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Dreams are at the heart of every visionary leader.  What are your leadership dreams?
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Muse News - March 2012

Are you ready for a new kind of leadership?  Well, welcome to our community.  You will have a close encounter with leadership of the newest kind. 

Found your Muse yet?  If not, it's not too late. Got your Muse? Well, tell a friend.  Get a copy today at Amazon or Barnes and Noble
Leadership in the News
US News and World Report gives us an expose of the world's best leaders.
Featured Article - Your Leadership Dreams

Many people report that they do not dream. Many others report that they do have dreams.  Dreams are defined as the successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that happen in the mind during certain stages of sleep.  The content and purpose of dreams are not definitively understood, though they have been a topic of scientific speculation, as well as a subject of philosophical and religious interest, throughout recorded history. But dreams are at the heart of every act of a visionary leader and every fete of a courageous hero.  ... read more

March 27: Washington, DC - The Leadership Muse Book Discussion

Author Linda Cureton will be hosting a book discussion on her latest book The Leadership Muse at Darnell's Bar and Fashionable Lounge.


Bring your copy of The Leadership Muse and join an inspirational and lively dialogue about this thought-provoking and entertaining book.The evening will consist a question and answer session with the author Linda Cureton, an interactive panel discussion, and several small group conversations.

You will also be treated to a mouth-watering southern buffet and cash bar.Copies of The Leadership Muse will be available for purchase. $30 registration includes buffet dinner, tax, and tips. Click here to register.

Please forward to your colleagues who may be interested in personal and organizational leadership issues.  I welcome your feedback at
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney



Linda Cureton
A limited number of signed copies of The Leadership Muse are available for $26.45 plue $10.00 shipping and handling. 
Buy Now
One Free Adult Beverage
If you are attending Linda Cureton - The Leadership Muse Book Discussion on Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at Darnell's Bar and Fashionable Lounge, use promo code cosmo to get a complementary drink with your paid admission. IT's not too late you have already registered.  Simply print this coupon and present in person at the door.  Coupon is transferable and may be shared and used by other paying attendees.
Offer Expires: 3/27/2012