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September 2008 Records and Information Management News from the Orlando District Chapter
ARMA International Orlando Chapter Newsletter
In this Issue...

Presidents Message
Tim Otoole

Hello ARMA of Orlando, Inc. Chapter Members;

Welcome Back!

This year is going to be one of the most exciting, busy and challenging times for our ARMA Orlando District Chapter.

As is customary for our chapter we are going to present a diverse range of topics for our lunch meetings. So far we range from Disasters to E-Mail to Understanding E-Discovery. These presentations are going to provide us with a great deal of knowledge for us to take back and utilize in our respective companies.

As you may recall from our last meeting in June of this year, we have some BIG challenges facing our chapter. In the immediate future we are tasked with manning a booth at the 2008 ARMA International Conference in Las Vegas (Oct. 19th through Oct. 23rd) promoting the 2009 ARMA International Conference here in Orlando (Oct. 12th through Oct. 18th). If anyone is planning on attending the Las Vegas conference, please notify me as we have six (6) complimentary registrations and I will send you the link for the complimentary registration. We plan on promoting the conference with a tee-shirt give-away and several grand prizes. THANK YOU to our member/vendors who have committed to help sponsor many of these prizes

We are in need of many volunteers to form a committee for the 2009 conference here in Orlando. We are going to need people to help stuff bags (estimated 2,000) for the conference attendees as well as rely on some of our member/vendors for small items (pens, pads, etc.) to place in the bags. As the time gets closer we will have more details on exactly what is going to be needed, however if we have a committee in place we will be able to hand out job responsibilities as they become available. Again, any interested members, please notify me and we will assemble a committee.

Turning to our website for our chapter, we have had some difficulties getting our site up and running. We believe we have made strides in starting this up again. We have a vendor who is willing to take on the challenge of creating and maintaining our website. As details come about we will share these with you. Again, based on our chapter being the host chapter for the 2009 ARMA International Conference we are going to be getting a slew of web hits.

We look forward to seeing you at our monthly meetings. Keep an eye out for upcoming events and other networking opportunities. It is football season (GO KNIGHTS!) and we will be having our Monday Night Football Networking meetings again this year. I will keep you posted of the Monday's from September through December and locations.

THANK YOU to our member/vendors for stepping up and helping to sponsor our lunch meetings again this year. Please members, support our vendors, whether it is for record storage, destruction, disaster recovery or enterprise content management, if you have any questions about any of these please contact one of our member/vendors to assist you with any projects you may have.

Sincerely, Tim O'Toole President ARMA Orlando District Chapter

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Education, networking and sharing RIM information is the cornerstone of the ARMA International, Orlando District's mission. Help us share in this mission.

DATE: September 9, 2008, 11:30-1pm

SPEAKER: John Collins, VP, Consulting, The Ingersoll Firm

TOPIC: ESI (Electronically Stored Information) Data Mapping 101

Contact Hal Flomerfelt [email protected] for reservations and information.

PREVIEW: ESI Data Mapping 101
John Collins - Ingersoll

In this presentation, I will examine the fundamentals of ESI data mapping. We will walk through an actual ESI data mapping project, and discuss the benefits, challenges, and resources required to create a defensible, understandable, and affordable ESI data map


  • What is an ESI Data Map?
  • ESI Data Mapping Project Walk-Through
  • Benefits of an ESI Data Map
  • ESI Data Mapping Challenges
  • Resources and Costs Involved in ESI Data Mapping

Creating a datamap is essential for eDiscovery but also has relevance for records management.

NEXT MONTH: Disaster recovery discussion: who, what, when, how
TomMcGuire - Munters

BIOGRAPHY: Thomas D. McGuire, Catastrophe Operations Manager - Region America, Document Recovery Manager - Region America

Tom has 22 years experience in disaster recovery. Specializing in High End restoration projects related to Hurricanes, Floods, Tornadoes and Fires. Currently holding the position of both Catastrophe Recovery Manager and Document Recovery Manager for Munters Corporation - North American Territory. Tom is considered an expert in disaster recovery and is a published author of related articles. Notable projects: New York World Trade Center 1993, all major hurricane/weather events since 1990 including Hurricane Katrina (2005-2007). Iowa floods (2008).


  • Live feed from Munters National Document Center
  • See first hand - the recovery process in action
  • Open discussions of disaster recovery projects
  • Case studies

Volunteers needed Las Vegas Conference!

If you are going to the convention, we need your help. Please respond and let us know if you are attending the conference and can donate a couple of hours each day at the Orlando Hospitality Booth.

Respond to this email and let us know when you will be there.


Las Vegas ARMA convention

Plan to attend these National ARMA conferences

  • 2008 Las Vegas Oct. 20-23
  • 2009 Orlando Oct. 15-18
  • 2010 San Francisco Sept. 19-22
  • 2011 Washington DC Oct. 16-19
  • 2012 Chicago Sept. 23-26
  • 2013 Orlando Oct. 6-9
  • 2014 San Diego Oct. 26-29
  • 2015 Washington DC Oct. 4-7

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