| Citron Campus 121 S. Citron Street Anaheim, CA 92805
Preschool-Kindergarten 714.533.3930
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Citron Campus Newsletter
March 30, 2012 |
PHOTO OF THE WEEK Mrs. Castro Reads to Room E
News & Announcements
Spring Extra-Curricular Classes
Most of our Spring Extra-Curricular Classes started this week. Full payment for classes should be submitted by Monday, April 2nd (to the wooden Activities box). There will be no adds, drops, or refunds after Friday, April 6th. Don't miss out! The sign-up sheets are located in the Office Lobby. Please contact Ms. Dodson for more information at cdodson@fairmontschools.com.
Cinderella Field Trip
On Monday, April 2nd, Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten students will go to Plummer Auditorium to see the American Theatre Arts production of Cinderella. The children will be departing at 9:00am and returning at 12:00pm. Students will return and have lunch on campus. Students should wear their Husky Pup Polo or T-shirt, jeans, and comfortable shoes. If you do not have a Husky Pup Polo or T-shirt, students are to wear their traditional uniform. Children will not be able to attend without a permission slip. Extra permission slips are available in the Office Lobby.
Spring Egg Hunt
The Fairmont Parent Association will be holding our annual Spring Egg Hunt on April 5th & April 6th. Preschool and Kindergarten will do their Egg Hunt on Thursday, April 5th and Junior Kindergarten will do their Egg Hunt on Friday, April 6th. Preschool and JK classes will have individual parties in their classroom. Kindergarten will have a group party on the patio. Please check with your child's teacher or the Room Parents for specific class times. Please send one class set of pre-filled eggs to your child's class on or before April 4th. Sign-up sheets for the class parties are posted outside of each classroom with a list of what each class needs. Please don't forget to sign up.
Fairmont Parent Survey
An e-mail for the annual Fairmont Parent Survey went out last week. Your feedback is valuable, and we appreciate you taking the time to provide it to us. This year we are hoping to increase parent participation so we are raffling a $1,000 tuition discount good for the 2012-2013 school year. One winner will be drawn and all survey participants will be eligible.
April Lunch Menu
Feature Article
The end of the school year is only 11 weeks away... What are your family's summer plans? Fairmont Summer Programs is setting sail for a summer to remember, and you won't want to miss it! Whether you are joining us for summer school, summer camp, or specialized enrichment workshops, Fairmont guarantees that this summer, adventure awaits you! Enroll today for a week or the whole summer and save 10% on your registration through April 30th. Fairmont's accredited summer programs are customizable to fit any family's busy summer schedule. With a wide variety of programs and a dynamic staff, Fairmont provides summer experiences packed with adventure, academics, friends, and most importantly, lasting memories!
Mable Campus Corner
Mrs. Douglas and Ms. Rafat plan for next school year
Citron to Mable Campus Tours If you have not yet had the opportunity, there is a chance for parents to have an Open Tour of the Mable Campus every Wednesday from 10:00am to 11:00am. Mrs. Christie DuVall, Mable's Director of Admissions, will be glad to show you around the campus. You are welcome to come and take a look at where your children will be next year. Please let us know if you have any questions at (714) 563-4050, extension 1110.
Citron to Mable Campus Transition Conference As we complete re-enrollment, we would like to invite you to complete your Junior Kindergarten into Kindergarten or Kindergarten into First Grade transition conference at your earliest convenience. These conferences offer an excellent opportunity to learn about the Mable Campus' First Grade program and have all of your questions answered. Please call or e-mail Ms. Rafat to schedule your conference as soon as possible.
This Week on Our Blog...
Dates to Know
Monday, April 2nd JK & K Field Trip - Cinderella Depart: 9:00am and Return: 12:00pm (All students must return the permission slip and have an emergency card on file)
Thursday, April 5th Spring Egg Hunt - PS & Kindergarten Check with your child's teacher or Room Parent for specific class times
Friday, April 6th Minimum Day 8:30am Flag Salute Assembly 9:00am FPA Meeting Spring Egg Hunt - Junior Kindergarten Check with your child's teacher or Room Parent for specific class times
Monday, April 9th - Friday, April 13th Spring Break - School Closed
Friday, April 20th Kindergarten Graduation Cover Photo More information to follow Fairmont Family Night Angel Stadium at 7:00pm