News & Announcements
Muffins with Mommy We would like to invite you to join us on Friday, May 11th to our "Muffins with Mommy Social" in celebration of Mother's Day. Although we would like to include the whole family, we are unable to accommodate more than our Citron students and their mothers. Please make other arrangements for younger siblings so that you are able to spend time with your child.
Preschool & Pre-K will celebrate from 9:00-9:30am on the Preschool Yard. Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten will celebrate from 9:30-10:00am on the Patio.
Under the Big Top
Citron's Family Auction and Carnival will be Friday, May 11th from 5:30pm-7:30pm. This will be a night of carnival fun for the whole family which will include games, face painting, cotton candy, bounce house, balloons, and more! Buy your tickets early. Adults are $5 and children are $3. We look forward to seeing you there!
Kindergarten Graduation Pictures Kindergarten Graduation Pictures will be taken Wednesday, May 9th. Students are to wear the following:
Girls: White Peter Pan collar with gold Fairmont "F" emblem and plaid jumper with white or navy blue tights or white crew socks. Boys: White Polo with gold Fairmont Logo and Navy blue pants or shorts.
Extra order forms are available in the front office. Please turn your order form in by Tuesday, May 8th if you'd like to order photos.
Kindergarten Graduation Cap & Gown Orders
We are still missing half of the Graduation Cap & Gown orders. We need to order caps and gowns early to get the best price. The package is $20.00. It includes the cap, gown, and a 2012 tassel. It is not necessary to specify size since they are sold by height and you child's height has already been measured. Please turn in full payment into the wooden Activities box in the Front Office by Wednesday, May 9th.
 Summer ProgramsDeadline Extended - Enroll by May 5th and Save 10% Fairmont Summer Programs is setting sail for a summer to remember, and you won't want to miss it! Whether you are joining us for summer school, summer camp, or specialized enrichment workshops, Fairmont guarantees that this summer, adventure awaits you! Enroll today for a week or the whole summer and save 10% on your registration through May 4th. Enroll online at May Lunch Menu |
Feature Article
Save the Date!
Our Spring Musical is just around the corner! Please set aside Wednesday, May 23rd for the Preschool and Pre-Kindergarten performance and/or Wednesday, May 30th for the Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten performance so you can come and enjoy the musical talents that have been serenading the Citron Campus. Each child will be wearing a specific costume that correlates to their classroom performance during the production. If you are unaware of your child's costume requirement, please contact your room mom or Mrs. Beilman at |
Mable Campus Corner
Parenting OC Holds County Wide 5th Grade Spelling Bee
As part of its Jamboree, Parenting OC magazine sponsored a 5th Grade spelling bee. The spelling bee was open to fifth grade students throughout Orange County and was held at the Fairmont Anaheim Hills Campus.
Three students from Mable campus participated in the spelling bee. These students were Jenny H., Emaad R., and Dayne T.
As the spelling bee progressed, students were eliminated until only Emaad and Dayne remained. They competed head to head for a few rounds until Dayne finally won the bee by spelling the word "mercurial." For taking first place in the bee, Dayne won four tickets to the San Diego Zoo, a two night stay at the Hyatt in San Diego, and a family photo session.
Citron to Mable Campus Tours
If you have not yet had the opportunity, there is a chance for parents to have an Open Tour of the Mable Campus every Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am. Mrs. Christie DuVall, Mable's Director of Admissions, will be glad to show you around the campus. You are welcome to come and take a look where your children will be next year. Please let us know if you have any questions at (714) 563-4050, extension 1110.
Citron to Mable Campus Transition Conference As we complete re-enrollment, we would like to invite you to complete your Junior Kindergarten into Kindergarten or Kindergarten into First Grade transition conference at your earliest convenience. These conferences offer an excellent opportunity to learn about the Mable Campus' First Grade program and have all of your questions answered. Please call or e-mail Ms. Rafat to schedule your conference as soon as possible. |
Dates to Know
Friday, May 4th
Minimum Day - School Ends at 12:00pm 8:30am Flag Salute Assembly 9:00am FPA Meeting Wednesday, May 9th Kindergarten Graduation Photo Day 9:00am-11:00am Girls: White Peter Pan collar with gold Fairmont "F" emblem and plaid jumper with white or navy blue tights or white crew socks. Boys: White Polo with gold Fairmont Logo and Navy blue pants or shorts. Friday, May 11th Muffins with Mommy 9:00am Preschool 9:30am Elementary Wednesday, May 16th Preschool Spring Musical Rehearsal Friends of the Sea Lion Field Trip - Room 1 See Dr. Molina for specific information Thursday, May 17th Preschool Spring Musical Rehearsal Aquarium of the Pacific Field Trip - Room 2 and Room 3 See Ms. Young or Mrs. Bivens for specific information Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary Field Trip - Room 4 See Mrs. Bauman for specific information