 Efficiency Matters       June 2012
The Passionate Pursuit of Efficiency
-Monthly Tip-
Never know which plug to unplug?
Try color coding your cords with electrical tape and always unplug the right machine the first time.

CSD is hiring a full- time Project Coordinator.  

Click here to view and apply for the position.

Adriana is on Twitter! 

Follow her @AdrianaGirdler for conversation, tips and favourite things she shares with her followers.

(905) 331-0444


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I recently made the mistake of booking a meeting on a holiday (Victoria Day) because my Outlook Calendar does not automatically include holidays. Since rebooking a meeting and notifying everyone of my mistake is not very efficient, I found a neat way to make sure this doesn't happen again. 

Follow these steps to add Canadian holidays to your Outlook calendar.

  • In Outlook 2012 - On the File menu, click Options.  In Outlook 2007 - From the Tool menu, click Options.
  • Click the Calendar button and then Click the Add Holidays button.
  • Click the checkbox for each country's holidays that you would like Outlook to download and add to the Calendar.


Adriana in the News
  Mortgage Journal - May 2012


Do you ever wonder how to do more with less?  Today, the benefits of lean methodology are not just for the manufacturing sector.  Lean methodologies are being adopted by many service sectors.  Adriana explores just that in her article Lean, Mean Methodology: Demands of Global Marketplace. 


Check out the May 2012 edition of Mortgage Journal - click here. 

Who Knew! Stats to chew on...


The annual cost to Canadian companies due to stress-related disorders is $12 billion. Absenteeism due to stress has increased by over 300% since 1995.

- Statistics Canada


And here is the other side of the coin...


A return on investment of $3.40 for every dollar invested in wellness initiatives as shown by reduced turnover, increased productivity and decreased insurance claims

- Health Canada

CSD Sponsors Big Thinking Youths!
Think Big - Youth
CSD is honoured to sponsor The Big Think Youth!
This one-time only YOUTH THINK TANK is dedicated to creative young minds between the ages of 12 & 17, who have a passion for uncovering
their unique ability, harnessing their inner-beauty and learning how to
shine a light on their magnificence. 
Four Tips for Cool Savings


With the official start of summer on June 20, it's time to set up your home to be more energy efficient:

  1. Close the blinds - blinds can reduce solar heat by 40-50%
  2. Clean the AC - An air conditioner's dust build-up can reduce your cool air by 1 percent per week.
  3. Tape your ducts - Just like heat, leaks in ducts can account for up to 30% of a home's cooling bill.
  4. Programmable thermostat - set them to automatically increase the temp while away or at work and to lower the temperature an hour before you arrive home.