
eConnection weekly email of the
Rocky Mountain Synod

November 16, 2010 

Operation Turkey Sandwich!

House for All Sinners and Saints, Denver, CO, presents "Operation: Turkey Sandwich" next week. Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber says, "We roast a bunch of turkeys, make delicious turkey sandwiches, pumpkin pie bars and stuffing muffins, and make them into wonderful little sack lunches to hand out all over the city to people who are unlucky enough to be working on Thanksgiving (bus drivers, pan handlers, bartenders, cops, 7-11 clerks, etc...)."

You can help by roasting a turkey or making a pan of bars or a couple dozen stuffing muffins on Wednesday, November 24 or assembling and handing out bags on Thursday. Meet at Messiah Community Church, 17th & Colorado Blvd. Denver, at 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Donations of money are also welcome through Paypal on the "House" website. Email Nadia with questions or donations.
Christ the King Sunday

O God, our true life, to serve you is freedom, and to know you is unending joy. We worship you, we glorify you, we give thanks to you for your great glory. Abide with us, reign in us, and make this world into a fit habitation for your divine majesty, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Prayer from Sundays and Seasons Year C 2010

Rev. Todd Payne photoService of Installation for Rev. Todd Payne Set for November 21
You are cordially invited to the installation of Pastor Todd Payne on Sunday, November 21 at 2 p.m. The Service of Installation will take place at King of Glory Lutheran Church located at 10001 West 58th Avenue in Arvada (80002). Bishop Allan Bjornberg of the Rocky Mountain Synod will preach and a welcome reception in the Parish Hall will follow the service. The color of the day is WHITE and clergy are invited to vest and process. All are welcome!

Synod Prayer Cycle: ELCA Ministries and Ecumenical Organizations
You are encouraged to include the listed leaders in your Sunday prayers of the people. The prayer list for November is available.

to remember in prayers on 11/21:

Bethany College

Lindsborg, KS

     Edward Leonard

California Lutheran University
Thousands Oaks, CA
     Christopher Kimball


Iliff School of Theology

Denver, Colorado

     Tink Tinker

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary

Berkeley, California    

     Phyllis Anderson

Wartburg College West

Denver, Colorado

     Bonita Bock, Nelson Bock

Colorado Council of Churches

Denver, Colorado     

     James Ryan

New Mexico Conference of Churches

Bernalillo, New Mexico        
     Stephen J. Miller (Acting Executive Director)

Wyoming Association of Churches

Cody, Wyoming    

     John Peacock


Good Gifts 2010-2011Give Good Gifts this season

You are encouraged to shop for holiday gifts
from the ELCA Good Gifts catalog. Visit




RMS Senior High Youth Gathering
November 19 - 21


Please keep in your prayers the 500 high school youth and caring adults from 54 congregations in the RMS who are attending the Senior High Youth Gathering this weekend at the YMCA in Estes Park. You are invited to connect to the SHYG by utilizing the WHATEVER!?! devotions (Devos) in your daily life Friday through Sunday. They can be downloaded from the SHYG website. 


Faith Formation logoChristian Education Network Meets Thursday

The next meeting of the Christian Education network is Thursday, November 18 at the Rocky Mountain Synod, ELCA office in Denver. The meeting will take place from  11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Anyone who wishes to connect by Skype (if just one person) or video conferencing, contact Kent Mueller. Bring your own lunch.

Agenda includes:

  • A look ahead to the celebration of Epiphany and the Baptism of Jesus in our congregations and homes.
  • Up-dates on your plans & ideas for connecting Advent to homes and all generations.   
  • Stories of Milestones and new Cross+Generational Ministries implemented this fall.
  • Preview the new Select Course "Equipping Households of Faith." 
Video volunteer image
Seeking Video Volunteers

Do you know someone in your congregation who has skills and equipment for taking digital video footage?

For a new RMS video project, we are seeking some volunteers who could collect some video stories from the synod. The footage will be collected and edited later, so no editing is needed. The video footage would need to be burned on a DVD or sent on a DV tape. Please "reply to this email" and provide your name/email/phone along with your city and congregation, especially if you are in WY, UT, NM, or El Paso, TX.

2011 Summer Program Schedule

Registration for the summer 2011 is now open.  Summer camp will run from June 12 through August 5.  We have lowered our rates and want to see the camp full of kids ages 1st grade through high school.  


Congregations are encouraged to come up for a weekend or for a week of Family Camp July 3 - 8.  For Sky Ranch to fulfill its mission, kids need to come to camp.  Every kid should be allowed to have a mountaintop experience.

Visit our website at to register.

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp b/w logo Summer Program Schedule Now Available

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp invites you to join us for an outstanding opportunity to share in the love and joy of God's family. We are an outreach ministry of the congregations of the Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We are located in the heart of the San Isabel National Forest of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The majestic wilderness becomes an excellent setting for growth and renewal.

At Rainbow Trail, you can experience the joy of being with old and new friends in a loving, supportive and caring Christian community! Rainbow Trail offers opportunities to experience camp whether you're entering the 2nd grade or are an adult. Most of the commonly asked questions can be answered in the FAQ or the Registration Policies.   Please take a moment and check out the program availability schedule and see what Rainbow Trail has to offer this summer.


Youth DirectorsUnderstanding Adolescence - Youth Director's Retreat

Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp is offering a FREE retreat to all full and part time professional youth directors from March 21-23, 2011. Time away provides the opportunity to relax, rejuvenate and be rewarded. Time is spent in a peaceful mountain setting surrounded by God's creation and a wonderful supporting Christian community. There is plenty of time scheduled for networking, continuing education, sharing with others, rest, and play.

If you need more information in order to plan your time at the camp, please check out the brochure. Why wait? Register online today!


Cristo Rey-El Paso celebration imageCristo Rey, El Paso, expresses gratitude, still needs donations

Pastor Rose Mary Sanchez-Guzman extends her gratitude to all those on the list of those who have contributed to Cristo Rey's special appeal.

The congregation wants to thank all of their friends who have helped with their "1000 Friends Project." They have collected over $6,000 dollars as of the end of October. They will extend the project through the month of November to give an opportunity to others who would still like to send their donations. Details here.


Cristo rey El Paso stained glass windowThey have been able to reduce their debt but still have $19,000 in past due bills and hope that by the end of the year they will be able to pay it off. That will give Cristo Rey an opportunity to have a more sustainable plan for its 2011 budget. As they approach Thanksgiving Day, they are grateful for all our friends, partners, and the Rocky Mountain Synod, who are a part of this wonderful ministry on the Border.


2011 Middle/Jr High School Youth Gathering logoMiddle /Jr. High School Youth Gathering

January 14-16, 2011
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Colorado Springs, CO

This year's Middle/Jr. High School Youth Gathering will gather around the theme, Heroes... by FAITH, and focus on Hebrews 11 and Philippians 4:2.

The gathering again takes place at the newly renovated Crowne Plaza Hotel in Colorado Springs, CO. The youth from your congregation, youth ministers and caring adults are invited to gather for this great weekend of fun, prayer and fellowship. Get more information including release forms, a guide to what to bring and what NOT to bring, maps, etc.

Registration Deadlines:
November 22 Earlybird: $105
November 23 - December 10: $115
Registration closes December 10.

Register online!

Pastor Anne Morowski and Chelsea Erven photoBetter Together: Interfaith Youth Core Leadership Institute in Washington DC

Chelsea Erven, a freshman from St. Luke Lutheran Church, and Pastor Anne Morawski, campus pastor at UNM and CNM in Albuquerque, were among 100 college students and 50 campus ministry staff and faculty who were invited to Washington, D.C. to take part in Better Together: Interfaith Leadership Institute, last month.  The weekend included a trip to the White House.  Check it more information at

World AIDS Day 2010 ribbon
Hope Amid Sobering Realities

The World Health Organization established World AIDS Day in 1988. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has a renewed commitment through the ELCA HIV and AIDS Strategy to love, care for and walk with those living with HIV or AIDS and help protect those most at risk of new infection. The ELCA Washington Office is working ecumenically to provide comprehensive information for you, and your communities, to better understand and advocate on HIV and AIDS issues.

Please view this resource link suggestions on how to engage your congregation and community in this important and life saving work.

Global Mission emblem
Seeking Young Adult Coordinator for the Holy Land

Serve as coordinator for the Young Adults in Global Mission program in Jerusalem/West Bank, and assist in coordination of trips to the Holy Land in support of the ELCA's "Peace Not Walls" strategy.

Minimum BA plus 3 years relevant experience required, theological training at the MA level or above, preferred. Strong communication skills, knowledge of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and an understanding of the ELCA's work in the Middle East are required.  Arabic is helpful.  Preferred application deadline is December 1, 2010. The Global Service Opportunities link will allow you to search the database.



Nubia (person)Meet Nubia

Nubia owns a herd of 60 dairy cows on her ranch on the outskirts of Chinandega, Nicaragua. But three years ago, when her husband died, she had just a few cows that grazed on nothing but dry underbrush, and they were producing less and less milk every day. Good agricultural techniques changed everything for Nubia. Now she employs nine people, and her cows produce 1,000 liters of milk per day. Each morning, a long line of neighbors forms to buy fresh cheese and dairy products. Want more details of Nubia's success story?

ELCA long logo

Theological Conferencer 2011 logo
Journey from Ash Wednesday to Easter

Rocky Mountain Synod
2011 Theological Conference

Limited scholarship funds are available to assist rostered leaders to attend. Complete an application form by November 19 and email or fax it back. Funds provided by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.

January 24-27, 2011

Boulder Harvest Millennium Hotel and
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church
Boulder, Colorado

Rostered leaders, youth directors, musicians, worship planning teams, are all invited to attend. More information and registration link.
Every person,
every congregation,
every ministry,
boldly serving God's mission in Christ.

Bishop Allan Bjornberg
Confirmation and worship at Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, Denver, CO; Installation of Pastor Todd Payne, King of Glory Lutheran Church, Arvada, CO.

Pastor Dan Bollman
Senior High School Youth Gathering, Estes Park, CO

Madelyn Busse, DM

Available by email or phone appointment.
 Pastor Jim Hytjan
Mission Developers meeting, synod office, Denver, CO; Visiting with the congregation of Camino de Vida, Albuquerque, NM; Confirmation and worship at Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey, Denver, CO.

Linda Staats
Mission Developers meeting, synod office, Denver, CO; Meeting with the Christian Education Network, synod office, Denver, CO; Peer Ministry Training, Estes Park, CO; Senior High School Youth Gathering, Estes Park, CO.
Available by email or phone appointment.

website calendar


NOV 19-21
Sr. High Youth Gathering
Estes Park, CO


JAN 14-16
Middle/Jr. High School Youth Gathering
Colorado Springs. Colorado

JAN 24-27
Theological Conference
Boulder, Colorado

MAR 21-23
RMS Youth Workers Retreat
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp

MAY 12-14

2011 Assembly
Colorado Springs, Colorado


APRIL 26-28
2012 Assembly
Colorado Springs, Colorado


submit Wyoming news or photos



submit Utah news or photos



LSS of Utah 15th Anniversary Celebration (5/2010-4/2011

World of Arts Shoppe 
Monday through Thursday
9:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m.
Lutheran Social Service of Utah
4392 South 900 East in Salt Lake City
Open to the Public

The Wednesday Market
Wednesdays, June through October
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (in good weather)
4392 South 900 East
Salt Lake City

(The People's market is a consortium of refugee fair trade, organic and justice-minded artists and organizations.)

 submit Colorado news or photos  

Rocky Mtn Synodical Women's logoMetro East Cluster Event


Ladies, mark your calendars!  The Metro East Cluster of Women of the ELCA are having a brunch at Bethel Lutheran Church (1450 Airport Boulevard, Aurora 80011) on November 20, 2010, at 10 a.m.

Great Food. Fellowship. Program. Entertainment.


Please call the secretary at Bethel on 303-364-2245 by November 13 for your reservation. A free-will offering will be taken. See you there!


If you can, please bring a gift to benefit Lutheran Family Services - it would be much appreciated. Suggestions include NEW bed pillows, dish towels, pot holders,  and any items that would help in setting up a new kitchen or bedroom. These items may be gently used.

Music at St. Paul logoMusic at Saint Paul Lutheran Church-Denver


During the month of November 2010, Music at Saint Paul is pleased to present this next musical offering:

Chamber Music Trio - Music for Violin, Violoncello, and Piano

Friday, November 19, 2010, 7:30 p.m.

Chamber music for string and piano trio, including major works by Schubert and Tchaikovsky. Tickets: $15 ($10 seniors/students).

Parking for Music at Saint Paul events is available on the street (free on Saturdays and Sundays and after 6:00 p.m. on weekdays) and in the various nearby pay lots at the following rates (on Saturdays and Sundays and after 6:00 p.m. on weekdays)


Get Ready for the Thanks4Giving


In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Bethany Lutheran Church is "sole searching." It is estimated that 1.5 billion shoes lay idle in American closets. For countless people who go without them, navigating the ground they walk on barefoot is treacherous. We can touch the lives of thousands by cleaning out our closets and helping to harvest a quarter million pairs of shoes in this charitable Thanks4Giving campaign.

Soles 4 Souls imageOn November 24, Thanksgiving Eve, you are invited to take part in this program to make a change. We will be collecting new and gently worn shoes for the shoe charity, Soles4Souls to distribute to those in need. Please bring your shoes in to donate in a spirit of love and gratitude. We can make a difference, one pair at a time. Our Thanksgiving Eve Service begins at 7:00 p.m. Donations can be dropped off at Bethany Lutheran Church beginning on Sunday, November 14.

Bethany Lutheran Church is located at 4500 East Hampden Avenue, Cherry Hills Village (80113). For more information, please call the church office at 303-758-2820, visit the church website or the event website.

 Saint Paul Lutheran Church bannerDinner and Silent Auction at Hamburger Mary's benefits St. Paul Local Assistance Ministry

Sunday, November 21, 6:00 p.m.
700 East 17th Avenue, Denver 80203


Each Tuesday and Thursday, Saint Paul Lutheran Church opens its doors to people who come to the church seeking financial assistance. Saint Paul Local Assistance Ministry serves a light lunch Saint Paul Lutheran Church-Denver bannerand trained volunteers listen, provide counseling and small amounts of money - usually for rent, prescription medications, and transportation. The program is funded by the congregation, grants from other congregations and neighborhood groups, and this annual fundraiser. 


The Local Assistance Ministry of Saint Paul is hosting its 3rd annual fundraiser and silent auction at Hamburger Mary's in Uptown on November 21, at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are $40/person. Please purchase your tickets in advance. For more ticket information, please email Jan Miller or call her on  303-332-1263.Thanks to Thrivent Financial for its partnerThrivent Financial  for Lutherans logoship in support of this event.

HeartLight Center logoIt's All About the Stories

Professional caregivers are invited to spend a day of education and renewal with Harold Ivan Smith, PhD - teacher and storyteller. On Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., the HeartLight Center will host a special event called "It's All About the Stories" at Horan & McConaty located at 7577 West 80th Avenue in Arvada (80003). (Northeast corner of 80th & Wadsworth)


books and glasses image
Program for the day:





Special discount available when you register by November 25th!
Cost:  $30 before November 25, 2010

          $50 after November 25, 2010

Jennifer McBride, Diaconal MinisterFrom Jennifer McBride (HeartLight Center President and Co-founder)...

"I sincerely hope you can join us for a day of education, enrichment and renewal.  Dr. Harold Ivan Smith is a very accomplished clinician and teacher, but he has an extraordinary way of using stories that can transport you. To me, he is like the Garrison Keillor of end-of-life and grief support!"

Register online using PayPal through or 720-748-9908 or email

Augustana Christmas 2010 imageColorado Choir In Concert -
Holiday Concert


The Colorado Choir presents its 34th annual program, including classic holiday pieces and warm, cozy folk songs! Bring your family and friends to enjoy the season with an evening of celebrated a cappella and accompanied choral music.


Augustana Lutheran Church, 5000 East Alameda Avenue, Denver (80246).

$20 Adult / $15 Senior / $15 Student

Friday, December 3 at 7:30 p.m.

Saturday December 4 at 7:30 p.m.

Lutheran Family Services of Cooradol;ogo"Give Where You Live" and Support LFS-CO

Lutheran Family Services is participating in Colorado Gives Day - one day that will help raise $1 million for Colorado charities. LFS-CO needs your Giving First logosupport on this special day. All donations given to LFS through the website over a 24-hour period on December 8 are eligible for the Colorado Gives Day Incentive Fund,  which will increase the value of your donation!
Give Where You Live on December 8 and help support LFS!

Stars and Promises Tour bannerPeter Mayer's
Stars and Promises Tour

Guitarist, vocalist and songwriter Peter Mayer, widely known as the lead guitarist for Jimmy Buffett's, Coral Reefer Band, enters into his tenth consecutive year with the Stars and Promises Christmas Tour, along with Maggie Estes and R. Scott Bryan. The tour will make one of its seventeen stops across the country on Sunday, December 19 at 7:00 p.m. at Bethany Lutheran Church, 4500 East Hampden Avenue Cherry Hills Village (80113).

 Peter Mayer 2010 Tour image

The concert is a fundraiser for Lutheran  Men in Mission.

" Read more about Peter...>


Tickets are: Adults - $12; Children 6-12 yrs old - $5; under 6 - free!

You can purchase tickets now.


Augustana Christmas 2010 imageSing We Now Of Christmas


 Kantorei welcomes the joy of the holiday season by presenting a memorable afternoon of holiday choral music.


Augustana Lutheran Church 5000 East Alameda Avenue,
Denver (80246)

$20 Adult / $15 Senior / $15 Student

Sunday, December 19 at 3:00 p.m.

USC Advent Prayer Breakfast
December 7 at 7:30 a.m.


Our Savior's Lutheran Church Urban Servant Corps Advent 2010 image
915 East 9th Avenue
Denver (80218)

Join Bishop Bjornberg, Urban Servant Corps staff and Board of Directors, local Lutheran church members, and partner agencies as prayers are offered for the ongoing service work of USC volunteers.


Juried Art Show in Loveland Explores Lutheran Identity
February 11-25, 2011
Zion Lutheran Church (Lanette)
815 East 16th Street

Loveland CO 80538
Artist entry deadline is January 11, 2011.


Communications Staff
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700

Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following day. Event announcements are included for two weeks. Please submit your announcement at the time it should appear.