2 desk chairs, 2 dressers, 3 full mirrors, 3 bedside tables or night stands, 4 bookshelves, 6 lamps, 2 comfy chairs/ recliners, 1 bed (any size), 1 couch.   


If you have any of these items, please contact our current volunteer, Sara Diedrich by email or phone at 406-860-5623. Inexpensive is good but free is better! We will be able to come pick up the items within a 30 minute radius of Denver.




Remembrance candles for 9-11

Shadow and Light: A Time of Remembrance and Hope


A series of interfaith events are being planned in Denver for the weekend of 9-11 including workshops, concerts, dialogues, cultural exchanges and a community-wide interfaith worship service on Sunday evening.


The Worship Committee of the Metro D.C. Synod has developed a resource to commemorate the anniversary of September 11 to help us remember the ways our senses and our souls were affected that day. Congregations are invited to use the Entrance Rite including prayers, litany and hymn suggestions. 



ELCA bYouth Gathering logo 2

2012 ELCA Youth Gathering Trainings Scheduled for

Grand Junction and Albuquerque 



The JC/DC Youth Ministry in Albuquerque, NM and American Lutheran Church in Grand Junction, CO, will each host a "Get Ready" training from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.:


Sunday, August 21 (Albuquerque) and
Sunday, August 28 (Grand Junction)

All congregations in NM and those on the Western Slope are invited to send staff and volunteers to learn more about how mission trips and participation in the ELCA Youth Gathering can befaith forming. These sessions will include all the essential Gathering details plus much more!

These gatherings are for anyone who has already decided to attend, is undecided, or definitely not going - as the training includes the essentials for leading faith forming, youth ministry. The trainings will be led by Kristen Baltrum, RMS Gathering Coordinator. To RSVP, please call, text (303-817-5482) or email Kristen .

The RMS is one of the stops on the Citizens with the Saints  pre-tour concerts featuring AGAPE and Rachel Kurtz. They will be featured at this year's Senior High Youth Gathering, November 18-20. Download a poster and get all the details at the SHYG website .


Peak Seminar image

RMS Children, Youth and Household Ministry


P.E.A.K.: Children, Family and Faith Conference October 16-26, 2011 at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp

See the color brochure for more information.  


Lutheran Family Services of Cooradol;ogo

Administrative Assistant / Receptionist Needed


Lutheran Family Services of Colorado is seeking a full time Administrative Assistant/Receptionist for their Denver office located at 363 South Harlan Street (80226). Prior experience is necessary. A detailed job description is available on the website regarding responsibilities, duties and qualifications. Please submit cover letter, resume and salary requirements to and in the subject line please state LFS Receptionist.




You can find these and other job opportunities posted on the Rocky Mountain Synod's website. Please take a look. 

Every Person, Every Congregation, Every Ministry, Boldly Serving God's Mission in Christ  


Bishop Allan Bjornberg

Service of Ordination for Kim Gonia, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Littleton, CO. 

Pastor Dan Bollman    

Visiting with the congregation of Faith Lutheran Church, Lander, WY.


Madelyn Busse, DM

Available by email  
or phone appointment.  

Pastor Jim Hytjan

Natural Church Development (NCD) conference call, Denver, CO; Visiting with the congregation of St. Paul's/Peace Lutheran Episcopal Church, Las Vegas, NM; Macedonia Project conference call, Denver, CO. 

Linda Staats

Glocal Mission Gathering, Norcross, GA.
 Available by email 
 or phone appointment.


 Find us on Facebook
Follow us on Twitter 
website calendar



Senior High Youth Gathering

Estes Park, Colorado


JANUARY 13-15  

Middle School Youth Gathering

 Colorado Springs, Colorado


Winter Theological Conference 

Fort Collins, Colorado 

APRIL 26-28

2012 RMS Assembly

Colorado Springs, Colorado

JULY 16-18 


New Orleans, LA

JULY 18-22

ELCA Youth Gathering
New Orleans, LA



Installation of Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop

 Denver, Colorado




Fall Theological Conference/ Bishop's Convocation

 Denver, Colorado


Global Links logo 

English as a Second Language (ESL) Teacher Sought   

Serve as a volunteer at the Colegio Luterano Salvadoreno in San Salvador, El Salvador.  The work assignment would include ESL classroom teaching (grades K-9) and working with administration to improve communications with sister churches and schools in the United States and other countries.  

See and click "Global Service Opportunities" to search the database.   


ELCA Federal Budget image 

The Federal Budget: 

Why it Matters

Learn more about how the federal budget affects the international community, and how your voice can be heard as a person of faith, at

Note the tabs on the left that deal with specific countries and issues.


submit Wyoming news or photos





submit Utah news or photos




Wild West Mill Creek Swap Meet!  

Held now through September 24, 2011 at Lutheran Social Service Utah located at 4392 South 900 East in Salt Lake City [84124] Tax deduction for your donations of gently used or new items which are free to refugee families.




submit Colorado news or photos     
Lutheran Colleges logo

Lutheran College Fairs and Seminars

 (Two Opportunities) 



Sunday, August 21, 2011 at Bethany Lutheran Church, Cherry Hills Village (80113)

Monday, August 22, 2011 - Redeemer Lutheran Church, 7755 Greenstone Trail, Fort Collins (80525)

Lutheran College Fair 2011


Registration begins at 6:45 p.m.

Financial Aid Seminar at 7:00 p.m.

College Fair from 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.


The Value of a Lutheran Education Research has documented conclusively that Lutheran colleges are more effective than large public institutions in producing broad career and life outcomes. On Sunday, August 21, 2011 at Bethany Lutheran Church will host a Lutheran College Fair and Seminar. The event is being sponsored by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Lutheran     



Passport to Wellbeing logp

Metro Denver Community Fitness Fair to Highlight Areas of Well-being August 27


You're invited to a FREE Community Fitness Fair entitled, "Passport to Well-being" taking place on Saturday, August 27 at the Infinity Park Event Center from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.  


The Community Fitness Fair is a joint effort of the Denver area ELCA Parish Nurses and the Rocky Mountain Region of Thrivent ELCA Parish Nurse Association Financial for Lutherans. The workshops, displays and activities all represent one or more areas of wellness: social/interpersonal, emotional, physical, financial, vocational, intellectual and spiritual, as depicted on The Wholeness Wheel. There is also an opportunity to share our blessings by reaching out to help others by making donations to Lutheran Family Services Refugee and Asylee Programs and Metro CareRing .


Please use the bulletin insert   to invite your members to come and participate as well as bring their friends and neighbors. We are encouraging all participants to "Do One Thing Differently" because of their experiences at the fair. For more details including a map and schedule of events go to Thrivent Financial  for Lutherans logo 





Wes Broderius 

Wes Broderius is making his home, "The Castle,"  

available for retreats and meetings  



After serving 56 years as music director, organist and/or choir director in Colorado, Florida, Nebraska, and Wisconsin, Wes Broderius retired as of Pentecost, June 12, 2011. The last 27 years, Broderius served as an Associate in Ministry in Littleton; 7 years at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and the last 20 at St. Philip Lutheran Church, both ELCA congregations.


In retirement, Wes plans to publish many of his compositions and arrangements online at "Castle Broderius Music, LTD." Also, day retreats are again being offered to church groups. Some years back, a number of Lutheran congregations held their council and committee retreats up at "the Castle" which is off I-70 about a half hour from anywhere in metro Denver. For more information, please contact Wes Broderius by email or phone (303-526-2607). 






"Avenues of Hope" Event - Providing Hunger Relief for Metro Denver  

9-10-11 (September 10, 2011) 

Please check out the website to see how you might be able to help.


New Beginnings Church 13th Annual Celebration Dinner and Fundraiser
Saturday, September 24 Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m.
Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 4500 Wadsworth Blvd, Wheat Ridge, CO 80033
Please contact Heiko Meyer by email for more information. 


Dr. Diana Butler Bass at Messiah Community Church, Denver

October 28-30, 2011

For more information, please visit the website or call the church at 303-355-4471. 

Communications Staff
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700

Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following day. Event announcements are included for two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear.